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became in 1816 the Academie imperiale et royale des

successively, of J. Bradley, N. Bliss, N. Maskelyne and John

of 1895 than the Gregorians. There is a small Episcopalian

1897); M. S. Wellby, Twixt Sirdar and Menelik (London,

to the magnificent library belonging to the faculty, which

types. With the improvements made latterly these have become

drusy cavities in granitic rocks. Many localities in India yield

depends solely upon the principal rays; and is independent

withdrew from parliament in 1795, entered it again in 1806

and through his father descended from the prophet Melampus

English. The Spanish Cortes appointed him commissary at the

Abednergo, for Abednergal, ``servant of the god Nergal.'' C.

particular Timbuktu was occupied in the last days of 1893.

packed into wooden casks lined with brown paper. The work of

ingeniously that the alphabet was taken over from Crete by the

litter for serious cases was made by fixing the ends of

loot; and it was here that Baber announced that his invasion

of the earth, as are closely allied species of falcons, owls,

of imagination on morals. The ideas were largely borrowed

time. His mastery of language has led to extensive quotation

rejected the more marvellous elements of the story. The

considerable market for horses, cattle and grain, and there is

Although the term ``algebra'' is now in universal use, various

adult healthy individuals to some intermediate station, and

in 1908 by Pius X. and their duties were transferred to the

more than 3000 children, and was in its organization one of

The (4) importance of the description of the goods shipped

part of the coarser ash-beds. Their commonest minerals are

O, projects an image of the diaphragm, termed by Abbe the

the highest summit of the Bernina group, the Piz Bernina (13,304

be poured into the water (not the other way, lest too great

made friends with Mangasha and received Ras Makonnen7,

Curia was appalling, the sale of offices became a veritable

ALTING, JOHANN HEINRICH (1583--1644), German divine, was

defeat the purpose of the order. It is unnecessary to detail

character and the amount of the manures, and especially on

to lend itself much better to critical discussion and to general

shared by his military superiors. He gave up his post at

over the islands of the sea, Adrian made Henry a conciliatory

Flore de l'Algerie (Algiers and Paris, 1884 and onwards),

such a manner that they constantly scrape the bottom, so that

substantially the same as those of colonial days, and were marked

Adige and the Po form conjointly one delta. (W. A. B. C.)

held on a lease of 1999 years, practically freehold, though

license. The distance to be traversed on foot is fixed by

literary investigators in Edinburgh find so eminently useful.

ordinance, dated December 20, 1820. It was divided into three

(St Petersburg, 1869-1871, Nikolaus I. Band i. Kaiser

23 See Literaturblott fur germanische und

generals rivalled if they did not excel the exploits of

Elbassan and Ochrida. Iannina is connected by carriage-roads

on nitrous oxide (the so-called ``laughing gas''), discovered

Potatoes, tubers, 6 tons 13,440 3360 127 46 2.7 76.5

inspector-general of the army. Like his father, and with

1697, at Frankfort-on-Oder, where his father, Bernhard Albinus

filled the position of master of the college of Navarre, and

of those occurring in seeds; most are globulins, insoluble

framed the constitution of Massachusetts that was adopted in

Before 1875 the only powers with any considerable interest

to the group of qualities which makes it a physical object.

F with the value of f and X wiih that of the Scotch ch,

and from that time the number has greatly increased. Since

parentage. Before his elevation to the papacy Cardinal

(1722-1776). During a visit to Morpeth in 1738 he had

reorganized under the empire by a decree of the 15th of December

numerous letters to his friends in England, to Arno, bishop

Swiss alpenhorn varies in shape according to the locality,

2994 were foreign-born, 1065 being of German birth; (1910)

of perfectly genuine butter-fat varies within somewhat wide

the hope of finding it serviceable as a commercial route

Saracenic chief Al-Kamuk, who erected the castle (which still

was not a comprehensive act superseding the previous acts,

cells are borne upon the so-called Aglaozonia reptans and the

In 1893 Sir Henry Durand was deputed to Kabul by the government

when they unite at Coblenz, opposite Waldshut. (W. A. B. C.)

on his works were made, all pushed with extraordinary fury

time, so the Ammonites were driven out of Gilead across

that the whole disorder of the church had perchance proceeded

German. He was still at college in Vienna when the sudden

it. In spite of the inquiry being only in its initial stages,

counsels. The chief part that he can himself play with

quantities, is taking its place as a constituent of steel

to their subjects in remote parts of the world, but without

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