Shortcut Keys

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AutoCAD Shortcut Keys

Reeds Computer School

1st Floor, Unit 14, Block A. BE1518
Bgn Hj Ahmad Awg Hassan, Kiulap

Phone: +673 – 2450381/ 2453565

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Ctrl + N New Drawing
Ctrl + S Save Drawing
Ctrl + Shift + S Save As Drawing
Ctrl + O Open Drawing
Ctrl + Q Exit
Ctrl + A Select All Object
Ctrl + Z Undo Last Action
Ctrl + Y Redo Last Action
Ctrl + V Paste Object
ESC Cancel Current Command

F7 Toggle Grid Mode

F8 Toggle Ortho Mode

A Arc Create Arc
AR Array Create Multiple Copies Of Objects In A Pattern

C Circle Create A Circle
CHA Chamfer Bevels The Edges Of Objects
CO Copy Copies Objects A Specified Distance In
A Specified

D Dimstyle Create And Modifies Dimension Styles
DDI Dim. Diameter Create A Diameter Dimension For A Circle Or An Arc
DAN Dim. Angular Create An Angular Dimension

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DAR Dim. Arc Create An Arc Length Dimension

EX Extend Extends Object To Meet The Edges Of Other Objects

F Fillet Rounds And Fillets The Edges Of Objects

G Group Create And Manage Saved Sets Of Objects Called Groups

H Hatch Fills An Enclose Area Or Selected Objects With A Hatch Pattern,
Solid Fill Or Gradient Fill

J Join Joins Similar Objects To Form A Single, Unbroken Object

L Line Create Straight Line Segments

M Move Move Objects A Specified Distance In A Specified Direction
MI Mirror Create A Mirrored Copy Of Selected Objects

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O Offset Create Concentric, Parallel Lines And Parallel Curves

RO Rotate Rotate Object Around A Base Point

T Text Create A Text Object
TR Trim Trim Objects To Meet The Edges Of Other Objects

VSM Visual Style Create And Modifies Visuals Styles And Applies A Visual Style To
A Viewport

X Explode Breaks A Compound Object Into Its Component Objects

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