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Hacking is the process of exploiting system vulnerabilities and
compromising security systems to gain unauthorized access to the system
resources. It involves modifying system or application features to achieve a goal
outside of the creator’s original purpose.

Ethical Hacking
Ethical Hacking is the process to identify vulnerabilities to assure system
security by use of hacking tools, tricks, and techniques. It focuses on simulating
methods used by attackers to verify the existence of exploitable vulnerabilities
in the system's security.

Hackers are intelligent individuals who spend enormous amounts of time
exploring computing resources like networks, websites, mobile devices, etc. to
identify critical vulnerabilities which can be used for exploitation.

Ethical Hacker
Ethical Hacker is an expert in computer internals and networking
concepts, who tries to find out potential vulnerabilities on the target systems
before a hacker could use, without actually doing any harm to the information
systems on behalf of the owners of the IT Assets.

Types of Hackers
Black Hat (Crackers): Individuals utilize computing skills for malicious
or destructive activities.
White Hat: Individuals utilizing hacking skills for the defensive purpose.
Gray Hat: Individuals who work both offensively and defensively.
Suicide Hackers: Hackers who aim to shut down the critical
infrastructure for a cause and are not worried about facing punishment.
Script Kiddies: An unskilled hacker who compromises the system by
running scripts, tools, and software developed by real hackers.
Cyber Terrorists: Individuals with hacking skills, motivated by religious
or political beliefs to create fear by large-scale disruption of computer networks.
Hacktivist: Hackers who promote a political agenda by hacking,
especially by defacing or disabling websites.
State sponsored Sponsored: Individuals employed by the government to
penetrate and gain confidential information.
Why Ethical Hacking is Necessary
Ethical Hacker needs to think like malicious Hacker. Ethical hacking is
necessary to defend against malicious hackers attempts, by anticipating methods
they can use to break into a system.
● To fight against cyber crimes.
● To protect information from getting into wrong hands.
● To build a defensive mechanism that avoids hackers from penetrating.
● To test the organization’s infrastructure security.

Steps to Perform Ethical Hacking

1. Reconnaissance refers to the pre-attack phase where an attacker observes a
target before launching an attack. It may include the target organization's
clients, employees, operations, network, and systems
2. Scanning is the phase immediately preceding the attack. Here, the attacker
uses the details gathered during reconnaissance to identify specific
vulnerabilities. An attacker can gather critical network information such as
the mapping of systems, routers, and firewalls by using simple tools such as
the standard Windows utility Traceroute.
3. Gaining Access In this phase in which real hacking occurs. Attackers use
vulnerabilities identified during the reconnaissance and scanning phase to
gain access to the target system or network. Attackers gain access to the
target system locally, over a LAN, or over the Internet.
4. Maintaining Access of the target machine and remain undetected. Attackers
install a backdoor or a Trojan to gain repeat access. They can also install
rootkits at the kernel level to gain full administrative access to the target
computer. Rootkits are used to gain access at the operating system level,
while a Trojan horse gains access at the application level. Both rootkits and
Trojans require users to install them locally.
5. Clearing Tracks is for avoiding legal trouble, attackers will overwrite the
server, System and application logs to Avoid suspicion and erase all
evidence of their actions. Attackers can execute scripts in the Trojan or
rootkit to replace the critical system and log files to hide their presence in the

Vulnerability: In simple words, vulnerability is a loophole, Limitation, or
weakness that becomes a source for an attacker to enter into the system.
Exploit: It is a software tool designed to take advantage of a flaw
(vulnerability) in a system for malicious purposes.
Payload: A payload is an action, or set of operations has to be done on the
target, once the exploit successfully launched. It can be any control or Denial of
service, etc.
Hack value: Hack value is a notion among the hackers that something is worth
doing. Hackers may feel that breaking down robust network security might give
them great satisfaction and that it is something they accomplished that not
everyone could do.
Zero-day attack: In a 0-day attack, the attacker exploits the vulnerability
before the software developer releases the Patch For them.

What is Information Security

Information security, sometimes shortened to InfoSec, is the practice of
preventing unauthorized access, disclosure, disruption, destruction,
modification, inspection, recording or destruction of information.
Information security's primary focus is the balanced protection of the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and focuses on efficient policy
implementation, organization productivity.

Elements of Information Security

Information Security is a state of well-being of information and
infrastructure in which the possibility of theft, tampering, and disruption of
information and services is kept low or tolerable.
● Confidentiality ● Non-Repudiation
● Authenticity ● Authorization
● Integrity ● Availability
The Security, Functionality and Usability Triangle
The strength of these three components can define the level of Security in
any system.

IP Tracing
The IP address is one of the most critical pieces of information. To attack
the target computer, attackers need to identify the IP address of the target
computer. Attackers use different techniques to grab the IP address. Sending
tracking emails, or SMS, or some malicious links to grab the IP address of the
target computer is called as IP Tracing. In other words, extracting user details
(like location) based on IP address is known as IP Tracing or IP Lookup.

IP Spoofing
The basic protocol for sending data over the Internet network and many
other computer networks is the Internet Protocol (IP). The protocol specifies
that each IP packet must have a header which contains (among other things) the
IP address of the sender of the packet IP spoofing is the creation of Internet
Protocol (IP) packets which have a modified source address in order to either
hide the identity of the sender, to impersonate another computer system, or
both. It is a technique often used by hackers to invoke attacks against a target
device or the surrounding infrastructure.
IP address spoofing involving the use of a trusted IP address to overcome
network security measures, such as authentication based on IP addresses. It is
frequently used in denial-of-service attacks, where the objective is to flood the
target with an overwhelming volume of traffic, and the attacker does not care
about receiving responses to the attack packets.
A virtual private network (VPN) is allows you to create a secure
encrypted connection over a less secure network, such as the public internet to
another network. A VPN uses tunneling protocols to encrypt data at the sending
end and decrypt it at the receiving end. To provide additional security, the
originating and receiving network addresses are also encrypted. The encrypted
connection helps ensure that sensitive data is safely transmitted. It prevents
unauthorized people from eavesdropping on the traffic and allows the user to
conduct work remotely. A VPN is created by establishing a virtual point-to-
point connection through the use of dedicated circuits or with tunneling
protocols over existing networks

A VPS is a server created using
software virtualization. It functions like a
physical server, but it is a virtualized instance
created within a server. A single physical
machine can host multiple virtual private
servers. A cloud-based VPS may be hosted
across multiple servers. A VPS runs its own
copy of an operating system (OS), and
customers may have superuser-level access to
that operating system instance, so they can
install almost any software that runs on that OS. The technology behind VPS
hosting is similar to that of VMware or Virtual Box. These programs allow you
to run several virtualized operating systems on one machine.

A proxy server acts as a gateway between the device and the internet. It’s
an intermediary server separating end users from the websites they browse. A
proxy server thus functions on behalf of the client when requesting service,
potentially masking the true origin of the request to the resource server. Proxy
servers provide varying levels of functionality, security, and privacy depending
on company policy. If a person using a proxy server, internet traffic flows
through the proxy server on its way to the requested address. The request then
comes back through that same proxy server, and then the proxy server forwards
the data received from the website to the requested device. This serves as a
method to simplify or control the complexity of the request, or provide
additional benefits such as load balancing, privacy, or security.

Requirements to run Parrot Security OS on the Host machine

● Minimum 4/8 GB RAM
● AMD2016 Model / intel core i3/i5/i7 processor
● Minimum 80 GB Hard disk
● Minimum 15 Mbps internet speed
● Virtual box software
● Parrot Security OS virtual machine image file (.ova)
● Metasploitable 2 virtual machine

Useful Links Source: Internet

Security and vulnerability Research Websites:

Exploit Research Websites:


Hacking Conferences:
● Defcon Conference ● Nullcon Conference
● Shmoocon Conference ● Malcon Conference
● Blackhat Conference ● Club hack Conference
Hacking Forum Sites:
● ●
● ●
● ● ic”Zero” )

Hacking Magazines:
● 2600.Com
● Pentest magazine
● Hack
● Club hack Magazine
S. No. Practical name Page No.
1 Steps to install VirtualBox on Windows Operating System 1
2 Installing Parrot Security Linux in VirtualBox 5
3 Installing Metasploitable2 in VirtualBox 12
4 Install Tor Browser in Parrot Security Linux 15
5 Installing VPNBook in Parrot Security Linux 19
6 Installation of Proton VPN in Linux 22
7 IP Spoofing using Proxychains 30
8 Installing Parrot Security OS in VirtualBox using ISO file 36

Practical 1: Installation of VirtualBox in Windows Operating System
Description: In this practical we will learn how to install the VirtualBox software in
the windows operating system. The VirtualBox software helps to use the
Virtualization technology to run multiple operating systems in a Host system.
Tools: VirtualBox Software.

Step 1: Download and Install VirtualBox

● visit
● under downloads, download VirtualBox setup file for windows hosts

Step 2: After download, execute setup file to begin VirtualBox installation. Click
Next button to continue.

Step 3: During installation, you will get a network interface warning, Click Yes to
continue (this may interrupt your network connectivity, make sure that you are not
downloading any application during the installation process) and click the install

Step 4: During installation, it will prompt to install oracle universal serial bus, make
sure to check Always trust and click Install to complete VirtualBox installation.

Step 5: Installing Oracle VirtualBox Extension Pack

● Extension pack extends the functionality of VirtualBox base packages. It allows usage of
VRDP (VirtualBox Remote Desktop Protocol), host machine web camera, Virtual USB
2.0/3.0, etc.
● Download VirtualBox extension pack for All supported platforms from following link (under Oracle VM VirtualBox extension pack).
● After download, run extension pack setup file.

● Now, we are ready to install Parrot Security Linux virtual machine.

Practical 2: Installing Parrot Security Linux in VirtualBox
Description: This practical describes about installing (importing) Parrot Security
Linux in VirtualBox. By using Parrot Security Linux, we perform all the hacking
activities in this course. For this one we need to download the OVA file from the
Parrot Security official site.
Tools: Virtual box, Parrot Security Linux OVA file and virtualization is enabled.

Step 1: Download Parrot Security Linux VirtualBox image file from following the
link (OVA file)
● Make sure to verify your system architecture 64-bit/32-bit before you
download the virtual image file for VirtualBox. As we have installed Oracle
VirtualBox software, we must download the VirtualBox image file.
● After download, execute .ova file (double-click on file). It starts importing
Parrot Security Linux into VirtualBox.

Note: This creates a 80 GB virtual disk for Parrot Security Linux OS

Now it will ask for license agreement agree and continue

10 | P a g e
Step 2: Click ok to complete basic configuration. From VirtualBox main menu, select
Parrot Security Linux and click on start to load Parrot Security Linux operating
system as shown below.

Note: Parrot Credentials are

• Username: blank
• Password: toor

11 | P a g e
12 | P a g e
Practical 3: Installing Metasploitable2 in VirtualBox
Description: As we learn in the previous practical installation of the Parrot Security
Linux in virtual machine. In this practical we learn to install the Metasploitable
virtual machine in VirtualBox.
Tools: VirtualBox and Metasploitable 2 vmdk.

Step 1: Metasploitable 2 is a vulnerable machine designed for testing and practice.

Metasploitable 2 focuses on vulnerabilities at the system level which can be exploited
with the help of the Metasploit framework (to be covered in Chapter 6).
● Download Metasploitable2 (Linux) from the following link and extract the .zip file.
● “”
● Open VirtualBox and click on New button on the top left corner.

● Add Name, and select the Type, and Version as shown in the below image
and click on continue

13 | P a g e
Step 2: Set Memory size to 1024MB as shown in below screenshot and click on

Step 3: On this menu, choose, Use an existing Virtual hard disk file and load the
.vmdk from the extracted directory (Metasploitable2). Click on Create to complete
the process.

Note: Configure network settings for this virtual machine (as shown in practical 2).
Set the network adapter mode to Bridged and Promiscuous made to Allow all. These
settings allow other machines on the network to access this vulnerable virtual
machine (Metasploitable 2).

14 | P a g e
Step 4: Select Metasploitable2 from VirtualBox menu and click on Start to start
Metasploitable2 virtual machine. The default login credentials are login: msfadmin
and password: msfadmin

15 | P a g e
Practical 4: Install Tor Browser in Parrot Security Linux
Description: This practical describes about installing tor browser in Parrot Security
Linux. Tor browser is an onion routing browser, which is used for surfing the internet
anonymously and most importantly to surf deep web and dark web that are not
accessible with help of normal browsers.
Tools: Tor Browser software.

Step 1: Download Tor Browser

● Download tor browser from the following link:

Step 2: Tor Browser Installation

● Open terminal in Parrot Security Linux, change current location to point the
directory that holds previously downloaded file (by default, downloaded files
will be saved in Downloads directory).

● execute above commands to extract the downloaded tar.xz file

Note: Configuring Tor Browser to run as root

16 | P a g e
Step 3: Configuring Tor Browser to run as root
● To run tor browser as the root user, we need to make changes in the start-tor-
browser file. Execute the following command to open and edit the start-tor-
browser file.

● After opening the file, search (Ctrl + F) for keyword ‘root’

17 | P a g e
● Modify four lines of code in the file as shown below (add # at the starting point
of each line)

● after making the above-said modifications save and close the file. Now
navigate to the previous directory by executing the “cd ..” command.

● To start the Browser execute the following command “./filename”.

● E g: ./start-tor-browser.desktop

● After executing the above command, you will get the Tor connection
configuration window. Click the Connect Button to start Tor browser.

Click the connect button

18 | P a g e
● Wait until the completion of the Tor connection, after completion you will get the
Tor Browser.

19 | P a g e
Practical 5: Installing VPNBook in Parrot Security Linux
Description: In this practical you will learn how to install free VPN service,
VPNBook for Linux. For not getting into trouble by performing some activities we
need to hide our identity (spoofing), for that purpose we use VPNs, these will hide
our IP address and provide new IP address from their servers.
Tools: Linux operating system and VPNBook.

Step 1: VPN establishes a virtual point-to-point connection which allows employees

in the organization to send or receive data across public networks as if the devices are
connected to the organization private network. VPNBook is one such software that
enables individuals to run VPN on their personal computer. VPNBook is a free open-
source VPN software.

● To download VPNBook, visit following website

● under Free OpenVPN Option, select any of the bundles to download (Euro 1
OpenVPN Certificate Bundle or Euro 2 OpenVPN Certificate Bundle is

20 | P a g e
● Open terminal, goto Downloads directory and extract the VPN bundle we
downloaded using the unzip command as shown below.

Step 2: We can list and see the ovpn files we extracted from from VPN bundle.

Step 3: Select any ovpn (vpnbook-pl226-tcp443.ovpn) file and execute the

following command.

Step 4: We can get username and password from VPNBook website

21 | P a g e
Step 5: After executing the above command, wait until it displays Initialization
Sequence Completed message.

● Now we can use any browser to surf the internet anonymously (to confirm, you
can visit

22 | P a g e
Practical 6: Installation of Proton VPN in Linux
Description: In this practical we will learn how to install and configure proton VPN for
spoofing IP address.

Step 1: Open site and click on GET PROTONVPN NOW button.

Step 2: Now select the desired plan depends on requirement, we use free service for now.
select the free service.

23 | P a g e
Step 3: Now we will create an account, by using either permanent email or any temporary
email (some temporary email services won’t work). To create an account in protonVPN, we
are using yopmail to create a protonVPN account.

Step 4: During the account creation the ProtonVPN will send verification code to the given
mail ID.

24 | P a g e
Step 5: Enter the verification code and click on verify button.

Step 6: After creation of ProtonVPN account we will get the download section. Select the
GNU/Linux to download Linux version.

25 | P a g e
Step 7: After selecting the Download button, we will get the instructions webpage to install
the protonVPN command line tool.

Step 8: Open terminal and execute below command to install proton VPN command line
● Command: pip3 install protonvpn-cli

26 | P a g e
Step 9: To configure VPN service in our system, execute below command
● Command: protonvpn init

Step 10: After executing the above command, it will ask for a username and password.
Open the protonVPN account we will get the username and password in OpenVPN section.
we will use this credential to configure the protonVPN in our system.

27 | P a g e
Step 11: Enter the username and password in the terminal to configure the VPN service.

Step 12: Select the account plan, which we chosen during the registration in Proton VPN

Step 13: Select the connection protocol based on your requirement.

28 | P a g e
Step 14: Now it will show the information we have provided earlier, if the following
information is true press Y. proton configuration will be successful.

Step 15: To start protonVPN execute below command in terminal, it will automatically
connect to one of the free servers.
● Command: protonvpn connect -r

Step 16: Now if we check the IP address, we can see the VPN tunnel is created.

29 | P a g e
Step 17: We can use other protonVPN commands shown below

30 | P a g e
Practical 7: IP Spoofing using Proxychains
Description: In this practical we will learn how to configure and use the proxychains
tool to spoof our IP address while using any application or tool, for not disclosing our
IP address.

Step 1: Proxychains is an automatic proxy configuration tool, it will be available by

default in Parrot Security Linux. In this tool we will provide a list of proxy IP
addresses or configure it to take IP addresses from tor network by default. To provide
proxy IPs to the proxy chains tool, add IPs at the end of the proxychains
configuration file(/etc/proxychains.conf), as in the given syntax.
<protocol> <IP> <Port>
E.g: https 2764
socks5 8434

31 | P a g e
Step 2: The configuration file is available at this location /etc/proxychains.conf,
open the config file and edit it.

Step 3: In the configuration file you will have 3 chaining options. Those are
● dynamic_chain: This option will enable us to run our traffic through every proxy
IP provided in the list. If one IP is not working or not responding it will skip that
IP and send traffic to the next IP without showing any error and form a chain.
● strict_chain: This option will pick IPs in the given order, but if one IP is not
working or not responding it will break the chain and you will not be able access
the internet.
● random_chain: This option will make the tool to pick random IPs from the
provided list. So that each time when you use proxychains the IP chain will
● Chain_len: This option will allow us to provide the length of the chain that means
through how many IPs our traffic should flow. To use this option uncomment it
and provide the chain length.
To use any of the above chains, uncomment that chain, at a time you can use only one

32 | P a g e
Step 4: To configure it to use tor network by default add these lines at the end of the
configuration file.
● socks4 9050
● socks5 9050

Step 5: Before using the proxychains tool we can check our IP address by opening in Firefox.

33 | P a g e
Step 6: Run the service by executing the following command.
● service tor start
Proxychains configures a proxy service to the application which we executed through
this tool. We need close all the previous instances of that application before using the
proxychains tool.
For example: If we want to use proxychains with Firefox, close previously opened
Firefox windows. Run proxychains tool with following syntax.
● proxychains <Application Name>
Example: proxychains firefox
o proxychains nmap

34 | P a g e
Step 7: This will open a Firefox window, now we can check our IP address, it will be
different from the previous one.

35 | P a g e
Practical 8: Installing Parrot Security OS in VirtualBox using ISO file
Description: In this practical we learn how to install Parrot security OS in
VirtualBox by using the ISO file.
Requirements: VirtualBox and Parrot Security OS ISO file.

Step 1: Download Parrot Security OS ISO file from the below link:

Step 2: Open VirtualBox software and click on the New option to create a new
virtual machine environment for Parrot Security OS.

36 | P a g e
Step 3: After selecting the New option, it will give us popup to enter VM details,
provide the details and click on next button.

• Based on the configuration of the PC, we can provide the ram size. The
recommended Ram size is 1.5 to 2 Gb RAM.

37 | P a g e
• Select the create a virtual hard disk now option, to create a virtual hard disk
image to store the parrot operating system.

• Select VDI (Virtual Disk Image) option and click next.

38 | P a g e
• Select Dynamically allocated option and click next.

• Based on the configuration of the PC, we can provide the Size of the Virtual
Disk Image. Its is recommended to give minimum 25 GB. After allocating the
file size click on the create button to create the virtual environment.

39 | P a g e
Step 4: After creation of the parrot security OS virtual environment, click on the
start to load the virtual machine.

Step 5: After starting the parrot virtual machine, it will prompt for the start-up disk,
click on the file icon to provide the location of previously downloaded ISO file.

40 | P a g e
• The optical disk selector is prompted, click on Add icon to add the parrot
security OS ISO file.

• Now navigate to the location of the parrot security OS ISO file. Select the file
and click on open button.

41 | P a g e
• click on start button to continue the installation process.

Step 6: After starting the installation process you will get boot menu, choose the
install option and press enter key.

42 | P a g e
• Next select Install with GTK GUI and press enter key.

• Select the installation language and click continue button.

43 | P a g e
• Select the country and click continue button.

• Select the keyboard layout and click continue button.

44 | P a g e
• Now it will load some additional components for installation

• Setup a password for the root user and click on continue button.

45 | P a g e
• Setup username and password for user creation and click on continue button.

46 | P a g e
• Select Guided - use entire disk option and click on continue button.

• Select VBOX HARDDISK option and click on continue button.

47 | P a g e
• Select Finish partitioning and write changes to disk option and click on
continue button.

• Select no option and click on continue button.

48 | P a g e
• Select Yes option and click on continue button.

• After completion of initial setup, the installation process will start. It will take
around 25 - 30 minutes depending on the system congratulation.

49 | P a g e
• Select Yes option to install the GRUB boot loader and click on continue

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• Select /dev/sda option and click on continue button. It will start the GRUB
boot loader installation process.

51 | P a g e
• After successful installation of parrot security OS click on continue button to
proceed further.

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• After click on continue button, it will remove live packages and unmounting
the disks. After the completion of the process the system will reboot.

53 | P a g e
Step 7: After booting the Parrot OS it will booted into window mode, due to lack of
VirtualBox Guest Additions. To install VirtualBox Guest Additions in parrot. Select
the Devices in Menu bar and select Insert guest Additions CD Image option.

Step 8: Open terminal in Parrot and navigate to media/cdroom0 directory as the root
user and list the files.

54 | P a g e
• Copy the file to user home location by executing
below command.
Command: cp /home/parrot/

• After completion of copying navigate to the /home/parrot/ location and check

the file is copied.

• Now run the file by executing below command.

Command: ./

55 | P a g e
• After completion of Guest Additions installation, restart the virtual machine.
Now parrot will load into Fullscreen mode.

56 | P a g e

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