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Mike Okmawati
Research Methodology

 Survey research involves collecting data to test hypotheses or to answer questions
about people’s opinions on some topic or issue.
 Survey research can be used to gather information about a group’s beliefs, attitudes,
behaviors, and demographic composition.


1. Cross-Sectional Surveys
 Data are collected from selected individuals at a single point in time.
 Cross-sectional designs are effective for providing a snapshot of the current
behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs in a population.
 This design provides data relatively quickly.
2. Longitudinal Surveys
 Data are collected at two or more times.
 These surveys are extremely useful for studying the dynamics of a topic or issue
over time.
 Longitudinal survey studies can be categorized into four basic types.
a. A trend survey examines changes over time in a particular population defined
by some particular trait or traits
b. A cohort survey involves one population selected at a particular time period
c. A panel survey involves a sample in which the same individuals are studied
over time.
d. A follow-up survey addresses development or change in a previously studied
population, some time after the original survey was given.


Surveys generally take one of two forms, questionnaires or interviews.
 A questionnaire is a written collection of survey questions to be answered by a
selected group of research participants;
 An interview is an oral, inperson question-and-answer session between a
researcher and an individual respondent

The steps in conducting a questionnaire study are :

1. State the problem or topic.
2. Construct or locate the questionnaire/survey tool.
3. Pilot test the questionnaire.
4. Prepare the cover letter.
5. Administer the questionnaire: select participants, distribute the questionnaire,
6. conduct follow-up activities.
7. Tabulate the questionnaire responses.
8. Analyze the results.
9. Write the report.

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