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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist


A Mother Fit for God’s Son

he Immaculate Conception of Mary marked a decisive moment in the real-
ization of God’s plan of salvation, for she was to be the first to enjoy in
full the liberating and sanctifying power of the redemption wrought by
her Son Jesus.
Mary Immaculate is the most beautiful example of how we should live
the advent/coming of the Lord in our lives: with humility, prayer, availability,
and readiness to do what God wants. Only by following her example shall we
be able to experience in ourselves the wonders of His life-giving presence.

full of love and forgive- the Lord, you alone are the
INTRODUCTORY ness. Christ, have mercy! Most High, Jesus Christ, with
RITES All – Christ, have mercy! the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
P –Lord, you wanted Mary God the Father. Amen!
Entrance Antiphon
(To be recited only when no Entrance Immaculate to be also
Hymn is sung.) our mother. Lord, have Collect (Opening Prayer)
I rejoice heartily in the mercy! P –O God, who by the Im-
Lord, in my God is the joy of All – Lord, have mercy! maculate Conception of the
my soul; for he has clothed me P –May almighty God have Blessed Virgin prepared a
with a robe of salvation, and mercy on us, forgive us our worthy dwelling for your
wrapped me in a mantle of jus- sins, and bring us to everlast- Son, grant, we pray, that,
tice, like a bride adorned with ing life. as you preserved her from
her jewels. All –Amen! every stain by virtue of the
Death of your Son, which
Greeting Gloria you foresaw, so, through her
P –The grace of our Lord All –Glory to God in the intercession, we, too, may
Jesus Christ, who kept her be cleansed and admitted to
highest, and on earth peace to your presence.
Mother free from original sin, people of good will. We praise
be with you all! Through our Lord Jesus
All – And with your spirit! you, we bless you, we adore Christ, your Son, who lives
you, we glorify you, we give and reigns with you in the
Penitential Act you thanks for your great glo- unity of the Holy Spirit,one
ry, Lord God, heavenly King, God, for ever and ever.
P –Coming together as O God, almighty Father.
God’s family, with confi- All – Amen!
Lord Jesus Christ, Only
dence let us ask the Father’s Begotten Son, Lord God,
forgiveness, for He is full of Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-
gentleness and compassion. ther, you take away the sins
(Pause) of the world, have mercy on
P –Lord, you chose us to be us; you take away the sins of 1st Reading Gn 3:9-15.20
holy and blameless in the world, receive our prayer; God did not abandon Adam
your sight. Lord, have you are seated at the right and Eve after their first sin.
mercy! hand of the Father, have mer- Instead, in His love, He prom-
All – Lord, have mercy! cy on us. For you alone are ised that a descendant of “the
P –Lord, you want us to be the Holy One, you alone are woman” would crush the head
of the serpent. This message of has won victory for him, his is commonly known as “The
hope found its perfect fulfill- holy arm. R. Annunciation.” It contains
ment in Mary’s Immaculate * The Lord has made his sal- the first proclamation of the
Conception. vation known: in the sight of “Good News” and shows
R –A proclamation from the the nations he has revealed his Mary’s exceptional role in the
Book of Genesis justice. He has remembered fulfillment of God’s plan.
his kindness and his faithful- P –The Lord be with you!
After the man, Adam, had ness toward the house of Is-
eaten of the tree, the Lord God All – And with your spirit!
rael. R.
called to the man and asked P – A proclamation from the
him, “Where are you?” He * All the ends of the earth holy Gospel according to
answered, “I heard you in have seen the salvation by our Luke
the garden; but I was afraid, God. Sing joyfully to the Lord, All ­– Glory to you, O Lord!
because I was naked, so I hid all you lands; break into song;
myself.” Then the Lord God sing praise. R. The angel Gabriel was sent
asked, “Who told you that from God to a town of Galilee
you were naked? You have 2nd Reading Eph 1:3-6.11-12 called Nazareth, to a virgin
eaten, then, from the tree of St. Paul praises God for betrothed to a man named
which I had forbidden you to having bestowed every spiritual Joseph, of the house of David.
eat!” The man replied, “ The blessing on all believers. These The virgin’s name was Mary.
woman whom you put here words apply in an imminent
And coming to her, he said,
with me – she gave me fruit way to Mary Immaculate, the “Hail, full of grace! The Lord
from the tree, and so I ate it.” woman chosen from all eternity is with you.” But Mary was
The Lord God then asked to be the Mother of God’s Son. greatly troubled at what was
the woman, “Why did you do said and pondered what sort
such a thing?” The woman an- R –A proclamation from of greeting this might be. Then
swered, “The serpent tricked the Letter of Paul to the the angel said to her: “Do not
me into it, so I ate it.” Ephesians be afraid, Mary, for you have
Then the Lord God said Brothers and sisters: found favor with God. Be-
to the serpent: “Because you
Blessed be the God and Fa- hold, you will conceive in your
have done this, you shall be ther of our Lord Jesus Christ, womb and bear a son, and you
banned from all the animals who has blessed us in Christ shall name him Jesus. He will
and from all the wild crea- with every spiritual blessing be great and will be called Son
tures; on your belly shall you in the heavens. of the Most High, and the Lord
crawl, and dirt shall you eat all
He chose us in him, before God will give him the throne
the days of your life. the foundation of the world, of David his father, and he will

I will put enmity between to be holy and without blem- rule over the house of Jacob
you and the woman, and be- ish before him. In love he des- forever, and of his kingdom
tween your offspring and hers; tined us for adoption to him-
he will strike at your head, there will be no end.”
self through Jesus Christ, in
But Mary said to the angel,
while you strike at his heel.” accord with the favor of his
The man called his wife Eve, “How can this be, since I have
will, for the praise of the glory no relations with a man?”
because she became the moth- of his grace that he granted us
er of all the living. The angel said to her in reply:
in the beloved. “The Holy Spirit will come
– The Word of the Lord!
In him we were also chosen,
destined in accord with the upon you, and the power of
All – Thanks be to God! the Most High will overshad-
purpose of the One who ac-
complishes all things accord- ow you. Therefore the child to
Responsorial Psalm Ps 98 be born will be called holy, the
ing to the intention of his will,
R – S ing to the Lord a new so that we might exist for the Son of God. And behold, Eliz-
song, for he has done mar- praise of his glory, we who first abeth, your relative, has also
velous deeds! hoped in Christ. conceived a son in her old age,
R. M. Velez and this is the sixth month for
The Word of the Lord!
her who was called barren; for
D Bm G A
    
All – Thanks be to God! nothing will be impossible for
Gospel Acclamation Lk 1:28
Mary said: “Behold, I am
Sing to the Lord a new song,
All –Alleluia! Alleluia! the handmaid of the Lord.
 May it be done to me accord-

G A D Hail, Mary, full of grace,
        the Lord is with you; ing to your word.” Then the
blessed are you among angel departed from her.
for he has done mar-ve-lous deeds! women. The Gospel of the Lord!
Alleluia! Alleluia! All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
* Sing to the Lord a new Christ!
song, for he has done won- Gospel Lk 1:26-38
drous deeds; his right hand Today’s Gospel passage Homily

8 December
Profession of Faith Mary Most Holy: May the Preface
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan honor they give her be ac- P –It is truly right and just, our
Creed) companied by the practice of duty and our salvation, always
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- her virtues. Let us pray! R. and everywhere to give you
ther almighty, maker of heaven C –For Christians who do not thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
and earth, of all things visible accept the dogma of the Im- mighty and eternal God.
and invisible. maculate Conception: May For you preserved the most
I believe in one Lord Jesus they come to understand that Blessed Virgin Mary from all
Christ, the Only Begotten Son of what the Church teaches about stain of original sin, so that in
God, born of the Father before all Mary is a profession of faith in her, endowed with the rich full-
ages. God from God, Light from the perfection of God’s saving ness of your grace, you might
Light, true God from true God, love. Let us pray! R. prepare a worthy Mother for
begotten, not made, consubstan- your Son and signify the begin-
C –For our youth: May our ning of the Church, his beautiful
tial with the Father; through him Blessed Mother’s example
all things were made. For us men Bride without spot or wrinkle.
help them live a life of purity She, the most pure Virgin,
and for our salvation he came and inspire them to call on
down from heaven, (bow)* and was to bring forth a Son, the in-
her in times of danger. Let us nocent Lamb who would wipe
by the Holy Spirit was incarnate pray! R.
of the Virgin Mary, and became away our offenses; you placed
man.* For our sake he was cru- C –For each of us: May our her above all others to be for
cified under Pontius Pilate, he devotion to Mary Immaculate your people an advocate of grace
suffered death and was buried, lead us to total availability to and a model of holiness.
and rose again on the third day in fulfill God’s plan in our lives. And so, in company with the
accordance with the Scriptures. Let us pray! R. choirs of Angels, we praise you,
He ascended into heaven and is and with joy we proclaim:
C –Let us pray in silence All – Holy, holy, holy . . .
seated at the right hand of the for our personal intentions.
Father. He will come again in (Pause) Let us pray! R.
glory to judge the living and the Memorial Acclamation
dead and his kingdom will have P –Lord our God, heal us P –The mystery of faith!
no end. with Your love, strengthen All – When we eat this Bread
I believe in the Holy Spirit, us with Your grace, and lead and drink this Cup, we
the Lord, the giver of life, who us where Mary is, happy in proclaim your Death, O
proceeds from the Father and Your presence for ever and Lord, until you come again!
the Son, who with the Father ever.
and the Son is adored and glori- All –Amen!
fied, who has spoken through
the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, cath- All – Our Father . . .
olic and apostolic Church. I P ­–Deliver us, Lord . . .
confess one Baptism for the Preparation of the Gifts All – F or the kingdom, the
forgiveness of sins and I look power, and the glory are
forward to the resurrection of P –Pray, brethren . . . yours, now and for ever.
the dead and the life of the world All – May the Lord accept the
to come. Amen! sacrifice at your hands, for the Sign of Peace
praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of Breaking of the Bread
Prayer of the Faithful all his holy Church. All – Lamb of God, you take
P –Today our hearts are away the sins of the world: have
filled with joy at the thought Prayer over the Offerings
mercy on us. (2×)
that our Immaculate Mother P –Graciously accept the Lamb of God, you take
loves us so much and is so saving sacrifice which we away the sins of the world:
eager to help us. Let us pres- offer you, O Lord, on the So- grant us peace.
ent our petitions to the Lord, lemnity of the Immaculate
trusting in the intercession of Conception of the Blessed Communion
Mary Most Holy, as we say: Virgin Mary, and grant that, P –Behold the Lamb of God,
All – Lord, graciously hear us! as we profess her, on account behold him who takes away the
C –For the Universal Church: of your prevenient grace, to sins of the world. Blessed are
May she always mirror the ho- be untouched by any stain of those called to the Supper of
liness of Mary Immaculate in sin, so, through her interces- the Lamb.
a world still darkened by sin. sion, we may be delivered All – L ord, I am not worthy
Let us pray! R. from all our faults. that you should enter under my
Through Christ our Lord. roof, but only say the word and
C –For all those who love All – Amen! my soul shall be healed.

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

Communion Antiphon
(To be recited only when no Com- Editor’s Note: Mary – under her title of “Immaculate Concep-
munion Hymn is sung.) tion” – is the Principal Patroness of the Philippines. Thus, today,
Glorious things are spoken the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, “in all cathedrals
of you, O Mary, for from you and parish churches, the consecration of the Philippines to Mary
arose the sun of justice, Christ Immaculate is to be prayed according to the approved formula.”
our God. (See ORDO.) You may use the following Consecration Prayer or
similar prayers, such as the one in Fr. Michael Gaitley’s 33 Days
Prayer after Communion to Morning Glory.
P –May the Sacrament we
God, heal in us the wounds
of that fault from which in a TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY

singular way you preserved
Blessed Mary in her Immacu- eloved Mother of Jesus, and our Mother, trustingly
late Conception. we gather before you. We lay before you all the long-
Through Christ our Lord. ings and hopes, sufferings and anxieties of all our
All – Amen! people. To your Immaculate Heart we raise from our hearts
this Act of Entrustment and Consecration. Embrace us,
(Editor’s Note: Please pray the dear Mother, and gather each one of us within your saving
Consecration Prayer to the Im- mantle; take us within your motherly love.
maculate Heart of Mary.) Immaculate Heart of Mary, we seek to unite ourselves
with the consecration which Jesus the Son made to His
heavenly Father on the night before He gave His life for us,
when He prayed: “For their sakes I consecrate myself, that
they also may be consecrated in truth.” (John 17:19) His con-
P –The Lord be with you. secration obtains pardon and mercy and secures redemp-
All – And with your spirit! tion for all sinners and from all sin. Its power overcomes
every evil which the powers of darkness awaken in human
P –Bow your heads and hearts throughout history. It joins us in His heart to make us
pray for God’s blessing. one in the grace of His Paschal Mystery.
(Pause) Immaculate Heart of Mary, your heart is most wholly
Born of the Blessed Vir- united with your Son’s redeeming consecration. As we
gin Mary, the Son of God entrust ourselves to you, help us to live in truth Jesus’
redeemed mankind. May consecration, faithfully each day. Deliver us from the power
he enrich you with his of sin, in all its forms and manifestations, in personal and
blessings. social living. Help us strive to raise up in our land a civiliza-
All – Amen! tion of solidarity, justice and love, by the grace of the Spirit
P –You received the author of Jesus.
of life through Mary. May the infinite power of the merciful love of God,
May you always rejoice through your motherly intercession, be revealed in our his-
in her loving care. tory as a people. May it change our hearts to the likeness
All – Amen! of the Pierced Heart of Jesus, and the likeness of your own
P –You have come to re- Immaculate Heart.
joice at Mary’s feast. By this consecration, may we become ever more truly,
May you be filled with “pueblo amante de Maria,” a people which loves you
the joys of the Spirit and mightily in its own heart, a people you make each day ever
the gifts of your eternal more your own, held securely and cherished in your Im-
home. maculate Heart. AMEN. AMEN.
All – Amen!
* If you have not read the book yet, you may start your own 33-Day self-
P –May almighty God bless retreat on December 31 and make your Marian Consecration on February
you: the Father, and the 2. Invite your family/organization/school/parish to do it with you. 33 Days
Son, and the Holy Spirit. to Morning Glory is now available at only P180! Contact Word & Life
All – Amen! (#894-5401/02). Or download the ebook from or Google
Play Store. Share the picture of your Consecration on Facebook: A Million
P –Go in peace, glorifying Hearts Consecrated to Jesus thru Mary. Like and share the page with
the Lord by your life! your friends.
All – Thanks be to God!

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
WORD & LIFE Tel. Nos. 894-5401; 894-5402; 892-2169 • Telefax: 894-5241 • Website:
PUBLICATIONS • E-mail:, • FB: Word & Life Publications
• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, V. David, J. Domingo, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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