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(via email) Subject: AHA Dear Mayor Weisner, Once again, the community, school districts and taxpayers

face the reckless disregard and failure by the Aurora Housing Authority (AHA) to act in an open, transparent and honest manner. AHA, which has chronically mismanaged all their properties, caused residents to suffer in unsafe conditions and cost taxpayers substantial services and resources, had been misleading the community they needed to redevelop the Jericho Circle (aka Westwood) site because they were being required by HUD. As we know from communication and meetings with HUD, that was not true. In fact, HUD made it clear there was no requirement to rebuild anything on any site. There is no law or HUD regulation requiring the physical replacement of demolished public housing. This is not a requirement for approval of ademolition application. -Steven Meiss, U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development, February 23, 2011 Despite assurances and your public statements they should not proceed further with pursuing a new development, they have continued to do so, as illustrated by their timeline posted directly on their website. HUD had indicated the citys current Consolidated Plan must be changed to remove housing from the Jericho Circle site. At numerous times, including my February 17, 2011 communication to you, I have urged the city to take quick action to change the Consolidated Plan so the AHA would then need to change their own plan and then be submitted to HUD. While this important step has not been acted upon yet, AHA has continued to proceed forward with their redevelopment plans, actively working with developers and consultants while claiming they would engage in a planning process with the city and public to determine if, not when, any development should be pursued at all, to discuss the pattern of problems with AHA properties and how to change the business model from housing units more to housing vouchers. In an email dated July 11, 2011, you restated your opposition to any development at Jericho Circle, expressed your concerns about the lack of a transparent, accountable and independent process and said you would publicly call for the resignations of any Board member who continues to support moving forward with this tainted and exclusionary process. Unfortunately, that tainted and exclusionary process has continued. On Thursday, July 28, they began their forum by stating that the purpose of the forum was to explore possibilities and assured everyone that no decision had been made to go forward with any development. They went on to push a development agenda to imply the City of Aurora currently has an unfair housing environment and why their mixed-use financing housing complex would work, ignoring

the communitys clear statements, including your own, that no further housing complexes were appropriate and housing vouchers should be pursued to be used in private housing. When asked about their timeline for relocation of MapleTerrace residents, they answered by saying they would not deal with that dysfunctional crisis until they first got their plans resolved with the Jericho Circle site. However, once again, the AHA misled the community, school district and taxpayers. It turns out the just the day before the forum on July 27,2011, perhaps not coincidentally, AHA entered into a legally binding agreement Memorandum of Agreement with developers to pursue the redevelopment of the Jericho Circle site (see attachment). SUBJECT: Principal Terms and Conditions Governing the Jericho CircleRevitalization Program and Associated Development Components Of course, this was not disclosed to the city nor to the public at the forum. Not by the AHA Board or staff, not by the developers and not by the many paid consultants they had present at that forum. The agreement makes it clear of their intent to redevelop the Jericho Circle site unless they are given alternate sites to develop, even though there is no requirement by HUD for them to find any alternate site and that city officials and the community is not interested in any site other than pursuing voucher solutions with the existing supply of affordable housing in the private sector. They even are so bold as to state in their agreement that onor before August 1, AHA will identify alternative sites prior to this time. To add insult to injury to the community, they further propose going from 146 existing family units to a new development that would result in the development of 225 unitsand the parties contemplate a ground lease of at least 50 years Clearly, these agreements made by AHA lack the cooperation, consent or expressed wishes of the community, school district and taxpayers, yet have tremendous and severe impact on us all. The agreement also states this MOA shall constitute a binding agreement on both Parties. This tainted, exclusionary process, lack of cooperation and reckless disregard of the community, school districts and taxpayers by the AHAcan longer be allowed to continue without immediate action and consequences. It is stunning that the AHA Board Members, all appointed by you, would pursue a path contrary to our communitys best interests. The community is urging you and the City of Aurora to take immediate steps, including but not limited to: * The resignation of all Board Members * Change the citys Consolidated Plan to remove housing from the Jericho Circle site

* Inform the IDHA that any application by AHA or representatives to pursue tax credits does not have the consent or cooperation of the City of Aurora * Inform HUD that AHA has failed to maintain the open and transparent process they committed to * Demand the AHA terminate any agreement with the Developers We must take immediate action to protect the community,school districts and taxpayers and we look for your expeditious response andaction. Respectfully, Rick Lawrence

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