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What Is Communication!

Communication Barriers!

Types of Communication

How To Improve

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Is communication important?

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Communication Does Matter!

q The majority of our perceived ability comes from how we


30% What you know.

70% How you communicate it.

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What is Communication?
Communication is an art of transmitting
from one person to an other

q The process of creating and exchanging meaning through symbolic
q Meaning involves thoughts, ideas, and understandings shared by

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Why Communication?
Goals of To change
Communication behavior

To get action
To ensure
To persuade
To get and

10 %

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Types of Communication

Non-Verbal Verbal

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Communication Does Matter!

q How you use words, tone, pace and language

q Message components other than words that generate

meanings, postures, gestures body language

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Verbal Communication

q Having good communication skills! is all about the ability
to speak well….. or all about “SPEAKING.”?
q But only 50% right.
q Because…. Verbal Communication has another very
important part…… “LISTENING”.
q “Speaking” + “Listening” = “Verbal Communication.”

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Communication Does Matter!

q Sympathetic Listening & Empathetic Listening
q On your way back from office, you slip, fall and hurt your
back. See the doctor.
q Empathy - is listening to understand rather just to answer.
q Understanding another person's condition from their

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Communication Does Matter!
How to Speak? Speed…
q Speed….number of words per minute.
q While Most Pakistanis speak at 170 to 180 wpm, their foreign
counterparts speak at 110 to 120 wpm.
q Slowing down on rate of speech is the first step towards better speech.

How to Speak? Clarity…

q Voice clarity…if audible & free of distortion.
q Should be loud enough to carry to all the listeners.
q Judge the audibility of the room.
q Clarity can be mastered with regular practice.

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Communication Does Matter!
How to Speak? Pronunciation
q Pronunciation…utterance of speech.
q Always remember that English is not "phonetic".
q It means that we do not always say a word the same way that we spell it.
q Charm, Chemistry, knowledge, Horse or Hour etc.

How to Speak? Familiarity

q Familiarity...acquaintance with words used.
q Learn new words.
q Using known words in new contexts.
q Understanding contexts and situations before reading again.

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Communication Does Matter!
How to Speak? Fluency
q Fluency…Able to express easily.
q Developing fluency is a matter of having all the other parameters in place.
q Rehearsal / Practice
q Fluency indicates that a comfortable working ability with the language has
been established.
How to Speak? Expression
q Expression…transforming of ideas into words, and also the outward
manifestation of a mood or a temperament by way of words.
q Expression of different feelings with words.
q Word stress, tone, pitch and variation.

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Apple; What comes in your mind?

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Non-verbal Communication


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Communication Does Matter!

Non-verbal includes:
q Eye contact
q Tone of voice
q Body posture
q Facial expressions
q Motions / Movement
q It may also include the way we wear our clothes

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NON-VERBAL Communication & its Interpretation

Hand to cheek Evaluation, thinking Brisk, erect walk Confidence

Touching, slightly Standing with hands on

Rejection, doubt, lying Readiness, aggression
rubbing nose hips

Sitting with legs crossed,

Rubbing the eye Doubt, disbelief Boredom
foot kicking slightly

Hands clasped behind Anger, frustration, Sitting, legs apart Open, relaxed
back apprehension

Locked ankles Anxiety Arms crossed on chest Defensiveness

Walking with hands in

Head resting in hand Boredom , depressed pockets, shoulders Dejection Slides 17 - of 55
Barriers.... Communication
q The scientific or philosophical study of the relations of words and their meanings or
word choice is called semantics
q A single word conveys lots of different meanings.
q Each word is understood in reference to the context of the sentence as well as place
and situation it is used at.
q A good tie but ________ (cheap or inexpensive)
q Police man says: Today you will be our guest
q Meeting with Secretary

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Communication Does Matter!
Psychological Barriers: Emotions: Normal / Intense / Highly Intense
q Promotion with double salary
q Someone dies like…
q Daily hassles and up-lifts
q Write a letter to someone whom you dislike
q Announce a new car policy, that you know will be unpopular

Psychological Barriers: Emotions: Normal / Intense / Highly Intense

q Audience may feel indifferent or antagonistic toward you or your subject
q Audience may be biased against you because of relative, friends or even
q Audience may be biased against your subject; its illogical

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Communication Does Matter!
Psychological Barriers: Perception
q Every person sees, perceives, interpret things differently and
respond differently even the same data
q Although we live in the same objective world, but we all live in
different subjective worlds

Psychological Barriers: Perception

q Doctor & Sales Rep
q Make your detail into a capsulation form
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Communication Does Matter!

Psychological Barriers: Experience

q A father and his son are driving to work one morning when
suddenly they are involved in a terrible car crash.

q The father is killed and the son is badly hurt.

q An ambulance rushes the son to a hospital in the admitting

room, the nurse says, "we have got to take him straight into
surgery or he may die. “They rush him down the hall to

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Communication Does Matter!
Ways to Improve: Communication…
q Speak clearly and audibly
q Use simple words and phrases
q Think ahead about what you are going to say
q Increase your knowledge (subject area) you are to speak
q Check twice with the listener whether you have been understood..

Ways to Improve: Communication…

q Be aware of basic content of your message
q Consider the total physical and human setting
q Seek to clarify your ideas before communicating
q Examine the true purpose of each communication

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Communication Does Matter!
Ways to Improve: Communication…
q Follow-up your communication

q Communicate for tomorrow as well as today

q Seek not only to be understood but to understand - be a good listener

q Take the opportunity to convey something of help or value to the receiver

Ways to Improve: Communication…

q While listening, make notes of important points

q Ask for clarification, if failed to grasp point of view

q Pay undivided attention to the speaker while listening

q In case of an interruption, always do a little recap of what has been already said

q Repeat what the speaker has said to check whether you have understood accurately.

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Communication Does Matter!

Ways to Improve: Communication…

q Do not interrupt the speaker
q Do not speak too fast or too slow
q Do not use technical terms that not understood
q Do not assume that every body understands you
q Don’t look around as it might distract the speaker
q Do not jump to the conclusion if U have understood
q Do not instantly react and mutter something in anger

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Communication Media

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Physical Media

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Examples of Physical Media

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Mechanical Media

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Examples of Mechanical Media

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