B Outline Proposal

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Name : Nuriyah Sa’adah

NIM : 18320054

Outline Research Proposal



Topic Pragmatic : Speech Act theory

Objective of the This study aims to Analyzed Utterance of Thanking Expressions

Study among Teacher and Students EFL.

Data Source Teacher and Students Utterances based on Thanking Exspreesion

Design and Data A Descriptive Qualitative Research.
Theory Dell Hymes (1972) For analyzed the function of thanking Expression
Previous study 1. A pragmatic Analysis of thanking expressed by the main
character in Café Society Movie
2. The study discovered that native speakers employ expressions
of thankfulness in a specific context regularly, frequently in the
form of speech act sets
3. Miyasaka et al., (2000), looked into how Japanese EFL students
express gratitude. They wanted to see how likely advanced L1
Japanese EFL learners were to show thanks by describing how
they felt about their study's written dialogue completion task
4. Etc.
Research Questions 1. What are the types of thanking expressions used by teachers
and students at Darul Lughah Wal Karomah boarding School?
2. How is the implication of thanking expression used by
teachers and students at Darul Lughah wal Karomah Islamic
boarding school based on the function of pragmatic speech
Research Objective 1. To describe the types of thanking expressions used by teacher
and students at Darul Lughah Wal Karomah boarding school.
2. To discuss the implication of thanking expression used by
teachers and students at Darul Lughah wal Karomah
boarding school based on the function of pragmatic speech

Data Collection In data collection, there are some steps in selecting the utterance
among teacher and students at Darul Lughah wal Karomah
Islamic boarding school. Firstly, the researcher sort out the
utterances was taken in data source. Secondly the researcher
selected the utterance based on thanking expressed. Thirdly, The
researcher identified the data of thanking expressed used speech
act theory.

Data Analysis The researcher did several procedures in analyzing the data.
Firstly, The researcher analyzed thanking expressed based of the
function from utterance conversation among teacher and
students at Darul Lughah wal Karomah Islamic boarding school.
After that, The researcher classified the thanking expression
among teacher and students at Darul Lughah wal Karomah
Islamic boarding school under the framework of Dell Hymes
theory (1972).

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