Thanksgiving Day

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They pilgrims were people who lived in England along time ago. They lived God and they
wanted to worship him in their own way. But the king of England said “ No, you have to go to
my churches you have to worship him on my way”.

This made the pilgrims mad and they said “We will go to a new place” so they went to Holland,
there they could have their own church.

But they weren’t happy they had to live in a city they had to do hard work, they couldn’t grow
their own food and they were very poor, that’s why they said “We can’t stay here or children
will forget how to speak English and we are poor let’s go to America the people speak English
there we could have our own church and we could grow our food “.

So the pilgrims got on a ship called “The speed well”. It sailed to England to meet other people
that wanted to go to America too. The other people went on a ship called “ The Mayflower “
both ships sailed to America, the speed well wasn’t strong enough for the big ocean and it had
to go back, then all the people got on the Mayflower.

There were other one hundred two people on a ship, the children didn’t have much space to

Then the weather got very bad, it was very cold and the waves were big, in the storm the ship
almost turn over all the people had to stay down inside the ship, there wasn’t fresh air and
many people got sick.

Finally, the pilgrims came to America they found a good place to live. They called Playmouth
but the pilgrims had to live on the ship for along time, they had to wait for the men cut down
trees and build houses. Then the cold weather came and the pilgrims had never been in such
cold weather, many of them died. Then, the things started to get better, the pilgrims became
friends with the indians. An indian named “Squanto” came to live with them, he taught them
how to fish and how to plant corn, he knew how to speak English.

When the fall came the pilgrims were happy because they had homes, they wanted to have a
big feast to thank God for taking care of them. They invited their indian friends and had a
special day of thanksgiving.

Today in the United States they still celebrating this day to thank God for the good things.

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