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Operating System Ubuntu 18.04

● vCPUs Minimum: 2 vCPUs Recommended: 2-6 vCPUs
● RAM Minimum: 4 GB RAM Recommended: 8 GB RAM
● Disk Space * Recommended: 100 GB disk space available

Programming Language


1 DEVELOP a deep understanding of your Customer
2 BUILD: AI/ML culture, develop the right skill
3 CHOOSE: A specific purpose
4 CAPTURE: Knowledge of existing customer
5 DEFINE: Customer intents with journey Maps
6 IDENTIFY: Technology, platform and architecture
7 DEFINE: Measurements frameworks
8 BUILD: Intents and responses.
9 CROWN: Source BOT learning
10 USE: In Assistance Services
11 LAUNCH: To the Customer
12 IMPROVEMENT: Multi Channel continuous improvement
How to reduce AHT (Average Handling
1 Use Self Care Systems
2 Use Chat BOT and FAQ
3 Gather all information before starting the call
4 Look Carefully at the IVR, customize it time to time
5 Recruit Agent who speaks concisely
6 Continuous training to improve agents’ knowledge
7 Keep customer profile data up to date
8 Promote the website, application and text alerts
9 Produce a set of troubleshooting questions
0 Put information in agents’ fingerprints
1 Always sync CRM with the system.

● python 3.6

Rasa x

Create python environment using conda

● install requirements.txt using(pip install -r requirements
● Install Docker

Deployment of Rasa X

How will IT work?

After configuration run the below command
Command: - Rasa x

This runs on the server locally and opens a new webpage in the browser.

In the browser, we can see all the functionality of the application.

Like , story’s ,action,intent,custom action.


First, we need to create intent.

What is the intent?

The intent is something that the user inputs

Example: Hi, Hello, I need help,

For the intent, we have to give some response from bot i.e called action

Example: Hello Welcome to Nectar Family, How can I help you, please register your email.

Using intent and action we have to create stories as per our requirements.

Custom action:
When we need to call external API or human chat then we need to go for custom

After creating intent and action and story we train the bot. To train the bot we have an option in
browser-based UI you have just click the train button it trains the bot and generate the model.

After generating we need to verify whether it latest model is activated or not.

We can check in setting which model is activated for the bot.

After activating the model we check and test bot functionality in the Testable Rasa bot window.

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