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Paradigm Hill


Paradigm Hill Summer 2011 newsletter

Summary of whats happening at Paradigm Hill. The vineyard. The drought has broken from one extreme to the other! Celebration dinners: o Melbourne - Donovans Wednesday 16th February 2011 at 7pm o Sydney Manu at Letoile Monday 21 February at 7pm.

See below for more details.

The vineyard. the drought appears to have broken! We hadnt expected to be saying this. And knowing that our dams and tanks are full, we even feel a tad guilty about it but for the time being at least, were over it! Over 900mm this past 12 months more than 50% above recent years and also above long term average. Ive heard it said farmers are never satisfied however, is it too much to ask for things in moderation! We took the decision after last vintage that wed get set up to do all vineyard spraying ourselves. If ever there was a season where it would be essential to be in absolute control then this unprecedented wet/humid spring/summer has been the one. So with a new red tractor [red ones go faster you know!] and state of the art spray gear, we appear [so far at least] to have been rewarded for our ability to respond immediately and as appropriate. So neither downy mildew nor powdery mildew have appeared and the vineyard is looking strikingly healthy and balanced. There is of course, a long way to go before the wine is safely in the winery. But at least so far, so good!

Future release of our wines:

Our next wine release in mid 2011: Shiraz Cols Block 2008 Pinot Noir Lami sage 2009 & Pinot Noir Les cinq 2009

Paradigm Hill 26 Merricks Rd Merricks, Vic 3916

Summer newsletter January 2011 - Page No. 1

Paradigm Hill Summer 2011 newsletter [continued] Our Melbourne celebration dinner Paradigm Hill at Donovans

very limited spaces available.

Join us for our annual summertime dinner at Donovans. Ruth and George Mihaly together with Kevin & Gail Donovan are delighted to once again host this annual degustation dinner at which we will present our current and a number of back vintages of Paradigm Hill wines.

We hope that youll be enticed by the following menu

Riesling 2003
Chilled tomato consomm with lobster tail and tomato petals Canaps

Riesling 2005 & 2010

Tuna tartare with avocado, cucumber and dressed leaves

Pinot Gris 2005 & 2010.

Pinot Noir Lami sage 2009 & Pinot Noir Les cinq 2009
Braised ox cheek in Cols Block shiraz with creamy mash and glazed shallots

Whole Roasted Duck with accompaniments

Shiraz Cols Block 2005 & 2008

Fresh peaches, nectarines and mango with coconut sorbet

Finir 2009 [Moscato style]

Blend Coffee, Teas by Tea Corporation

Wednesday 16th February 2011 at 7pm. $155 pp all inclusive Please book direct with Donovans 03-9534 8221
[40 Jacka Boulevard St Kilda Vic]

Our Sydney celebration dinner Paradigm Hill & Manu at Letoile

please note the date in your diary.

Please set aside this date for a very special summertime dinner at Manu at Letoile We shall send all our NSW/ACT friends an email or letter with specific details [menu, list of wines, cost, time etc] within the next two weeks.

Monday 21st February 2011 at 7pm. Book direct with Manu at Letoile all details will be sent in the next 2 weeks.
[211 Glenmore Rd Paddington NSW; Ph: 02-9332 1577]

We very much look forward to welcoming you to Paradigm Hill - Ruth & George Mihaly
Paradigm Hill 26 Merricks Rd Merricks, Vic 3916 Summer newsletter January 2011 - Page No. 2

Paradigm Hill
26 MERRICKS RD MERRICKS 3916 VIC Ph: 03 5989 9000 Fax: 03-5989 8555 ABN 23 334 882 958



Please send order and payment details by fax [03 5989 8555] or mail to address shown above


Individual bottle

As part of doz lots incl mixed doz



Riesling 2010 750ml Finir [Moscato style] 2010 500 ml Transition Ros 2010 750ml Pinot Noir Lami sage 2008 750 ml Limit 6 bottles Shiraz Cols Block 2007 750ml

$31 $25 $34 $50 $40

$28 $22 $31 $47 $37 Sub-total for wine


Melbourne: $6/doz Country Vic, NSW, SA, South Qld & Tas: $15/doz WA & North Queensland: $25/doz

Overall Total
Name Delivery address Phone e-mail
Instructions if no one present to receive delivery [Note: wine is not insured without signed delivery]


Attached cheque payable to Paradigm Hill for the amount of: Card (please Name on Card Signature Card No. Expiry Date )


I declare I am 18 years or older and that these wines are for private consumption and not for resale

Paradigm Hill 26 Merricks Rd Merricks, Vic 3916

Summer newsletter January 2011 - Page No. 3

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