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Feelings of trust, safety and security

• Feels safe and trusts that they are taken care of • Knows daily routines and is able to follow them independently
• Gets comfortable with the daily routines • Shows a positive attitude towards the school
FROM BIRTH • Moves freely and explores environments inside and outside AGE FOUR TO • Expresses curiosity, enthusiasm and creativity
• Establishes an emotional bond with a teacher • Plays with other children
TO AGE ONE • Smiles and seeks interaction with others FIVE • Has some friends
• Participates in games and group activities

• Knows the daily routines and follows them without distress • Utilizes the learning environment according to own needs
• Often smiles and shows happy feelings • Maintains a positive attitude thoughout the day
• Moves and explores freely • Initiates contact and interactions with others
AGE ONE TO • Establishes an emotional bond with adults AGE FIVE TO • Asks many questions
TWO • Shows interest in peers SIX • Comes up with own games and activities
• Plays and participates in group activities • Helps when needed

• Knows daily routines and follows them with support • Acts independently and takes repsonsibilities
• Is often enthusiastic and smiles • Shows a positive attitude towards school
• Accepts to separate from a parent • Expresses interest in various topics
AGE TWO TO • Moves and explores freely and chooses their own activities AGE SIX TO • Plays with others
• Seeks attention of familiar adults • Participates in new situations
THREE • Shows sympathy or affection towards a peer SEVEN • Expresses own viewpoints
• Plays and participates in group activities • Enjoys acting and performing for others
• Asks for help when needed
• Takes responsibility for own actions
• Knows daily routines and shows willingess to follow them independently
• Expresses oneself in various ways
• Interacts with familiar adults
AGE THREE • Shows enthusiasm to play
TO FOUR • Participates in group activities
• Shows sympathy for other children


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