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Grand Khebu, the city that stands in de ance of Zaid, the gateway to desert trade, and
the seat of the Great Ka. It is all of this and more. This guide contains everything
necessary to enlighten even travelers with the most well defended skulls of the prestige
of our magni cent city. History, culture, demographics, maps, and even adventure lie

My! Th
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A guide to Khebu for players some o
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d Kalvar





destroy Khebu. Our vigilant and well-fed
soldiers protected us from this threat.
From a small town eking out an existence to
The Great Ka and his forces went to
the magni cent city-state it is today, Khebu
Achortaten to seek recompense for this
was always destined for greatness.
insult. The people were found to be weak and
sickly from poor leadership. Hathsheptet I
Founding struck down the false god and cursed him so
The city of Khebu was founded over 2,000 that no one would ever su er his rule again.
years ago by several di erent groups. It had Without Achortaten, Khebu became the
long been used by thri-kreen nomads who undisputed power in the region. The Great
hunted the wild game and gathered the wild Ka’s lineage has reigned ever since.
vegetables of this exceptionally fertile land.
Following the example of these noble Some ibu claim that those saboteurs were
savages, di erent groups seeking a better life diplomats. The Great Ka didn’t appreciate
for themselves left the surrounding countries being told to stop dumping trash in the river.
and city-states to settle here. -Reginald Kalvarius
Even this early in Khebu’s existence, two of
its major de ning factors were apparent:
diversity and agricultural prowess. Khebu is a diverse city lled with many
peoples. A stable population of 20,000 people
live within the walls. Several thousand more
The Coming of the Great Ka wallow in the dirt outside and call
Empires rose and fell around Khebu, but the themselves locals. Further into the desert
small agrarian settlement remained. Its are small villages and towns each under
unique position near the beginning of the Khebu’s power.
Havir river along one of the most fertile
bands in the Zaid desert made it a useful
tool for each nation that claimed it. However, Common Races
it never was able to use these advantages to People of all kinds make their way to Khebu,
its own bene t. though some are more common than others.
Everything changed with the coming of the
rst Great Ka, Hathsheptet I. He was a Humans
tabaxi that stood head and shoulders above Humans have been in Khebu since its
all mortals, a prowess owed in part to his founding and can be found in all walks of life
divine nature. Hathsheptet I’s singular vision in the city and are the most numerous
allowed Khebu to claim the independence it citizens. They have most strongly left their
deserved and become the powerhouse it was mark in Khebu’s architecture as most of it
always meant to be. was designed and built by humans, usually
at the request of the Great Ka.
The Achortaten Invasion Ibu
The nearby city of Achortaten had formerly
The ibu of our city are often compared to the
been the main power in the region and did
kenku of other lands, but they are a totally
not take Khebu’s rise lightly. Lead by an
separate people. While kenku were cursed
imposter claiming to be the incarnation of
with ightlessness for stealing their speech
the god Achoris, they sent saboteurs to





and mimicry, the ibu willingly traded their Tabaxi

ight to Achoris in exchange for their The beautiful and graceful tabaxi bless
extraordinary memories. Physically, they Khebu with their presence. As extensions of
emulate the long-beaked ibis instead of Bustek herself, they are endowed with keen
crows like the kenku. senses and piercing wit. This is especially
Many ibu lived in Achortaten before its fall true of the Great Ka Hathsheptet V, the ruler
and migrated to Khebu afterwards. Their of our magni cent city.
association with Achoris makes them quite Khebu is a hub for tabaxi and many have
suspicious. More enlightened ibu sometimes holdings here, but only a few stay with us for
resent the god for tricking them into giving extended periods of time. tabaxi clerics tend
up their ight, but many still worship him. to rotate through the temples of Bustek in
the city before heading out into the wider
similar to kenk
The ibu are so world for a time. Even our own Great Ka
elf forgetting
that I find mys to
regularly travels between the villages in
. If one were
which is which Khebu’s domain.
nt the races
try to represe
ey would Thri-Kreen
statistically, th
the same.
assuredly be The thri-kreen are Khebu’s most ancient
-Reginald Kalva
people. The site where Khebu was founded
was originally used by them to restock their
water and food before returning to the Zaid
Lizardfolk desert. Today it is much the same, though
The crocodilian lizardfolk are natives to the the resources are better managed.
Havir river and were once found all along it Thri-kreen tend to live as desert nomads
in savage tribes that would attack incautious with their clutch. Only a few stay within the
travelers. As Khebu’s in uence has grown, city walls, but they are a common sight
they have become more civilized and nonetheless. As thri-kreen do not sleep,
integrated themselves into our city. They still those with permanent residence run shops
mostly live along the river and are known to that never close. It is said that Khebu nights
bite. belong to the thri-kreen, though perhaps
Lizardfolk mostly take jobs where their only during a new moon when the Great Kas
savagery is a boon and many nd their way are not watching over us.
into the Great Ka’s service as guards. They
have communication di culties and sharp
teeth, so caution and respect are strongly
recommended if you are stopped by a Religion
lizardfolk guard. Before there were people, there were gods.
The trickiest deity by far was Bustek, the
feline goddess. She stole a sh from Havir,
the river god, that had been promised to
Zaid, the dessert god and convinced each
that the other had betrayed them. The two
battled ercely, creating a world of mud.






Achoris attempted to impose some order Symbol: Cat

on the muddy chaos by sculpting bodies
As a result of her actions when the world
from the mud. Seeking refuge from the war,
was mud, there is a shard of Bustek within
the spirits of the world entered them and
every feline creature, including the tabaxi.
became the rst mortals. Bustek followed
Bustek loves for the tabaxi to live well, as it
suite, splitting herself innumerable times to
is the same as her living well.
ll every feline body. In this way she could
never be punished for her crime, for the cats Tabaxi and cat lovers o er prayers to
were too numerous for all to face judgement. Bustek when they have done something
ful lling, such as eating a delicious meal.
Heliaton, the sun god, grew tired of the
Bustek is also invoked for brief prayers of
war and the world of mud. He separated and
protection uttered under one’s breath before
imprisoned Havir and Zaid, creating the Zaid
attempting some form of trickery.
desert and the Havir river. In time the
mortals settled the lands between the two, Great Ka
and this eventually lead to Khebu.
Alignment: Lawful Good ?

Domains: War
Khebu’s Pantheon Symbol: Blood dripping from a lunar disk
As a city favored by destiny, several gods and
The royal line in Khebu derives its right to
spirits have a special interest in Khebu.
rule due to tis unbroken bloodline that can
Achoris be traced back to Hathsheptet I, a deity in
mortal form. “Ka” is a word the locals use for
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
“soul”, and as such the title of the Great Ka
Domains: Knowledge, Life refers to the owner’s magni cently divine
Symbol: Ankh with an eye in the loop soul.

Achoris is the embodiment of logic, magic, Like their ancestor, each Great Ka is a god
and medicine. He is worshipped by scholars in mortal form. Every citizen worships their
and administrators, usually by lighting ruler and taxes are collected as tribute.
incense and a making a meditative prayer When a Great Ka dies, they go to the moon
before attempting something that requires where past Great Kas reside and return each
focus. It was he that fashioned the bodies of night to watch over their people.
mortals from the mud of Havir and Zaid’s
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
As Achoris was the patron deity of
Achortaten, he has fallen out of favor in Domains: Life, Tempest
Khebu and has no temples. However, the god Symbol: Twisting river
is an accepted part of the pantheon and has
Bound by Heliaton to the river that shares
a following of sorts. True patriots wouldn’t be
their name, the genderless god Havir plays a
caught lifting up prayers to him though.
vital role in Khebu. Their river oods every
Bustek year as Havir struggles against their prison,
bringing silt to fertilize the elds. In this way,
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Havir has become the source of life in Khebu.
Domains: Trickery







While Havir is a prisoner, we are very Zaid

grateful to them. Each year when the river Alignment: Chaotic Evil
oods we have a festival lasting several days
where o erings are thrown into the waters. Domains: Death

They use their river god more Symbol: Toothy jaws

than serve it. That would be Zaid is endless hunger bound by Heliaton to
blasphemy in my homeland. the desert that shares its name. It seeks only
to consume all, draining the life from any
-Reginald Kalvarius who enter the desert unprotected.

Heliaton Worship of Zaid is mostly done out of fear

with o erings normally made by those who
Alignment: Lawful Good
must make a journey through the desert and
Domains: Light hope for protection. “True Believers” are
either murderers who kill in part to feed
Symbol: Eight-pointed star
their starving lord or idiots who walk into the
Heliaton is the god of the sun and is desert unprotected thinking Zaid likes them
considered the most powerful due to his role enough to keep them alive.
in separating and imprisoning the warring
gods Havir and Zaid. It was through this act
that the world of mud was made habitable, it
Other Pantheons
is through his light that our crops grow, and Other deities are known to exist, but our
it is in his beams that our tabaxi residents gods strongly favor our city and protect it
love to curl up in. from the in uence of other divines.
Nevertheless, Khebu’s diversity means that
Heliaton is often thought of as a jolly worshippers of other gods exist within the
loving father- gure. There are several city. Some even worship the true gods of
temples dedicated to him within the city and Khebu under foreign names.
we celebrate him during both equinoxes.

Alignment: Neutral Politics
Khebu’s unique geographical position,
Domains: Nature
diverse population, and divine favoritism
Symbol: Humanoid gure have made it politically interesting to a
number of factions.
When people die, their ka, their souls, linger
without a body and become known as a Court of the Great Ka
kashto. These spirits invisibly aid the living The Great Ka is the ruler of Khebu, and their
in tasks that they did while alive, most court oversees the day-to-day duties that
commonly farming. A kashto can exist entails. The court upholds the law, protects
inde nitely so long as it is given a home to the city’s citizens, and directs public works.
rest at each night, usually in the form of a
hollow clay gurine. Worshippers make these Hathsheptet V
gurines and keep them in their houses and As the 14th and current Great Ka of Khebu,
elds, hoping that the kashto they invite in young Hathsheptet V has absolute dominion
will bring them good luck. over the city. She is especially blessed with





the name of the rst Great Ka, and is Ibu Sympathy

expected to take Khebu to new heights as the House Hebeni believes that Ibu within Khebu
four others who bore that name did. do not get a fair chance and runs several
Hathsheptet V spends much of her time outreach programs for them. Some see this
traveling among the various villages under is a ploy to cultivate a spy network; a task
Khebu’s dominion. When the moon is full that the excellent mimicry of the Ibu make
and bright over the city, she returns to hold them uniquely suited for. Others worry that
court under the guidance of her ancestors. this is part of a larger trend of the Hebenis
The Great Ka has worked tirelessly towards abandoning their traditional worship of
uniting all the worthwhile elements of Khebu Heliaton for the less respectable Achoris.
together and living up to her legacy.
Loyal Farmers
Law Givers Starting as farmers themselves, House
The agents of the Great Ka keep the city Hebeni has long had agricultural interests at
running largely by keeping the law heart. They act as the voice of the farmers
consistent. When the Great Ka is away or an among Khebu’s elite.
issue is beneath their station, these agents House Hebeni has been charged with
will act as arbiters in disputes. collecting taxes on farmers for the Great Ka.
It is known that they will sometimes pay o
the tax burden of a farmer during lean times
The Great Ka’s forces are the strongest and o er other forms of assistance. Some
military in the region. Most guard the city of worry that these policies have made the
Khebu while a few others are stationed at the farmers of Khebu more loyal to them than
villages across the desert. The Great Ka has the Great Ka.
spared no expense equipping and training
them, and the fertile farmlands of Khebu
keep them strong and well-fed. Merchants United
As the largest city on the Havir river and one
placed so that it is the rst settlement most
House Hebeni nations will nd upon entering the Zaid
The human House Hebeni was o cially desert, Khebu was destined to be a
recognized as nobility by the Great Ka for mercantile hub. This has allowed for a
their role in feeding the soldiers that number of di erent guilds to form that have
marched against Achortaten. However, they since come together to have a larger voice in
have been part of Khebu since its government.
foundation. Today, they have a hand in every
eld plowed around the city. Important Guilds
Brewer’s Guild. The Brewer’s Guild turns
Eliket Hebeni
Khebu’s bountiful produce into potent
As the current head of House Hebeni, the concoctions. Some joke that Havir’s water is
human woman Eliket Hebeni directs their what gives it a real kick.
activities. She personally oversees much of
Khebu’s food production. Builder’s Guild. The Builder’s Guild makes
sure that their members are chosen for any
public works projects. Many families in the
guild can trace their lineage to Achortaten.








m catch a man trying

os e jew ele rs are a se rious lot! I once saw the
Th ss into the
ce of glass as a rub y. They shoved the gla
to pawn a pie
re permanently!
or bu gg er’s foreh ea d so deep it stuck the
-Reginald Kalvarius
Religious Orders
Jeweler’s Guild. To preserve the integrity of While not all the gods of Khebu have their
Khebu’s jewelry market, the Jeweler’s Guild own dedicated temples, all wield some
takes great pains to ensure no knocko s are amount of power.
sold. Their methods have been called
“disturbing”. Major Religious Organizations
Temples of Bastek. Bastek has several
Musician’s Guild. Every tavern in the city
temples throughout the city, each of which
has a Musician’s Guild contact that will send
was designed to be unique in some way. The
them talent when needed. The guild plays a
clergy is made up exclusively of Tabaxi who
large part in organizing Khebu’s festivals.
rotate through the di erent temples and
Tailor’s Guild. Between the ne cotton travel far away.
grown on the banks of the Havir river and
There is an informal agreement that the
the wealth of dyes that enter the city,
city guards leave the temples alone. If a thief
Khebu’s Tailor’s Guild has earned a
or other mischief maker gets inside the
reputation for making the most luxurious of
temple, they are usually safe until they exit.
clothing. The Great Ka only wears garments
Murderers and those the clergy deem have
they make.
gone too far are thrown out, often into the
Trader’s Guild. The Trader’s Guild waiting jaws of a lizardfolk guard.
coordinates the shipment of goods in and out
Temples of Heliaton. Heliaton has one
of the city. They’re so good at this that the
major temple and a few minor temples in
Great Ka has charged them with collecting
Khebu. Each temple is built with certain
tari s and ferreting out contraband.
rigid geometric principles in mind and is
Trade In Khebu kept is excellent condition.

Khebu’s main export is its food, which largely The followers of Heliaton are told to shine
goes to the surrounding villages. They also light in the darkness. This usually takes the
export various crafted goods such as ne form of bringing food and water to the less
clothes, wine, and jewelry. The main imports fortunate.
are raw materials such as iron and gold. Court of the Great Ka. As the Great Ka is
The Havir river is the major artery of trade, a deity, the people of Khebu worship them.
allowing boats to easily travel between Khebu This mostly takes the form of taxes.
and most of the surrounding villages. Roads
lead to more isolated desert settlements and Other Worship
to other nations. These all bring travelers to The other gods are worshipped in various
the city as well, supporting Khebu’s ways throughout Khebu, but do not have
hospitality industry. large public organizations directing their
worshippers. Achoris and Zaid in particular
Unity are suspected to have dark cults hiding
Merchants United is a loose organization of within our walls. If a mysterious stranger
the di erent guilds. Meetings are infrequent, with a robe and a dagger asks you to follow
but they are called when a wide-reaching them down an alley, you should ee the area
issue or opportunity presents itself. Mostly and nd the nearest guard.
the organization serves as a way to keep
communication open between the guilds.







Districts of Khebu
entrance in the outer walls, hoping to nd a
cleric that will create fresh, clean water for
Khebu has ten di erent districts, each of them.
which have their own purpose, quirks, and
history. Grand Temple of Heliaton
The worshippers of Heliaton have built their
grand temple rising high above the
1. House of the Great Ka surrounding hovels. It is laid out in the
Situated in the middle of shape of Heliaton’s symbol, an eight-pointed
Khebu, the House of the Great star. Careful inspection will reveal that each
Ka is a home, an point is exactly the same size.
administrative building, and a Inside, the temple is a mostly open area
demonstration of the Great where sermons are regularly given. Each of
Ka’s power. the points contains its own room, one of
which is a chapel. Most of the other rooms
Astounding Architecture
are for the day-to-day business and
The building’s walls are made of gleaming relaxation of the clergy.
white sandstone. Inside, beige sandstone
tiles are perfectly placed around a large open The Twins
space adorned with various statues and wall The twins are two temples dedicated to
tapestries. Further in is the throne room, Bustek, one on each side of the district.
where the oor is marble and thick, Though they have di erent designs, both rise
luxurious rugs cushion the steps of those above their surrounding buildings and have
who approach the Great Ka. a window looking towards the other one. The
Outside of the main building surrounded windows are lined up exactly with each
by more gleaming white walls, the path other, though the builders claim that this
leading inside is lined with fountains. Each was not planned.
fountain is a marvel of engineering, cycling The western temple was built in secret in
through intricate patterns and never spilling the middle of the road. This was
a drop (unless someone walks into one or accomplished by placing a single brick each
there’s a heavy wind). A complex system of day so it went up so slowly that the guards
pipes and tunnels brings water in directly did not realize what was happening.
from the distant Havir river, seamlessly Hundreds pass through it every day simply
replacing water lost to evaporation or other to continue their travel.
The eastern temple was slapped together
as quickly as possible to meet the minimum
2. The Sea of Worship requirements of a temple. The petty thieves
who built it were trying to escape with their
Behind the House of the Great
loot and all they had was a sympathetic
Ka, the Sea of Worship sprawls
priestess of Bustek. The priestess
out into the city. Alleyways
consecrated the temple and the guards who
twist between between tiny
discovered it moments later decided that
houses, cramped shops, sandy
arguing with her wasn’t worth it. Later, the
roads, and magni cent
temple was expanded.
temples. Dustsiders walk through the nearby




5. Havir’s Field
3. Crafter’s Split Every year Havir tests their
bindings and the resulting
Crafter’s Split is named for the
struggle causes the banks of
main road that splits in two
the river to over ow. Havir’s
here. It is fairly well
eld is where the greatest
maintained, but has a rat’s
ooding occurs, and
next of buildings just behind
consequently where the most fertile land is.
the main shops on the road.
Khebu’s best crops come from this district.
Craftsmen own homes and shops in this
area. Each shop vies for more attention than 6. Dustside
the last, hoping to catch wealthy travelers on Outside the walls, the
their way to see the Great Ka. Their wares misbegotten wretches of our
are on full display, but always where a shop city exist. The buildings here
owner can keep an eye on them. are hovels and the area is rife
with desperate thieves.
Travelers should avoid this
4. Hebeni Estate district and keep a close eye on their
The Hebeni Estate is where belongings if forced into it.
the members of House Hebeni
rest their head. 7. Mudbrick Manors
Separated Just downstream from the
heavily fertilized garden of the
The estate is separated from
Hebeni Estate and across the
the rest of the city by the Havir river. The
river from the scenic Cow’s
main way to access it is across a bridge, and
Relief are the Mudbrick
this is the path that many of the servants
Manors. Here you will nd
take to ful ll any duties that take them into
large “luxury” homes built from high-quality
Khebu proper. The Hebenis themselves
mud bricks. The inhabitants of these homes
always have a boat available to transport
are largely foreigners, who are not allowed to
them across the river at any point when they
own property within the walls.
choose to do so.
The quotations around
Lush Garden must be a typo. My ho
me is
quite well-appointed.
Though Eliket Hebeni is on record as calling
it a “frivolous waste”, the Hebeni estate hosts -Reginald Kalvarius
the nicest garden in Khebu. Servants keep it
well maintained and the nearby river is 8. Cow’s Relief
integral in keeping it from drying out. The Being downwind from the city
garden is designed with Heliaton in mind proper, this is where the cattle
and has been kept by the Hebeni for are kept. The local vegetation
generations. is excellent for grazing and the
Havir river carries their waste





9. The Fat Road is nothing there of value and rumor has it

that those who enter the city will fall prey to
Shops, stalls, and carpets line
the same weakness that infected its ancient
the Fat Road while merchants
shout the virtues of their
products at passers-by. It was
once a simple road, but as
more trade caravans came
Blue Oasis
through, enterprising individuals realized The Blue Oasis is one of the few wellsprings
that they could meet the caravans early of life within the Zaid desert. Some say it is a
outside the walls. part of Havir left behind after Heliaton
separated the warring gods. Many travelers
Many caravans will trade with the pass through and there are always thri-
merchants on the Fat Road, letting them kreen around willing to trade.
quickly exchange their goods for Khebu’s.
This saves them the tari s on goods entering The Sphinx
the city and lets them head home more Lomedes the androsphinx protects the Blue
quickly. Some caravans still enter the city, Oasis. No one need fear while they partake of
availing themselves of our hospitality after a its waters under his watchful eye. He is quite
long journey. personable and loves trading riddles with
anyone who will indulge him.

10. Caravan’s Rest

The river here is the rst water Buried Monuments
that many trade caravans see The desert sands have buried countless
in days. It is a popular stop for structures and monuments from civilizations
those entering or exiting the long past. If you wander around long
city, allowing their beasts of enough, you may come across one.
burden to drink deeply. There
is always someone here and it is used as a
staging point for many traveling groups. I have reason to suspect that
many of those monuments were
built by the people of
Achortaten long ago. They were
Beyond the City prolific architects in their time.

There are a few places outside of Khebu that -Reginald Kalvarius

travelers may wish to visit. Be aware that
getting to any of these places requires a Other Settlements
signi cant amount of time traipsing through There are several other villages and towns in
the Zaid desert. Hungry monsters, cunning Khebu’s domain. Most are found along the
bandits, and brutal heat will tear apart the Havir river, but a few are deep in the desert
unprepared. established around rich mineral veins.

Achortaten Ruins
Far to the south, the ruins of the once great
city of Achortaten can still be explored. There






same training as a follower of another.
Choose a member of the Khebu pantheon
The backgrounds described in the Player's and work with your DM to detail the nature
Handbook are all found in Khebu, in some of your religious service. Were you a lesser
form or another. This section o ers functionary in a temple, raised from
additional backgrounds for characters that childhood to assist the priests in the sacred
start their adventures in and around the city rites? Or were you a high priest who
in the sand. suddenly experienced a call to serve your god
As in the Player's Handbook , each of the in a di erent way? Perhaps you were the
backgrounds presented here provides leader of a small cult outside of any
pro ciencies, languages, and equipment, as established temple structure, or even an
well as a background feature. These occult group that served a divinity you now
backgrounds also provide suggestions for deny. 
personality traits, ideals, bonds, and aws. d8 Divinity Associated Skill

1 Achoris Arcana
Acolyte (Khebu) 2 Bustek Deception
The gods and spirits of Khebu are physical
forces that a ect the everyday lives of its 3 Great Ka Insight
citizens. Havir over ows their banks to
4 Havir Survival
fertilize the soil, Zaid sucks the life from
desert travelers like a jackal sucks marrow 5 Heliaton Perception
from bones, the Great Ka guides political
6 Kashto Nature
policy, etc. You have devoted yourself to one
of these great powers. 7 Zaid Intimidation
You act as an intermediary between the 8 You are a student Any
divine forces and mortals, performing sacred of all the gods, but
rites and explaining the sometimes a favorite of none.
unintuitive actions of the divine. You are not
necessarily a cleric—performing sacred rites
is not the same thing as channeling divine
Skill Pro ciencies: Religion and your
chosen divinity’s associated skill.
Languages: Two of your choice

Equipment: A holy symbol (a gift to you

when you entered the priesthood), a prayer
book or prayer wheel, 5 sticks on incense,
vestments, a set of common clothes, and a
pouch containing 15 gp.

Chosen Divinity
The gods and spirits of Khebu are a diverse
bunch and a follower of one may not have the







Feature: Shelter of the Faithful 5 I quote (or misquote) sacred texts and
proverbs in almost every situation.
As an acolyte, you command the respect of
those who share your faith, and you can 6 I am tolerant (or intolerant) of other faiths
perform the religious ceremonies of your and respect (or condemn) the worship of
other gods.
deity. You and your adventuring companions
can expect to receive free healing and care at 7 I’ve enjoyed ne food, drink, and high
society among my temple’s elite. Rough
a temple, shrine, or other established
living grates on me.
presence of your faith, though you must
provide any material components needed for 8 I’ve spent so long in the temple that I have
little practical experience dealing with
spells. Those who share your religion will
people in the outside world.
support you (but only you) at a modest
lifestyle. d6 Ideal
You might also have ties to a speci c
1 Tradition. The ancient traditions of worship
temple dedicated to your chosen deity or and sacri ce must be preserved and
pantheon, and you have a residence there. upheld. (Lawful)
This could be the temple where you used to
2 Charity. I always try to help those in need,
serve, if you remain on good terms with it, or no matter what the personal cost. (Good)
a temple where you have found a new home.
3 Change. We must help bring about the
While near your temple, you can call upon changes the gods are constantly working in
the priests for assistance, provided the the world. (Chaotic)
assistance you ask for is not hazardous and
4 Power. I hope to one day rise to the top of
you remain in good standing with your my faith’s religious hierarchy. (Lawful)
5 Faith. I trust that my deity will guide my
Suggested Characteristics actions. I have faith that if I work hard,
things will go well. (Lawful)
Acolytes are shaped by their experience in
6 Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of
temples or other religious communities. my god’s favor by matching my actions
Their study of the history and tenets of their against their teachings. (Any)
faith and their relationships to temples,
shrines, or hierarchies a ect their
d6 Bond
mannerisms and ideals. Their aws might be
some hidden hypocrisy or heretical idea, or 1 I would die to recover an ancient relic of my
an ideal or bond taken to an extreme. faith that was lost long ago.

2 I will someday get revenge on the corrupt

d8 Personality Trait
temple hierarchy who branded me a
1 I idolize a particular hero of my faith, and
constantly refer to that person’s deeds and 3 I owe my life to the priest who took me in
example. when my parents died.
2 I can nd common ground between the 4 Everything I do is for the common people.
ercest enemies, empathizing with them
and always working toward peace. 5 I will do anything to protect the temple
where I served.
3 I see omens in every event and action. The
gods try to speak to us beyond what they 6 I seek to preserve a sacred text that my
actually say, we just need to listen. enemies consider heretical and seek to
4 Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.





d6 Last Job
d6 Flaw
1 Desert bandits attacked us and made o
1 I judge others harshly, and myself even with most of our cargo.
more severely.
2 A creature in the river ripped o a fellow
2 I put too much trust in those who wield caravaner’s limb.
power within my temple’s hierarchy.
3 I was paid half of what I had been promised.
3 My piety sometimes leads me to blindly
trust those that profess faith in my god. 4 I barely survived heat stroke.

4 I am in exible in my thinking. 5 The caravan leader was a fool who refused

to listen to me.
5 I am suspicious of strangers and expect the
worst of them. 6 I was asked to do something that goes
against my moral code.
6 Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with
it to the detriment of everything else in my
life. Feature: Caravan Contacts
Having worked with many di erent caravans
in the past, you know just about everyone
Caravaner who regularly travels in and out of Khebu.
Some of them even like you.
Trade is as much as part of Khebu as the
sandstone walls, and trade caravans like You can easily secure a place in a caravan
those you frequent are a common sight. for you and your companions. In many cases,
You’ve survived ever danger the road and you can secure a vehicle or camel for the
river could throw at you and now you’re duration of the trip. If something happens to
looking for a line of work that pays better for what was loaned to you, you will be shunned
those risks. by caravan leaders until you can make it up
Skill Pro ciencies: Animal Handling,
Athletics Suggested Characteristics
Tool Pro ciencies: Navigator’s tools, Long days on dusty trails and marshy rivers
vehicles (land) confront caravaners with the silent spaces
Equipment: A two-person tent, a signal between civilizations. They understand the
intricacies of travel, but risk becoming
whistle, a mess kit, a set of traveler's clothes,
unmoored from civilization.
and a pouch containing 10 gp.
d8 Personality Trait
Last Job
Something happened the last time you were 1 I enjoy the peaceful silence of the
wilderness over the cacophony of cities.
out on the trail that may you leave the life.
Roll a d6 or work with your DM to determine 2 I triple-check all preparations before
leaving on a journey.
what occurred.
3 I resent those that won’t get their hands

4 Animals make more sense to me than







5 I know a wealth of traveling songs and sing 3 I have a weakness for the vices of the city,
them whenever I’m on a journey. especially hard drink.

6 The open sky lls me with awe. 4 I look down on anyone without practical
7 “Luxuries” are usually worthless garbage
sold to fools who don’t know what they can 5 The dangers of the wilderness sometimes
do without. leave me shaking with fear.

8 I appreciate civilization all the more for the 6 I’ve lost too many friends to let myself get
time I spend outside of it. close to anyone else.

d6 Ideal

1 Agreement. If an agreement is made, all

Desert Nomad
parties must uphold it. (Lawful) You have spent much of your life in the
harsh wilds of the Zaid desert away from the
2 Unity. In the wilderness, we all have to
depend on each other. (Good) comforts of Khebu. Every day has been a
ght for survival and you are accustomed to
3 Practicality. If it’s helpful, there’s nothing
wrong with using the goods I carry. constantly chasing meagre resources.
(Chaotic) Whether you were part of a thri-kreen clutch,
a gang of outlaws, or simply someone who
4 Perseverance. Neither sand nor rain nor
heat nor gloom of night will stop me. shunned city life, the sand is in your blood
(Lawful) now.
5 Power. Might means right, and in the Skill Pro ciencies: Stealth, Survival
wilderness I am the mightiest. (Evil)
Tool Pro ciencies: Herbalism kit
6 Nature. The natural world must be
respected. (Any) Languages: Thri-kreen

Equipment: A waterskin, a herbalism kit, a

d6 Bond
trinket crafted by your people, a set of loose
1 I have a family that I must work to support. garments that cover you completely
(traveler’s clothes quality), and a pouch
2 I forged a deep friendship with the
containing 10 gp.
members of my former caravan.

3 I took on the mobile life of a caravaner to Mirage

escape a problem back home.
The desert is a strange place and those
4 I seek revenge for a deal gone bad. within it encounter strange things. Whether
they’re real or not is up for debate. Roll a d6
5 I treat my traveling companions like family.
or work with your DM to determine what
6 I refuse to let harm befall whatever I’m desert visions have shaped you.
d6 Mirage
d6 Flaw
1 Zaid speaks to me in a growling whisper.
1 The vagaries of high society elude me.
2 I swear I see thri-kreen scuttling on every
far away dune.
2 I put too much trust in my traveling
companions. 3 The bleached skulls of desert victims watch



4 No matter how far I travel, it always looks d6 Ideal

like there is an oasis just a little further
away. 1 Tradition. My people’s ancient culture must
be preserved and upheld. (Lawful)
5 The trails of small lizards on the sand look a
lot like writing. 2 Shepherd. The desert will claim the
unprepared, but I can save them. (Good)
6 I know I have seen something upsetting, but
my mind refuses to recall it. 3 Practicality. Cannibalism is a valid survival
strategy. (Chaotic)
Feature: Cactus Juicer 4 Faith. Zaid has plans for me and will eat me
last. (Lawful)
You know all the tricks to survive the
extreme conditions of the desert. You have 5 Nihilism. Zaid will consume us all, so I might
advantage on Constitution saving throws to as well speed up the process. (Evil)
ignore extreme heat from the environment. 6 Nature. We can learn a lot by listening to
In addition, you can harvest cacti for two nature. (Any)
gallons of drinkable water each day you
travel through the desert so long as the area d6 Bond
is not completely barren. 1 I have fought alongside thri-kreen and
joined one of their packs.
Suggested Characteristics
2 The thri-kreen killed someone I cared about
The harsh life they lead has shaped every and I swore vengeance.
desert nomad. They have their own
3 I have a strong relationship with my people
traditions, but those traditions can alienate
and am always welcome among them.
4 I discovered an infant beast in the desert
d8 Personality Trait and chose to raise it myself.

1 Life is short and brutal, so I live loud and 5 Tribute must be paid to Zaid regularly, lest
proud while I can. harm befall me.

2 I love to share my culture, even with those 6 Everything I consume lives on through me.
who don’t respect it.

3 The number three is sacred to my people d6 Flaw

and I try to do things in threes.
1 My customs are o -putting to those not
4 I despise the desert and wish to make a life familiar with them.
for myself in the city.
2 No matter how I clean, I always have sand
5 I wish to sample every kind of food I can, no on me and spread it wherever I go.
matter how disgusting.
3 Despite my origins, I look down on other
6 I’m more comfortable in the heat of the desert dwellers.
desert than in a soft bed.
4 I am distrustful of city-dwellers.
7 My people have a strong oral tradition and I
have memorized many of their stories. 5 I have witnessed so much death that I care
little when someone dies.
8 I pay careful attention to nearby animals.
They often know where water is. 6 The constant activity of the city confuses



River Farmer • If the river is lower or higher than

normal and whether or not that is from a
Like many of the common folk in Khebu, you
natural cause such as the weather.
were a farmer tending to the fertile land
along the Havir river. It is through the e orts • If there is anything upstream blocking
of farmers like you that Khebu became the the river’s ow.
agricultural powerhouse that it is today. The • How capable the river is at sustaining
work has made you hardy and given you an life and what kind of creatures live
understanding of the land. within.
Skill Pro ciencies: Nature and your choice Additionally, you have advantage on
of either animal handling or athletics checks to ford or navigate rivers.
Tool Pro ciencies: Vehicles (water) and your
choice of either cook’s utensils or brewer’s
Suggested Characteristics
supplies Farmers are sturdy, hard-working folk. They
can be depended on to pull their weight, but
Equipment: Your choice of cook’s utensils or
spending their life in the elds leaves many
brewers supplies, a farm implement (such as
without a strong understanding of the world
a pitchfork or shovel), shing tackle, a set of
common clothes, and a pouch containing 10
gp. d8 Personality Trait

Farm 1 Early to bed and early to rise makes me

healthy, wealthy, and wise.
You worked on a speci c kind of farm. Roll a
2 I save everything I can and use only what I
d6 or work with your DM to determine what
kind of farm it was.
3 When there’s work to be done, I’m the rst
d6 Farm to volunteer.

1 Animals like cattle, pigs, and sheep 4 The inheritance of traits from parent to
child I’ve seen in crops and animals
2 Cash crops like cotton, ax, and papyrus fascinates me.

5 I'm always keeping track of the season and

3 Grains like barely, emmer, and wheat
4 Vineyard 6 I get bored if I’m idle for too long.

5 Vegetables like garlic, lettuce, and onions 7 I always greet kashto vessels I nd.

6 Fruits like dates, pomegranates, and melons 8 I have di culty sleeping if I can’t hear the
sound of running water.
Feature: River Born
d6 Ideal
You’ve depended on the ow of the Havir
river your entire life and have learned to read 1 Simplicity. It’s good to focus on the simple
rivers like it. If you spend ten minutes things that are really important. (Any)

studying a river, you can ascertain several 2 Provider. It’s important that everyone has
pieces of information: enough to eat. (Good)

3 Growth. Sometimes things grow in weird

ways, but they’re still useful. (Chaotic)








4 Nature. Every plant and animal is Thri-Kreen
connected, and we are part of that web.
(Lawful) Mostly living as desert nomads on the
outskirts of Khebu, the thri-kreen are a
5 Pride. Khebu owes me a debt for keeping
brutally e cient insectoid race. Thri-kreen
them fed, and those who don’t pay the
proper respect should be punished. (Evil) are born into clutches, similar to a tribe, and
belong to one or more packs, which act as
6 Practicality. If it ain’t broke, don’t x it! (Any)
social and work groups and may contain
other races. Thri-kreen names are uid, but
d6 Bond
when interacting with other races they tend
1 A lizardfolk saved me after my boat to adopt simple descriptors as names like
capsized and we have been friends ever “Friend” or “Cleric”.
A Brief Overview
2 The kashto have been good to me. This version of the thri-kreen playable race was
originally published on the Dungeon Master’s Guild
3 I am on good terms with the other farmers as PWYW. Players can download it there for
I’ve worked with. additional lore and background information. What
4 My family has worked this land for exists here is almost purely mechanical.
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score
5 The people of Khebu depend on me to feed
increases by 1.

6 House Hebeni trusts me as one of their

Age: Thri-kreen do not waste a moment of
agents. their short lives. Thri-kreen reach maturity
by the end of their rst year and live into
d6 Flaw their 30s.

1 Lizardfolk have assaulted me on the river in Alignment: Thri-kreen tend to ignore social
the past, so now I distrust all of them. mores and evaluate people based on
2 My imagination can be lacking. usefulness, so most other races view them as
chaotic. They do not have a strong tendency
3 When the work can wait, I drag my feet. towards good or evil, but their utilitarian
outlook is sometimes mistaken for an evil
4 I am blindly loyal to House Hebeni.
desire to eat sentient creatures
5 I believe that members of the Great Ka’s
military can do no wrong. Size: Male thri-kreen are generally 6 feet tall
while the females can be up to 8 feet tall.
6 I tend to overindulge when I have money.
Your size is medium.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Additional Arms: You have 2 additional

Races arms below your main ones. Each of these
arms can hold no more than 10 pounds and
Khebu is a diverse city with people of all
cannot e ectively wield a shield. If you use
kinds. This section has options for races that
one of these arms to attack with a weapon
are commonly found within Khebu but do
that is not light, you have disadvantage on
not have published forms.
the attack roll. These arms cannot hold onto
a grappled creature. You may stow or retrieve
one additional item each turn.






Sleepless: You do not require sleep, and

magic can't put you to sleep. You can spend
4 hours doing nothing more strenuous than
eating, drinking, reading, tending wounds,
standing guard, or walking at a slow pace. At
the end of this rest, you gain the same
bene t that a human does from 8 hours of
Thri-Kreen Weapon Training: You have
pro ciency with the gythka and the

Thri-Kreen Weapons
The thri-kreen are able to craft unique martial
weapons using their saliva and special plant
extracts. All thri-kreen are trained in the use of
these weapons. Desert nomads of other races or
other people from Khebu with martial weapon
pro ciency may be trained in them as well at the
DM’s discretion.
• Gythka: 1d8 slashing, 4 lb., Versatile (1d10)

Variant: Double Hand • Chatkcha: 1d6 slashing, 1 lb., Finesse, Light,

Thrown (range 30/120)
If the DM allows it, a thri-kreen could wield a
versatile weapon with both of the weaker arms
from Additional Arms. By doing so, the weapon Languages: You can speak, read, and write
uses the damage die from being wielded with only common and thri-kreen. The thri-kreen
one hand and attack rolls with it do not have
language uses the clicking of mandibles and
disadvantage due to the use of weaker arms.
the waving of antennae to communicate
Similarly, the DM may allow a versatile weapon to
be wielded with a regular arm and a weaker arm. emotions. Most creatures that are not thri-
This should act the same as wielding it with two kreen have di culty speaking this language,
normal hands, negating the disadvantage from the but they make do by clicking teeth and
weaker arm.
waving ngers above their head.
Both of these options can provide a slight damage
boost, so DMs should take care when deciding to Variant: Communication Di culties
allow a player to use them.
Traditionally, thri-kreen simply do not have the
Regardless of how they are arranged, the weaker mouth parts necessary to speak most languages. To
arms should retain their disadvantage when allow players to work together and not
wielding heavy weapons. disadvantage socially focused thri-kreen players, it
is normally assumed that thri-kreen characters are
able to speak in the same way that most humanoids
Darkvision: Often being up when the sun is can. However, a player may choose to roleplay this
not, you have superior vision in dark and communication barrier by using an alternate form
dim conditions. You can see in dim light of communication, such as having the thri-kreen
character scratch pictures in the dirt, instead of
within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light,
speaking directly.
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You
can't discern color in darkness, only shades
Subrace: Long ago some clutches mutated
of gray.
so that the o spring would not express all of





the thri-kreen traits. These weaker thri- can then take your time dragging the poor
kreen required less nourishment to keep creature back to your pack.
themselves in shape and more of these eggs
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score
could be laid at a time because they were
increases by 1.
less taxing to produce. In a harsh
environment like the desert, the adaptation Bite: Your powerful mandibles are a natural
to need less food to perform a task is a major weapon, which you can use to make
advantage. As such, clutches that spawn unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal
thri-kreen-khe, thri-kreen-ret, or thri-kreen- piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your
tir are becoming more numerous. Choose Strength modi er, instead of the bludgeoning
one of these sub races. damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Venom: When you hit a creature with your
bite attack, you can inject them with your
As a thri-kreen-khe, your carapace is not venom. That creature must succeed on a
unlike armored plating swirling with Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for
di erent colors. You can control these colors 1 minute. The DC for this saving throw
with some focus, allowing you to hide very equals 8 + your Constitution modi er + your
well or maintain a uniform color. In battle pro ciency bonus. The poisoned target can
however, emotions run hot and crimson repeat the saving throw on each of its turns,
wisps tend to oat across the surface of your ending the e ect on itself on a success. On a
natural armor. successful saving throw or after the e ect
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution ends, the creature is immune to this trait for
score increases by 1. 24 hours.

Chameleon Carapace: You can change the Once you use your venom, you cannot do
color of your carapace to match the color and so again until you nish a short or long rest.
texture of your surroundings. When you are
not wearing armor, you have advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide. As a thri-kreen-tir you usually have to rely
on your cunning more than direct combat
Natural Armor: Your carapace is tough
capabilities when ghting. Your speed and
enough to o er signi cant protection. When ability to leap over many creatures makes
you are not wearing armor, your AC equals you incredibly mobile, but your true power
13 + your Dexterity modi er. You can use comes from knowing when to use this
your natural armor to determine your AC if mobility to strike.
the armor you wear would leave you with a
lower AC. A shield's bene ts apply as normal Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score
while you use your natural armor. increases by 1.
Powerful Legs: Your base walking speed
increases to 40 feet.
Your thri-kreen-ret character has highly
Standing Leap: When you long jump, you
developed mandibles able to inject venom
can cover a number of feet equal to twice
into anything you bite. The venom sti ens
your Strength score with or without a
the muscles of your target, making it much
running start. When you high jump, you can
harder for them to attack or run away. You
cover a number of feet equal to 10 + your








Strength modi er with or without a running Thri-Kreen Psionics

start. Prerequisite: Thri-kreen

Variant: True Thri-Kreen You are one of the rare thri-kreen who have
The subraces presented here are intended to make manifested innate psionic abilities, granting
the thri-kreen a balanced race while still you the following bene ts.
maintaining as much of their original avor as
possible. However, doing so means that a single • You can speak telepathically to any
player will never be able to use all of the traits of creature you can see within 60 feet of you.
the thri-kreen at once. Your telepathic utterances are in a
For those players able to convince their DM to let language you know, and the creature
them play something closer to the full thri-kreen understands you only if it knows that
race, simply combine all of the subrace features
except for the Ability Score Increases. Then language. Your communication doesn't give
increase the thri-kreen's Constitution score by 1. the creature the ability to respond to you

• You can cast the mage hand cantrip with

Ibu this ability. This requires no components
Mechanically, ibu are identical to kenku and and the hand is invisible. Wisdom is your
should use their stat block. They look like spell casting ability for this spell.
ibises instead of crows and are not required • You can cast one of the following spells
to speak through mimicry. once without components using this
ability: blur, magic weapon, and invisibility
(targeting only yourself). You regain the
Racial Feats ability to cast these spells when you nish
If your DM allows the use of feats, your a long rest. Wisdom is your spell casting
character has the option of taking the ability for these spells, and you cast them
following feats so long as they meet the at their lowest possible levels.
Natural Weapons and Magic Weapon
There is some debate over whether the magic
Paralytic Venom weapon spell can be used on a natural weapon. For
the purposes of this feat, it is intended that magic
Prerequisite: Thri-kreen (thri-kreen-ret) weapon can be cast on the thri-kreen-ret’s
Your venom is especially potent, granting you
the following bene ts.

• A creature poisoned by your venom trait

that fails a saving throw to end the e ect
becomes paralyzed while they are poisoned
in this way.

• You can use your venom a number of times

equal to your Constitution modi er
(minimum 1) instead of once. You regain
any expended uses when you nish a short
or long rest.







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