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Q.1 Differenciate between Microcontroller and Microprocessor.

Ans.- Microcontroller- A microcontroller is a small and low-cost microcomputer, which is

design to perform the specific tasks of embedded system like displaying microwave's
information, receiving remote signals,etc.

Microprocessor- A microprocessor is a controlling unit of a micro-computer , it is a digital

device on a chip which can fetch instructions from memory, decode and execute them and
give results.

Q.2 What is Arduino UNO? List the parts of Arduino UNO board briefly explaining the
functionality of those parts.

Ans.-The Arduino UNO is an open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip

ATmega328P microcontroller and developed by Arduino.

The board has 14 digital I/O pins ,and is programmable with the Arduino IDE,via a type B
USB able.

It is an open- source plateform,means the boards and software are readily available and
anyone can modify and optimize the boards for better functionality.

Q.3 Justify why NodeMCU is widely used in IOT projects?

Ans.-There's a 32-bit RISC processor clocked at 80MHz, along with a generous RAM
complement and support for up to 16mb of external flash storage.The device is specially
useful for IOT appliacations.

Q.4 Explain the use of the Arduino functions listed below and interpret the arguments in
Arduino programming.

Ans.- a) setup()- It is used when a sketch starts. Use to initialize variables, pin modes start
using librares,etc.

int buttonPin=3;

void setup()



void loop()


b) loop()- It precisely what its name suggest, and loops consecutively,allowing your program
to change and respond.

c) pinMode(12,OUTPUT)- It is used to configure a specific pin to behave either as an input or

an output.

d) digitalWrite(12,LOW)- If the pin is configured as an input,digitalwrite() will enable low the

internal pullup on the input pin.

e) delay(5000)- It pause the program for 5 mins.

Q.5 Describe about the OSI layers in computer networking.

Ans.- The communication between a computing system are split into seven different
abstraction layers:

Physical,Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation,and application.

Q.6 Brief about the tools/applications that we used to connect the Raspberry Pi remotely.

Ans.- VNC allows you to remotly control desktop interface of your Raspberry PI(running VNC
server) from nother computer or mobile device(running VNC viewer). It also allows you to
use your local kyboard and mouse in your remote PC.

Q.7 List any 5 basic Linux commands and explain their working.

Ans.- Is- List dictionary contents. ..

grep- Find text in a file. ..

pwd- Print Working Dictionary. ..

passwd- ...

mv- Move a file. ...

Q.8 How do we blink an LED in Raspberry Pi using terminal?

Ans.- We then press CTRL-X then Y, then press Enter to save the program and return to the
terminal. your LED should be blinking . if it doesn't blink, try connecting the red positive lead
to another GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi.

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