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es VAJIRAM & RAV) 9 9 ©9900 ©®O80 8 Class 7 1934 1 Sepiembey - World Boy T begins October - Resignetion of Congress ministvies , im profest of using Indien Armies +o defend British Empire . 22 December - Dey al Delwevance Different Mews of Indion leaders abast Indien invelement in WOP. 1940 24 March — Lahore Resolotion for Pakistan lo meq = Winston Chorchill becomes PM lo Ky - Sloctobey - Battle of bvitoin 8 gest - Ay gest offer Seplembey - Decembey - — Inolivicloal Shag + Congress. 1444 16 Saray = Sobhash Chondva Bose escapes prom Howse ovrest April - Base leaves USSR to veeich Nozi Cearrmeamy may 7 Base forms Free Wndia Cevtey ond India Legion in Bexlin 22 jone - Operation Barbarossa - Nazi Gevmony atiacks vssR lo hygast — Atlantic Chertey 7 December — Pearl Havboor Bombings Japan amd USA enters wor. “Pacific Theete’ opens: VAJIRAM & RAVI es \VA)IRAM & RAV] Wa ®S @® 4 Febweny - Chinese Premier Chiang Foi Shek avvives India to persuade Indian Icaders to suppet wor agemst Sepen 15 Febwory - Fall of Smgepere CSopamese victory? B Merch - Fall 4 Rangoon CSepanese victory? 22 Merch - Cripps “Mission arrives wn India. 3 Avgust - Beit Inctia Movement ev India Aygust Movement 4 August - Artest of Gondhi end olmost entre Cangress lecclewhip. ©99908 Pogust - September — Avoond 1 lakh Inclions Pot in joil ond sopression of Gut India Movement by British Gevewment. @® Fone - Formation 2 dion \ndependence League ondey Ros Belew Base « @ September — Formation of \ndiom Netioral homey. under Mohan Singh in Japon. 1943 @® Fonvawy ~ Decline of Tnelion Natimad Prema over disagreements with Sopanese Berm - @ Mey - Base vesches Tejon @® wy Base becomes heed of TNA omd revives it. @ October — Lovd Wavell becomes new Governer Geneve of India replacing Lerd Ln Vn geo VAJIRAM & RAVI ees \VA)IRAM & RAV) ® GD 21 october - Bose declaves 2nd Provisionel Government o} Indio in Singopere - Officaly momed ‘Avazi Hokomed ¢ Hind’ C21 october 1942 - 18 Aggest 1945) 5 December - Topon begs bombing the CalcoHe port 1944, @ March — Japan launches Operation 0-Go an) Operedineg fo wm Nertheast \ndia and Bega. @ Fmarch - Botte of Imphel begins @* Perl — Bottle of Kohima begins + veyrom a Revi Textbook - Modern india — Chapter 21 eld War TP and Freedom Stroggle - Chopley 22 Ron op to Freedom (fg 227- 229) I Chapter 23 Revelutioney Terrorism (Py 253 - 254) old NCERT Cmodem India - Bipin Chendra) -Chaptey 13 Streggle for Sworej I gar - 1947) Chg 261 - 266) VAJIRAM & RAVI @ 93q- 1945) - On Ist September (939, Hitlevs attack on Poland Stavted WOT wrth British Empive 2 French Republic os maim powers on ome side Whereas Germany ‘ Vtely 1 Japan avd OSSR as mnain opponents on other side. ba 1841 Gewman attack on UssR and Japanese ottack on USA chonged he war with Allied pores (Britain, Prance, USSR a2 USA) on one side whevens Axis powers C Germany , Ttely and Japan) en the ctner side. Resiqnertion of Corpress Minishes— As WWE begen, British Empire decloved India as a beligerent side and Indian Aemy ond ib yesoorce dlepleyment started Congress mode sho protest of Trdios involvement in War, without consultation of ory political Roly 4 representatives of People. Congress also voised dhe issue thet India which sel is not Independent, should not fight 4o Sove the Independence. + Bowpemn coonbies. On the above. ‘ssves Conqvess decided +o wesigqn from vs oveornments in 8 provinces. Till next electors m 1946 , “hese Provinces Were yen uncer Governors wle Csec B + Cov: 4 Indie Ack, 1935) Dew of Delwerance - Open “he wesign ation | Corgress ministie s in October - November 1934, Muhammad Ali Timah declared 22 december 4s be. vejsiced os sey of deliverance as “This has vebeved “he rnustims of sihese. provinces pom cnjast wle. 9 Congress qecmmnents™ BR Bmbedkar , Justee tory end seme section 9 Angle Indians supported Jinnah m Wis coll st chess el cklverance VAJIRAM & RAVI es VA JIRAM & RAVI ——— @- Indian leoders Were almost onowimovs in “they Support of British Beapive coving WWE. However no sech nonin con be seen dering wwe? - Dil went views of Indien Leadevs abst Indian involvement in v9 1.|Congvess - @ India shevld remain Nevtral (Mahatma Condhi, Rejendra Prased Ahora IB kviplani, Shri Shanker Rao ete) Train mush vemein nevtral in iber, of porticipoting in it would be agoinst Ata principle of Non violence. Also, dio shold not fight a Eumpem wor, even 4 mdlependence is being promised after the Way. Altmoegh mo pepsley movement to be lavched to weaken tte Bulish war efjets as Fascism is @ bigger evil CHavsever lavnched ort India Movement in 942, dhccossed ledev) @ Feng British tor effors 4 given a cmevete promise of Inclependence (Sardav Patel, Josoaherlal Nelo, Tovlena Azad. © Reigopalacheri ee) Wwdio should support British War efforts , however, only offer promise of Inolepend- ence ond substemtiel chemge in Cowent gystem of Gevemment in india, Tota should tart sto seve Eoropesm democracies frm evil + Fascism but oy ofier + Qc hey con democracy @ Tadia_chold vot join “the _Wev and vse the ap portent to_Jovch yesist- ence agaist British vle ( Teyprakash Newer Rammanchay Lohia and other Socickist membes of Congress) India shold vemon ne: wy_ io ond should _ose he Wer _fov_mass VAJIRAM & RAVI es \AIRAM ¢ RAV movement ond Pressevice British Government, which wil easily concede the demands 4 Indians on te Jace 4 choin cusis -ie WOE om ome hond and a mass movement on other @ Towing OE om the side of Germany a Sepon (Subhash Chandra Bose) He Viewed shat Indien Netimalism and Germany s Japan have British Empive as it molval enemy making bsth nabrol allies. 2.| Moston League - AY ‘me Stent of Wav, the stemd={ TMeslim Legoe was supportive of Bitsh Wey effet , however ofaally veotral. The jomt mrimsty {Most League amd Evishak Proje forty did wot vesiqued end contnved to gave Bengal, hwoegh tae War In Ran, Cripps “Mission agreed vpan the idea of Muslim League that ex pence onsiilling to jon the fotove Constteent Aasembely Lill be alleoed qo have hey own Conshtotion. After this, Muslim League openly soppeded British wor l& points of Trnnah Lisao - ng 1246) — Lahore Resolution (reg 4460 — — Seperate County [ Pakistan VAJIRAM & RAVI es VA )IRAM & RAVI a - In Lahore Resolution , Muslim Leagee was (ev from clear and worckings weve ombigous , open fo intevpretatims . Congvess called it ‘Pakistan Res- However , the Jerm lotion oma claimed Resolution as for parhtion of India ‘Independent and Autonomous omits! meant ‘clemend of o Muslin Corfecerstion of Provinces’ therefore “the wetore of Pakistan demanded y Moslim Leagve lacks clentty ie etthery One County. oo counhies Cin Nevthwest ¢ Bost) of 5 coombies (5 mast mejor Provinces). Alnows, onthe eve of ‘Cabinet Mission Plon’, some leaders meade -tm demand fo amend ‘Independent States’ fo ‘nde penclent Stode' Cone Cooney) » however was not done “Therefore ,the pimple,” ovtononey and sovereignty to the Cemttoent ond", was later Wyghiiguted and used 4 san Bongladesh movement in 1960s and led fo partition of Patisten in [71 @- fokisten was partitimed on me same principle i+ was mode on. Examine VAJIRAM & RAVI es \VA)IRAM & RAV] Adinston Chuvchill be es PM of Grest Britain (10 wm wp 1940) — © After she foilove of appeasement policies of Nevile Chambevlam, beth -the opposing povties aqvecd open ‘ant - appeasment’ Winston Churchill, to cooley the Adolf Hitley's invasion of Western Cowpe. A berdcere Gmserative, Churchill was against inbrodocing ony domocredtic yeform im India ome consideved Covt of India Act ,1935 to be enagh for time being On “the ‘ssve of Independence o India , he cdeclaved im (842, “ \hove mot become “tre Kcing's Prime Minister in ovcley +o preside over the Us ation of “he British Empire”. In the Corse of OT, altheygh too missions will be sent to olfer tems to Indio C August Offer 1940 ond Cripps Mission 1942), however, onder “the watch of veluctant Chovelill beth will yesult in tw gest diss oppeintment owneng Congvess leoclews. Battie of Britain (10 ywly = Si octaber 1940) ~ Aver Over shel ming athe Aes feces in Belgium ond Frnce , Hitley launched on aviel ateck on Briton Gewmon Lu{toa{je begon the veils Cblitz) over cities of Butoin The sis{f Crewmon takeover of Contmental Europe , mode ane British Chances, sex bleale . By tue end of jely. Hitler even planned an amphibian attack ‘operation Sea Lion’ on Baten + Plaming fo annex it . This increased “he desperation of Britain for full fledged support o{ India and its entre leaclership to Jace the biggest casis of ie wistog VAJIRAM & RAVI es \VA)(RAM & RAV) August otter (August 190) - Congress leaders Like © Rojgopalachan, Palel,Nehwo ete, expressed tur A+ above described cavcomstemces, Some intention cat Sopperting British wor Aferts , if British Goverment esteblishs an \ntevim Government Con the basis of (937 elections) of democratic leades. Te benefit from this chenged stemce of Indian leadevs, Coverner General a Wndia Lord Lalitha presented an offer to Indien pertes, Knaon as Aagust offer Folleoing were the Jevms of August Offer - @ Governor Generals Execotive Covnal to be expanded inenidiately Tis Will mdude mere Indians (democratic politicians) inte the Executive Covneil- @ Teo assist ond advice Upon the vole of India ond stolegies related de India, an odvisey War Coundl to be formed nme Martel - @ Atier Wer , India will be given Dominion stats. @ After Wor, oO yvepresendatve body 4 Indians wenld be sehoep to frame the Constitotion of India. ® Minowity (™oslim Leagve) was assured that hey will heave “hair sy in transjev + power “No tronsjer of power te any system of goverment whose owtority 1s Avvecty Aeried by lnge ond Power je) elewenk of Indian national Life * VAJIRAM & RAVI es VA )IRAM & RAVI as Congress - August offer Ad not offered eytng svbstemtial ‘enmictiately, but im fotore. TA also gave @ sev of veto fo muslim Lecgue’ trat -theiy ogreement is mosh in any roms Jer ef Power. Therefore, Congress offic aly vejected she August offer Cat Wardha in Aygash 1949). Treslim Leogue — Meslim League obmavgh Preised Government's willingness te gre needed wagnnge to Most League bot declared he offer vague 4" not enphic Hy ogeigy +o Pakistan or Lahore Resolution. Like Coyress, Muslim League else declared premises to be insefficent , thereby ; Officially wyecting “the offer. ndividvel Sot cals = Congress C1940- 41) Wn thaiv protest of frgust Offer, Socialist faction ef Corgvess wanted +o lounch a Civil Disobedience movement as que final posh te British Qompire . However, consiclering she abl Sitvatio and “tte risks posed by Axis powers, Gandhi clecided on ae ‘dividual Salyogroh’- According 4o him o mass movement can tem Violent which will led te great vepression by govewmnent os such desperate times end will ale stemgthen the wor efforts of Axis powes. Thevejove Individy af Sogyeqvah was launched fe affirm ‘the ‘right of Jrec speech’ C1e demand Wdlep- emdence > and not do seek independence. Nom violent Individvel protest was the main steatery eo] Inckviduel Seyaga where one vavld speak egomst the wor ema 54 arrested VAJIRAM & RAVI ees \VA)IRAM & RAV) omother will take his place The fist three Saye were Acharya Vinoba Bhave, Jawoherlal Nehro ond Brahma Dott. By 1941, meve than choenty thousand Individvol Salyograli weve orrvested. Coradeally peblic enthusiasm towards i+ declined os not being A mass movem- ent reduced it appeal and after Gondhi temporarily suspending it im december \a80 fovther vedvcech its appeal. Restavted agom im jonvery 1941, movement som daied dAcwn. After It months, Ww December 841, Vicersy Linlithgas announced arnnesty ond govemment ccquitted ol Imdividwad Satyagrons: Escape of Sobwash Chandra Bose - In 1840 Bose was arrested orgenise O protest at monument + Blackhole meident. In j nce \aa! Bose escapes jrom his house corvest and veaches OSSR amd later to Germany, where le plonned de join way onthe side of Anis posers against British. In Germeny Bose established following @ Azad Hind Radio - A radio sevice in Germany oimed +o por- Svade Indians to join Axis powes or do Sabvteje Mlied wav ejforé. ® Azad Hind Legion [Free India Legion - Also knees as Tiger Legion, ° riley unit established do Ubevale dia ky defeating Buitish Any Wowas made Part of Gevmon Army omd continved offer Bose Je{t Covmary - VAJIRAM & RAVI es VA )IRAM & RAVI Ope im Rerbavossa - TM june 1941, Bese was tn hope of jot Germon ond Soviet oteck om India, where USSR shaved borders with India. However, in jone (94), Nazi Gevmary ottecked Ik con ally Soviet Onion » toming the entive matere of wor Fess Bose, Germany did mot vemain as benejiciol due to i distemt bordea and lack of tention of Hitler to divectty atocking Butish India Atlantic Charvtey - A jomt statement declared *y Britain and usd for che vision of post ww warld Order. 14 declaved the basic principles 4o be followed were - no aggvandizement by ayy nation, ne tervitorial changes withoot free assent of the concerned people Csel} cletermination) , wight of pesple to chose theiv oon government Chemocracy) , Worldwide peace {er everyone to prosper. Latey the Chavtcy became the basis of Jorestion of ono The Chater propased a vision of postwar World ushere Self goverment wevld be given to colonised nats. Indien leaders too welcomed the Charter end hoped British wovld apply «tw theiy colonies before the Conquered wegions of Axis powers. However , Chorchill declared that Atlantic Chavtey is jo Eorwspean Pesple and not applicable to British colomies “Arlamtic Charter dees not qualify im any weg Fe change the Constioh= onal developments im \ndia s Boma. At Atlantic mnecsting woe had im VAJIRAM & RAVI es \VA)IRAM & RAV] mind , the vestoration of sovereignty ond self Jrverrment of the nations o{ Bowpe now onder Nezi gers This is quite a Seperate problem 4rom vegions and peoples omg allggiomce to Buihsh Crven” — Winstm Chordiil) Attn mugh Chorchil's \mpevichst supremacy tener immidiate Independence te Wdia, however, tt was cleay fom the criticism by Rensevel+ and ether alied parmes “that Independence for India uovid be a matter of ime. Even msicle Britein various foctons stavted lepking levleing Inclion Independence a close veality In India “his imtensified the political Contest , especially behocen cores and Moestim Legge os botn sides hardened chery stance over the cesign >} Independent wdia. Apart from Independence, the mternel deba te of “Aesiqn of Independent India’ intensified. Rear|_ Hovbowr Bombing and Japanese iwyasiom of Seutn Bost Asia- \n December 1941, Tapen otecked OS base of Pearl Hoxbevy in Pacific. This cystaiised nthe vivel sides of wow where Japan 2 Gevmany fighs ages? OSA 4 Britain. The Japenese aims in Asia Pacific region Posed o gest Amrest +o Byitish Bmpive, By Febwory -March (942, Saponese army expelled Byitsh pon Tralee sia with foll_of Singapers. end fom forma with fell of Rangew. The VS navy Kept Tapanese cecopicd in Pacific far next one year, howevey, was Clear jor weyoe that Japanese omy will Soom laonch she invasion <4 British India VAJIRAM & RAVI ees \VA)RAM & RAV) re © oe wally Indien political povtes wneinly Congress amd Moslim League pte Sepport Briish wov Sfjorts on foce of Toponese sayession om India, British Government sent Ubeval , left leoming Six Staqford Cripps to India. Altuevgh Syynpeteatic te cause of self wle of India, however, he was given no seppert by Pm chorchil! and Secretory of Stale Leo Amen, Cxers Mission has found itel{ m deep cofosion doe to conflict behocen the Censewetive faction Cled ky Chorchil) and Ameny) who wanted to promise noting were thon Pegust offer end Lobsuy fackon Csepperted by OS President Premklin Roosevelt) whe advocated to offer much mare , os Self Role is obviews culmination of tw onddergeing events. Fellowsing weve the provisions offered in Cripps Mission - @ Gung Demmim stabs to India. @ Sem after ww , a Corshvent Assembely e{ Indiems wo avld be esteblish +o yore The Constitvtion 9 Dominion of \ndia. ® fy ovince , enwiliing Ae accept the Constitotion weold be given Righs to Secede Cw same fol) sts as “te Indien Omen). @® TW Ae WOT continves , te defence of India would be onder conbel of Butoin. VAJIRAM & RAVI ees \VA)IRAM & RAV) sw Stafford Coipps cavld not promise ayyting beyond “his , mainly dee. we lack of support from British govemment Congress rejected the offev. Condhi demanded immidiote SY government and promise of ‘Domimion amd its Constitvtion offer Wor is noting bet past dated cheque chen on © failmg bank". The crisis of Topenese ogqr ession wes so perilious -that ony yews eter shold not be accepted to Sole the immidiate casis - Congvess also disliked the provision of vigh? te secession given to ony pronce , onsiing to jen tte Onion of India. This velo given to & party which hes no clemoeratic support te shno, made it impossible Jor Congvess to accept we offer. Al thogh Trost Lesgue officially rejected the offer over its concern Anat Cups Mission did vot cleenly egrecd to the demand of Pakistan, however, Aftey the Taission , suppert of Truslim League te Betish Indian Government in ib wer efforts was veg much evident. Quit India Movement CPugust a2 - > Ajtey “the {elove of Capps Mission and the Tepenese threat doen cast, Congress lamched a mass movement slemonding ‘orderly veh. 4 British Jat The main oim of Congress qe leonch the mov- ement at nis time is becouse the denial > British leaving India is he veason of Sapanese aggression over Indie. Thevejore , Congress VAJIRAM & RAVI \4)1RAM & RAV) evident in the ee ° Jopancse Anat Mdians ave vo sopperiey ef Bvitish Roy. Loinith and owhiide Congress , vawimus leadew and partes opposed Such mass Civil Disobedience movement onthe fece of Tapanese threat os it would endanger sofely of India. BY British hed to fight simoltemecusly ggoimst Japencse and Indions . i+ will make India volnerable Gandini called jor fu fine} assoolt of “De ov Die” to explel the Byitsh frm India and laonched tH movement on 9™ Prgust aaa. By am Ages » entre Congress leadership was arrested ond pet im ‘youl Some leaden tke TP, Ram Manchar Lobia , Surej Noweyan Singh ete went undexgrrend and ogenised saboteye effet against government Uke atacking Goverment offices, Communications, Restaay Gmes ste By wid 1943, more Than | lakh Congress worker weve arrested ond hondveds killed Sey police five, Government dretely repressed “the movement end \eodew weve veleased only ed the end of wet. Gondhi himsel{ wat released in moy (R44 dee te bad health, however, arly oftcy Tapanese weve Ae feoted. VAJIRAM & RAVI ees \VA)IRAM & RAV) \ndion Independence Leegue jm Jepon June (942) ) ® Som offer Sapenese enty mo wR on Anis side, Indions in Sapan cmd Sovth cast Asia tek ib as am opperkney te liberate dia from Batish wle Ry Seponese help. Im pre 1942, Japan formed "wadion Independence Leggve’ (vie Bidedow Resclution) under th leadership of Ras Behavi Base 40 coordinate with the Indians wills copper} Tepe. Fivst \ndiom Notimol Boren CSeptemb 442) ond its decline After its Victory m The, regio of Sovih Bast Asia, Japan jormed an terme of Indien Priseres ef Way CPow) ondey Captain Mohon Singh ond named it "Indian Necional Kem? - INK. Formally INA was subordinated 4o ILL (Indian ndependence League). Howevey, INA wanted vo interference from Sepancse Provy and om active coordination avd velations with Indian Nectimal Congress. Doe + deep ds qgeements between Japanese Avomy aud INA, mojonty of top INA offices end soldieys clog with Token Singh along with mej oy TIL vesigned and vetorned 4o thir stabs a Pow. “he only promment pro Japanese leader Left was Ras Behari Bose, however, found himself unable te Pusvade INA offices not te disband. VAJIRAM & RAVI ees \VA)IRAM & RAV) > € whhash Clendva Bose ond Indien Netionad Poni - Vawiovs offices of INA ond Topan ogres thet Base is ste most surtcble Person to lead such Armi ave to bis past nen pacifist leanings, espesi- ally Bengt Voluntees (a semi nile volonteey one formed ral Bese, im (928). His muclement will give IMA “the legitimacy Cof wo jopamese poppet {erce) Mohem singh sought for Congress - In Sely 903, Base assumed leoclevship of INA veising Vb stake a Support many folds. te Ocleber 1943, im Singa pare , Bose declaved ‘Provisional Covevnment Ev. India’ , also known as ‘Ayzi Hokomet ¢ Azad Hind’? Ren new, INA was also kmmon as ‘Azad Hind Fouz: Due to ee such Provisional Goverment wes established doving WOT of Kobo) in 1915, Provisional Covernment by Base is sometimes being coed as ‘Second Provisional Government 4 Indio! VAJIRAM & RAVI

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