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Can you really discern if theyre telling the truth?

A master class for news managers on evaluating truth and credibility in the newsroom, in the courtroom and on the street.
University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK
Have you ever been deceived when interviewing a news source or a new recruit? How about by a colleague - or business partner? Cliff Lansley and Dr Dawn Archer can help. Based on extensive research, this interactive workshop is designed to introduce you to the knowledge and skills needed to recognize emotions in others, as a basis for evaluating truth and lies. Who should attend the #TruthTelling masterclass?
Newsroom managers and senior journalists for whom distinguishing between truth and lies is not only useful life skill, but a key business imperative. emotional episode, and will be tested on your ability to spot these. We will also explore how linguistic inquiry into both speech and written text can help us to explore implicit as well as explicit meanings i.e. what is said and what may be behind what is said. We will consider how such language use can point to emotional involvement and, potentially, credibility or deception. We will also discuss the effect of framing issues including issues which are emotionally loaded for many in specific ways. Our methods of linguistic investigation will include the use of automatic content analysis tools, using recent important news stories as our dataset.

Thursday, 20th October 2011

Workshop Leaders: Cliff Lansley & Dawn Archer
Cliff Lansley is the Managing Director of Paul Ekman International, which has been established to make emotional skills and deception detection programmes accessible across the world. Cliff has presented programmes to professionals working across many sectors including police, interrogators, negotiators, recruitment staff, investment advisors, venture capitalists, healthcare professionals, psychologists, trainers & sales staff. Dr Dawn Archer is Reader in Corpus Linguistics at the University of Central Lancashire, where her internationallyrated research includes using computer aided linguistic analysis to identify implicit/hidden messages.

What will you learn?

We will cover psychological models behind - and definitions for - truth and lies, plus the skills required to identify 'Hotspots' - instances when the strain between what we are thinking and what we are feeling produce observable/ audible leakage across the five channels (facial expressions, body language, voice, verbal style and verbal content). As the emphasis is on understanding the skills and knowledge you will need to read and evaluate the degree of truthfulness and credibility in written and spoken communications, the session will be mostly hands on. For example, you will see how micro-expressions appear and disappear off faces for 1/25 of a second during an

Identify the 5 communication channels Outline the emotional timeline Identify and evaluate hotspots Recognise micro-expressions of emotion Identify possible language indicators of affective involvement (or its performance) Identify language frames and evaluate their consequences
When? This masterclass runs from 9am to 3pm on Thursday, 20 October 2011 in Scholars, and
links into the autumn meeting of DEN and the 14th Journalism Leaders Forum and the News Show masterclass in multi-platform news design. More on those events at:

for those who also attend the

News Show masterclass with Grig Davidovitz on 21 October:

How to enrol? Register at Transport Getting to and around Preston is easy with direct train links from Manchester (40 minutes), Liverpool (58 min) Manchester Airport (60min), London (2h14), Glasgow (2h20). What to bring? Participants may wish to bring their own laptops as a means of trying out some of the automatic content analysis tools for themselves; wireless broadband and power outlets will be available. Questions? Contact Franois Nel at or on Twitter @francoisnel .

This masterclass will enable you to: Evaluate the 7 universal expressions of emotion

Fees 75, incl. materials, lunch & wireless broadband. 10%

discount for two or more from the same company. Further discounts

"I strive to improve people's understanding of their emotional life and aid those responsible for public safety by taking the discoveries I made and translating them into practical tools and training programmes, based on solid research about the nature of our emotions, trust, and deception Dr Paul Ekman

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