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Creat a Venn Diagram showing the characteristics
that are similar and different from official view and
popular views of Rizal.

He is in front of the
» He wanted freedom and justice for
They also see him one peso coin
his fellow Filipinos. as womanizer because he » He was killed by the Spaniards
» He was a loving brother and son, dated a lot of women in Luneta Park
he was very close to mother » They also refer him as » He is the writer of El Filibusterismo
» Rizal was proclaimed as the National a writer. Moreover, they and Noli Me Tangere
hero of the Philippines by the first described Rizal as a person » A womanizer during his time
Philippine Republic who loves his country » Smart and studied in multiple
» He was devoted man to his country » They both identify Rizal prestigious university
» He served as an inspiration to do as the National hero of the Philippines » He fought a silent war rather than
good for the society for his nationalistic ad patriotic ideals. bloody
» He married Josephine Bracken » Both described him as
a smart person who is
determinate to achieve
his dreams and goals,
that is to free the
Filipinos against Spaniards

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