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Experiment 3: Common-collector Amplifier (Emitter Follower)

The purpose of this experiment is to introduce a basic configuration of the emitter follower circuit. Emitter
followers are used to buffer signals, which means they are capable of taking a signal from a high impedance
source and delivering it to a low impedance load.
A properly biased emitter follower circuit, operating from a single positive supply is shown in Fig. 3. In this
circuit, the input signal is a 1 kHz sinusoidal wave with an amplitude of 2 V. The purpose of this experiment is
to familiarise you with the concept of biasing a transistor so that it is always in its operating region. You
should find and read the datasheet of the transistor 2N3904 before building the circuit.

Fig. 3 An emitter follower operating from a single DC voltage supply.

Tasks for Experiment 3:

1. In Fig. 3, choose a standard value (greater than 10 kΩ) for the load resistor.
2. Build up the circuit shown in Fig. 3 (including the chosen load resistor) using the LTspice simulator.
3. Obtaining the waveforms of the input and the output voltage signals using the simulator. The input
voltage is the voltage across V1 and the output voltage is the voltage across the load. Please
compare the input voltage signal with the output voltage signal and find out whether there are any
changes in the magnitude and in the phase.
4. Obtaining the waveforms of the input and the output current signals using the simulator. The input
current is the current through V1 and the output current is the current through the load. Please
compare the input current signal with the output current signal and find out whether there are any
changes in the magnitude and in the phase.
5. Determine the voltage gain (the ratio of the peak-to-peak amplitude of the output voltage to the
peak- to-peak amplitude of the input voltage) and the current gain (the ratio of the peak-to-peak
amplitude of the output current to the peak-to-peak amplitude of the input current) of the circuits.
The peak-to- peak amplitude is the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value
of a signal. Please note, the phase difference between the output and the input signals should be
considered too.
6. Build up the circuit shown in Fig. 3 on a breadboard and measure the waveforms of the input voltage
signal and the output voltage signal using an oscilloscope in the lab.
7. Compare voltage gain obtained via the simulator with the one measured in the lab.

Evidence required in your report for the assessment of Experiment 3

• Title of your investigation
• Description of your investigation (what did you do)
• Circuit diagram built in the simulator
• Photos of the circuits built for the lab experiments
• Captured waveforms via the simulator and in the lab

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• Discussion of results. This must fully explain your findings

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• Full source file ready for simulation (submitted along with the report).
• The simulation results obtained via LTspice should agree with the measured results in the lab. If not,
please find out the reasons and correct mistakes (if there any) in your simulation and/or in the lab
Marking scheme for Experiment 3 [Total 10 marks]:
 The circuit is correctly built up in LTspice. [1 mark]

 The waveforms of the input and output signals are correctly obtained in LTspice. [1 mark]

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 The voltage gain and the current gain of the simulated circuit are correctly obtained. [2 marks]
Voltage Gain Calculation:
From Simulation:
Vin(p-p) = 2V + 2V
Vin(p-p) = 4V
Vout(p-p) = 2V + 2V
Vout(p-p )= 4V
Voltage gain = Vout(p-p) / Vin(p-p)
Voltage gain = 4V / 4V
Voltage gain = 1
Current Gain Calculation:
IRload(p-p) = 130uA + 130uA
IRload(p-p) = 260uA
IV1(p-p) = 28uA + 28uA
IV1(p-p) = 56uA
Current gain = IRload (p-p) / IV1 (p-p)
Current gain = 260uA / 56uA
Current gain = 4.64
Phase shift = 90 deg

 The circuit is successfully built up on a breadboard. [2 marks]

 The waveforms of the input and the output voltage signals are correctly measured in the lab.
[2 marks]
 The voltage gain of the circuit measured in the lab agrees with the voltage gain obtained in the
simulation. If not, proper reasons and discussions should be provided. [2 marks]

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