Chapter 6 - Activity Chinel, Justine Allyssa

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SAQ : The Internet and Interpersonal Communication

1. Cite a scenario in your life that concerned the usage of internet in developing interpersonal
communication. Differentiate the different elements of interpersonal communication that took
place on that scenario. (10 pts.)
Talking to my mom who is working in abroad we often talk through messenger or
facetime. Video call or direct message

Communicators Me and my mom are talking through a video call

Message We are talking about the budget to the money she sent

Noise Since she’s at work there are many people and the internet is slow
or the data

Feedback I often complain how I can’t understand what she’s saying

because of the slow internet

Context Since she’s in the office we are always interrupted by her

officemates or her boss talking to her

Channel Since were using video call we see each other and hear each other

SAQ : Networking and Community

1. List three (3) characteristics each of Social Networking and Online Communities. (5 pts.)
Social Networking Online Communities

User based Have a plan

Interactive Designed for the user

Community driven Have a culture

SAQ : So

cial Capital
1. In one-brief paragraph, discuss how the pandemic led people to rely on ICTs to sustain their
offline social capital resources. Cite examples if you must. (5 pts.)
Since the pandemic started, we people rely on ICT’s so that we can have an income and to survive our
everyday life. Its been a helpful to others and specially to people who lost their jobs, they have online
shops who sell foods and clothes/things. We don’t appreciate this by then but its really helpful and
easy thing to rely on.
2. In one-brief paragraph, discuss the relationship of bridging and bonding to social capital. Cite
examples if you must. (5 pts.)
The nature of the links or associations in the social group or community is the difference
between bonding and bridging social capital. Bridging social capital is between social
groupings, social classes, race, religion, or other major sociodemographic or socioeconomic
factors, whereas bonding social capital is inside a group or community. A variety of
relationship and network features can be used to make the bonding/bridging distinction.
The Internet and Civic Engagement
1. List five (5) reasons why one should practice civic engagement. Cite your resources in APA
format. (5 pts.)
1 For democracy- Young people have a significant say in how the country is
shaped. Education, healthcare, the environment, immigration, housing, gun
violence, and foreign policy that may send them or their peers to war are all
topics that affect kids, and many of them affect youth differently or uniquely.
Young people can provide significant insights to these issues and play an
active role in molding their future when they vote and participate in civic life.
Our democracy does not fully represent all people and does not reach its full
potential if youth are excluded or do not engage.

2 For communities- Youth are vital members of their communities: they assist
to define the culture and have a wide range of social relationships. Young
people are often on the front lines of activism and other initiatives to assist
address a community's problems because they have firsthand experience
with them. Youth participation makes communities stronger and more
resilient; prior research has found that higher levels of civic engagement can
help communities weather economic downturns and result in reduced
unemployment rates.

3 For youth- Participating in communities and being a member of organizations

working together on a problem provides several benefits for young people,
according to research. Increased academic performance and greater social-
emotional well-being can result from youth participation. It assists young
people in developing valuable employment skills and networks, and hence
can be a source of economic mobility. It may have a dramatic and long-term
influence when youth feel encouraged to take action and see their efforts
result in positive change.

4 Equity- Individuals and communities are hampered by serious opportunity

gaps and injustices caused by race, gender, education, socioeconomic
status, and a variety of other factors. Underrepresentation in civic and
political life as a result of marginalization or oppression, particularly among
non-white, immigrant, and/or low-income communities and individuals, is
one root of this imbalance. Too frequently, their voices go unheard, their
problems go unsolved, and injustice is perpetuated by a vicious spiral of
disengagement and neglect. Focusing on young civic involvement is a vital
responsibility in the struggle to promote a more just and equitable society
since these already intractable inequities can become even more entrenched
over time.

5 Your community will trust you more- Simply put, the better and more
accurately informed and involved our community is, the more likely they are
to trust the institution engaging them. Trust is something that has been in
short supply in many communities. Edelman Trust research clearly suggests
that engagement is one way to build stronger trust with your community.

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