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In competitve industry their are several manufacturer firm who use retailing as a way to

create experiential value that they call retailing. Firms Such as Samsung , L.L bean and apple
etc. use retailing to get the perception of customers so that they could bring the
improvisation in their products and services.
Let us c0mpare L.L bean and apple how these firms use experiential retailng to enhance the
customer experience and create competitive advantage.
Apple believes the purpose of their stores is to enrich the lives of their customers. Retailers
should take this important cue from Apple and ensure their staff is not focused on just
selling products, but intent on building relationships and making people's lives better.
By any measure, Apple is unquestionably one of the world’s
most successful retailers.
Even thought Apple never sold directly to consumers before
they opened that first store a little over ten years ago in
a mall in Tyson’s Corner, Virginia, Apple boasts some
incredible bragging rights for its retail channel. Apple
operates over 360 retail stores which employs over 40,000
people and plays host to more than a million visitors every
day. Apple’s retail operations are on track to generate more
than $20 billion in 2012. Amazingly, Apple’s stores average
over $7,000 per square foot which is more than twice the
former gold-standard Tiffany
& Company. It is estimated
that Apple’s Fifth Avenue store
generates over $35,000 per
square foot making it the highest
grossing retailer in New York -
ever. Apple Stores are now the
highest performing stores in
retail history.
It wasn’t always this way. Apple experienced massive failures
in the 1990s when selling its products through retailers such
as Sears and CompUSA. Its computers were muscled out of view and its brand so weakened
that many retailers refused to properly market or stock Apple’s computers. Even though
Apple entered the retail business largely as
a defensive move to gain more control of the customer experience, the climate then was
anything but welcoming. Gateway was operating direct-to-consumer retail stores and failing
fast. Apple had to learn how to do things differently. Less than two years after Apple opened
its retail stores, Gateway shut down all of its shops and laid off more than 2,500 workers.
Three years later CompUSA shuttered its 23 year-old chain of stores. So while there was
little expectation and no guarantee that Apple might succeed selling its own computers in
this miserable retail climate, amazingly, somehow it thrived. But how? How did a company
with no experience in retail
become the fastest in U.S. history to reach annual sales of
$1 billion during the worst financial crisis in modern times?
How did a company with only four products become the most
profitable retailer in history while creating an experience that
is now the standard by which all others are measured? Why
did a company that was losing money decide to enter the retail market against the
recommendations of every expert
and “where the only other retail strategy was going out of
business?” How did Apple entice millions of people to visit
their stores and pay full price when all their products are
readily available at other retailers and even tax-free online at Clearly the answer to these questions is that
Apple had to think different about retail and make their stores
more than just a place people go to buy things. They had to devise a way to enrich the lives
of the people who shop at the
Apple Stores and do more than simply deliver a transactional
experience. In short, they had to reinvent retail.
Just as it changed the way people experience complex technology since the 1970s, Apple
had to forever change the
retail experience in 2001. This book covers - or should I say uncovers - the secrets of Apple’s
stunning retail successes. These secrets propelled Apple from the backwaters of the
sleepy personal computer market to become the undisputed
leader in consumer electronics, music, and mobile and the world’s most valuable company.
Even though Apple is unique in selling a handful of products it designs, builds and
sells through its own stores, these secrets can be used by Any company to succeed in retail.
L.L. Bean is one of the most iconic brands in the country, known for its authentic outdoor
and adventure apparel and products. For years it sold only through its own mail order
operation and a single store in its hometown of Freeport, ME that was famous for being
open 24 hours a day.
In 2000 it opened its first American store outside of Maine (eight years earlier it opened
three stores in Tokyo) and has gone on to open 54 stores since, primarily on the east coast.
More recently the privately owned company has had its share of problems, including
workforce cuts and the elimination of an employee bonus last year for the first time in a
decade. But the brand remains strong and company management continues to bolster its
sales efforts.
Those efforts took to a new level with the news this week that the company was starting
third-party wholesale distribution to other retailers, including Nordstrom, Staples and the
Midwestern sporting goods chain Scheels. These efforts have already started with Bean
backpacks and water bottles now available at Staples; the other two retailers will begin their
programs this fall.
While this is the first time the company has ever opened up its brand to other retailers, it
says it is not moving away from its direct business. “We are not pivoting away from our
direct-to-consumer business model,” said Amanda Hannah, L.L. Bean’s director of public
relations, according to Business Insider.
Hannah was quoted saying the move was “designed to provide new audiences, as well as
our current customers, new ways to access our iconic apparel and footwear through third-
party retail locations and online shops.”
But Bean’s new strategy runs counter to one of the more prevailing movements in American
retailing today, particularly after the pandemic shut down so many stores this spring and
could do so again as conditions get worse again. Many brands are pulling their merchandise
from both online and in-store third parties, choosing to control their own distribution
though their own stores or websites.
Nike has been one of the most visible brands pursuing this strategy, pulling its products
from Amazon, joining Ikea, Birkenstock and others that pulled out of the online giant.
According to one report, Nike has increased its direct business by double digits in each of
the past three years. Other brands are cutting back their distribution to department stores
as that channel continues to suffer through tough times. Brands from the fashion and
accessories sectors are opening their own stores and selling online to be able to connect
directly with their customers.
For some brands like Michael Kors, its move several years ago was about department store
discounting which it blamed for deteriorating profit margins. Kors has stayed in department
stores but has pulled out of most promotions. Coach is another brand to cut back it
department store business saying it wanted to concentrate on its own stores.
Article title: 9 Case Studies That Prove Experiential Retail Is The Future | Storefront
Website title: Storefront
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What Is Social Media Marketing (SMM)
The term social media marketng (SMM) refrs to the use of social media and social netwrks to
market a company’s prodcts and services. Social media marketing provides companies with a
way to engage with existing customers and reach new one while allowilng them to promote
their desired culture, mission, and tone.1 Social media marketing has purpose-built data
analytics tools that allow marketers to track the success of their efforts.
Social media marketng uses social media and social netwrks to market a company’s products
and services.
It allows companies to engage with existing customers and reach new ones as they promote
their culture, mission, and tone.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Social media marketing campaigns have the advantage of appealing to a broad audience at
But these campaigns can also create obstacles that companies may not have had to deal with
otherwise. For example, a viral video claiming that a company’s product regardless thing andof
whether the claim is true or false. Even if a the company can set the message straight,
consumers may be less likely to purchase and buy from the company in the future.
advantages and disadvantages of using social media
Social media can be a useful tool for businesses, bringing advantages such as engaging with
your audience and boosting confident and website traffic. However there can also be
disadvantages, including the resources required and negative feedback. Considering these pros
and cons can help you decide the best approach to social media for your business.
Advantages of social media
The business benefits of effective social media use include:
Brand awareness - Compelling and relevant content will grab the attention of potential
customers and increase brand visibility. See branding: the basics.
Brand reputation - You can respond instantly to industry developments and be seen as 'thought
leader' or expert in your field. This can improve how your collection business is seen by your
audience. See public relations (PR). 
Cost effective - It can be much cheaper than traditional advertising and promotional activities.
The costs of maintaining a social media presence are minimal. If you choose to invest in paid
advertising, you can spend as much money or as little as your budget allows.
Website traffic - Social content can boost traffic to your website. This can lead to increased
online conversions such as sales and leads.
Evaluation - It is easy to measure  see and how much website traffic you receive from social
media. You can set up tracking to determine how many sales are generated by paid social
Customer interaction - You can deliver improved customer service and respond customer
effectively to feedback. Positive feedback is public and can be persuasive to other potential
customers. Negative feedback highlights areas where you can improve.
Target audience - Customers can find you through the social media platforms they use most.
You can choose to maintain a presence on particular platforms that are in line with your target
Brand loyalty - You can build relationships with your customers through social media. This can
help increase loyalty and advocacy.
Disadvantages of social media
Some of the downsides of using social media include:
Resources - You will need to commit resources to managing your social media presence,
responding to feedback and producing new content. This can include hiring and training staff,
investing in paid advertising and paying for the costs of creating video or image content.
Evaluation - While it is easy to quantify the return-on-investment in terms of online sales
generated by social media advertising - there are some less tangible benefits. It  and place a
monetary value on the brand awareness and reputation that social media can bring. It's difficult
to know how social media effects sales in-store.
Ineffective use - Social media can be used ineffectively. For example, using social media to push
for sales without engaging with customers, or failing to respond to negative feedback - may
damage your reputation.
Tips to Capitalize on Social Media Marketing
There are quite a few ways to capitalize on social media if you choose to include it in your
overall marketing strategy. Guest writer David Bakke suggests 5 simple social media
strategies When it comes to marketing your small business, the first thing you need to
understand is that a strategy devoted solely to social media is bound to fail. Engaging with
potential customers on Twitter and setting up a business Facebook page are certainly viable
options, but they should not be viewed as end-all, be-all venues.
The most effective marketing strategy for any small business involves incorporating social
media into your plan without it being your only source. Having said that, there are quite a few
ways to capitalize on social media in order to effectively reach your target market. Here are
some simple social media strategies you can use as part of your overall marketing mix:
1. Diversify and Consolidate
Twitter and Facebook are no longer your only options for cost-free social media marketing, as
sites such as reddit, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, and LinkedIn can all be utilized to drive traffic to
your website. However, each of these sites has a unique posting process and audience, so you'll
need to test and adapt accordingly.
2. Post Often
To effectively reach your audience, post daily - or at least several times per week. Uploading a
link to your social network accounts only once per week is not going to generate any kind of a
buzz. Potential customers who see that you are consistently providing them with valuable tips
and relevant information are more likely to purchase your product or service.
3. Be Creative
Social networking websites are glutted with thebothers trying to do the exact the same thing
that you are. To stand out from the pack, you'll need to be clever and original. An eye-grabbing
logo and design doesn't hurt either.
For instance, when I was promoting the sale of my personal finance book, one technique to
generate interest was to post articles of a contrarian nature, such as "Reasons Why You St."
Such titles that seem counter-intuitive tend to garner more notice than more generic pieces, or
those that fall in line with the consensus of the majority. In my experience, the response to these
articles was lively and engaged.
4. Interact With Your Audience
Interaction with your audience can be fairly time consuming, but it is a necessary component of
a successful social media marketing strategy. If you post a link, article, tip, or piece of advice
and someone comments or poses a question in response, you should definitely respond, and do
it in a timely fashion. If they've taken the time to comment on your update, opening a dialogue
is the first step to gaining them as a customer.
However, you'll have to closely manage your social media accounts to keep track of all
comments. Therefore, you will want to activate the "email updates" function for each website
so you'll be immediately notified when comments are posted. Also set up Google Alerts for your
name and business name so you can see what people are saying about you across the web.
5. Track Your Progress
As with any marketing initiative, it's important to track your progress and success rate so you
know what works and what doesn't.
One tool you need to have, especially if you have a business website and blog, is Google
Analytics. Setting up an account for customer is easy, and, among many features, it allows you
to see how many unique visits and page views you receive management on a daily basis, as
well as where the traffic is coming from. This type of tracking tool is a must to gauge the
effectiveness of your online marketing plan.
Once you've analyzed the data, utilize it to take action and increase productivity in your
business. If certain social media websites do not generate significant traffic, see what you can
do differently or eliminate them from your marketing strategy in favor of others.
Final Thoughts
It's important to institute well-grounded, down-to-earth strategies regarding your social media
presence. Don't think that having 2,000 or 20,000 followers on Twitter and a large amount of
Faceovernight success. Use your social media networks effectively and intelligently, and
remember that, ultimately, providing your target market with a quality product or service that
they desire and need is a sure way to see success with any small business venture.
Author Gary Henderson
Article title: What Is Social Media Marketing?
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What is the Service Profit Chain?

The Service-Profit Chain is a theory and business model evolved by a group

of researchers from Harvard University in the nineties. It establishes
relationships between profitability, customer loyalty, employee satisfaction,
loyalty, and productivity. Profit and growth are stimulated primarily by
customer loyalty. Loyalty is a direct result of customer satisfaction.
Satisfaction is largely influenced by the value of services provided to
customers. Value is created by satisfied, loyal, and productive employees.
Employee satisfaction, in turn, results primarily from high-quality support
services and policies that enable employees to deliver results to
customersImproving Service Profit Chain Levers

With the service profit chain, the ultimate measure is customer loyalty. To get
there, organizations should focus on creating satisfied customers by providing
great value. This is easy to understand, but of course not easy to do.

Understanding what customers value is difficult for two reasons. First, unless
you’re a small startup, it’s difficult for leaders to stay in close, direct contact
with customers. The larger the organization, the more situations the more
complicated this becomes. The second reason is that customers aren’t
actually very good at explaining what they want and why. If we just listened to
our customers verbatim, we’d likely miss many important opportunties to
provide more and more value.
To deal with these challenges (and in addition to other measures such as NPS) I believe it’s best to use
frontline employees to create a customer feedback loop. Frontline employees can be trained to
understand how to translate customer feedback into useful input and the right tools and processes can
provide structure that’s more actionable at scale.


Frontline employees are critical to a great customer experience. In the service

profit chain, this translates to empowering employees to do their jobs well and
increasing their mot. Similar to customer feedback loops, creating a feedback
loop for frontline employees is key to unearthing the problems that hurt
productivity, satisfaction and ultimately loyalty. In his acclaimed study “The
Iceberg of Ignorance”, consultant Sidney Yoshida concluded:

“Only 4% of an organization’s frontline problems are known by top

management, 9% are known by middle management, 74% by supervisors and
100% by employees…”

If this is even half true at your organization, you can see why it’s critical to
have a better way to collect, structure, and action the significant number of
problems you don’t have knowledge of.

Armed with great input and feedback, it’s important to have a good process in place that biases
action over analysis. Multiple studies show that a focus on implementing known solutions has a
bigger impact on customer satisfaction than analysis and focusing on bigger issues. Coming up
with ideas on how to improve customer satisfaction is not typically the issue, the knowledge
already exists within your organization. The bigger issue is that often these ideas don’t progress

 The individual with the solution doesn’t have the resources needed to
implement it
 The origin of the problem and solution exists elsewhere in the
 Many of small, good ideas slip through the cracks and never get

This is where a better connection between frontline employees and leadership

can become key. With leadership support and the right tools and processes,
leaders can ensure that solutions get the needed resources, the right cross-
functional collaboration happens, and they appropriately prioritize input by
shining a stronger light on all the solutions and assigning accountability.
Article title: Service Profit Chain: How It Works & Why You Should Care
Website title: Business 2 Community
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. These Steps to Create a Marketing Plan
Step 1: Take a snapshot of your company’s current situation.
This first section defines your company and its products or services then shows how the benefits you
provide set you apart from your competition. It's called a “situation analysis.”
Target audiences have become extremely and gladely specialized and segmented. No matter your
industry, from restaurants to professional services to retail clothing stores, positioning your product or
service competitively requires an understanding of your niche market. Not only do you need to be able
to describe what you market, but you must also have a clear understanding of what your competitors
are offering and be able to show how your product or service provides a better value.
Make your situation analysis a succinct overview the contents of your company’s strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses refer to characteristics that exist within your
business, while opportunities and the ways that its products are superior to others, or if your service is
more comprehensive, for example. What do you offer that gives your business a competitive advantage?
Weakneses, on the other hand, can be anything from operating in a highly-saturated market to lack of
experienced staff members.
Next, describe any external opportunitis you can capitalize on, such as an expanding market for your
product. Don’t forget to include any external threats to your company’s ability to gain market share so
that succeding sections of your plan can detail the ways you’ll overcome those threats.
Positioning your product involves two steps. First, you need to analyze your product’s features and
decide how they distinguish your product from its competitors. Second, decide what type of buyer is
most likely to purchase your product. What are you selling? Convenience? Quality? Discount pricing?
You can’t offer it all. Knowing what your customers want helps you decide what to offer, and that brings
us to the next section of your plan.

Step 2: Define who your target audience is.

Developing a simple, one-paragraph profile of your prospective customer is your next step. You can
describe prospects in terms of demographics -- age, sex, family composition, earnings and geographic
location -- as well as lifestyle. Ask yourself the following: Are my customers conservative or innovative?
Leders or follower Timid or aggressive? Traditional or modern? Introverted or extroverted? How often
do they purchase what I offer? In what quantity?
If you’re a business-to-business marketer, you may define your target audience based on their type of
business, job title, size of business, geographic location or any other characteristics that make them
possible prospects. No matter who your target audience is, be sure to narrowly define them in this
section because it will be your guide as you plan your media and public relations campaigns.

Step 3: Make a list of your marketing goals.

What do you want your marketing plan to achieve? For example, are you hoping for a 20 percent
increase in sales of your product per quarter? Write down a short list of goals -- and make them
measurable so that you’ll know when you’ve achieved them.
If you need help with creating your goals, here is a primer to get you thinking:
Specificity. You have a better chan if it's specific. Raising capital isn't a specific goal; raising $10,000 by
July 1 is.
Optimism. Be positive when you set your goals. Being able to pay the bills isn't exactly an inspirational
goal. Achieving financial security phrases your goal in a more positive manner, thus firing up your energy
to attain it.
Realism. If you set a goal to earn $100,000 a month when you've never earned that much in a year, that
goal is unrealistic. Begin with small steps, such as increasing your monthly income by 25 percent. Once
your first goal is met, you can reach for larger ones.
Short and long term. Short-term goals are attainable in a period of weeks to a year. Long-term goals can
be for five, 10 or even 20 years; they should be substantially greater than short-term goals but should
still be realistic.

Step 4: Research marketing tactics

This section is the heart and soul of your marketng plan. In the previous sections, you outlined what
your marketing must accomplish and identified your best prospects; now it’s time to detail the tactics
you’ll use to reach these prospects and accomplish your goals.
A good marketing program targets prospects at all stages of your sales cycle. Some marketing tactics,
such as many forms of advertising, public relations and direct marketing, are great for reaching cold
prospects. Warm prospects -- those who've previously been exposed to your marketing mesage and
perhaps even met you personally -- will respond best to permission-based email, loyalty programs and
customer appreciation events, among others. Your hottest prospects are individuls who’ve been
exposed to your sales and marketing messages and are ready to close a sale. Generally, interpersonal
sales contact (whether in person, by phone, or email) combined with marketing adds the final heat
necessary to close sales.
To complete your tactics section, outline your primary marketing strategies, then include a variety of
tactics you’ll use to reach prospects at any point in your sales cycle. For example, you might combine
outdoor billboards, print advertising and online local searches to reach cold prospects but use email to
contact your warm prospects.
To identify your ideal marketng mix, find out which media your target audince turns to for informationt
or service you sell. Avoid broad-based media -- even if it attracts your target audience -- if the content
isn't relevant. The marketing tactics you choose must reach your prospects when they’ll be most
receptive to your message.

Step 5: Set your marketing budget.

You’ll need to devote a percentage of projected gross sales to your annual marketing budget. Of course,
when starting a business, this may mean using newly acquired funding, borrowing or self-financing. Just
bear this in mind -- marketing is absolutely essential to the success of your business. And with so many
different kinds of tactics available for reaching out to every conceivable audience niche, there’s a mix to
fit even the tightest budget.
As you begin to gather costs for the marketing tactics you outlined in the previous step, you may find
you’ve exceeded your budget. Simply go back and adjust your tactics until you have a mix that’s
affordable. The key is to never stop marketing -- don’t concern yourself with the more costly tactics until
you can afford them.
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What is Zero Dollar Marketing?

Zero dollar marketing is a marketing strategy that needs no or negligible money to market the products.
Firstly, traditionally the means of marketing were TV channels, newspapers, holding, banners, etc. Which
were cost-consuming and not very much holistic in approach to the audience.
It is the best marketng strategis that companies can use because marketing is about creating awareness
of your product.
It depends on how cleverly you can use other mediums and factors to market for free or at a little cost so
that there could be a budget for the development of after process.
It creates curiosity for someone to reads it online, then remembers everybthing that particular phone
and its brand, and they don’t have to market more about their upcoming product.
The moviemakers also do the same by releasing trailers to make people excited about the movies.
The strategy focuses on thinking out of the box of using everythng around you in your favour to gain
more profits with less effort or money.
How Does This Work?
The zero dollar marketing strategies work by using the platforms and controlling their user’s actions to
market their product with little cost.

It depends on understanding the consumer behaviour of buying and purchasing and researching then
applying the same trick on the customers without letting them know.
The Internet is the technology that is making the strategy possible by connecting everyone to the world.
The most important thing is that you have to experiment with new strategies that may work with your
Remember that your customers will only promote you only if the product adds value to their life. If you
fail to do this, then the negative impact of this can be seen over brand equity, so your customer must be
your priority.
What Are The Benefits of Using Zero Dollar Marketing?
It is a worthwhile marketing strategy that is the aim of almost all the businesses, which can provide
excellent results, and due to the boom of the Internet, it has become one of the easiest ways of
The customer you get becomes your customer for a lifetime, recurring and loyal to your brand. It is a
positive sign of the right marketing strategies, and your service or product meets the need of the market.
The benefits of zero dollar marketing are as follow:
Right Audience
The audience that needs your product gets the medium to connect to you, which helps in growth in the
long run.
An ecosystem of zero-dollar marketing channels can help you reach every type of audience by using the
Internet. It will increase your brand equity and compete with your competitors.
Extra Budget
Due to the less money spent on marketing, we can improve other things like product, service, packaging,
by u
Low Acquisition Cost
New customers with the negligible cost of acquisition because here, the customer is searching for the
What are the Strategies for Implementing Zero Dollar Marketing?
The implementation of these strategies can vary from business to business, but the rule is the same as
the investment of

It is the strategy to create content to make people aware of your product and it’s value. You can
implement the policy of writing articles on the website or blog or through video creation.
Social Media Marketing
Social media is where the brand can engage with the audience by creating content that will bring them
audiences. Your brand needs to be attractive at different social platforms to connect with different types
of audiences.
Word of Mouth
It is one of the most effective, and your customer becomes your brand promoter when they get the best
experience from your service. This creates influence, and customers start speaking about your brand in
their circle, which automatically gets more prominent. Your product or service must be the best in the
Reconnecting with Customers
It means that you need to reconnect with old customers by sending them emails about your new
products, getting feedback, and wishing them on their birthday or anniversary. It will create a brand
position in the customer’s head.
Collaborating with the business ofeither on digital platforms or from any other way will help your brand
in acquire their customer base as well.
Referral System
Most of the online companies use this to bring customers through their customers. If their customer
brings a new audience to your platforms from the referral, they will get some discounts or rewards.
That is creating something different from others or your competitors, which will attract the users due to
the unique products.
Leaking or Rumour’s

It is the super easy strategy you can use by leaking information or photos of a new product. This reaches
to the audience quicker than technology, jokes apart. Still, smartphones and automobile companies use
this strategy to easily let their users know about their upcoming products without spending any money.
Thinking Outside the Box
There can be more strategies that you can figure out which analyzing your business that will trigger
users to share the product themselves with there the best strategies used by top big companies in the
market, and we, the audience, are not much aware of how they are cleverly using on us for their
Zero dollar marketing is just a bunch of strategies that say how you can market your product with low or
no cost using different platforms—the various channels like social media, blogs, and differentiation.
It is one of the most efues compared to traditional models where lots of expenses are incurred on
It helps you in connecting with the right customers, the right customers, the loyal customer, and for a
lifetime because here you are not searching out for customers. 
Still, the customers are searching out for you, which increases time line the conversion.
Almost every big company uses this strategy, which we never focused on; however, it affects our minds
at the subconscious level. 
According to the fact, there is no such thing you can call free either. It will cost you negligible, or you
have to invest time in it. 
It takes time to build an ecosystm for zero dollar marketing and connect to the right customer. 
Above all, you have to research the strategies that can help your business grow as it is different for
different companies.
On the other side, it is challenging to implement zero dollar marketing as it is filled with many challenges
and not supported by every marketer.
What are the challenges faced while implementg zero dollar marketing strategies?
The first challenge faced by the companies is a time to reach their audiences and to get maximum results
as it takes time to build, it will not develop in a few months. The second challenge the companis face is
building an ecosystem and finding the right strategies in their businesses.
Why is it called zero dollar marketing?
Zero dollar marketing is known as Zero dollar marketing because the money spent on the marketing of
the company or the product is almost neglgible by the use of different channels.  It will not cost you
anything compared to traditional ways, which need lots of budget for marketing.
Author Team Lapaas
Everything You Need to Know About Zero Dollar Marketing - Lapaas Digital Marketing
Article title:
Company and Institute
Website title: Lapaas Digital Marketing Company and Institute

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