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atnfon ia iw ‘Republic of the Bpdigpines Department of Education Region! Advisory Ro, A5¥ =, 2022 APPROVED inconpuance wat opet ORE Ho noe, .201, FOR TRANSMISSION this advisory issued ' not for endorsement per D.O No. 28, s. 2001, but only for the information of Deped Officials, personinel/ sai, as wel a the concerned public aa (Visit wwrw.deped gov.ph) air 2022 INTERNATIONAL DEMONSTRATION TEACHING SHOWCASE ‘Difice of the Regional Director In celebration of the 2022 World Teachers Day, the Aloysian Publications- Philippines in partnerehip with BETMA ENGLISH-Vietnam is spearheading the 2022 International Demonstration Teaching Showcase with the theme, *Upskilling ‘Teachers’ Competency in the 21" Century” on September 25, 2022 via Zoom platform. ‘The activity is designed to: 1) showease the teachers’ pedagogical content, ‘nowledge and approaches; 2) prove that teachers can create and follow a lesson plan and can engage and interact with students to enhance teaching-learning . ‘dynamics as they share their best practices for benchmarking goals; and 3} confirm ‘with and to support the Implementation of DepEd Order No. 7, s. 2015, the 2022 on the DepEd Expanded Career Progression System, and Development of Video Demonstration Recordings (VDR). Personnel and staff of the Department of Education from the regional and schools division offices, including public and private elementary and secondary ‘schools, and the attached agencies of the department and other educational institutions, are Invited to participate in the activity on a voluntary basis. Participation in this activites shall be on a voluntary basis and must subject, to the no disruption of clesses policy stipulated in DepEd Order No. 9,8. 2005 entitled instituting Measures to Increased Time-on-Task and Ensuring Compliance ‘Therewith Enclosed herewith are the letter, mechanics and guidelines of the activity. Please contact: ROSLAN A. AMMAD Email Address: rosian.ammad@deped gov.ph Facebook Account: Rhaz Lan Celiphone No.: 09505006527 (CLUD-LRUB pa one/ Aa Zoaatner by Sepeember 2022 hie ‘Depled Region 1: Bult on empowered by competence. ‘Address: Flore 8, Catbangen, Cy of San Fermando, Ls Union ‘Telephone nummer: (072) 607-8157 / 6822328 Emel Adrecs raglan @ doped go.ph | Website: ww depedrot com ‘To: Teachers and School Heads For Immediate Dissemination MARELU N. CARDENAS ‘Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Officer In-Charge Office of the Schools Division Superintendent YSIAN. ATVONS: 75 September 2, 2022 TOLENTINO G. AQUINO recone see Bese Region? SEP 08 2022 Dear Dr. Aquino: ‘Greetings from the Aloysian Professional Community! tn celebration of the 2022 WORLD TEACHERS DAY, among ater things, THE ALOYIAN PUBLICATIONS Philippines In partnership wth BETMA ENGLISH-Vieinam is spearheading the 2022 International Demonstration Teaching Showease with th theme, “Upsiiling Teachers’ Competency in the 21st Century’ slated for September 25- 25,2022 va Zoom Clous Meetings. ‘This global undertaking is designed to: 1. To showcase the teachers’ pedagog cal content knowledge and approaches — the ability to select, structure, and deliver complicated content. 2. To prove that teachers can create and follow a lesson plan and can engage and interact with students to enhance {eaching-leaming dynamics 2s they shere thei best practices for benchmarking goals. 3. To conform with and fo support the implementation of DapEd Order No. 7, . 2015, the 2022 Deped Expanded Career Progression System, and Development of Video Cemenstraion Recordings (VOR). ALOYSIAN PUBLICATIONS has established Its partnership with he Department of Education as an advocate ‘or teachers’ professional growh with is EDUCATORS" LINK, a national and inlemational monthly professional ‘magazine for teachers which provides teachers an opportunity to publish ierary,ouralistc, science, and research articles ina fine-pinted monthly magazine, As a pro-teacher advocate the publication also allows teachers to meet ‘promotion requirements promulgated under Dep Order No. 65s. 2007 also known as the Revised Guidelines on the Appointment and Promotn of Other Teaching, Related Teaching, and other Non-Teaching Positions, and now the 2022 DepEd Expanded Career Progression Syelam, “Ths pubiicalion la duly recognized by the Deparment of Education, National Library ofthe Phiippines with ISSN: 2782-850X, Natienal Pas Club of the Philppines, Professional Regulations Commission (PRC) wih CPD ‘Accreditation No. PTR-2021-334, and other government and non-government agencies. To ensure the success ofthis nationwide undertaking, we would lke to continue our partnership with your region and sponsor the issuance of a DepEd Advisory cascading this natinal undertaking tothe field, We understand that teachers’ patcipation shal observe Daped Order No. 98.2006. Thank you end we are locking forward tothe hig Impact results of this cooporalian, We hope that you are with us on this acvocacy fr the advancement of Filming teachers. ‘Attached hereto are the poster and guidelines of his undertaking and the company profile for your peruse CRISANTOE. AVILA, EdD ‘suDINH KHOA, PhO. fOoRS’ gommeanaes sebwwonn THEEDUCATORS LINK cae Ru ®|| i i 221247 Relat) INTERNATIONAL DEMONSTRATION TEACHING SHOWCASE THEME: "Upskilling Teachers’ Competency in the 215 Century” September 24 -25,:2022, 8:00. AM-5:00 PM Via Zoom Cloud Meetings MECHANICS AND Us Y 1. OBJECTIVES s Bie hae ool sodte seca eee acinar Mace et structure, and deliver complicated content . 2.To prove that teachers can create and follow a lesson plan and can engage and interact with students Seaton een 3.To conform with and to'support the implementation of DepEd Order No. 7, S. 2015, the 2022 DepEd eee ae CU uM Duis a oo uae etnies ine UB uel USS eee Luu ecm eee ln cell soe LC nc} Meee tT UNE CM esau clas toate eeu ee tanec fels eT Coleen e Ill. REGISTRATION De ee re as eee er oun Ce ae eames eee cetera fee of P1,500,00 for members and P2,000.00 for non-members. Deposit registration fee to Gcash: 0921- 5794211 (CRISANTO AVILA) or may deposit to BDO : Crisanto E. Avila, Saving Account 7750216445 cS IV. REQUIREMENTS AND SUBMISSION PROCEDURE Sea Ce ose) eNO Ta chee eet an cote tits (CDT) or Video Demonstration Recordings (VDR), (2) 200-word BIO-NOTE and (3) PROOF OF PAYMENT to poe nu Be ese H WMA Coie 0-10 eel ete oie ee ee en} Email Address: roslan.ammad @deped.gov.ph 2. Submit in MP4 format the recordéd video for Class Demonstration Teaching (CDT) or for Video Demonstration Recordings (VDR) to the Co-Chairman: SIR KEN MIRASOL, CP Nos. Smart 09109065747 & Globe 09455123435 {Sah “ be el a UL UE cman ce ote eet Rea Ee We au hme autre caeeen el See ee Rok eee ile Cel ice V. CATEGORIES Coe uremia -4 PU Reem Men mT (eo PT Closed ola eta] Ta eR et aes B. Video Demonstration Recordings (VDR) 10-15 minutes, content teaching only w/o students, focus on Ce ua acca etch VI. JUDGING ~ Participants shall be rated utillzing the Class Demonstration Teaching rubrics of DepEd Order Na ah Db ua resale APT ACE EU Rate sg Silat 4 Philippine Normal University and De La Salle University. 4 Vil. AWARDS sz) Ua BU ae uaa caueg eur ut imate fla oC Bela Tatty Salt will be selected and will be awarded with a certificate of recognition, All participants shall eae een ted tee fficially registered ~ ALOYSIAN PUBLICATIONS (Philippines) in parinership with BETMA ENGLISH (Vietnam) INTERNATIONAL — DEMONSTRATION. — : Bia Xeric SHOWCASE ae ope or.pafticulats: SIRROSLANTA. AMAD » 3 a .CP.No, 08505006427 ¥ $8 Facebook AgcountRhag.an B, Email ie roslan.aniinad(@tiepedigov: For guidelifes anifthectianics,See ea poster

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