MBA III SEM - Project Work

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These guidelines are to enable clarity in the actual project work. They do not supersede
the regulations of the MBA Course. They are supplementary to the Regulations.

Report Presentation:

1. Typing should be done on one side of the A-4 size paper.

2. The left side margin should be 1.75 inches, the right, top and bottom margin should be 1 inch
3. Font size: Chapter heading: 18; Sub-heading: 14 and text of the running matter: 12.
4. Fonts to be used are Times New Roman.
5. The text of the project should have 1.5 line spacing; quotations and foot notes should be in
single-line space.
6. Chapter headings should be capitalized and should be kept at centre.
7. Tables, graphs and diagrams should have respective number, captions and source.
8. The body of the report must not be less than 80 pages.
9. Insert Header (with the title of the report) and Footer ( College/University name)
10. Justification of paragraph should be considered with one space bar after first word of the
11. Insert page numbers for five chapters (From Chapter one to Conclusion)
12. All pages in main text should carry the Arabic numerals placed on the bottom at the centre.
The Title page (Appendix I), Certificate of Originality (Appendix II), Declaration by the
Student (Appendix III), Acknowledgement and Table of contents etc. should be numbered
in lower case Roman numerals.
13. The numbering of chapters, divisions and sub-divisions should be done, using Arabic
numerals only.
For example: if main heading is 1 and sub heading should be numbered 1.1 for chapter 1
14. Table and Figures appearing in the main text should have appropriate numbers and captions.
Tables and Figures should appear in the centre of the page.
15. Endnotes should be numbered consecutively within each chapter or throughout the entire
report. Citations on the main text should carry the author(s) name with year, say for
example, Sharma (2011) or (Sharma, 2011) as the case requires. The full reference for the
citation should appear in the Bibliography.
16. Attaching a Plagiarism report is compulsory (at the end of project report)

Project outline/ frame work of the project:

Section I: Preliminary pages

Title page

Certificate of originality


Table of contents

List of tables and graph

List of data sources, and Abbreviations

Section II: Body of the Report

Chapter 1 : Introduction / Industry Profile

Chapter 2: Company Profile and Overall Organizational Study/ Departmental Study

Chapter 3 : Research Design/Methodology

Chapter 4 : Framework of Analysis

Chapter 5: Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

Section III: Bibliography


Citation, reference and further readings

Topics for project work: The project may/may not be an empirical study. This is optional.

The topics suggested to conduct the research are as follows:

 Any current developments in the Company that the student has identified
 Any recent trends that the Company has adopted/ could adopt as per the assessment of
the student
 Any best practices in the said industry that could be adopted by the Company
 Any situation in the Company that the student feels can be improved
 Any additions in business functions that the student can suggest
 Any benchmark practices that could be adopted in the Company
 Identification for any improvements in practices and procedures

Detailed description of project preparation

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1. Conceptual Background of the study (Specialization Area)

Current/Recent Trends pertaining to the area of specialisation /domain chosen for the study.
Recent trends refer to the latest managerial practices/developments pertaining to HR,
Marketing, Finance, etc.

Example 1: If HR (Specialization)

Cloud HR, Hybrid Workplace, Diversity and inclusion, Data Driven HR Strategies: HR &
People Analytics, AI & HR, Gamification in HR, GIG Work force, Employee Well-being:
Mental Health, Overall Wellness, Employee Experience & Retention

Likewise, recent / current trends pertaining to each domain /specialisation (HR, Marketing,
Finance etc.,) has to be included

1.2 Industry Profile/Survey /industry back ground of the study

This part comprises of:

 Theoretical background of the study,

 Unravelling different dimensions / perspectives of problems
 Local to global level growth/impact/factors/components influencing a particular
problem/ challenges
 Thorough and complete understanding of a problem in particular area
 Whatever factors that can direct a student to take necessary steps in analysing the
current situation and ensure achieving a relevant solution for the particular problem.
 Global, National and regional perspectives of sectoral growth
 Details of the concerned sector and its system in India, Karnataka and Bangalore
 Role of particular sector in supporting and growth of allied industries
 GDP Contribution and overall contribution from the concerned sector
 Major global players in the particular industry
 Role of Central and State government

 Information about production distribution and consumption pattern of the particular or
selected industry for the study
 Challenges and contemporary issues related to the industry in terms of Indian
 Domestic and Global Competitiveness for selected industry.
 Internal and external factors majorly influencing in achieving the selected industry
 Any other relevant matter related to the concerned industry
Note: Number of Pages: 15 to 20 pages

Chapter 2

Company profile /overall organizational study/ departmental study

a. Company History
b. Vision, Mission and Objectives
c. Organizational hierarchy /Chart
d. Milestone/Achievements
e. Product and Service Profile
f. Competitor profile and analysis
g. Organizational hierarchy (Visual representation of particular company)
h. Departmental Hierarchy (Represent each department individually) like:

1. HR Department (Suggested topics to cover):

 Objectives of HR Department
 HR Department hierarchy / Chart
 Workforce statistics or size / Number of employees working
 Levels of working (Operative, middle and top level)
 Code of conduct
 Documentation process
 Category of work/ Designation associated
 Roles and responsibilities of each designation
 Statutory laws /compliance
 Technological aspect in HR department
 HR functions of selected company
 HR sub departments functions
 About selected company recruitment process
 About selected company selection, placement, orientation etc
 About training and development practices
 About performance appraisal techniques practices
 Employee relation and employee engagement practices
 Grievance redressal practices
 Statutory and welfare benefits etc

Overall the functions of the HR department of the selected company are required for the

2. Finance Department (Suggested topics to cover):
 About the finance department of selected company
 Objectives of the Finance Department
 Finance department hierarchy
 Workforce statistics at finance department
 Levels of working (Operative, middle and top level)
 Code of conduct
 Documentation process
 Category of work/ Designation associated
 Roles and responsibilities of each designation
 Statutory laws /compliance
 Technological aspect in Finance Department
 Finance department functions of selected company
 Finance sub departments and its functions

Overall, the functions of the Finance department of the selected company are required for the

3. Suggested topics to cover in the Marketing Department:

 About the Marketing department of selected company

 Objectives of the Marketing Department
 Marketing department hierarchy
 Marketing department functions of selected company
 Marketing Sub departments and its functions
 Workforce statistics at Marketing department
 Levels of working (Operative, middle and top level)
 Code of conduct
 Documentation process
 Category of work/ Designation associated
 Roles and responsibilities of each designation
 Statutory laws /Compliance
 Technological aspect in Marketing Department
 Marketing, Promotional and PR relation

 Marketing Campaign, Media associates,
 Benchmark/Milestone
 Challenges

Overall, the functions of the marketing department of the selected company are required for
the study

4. Suggested topics to cover in the Quality Department:

 Objectives of the Department
 Department hierarchy
 Workforce statistics at the department
 Levels of working (Operative, middle and top level)
 Code of conduct
 Certifications
 Documentation process
 Category of work/ Designation associated
 Roles and responsibilities of each designation
 Statutory laws /compliance
 Technological aspect in Finance Department

Overall, the functions of the Quality department of the selected company are required for the

5. Suggested topics to cover in the Services Department

 About the Service department of selected company

 Objectives of the Service Department
 Service department hierarchy
 Workforce statistics at Service department
 Levels of working (Operative, middle and top level)
 Code of conduct
 Documentation process
 Category of work/ Designation associated
 Roles and responsibilities of each designation
 Statutory laws /compliance
 Technological aspect in Service Department
 Service department functions of selected company
 Service sub departments and its functions

Overall, the functions of the Service department of the selected company are required for the

The student must assess the departments that exist in the selected Company.

It is recommended to illustrate using any ONE well established model preferably from among
the models suggested below, to analyse the industry situation in every dimension:

Models Suggested to enumerate are:

1. Porter’s five force Model (1. Competition in the industry 2. Potential of new entrants
into the industry 3. Power of suppliers 4. Power of customers 5. Threat of substitute
products )
2. PESTEL (PESTEL = Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental &
3. BCG Matrix
4. McKinsey 7 S Model

The Model Should Consist of:

a. Visual /pictographically representation

b. Model should represent the situation of selected industry and company specific analysis
based on its dimensions / parameter/criteria

Elucidate SWOT Analysis & TOWS Matrix (This is compulsory)

a. Note: (SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats/Challenges)

b. TOWS = Reduce threats, Take advantage of opportunities, Exploit strengths &
Remove weaknesses)
c. Bring out an visual model form/tabular form with four quadrants by representing
Internal and external environments
d. Provide major key aspects of SWOT analysis in summary form

Number of pages 10 to 20 Pages

Chapter 3: Research design

4.1 Statement of the Problem

4.2 Need for the study
4.3 Scope of the study
4.4 Operational Definitions
4.5 Research questions
4.6 Objectives of the study
4.7 Data Collection: If the student wishes to conduct an empirical study then, the
sampling design must be indicated herein. Setting up and testing of a Hypothesis is
4.8 Limitations of the study
4.9 Chapter Scheme
 Number of pages: 4 to 5 Pages

Chapter 4: Framework of analysis

The Data analysis consists of the following:

 An introductory paragraph which explains the chapter

 A critical view for the results that the analysis throws up.
 If any new theme emerges from the analysis the researcher is to
acknowledge it and link it with the appropriate conclusion that is drawn for
the analysis.
The writing style should be such that it communicates the findings and results to the reader.

Chapter 5: Summary of findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1. Findings:
As per the outcome of the study researcher/student has to exhibit the findings pertaining to
chapter 3 and chapter 4 and also to provide suggestions or recommendations to address the
5.2. Conclusions

It denotes the achievements made as a result of completing the project. This part of report
concludes the challenges or opportunities of future perspective of a project.

5.3. Suggestions/ Recommendations:

Solution, alternative solutions, based on Internal and external factor analysis and research

Note: Number of pages 2 to 5

Section III: Bibliography

Bibliography must mention the books, articles, journals, manuals etc. which are used or
referred in the report. Full and accurate information regarding sources used such as title,
author name, and issue and page number should be mentioned.


 Supporting Documents
 Authenticating data source
 Annexure relevant to the project such as figures, graphs and
 Photographs etc,.

Citation – APA style (7th edition)

Reference - APA style (7th edition)

 Articles : Example
• Collins, C. J., & Clark, K. D. (2003). Strategic Human Resource Practices, Top Management
Team Social Networks, and Firm Performance: The Role of Human Resource Practices in
Creating Organizational Competitive Advantage. Academy of Management Journal, 46(6),

 Journal: Example
• Marler, J. H., & Fisher, S. L. (2013). An evidence-based review of e-HRM and strategic
human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 23(1), 18–36.

 Books: Example
• Kothari, C. R. (Ed.). (n.d.). Research Methodology Methods & teh (Second Revised Edition,
 Website links:
 And Any reference material


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