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Online Book Store

Paras Jain 20I5040 IT-A


The main objective of the project is to create an online book store that allows users to search

purchase a book online based on title, author and subject. The selected books are displayed in

tabular format and the user can order their books online through credit card payment. Using this

Website users can purchase a book online instead of going out to a bookstore and wasting time.

The main objective of the assignment is to develop a model for an online book store that allows
users to search and purchase a book online based on title, author and subject. The selected
books are displayed in the form of a table, and then the user can proceed to order the books
online and choose from the various payment options provided according to their convenience.

The Online Book Store provides customers with a smooth online shopping experience where
they can create, sign in to their account, place items into a shopping cart and purchase them. At
the time of login, they should give their details – {name, contact number and shipping address}
The users/customers can also give their feedback to the book in the form of a rating score out of

The administrator/admin will have additional functionalities. He can add, delete, update the book
details, categories, member information and also confirm a placed order.

List of Actors
1. User/Customer

2. Online Book Store Software

3. Admin
List of Use Cases
1. Login

2. Searching a book

3. Add to cart

4. Payment

5. Delivery Status

6. Cancel an order

7. Feedback on purchased book

8. Add/update/delete book details

9. Add/update/delete categories

10. Add/update/delete member details

11. Confirm/Cancel a placed order

12. Order History Information & Details

13. Stats on orders placed based on member demographics, activity & history
Use Case Diagram
Use case specifications
1) Login

a) Brief Description

This use case describes how a user logs into the Online Book Store.

b) Flow of events

This use case starts when the actor wishes to log into the Online Book Store.

i) The system requests that the user enter his/her name and password.

ii) It also has an option for sign up for new users where they need to fill in their
details or they can use their existing google accounts for login.

iii) The user enters his/her name and password.

iv) The system validates the entered username and password and logs the user into
the system.

· The admin has a separate login space which he/she can use.

c) Alternative Flows

i) Invalid Name/Password

If, in the Basic Flow, the user enters an invalid name and/or password, the system
displays an error message. The user can choose to either return to the beginning of
the Basic Flow or cancel the login, at which point the use case ends.

d) Associated Relationships of use case

A user needs to login to access the Online Book Store.

e) Special Requirements


f) Pre-conditions

g) Post-conditions

If the use case was successful, the actor is now logged into the system. If not, the system state
is unchanged.

2) Searching a book

a) Brief Description

This use case describes how a user can search for a desired book in an online store.

b) Flow of events

· This use case starts when the user wishes to search for a book on the Online
Book Store. A user can search for the desired book in the search bar based

i. Name of the book

ii. Author of the book

iii. Genre/type of the book

iv. Price of the book

· To do so the user can use the provided filters in the search bar. The search
bar is located at the top right corner on the webpage.

· The system displays a list of books according to the user's search.

c) Associated relationships of use case

A user can search for books in Online Book Store amongst the available books.

d) Special Requirements

e) Pre-conditions

The user must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.

f) Post-conditions

If the use case was successful, the user is displayed a list of books based on his/her search.
Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.

3) Payment

a) Brief Description

This use case describes how a user can make payment for the book/books he has added to his
shopping cart.

b) Flow of events

· The system requests the user to specify the payment method they would like to choose


-Debit Card

-Credit Card

-Net Banking

-Cash on Delivery

· Once the user provides the requested information, one of the sub flows is executed.
If the user selects “UPI”, UPI sub flow is executed.

If the user selects “Debit Card”, Debit Card sub flow is executed.

If the user selects “Credit Card”, Credit Card sub flow is executed.

If the user selects “Net Banking”, Net Banking sub flow is executed.

v In UPI, Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking sub flows the user is taken to the banking
/payments gateway portal from where the further transaction takes place.

v The user provides their details and when the amount received acknowledgment is
received by our server user comes back to the Online Book Store site.

v An order confirmation is displayed with a tentative delivery date.

· Cash on delivery

1. The system displays the delivery address provided by the user at time of sign
up and asks for confirmation.

2. Users can go with the provided address or can add a new address.

3. The system asks once again for order confirmation.

4. The displays tentative delivery date and amount to be paid at the time of

c) Alternative Flows

Payment Failure

If there is a payment failure due to any unavoidable reasons or network errors the transaction
gets automatically canceled and the Basic Flow is re-started from the beginning.

Address not found at the time of delivery

If the address mentioned by the user is not found or if the house is locked the user is contacted
for further instructions.

d) Associated relationships of use case

A user can purchase the books of his/her liking in the Online Book Store.
e) Special Requirements

A system which is connected to a secured network is preferred so that the sensitive bank details
of users remain safe.

f) Pre-conditions

The user must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.

g) Post-conditions

If the use case was successful, the user receives an order confirmation message on his
registered mobile number and a tentative delivery date. Otherwise, the system state is
unchanged and, in such cases, user must contact the help center if the payment is made and
yet order confirmation is not shown.

4) Delivery Status

a) Brief Description

This use case describes how a user can check the delivery status {expected date and time of
delivery, where is has his shipment reached, delays if any}

b) Flow of events

i) Users should go to the left hand side where their username is displayed and click
on it.

ii) A collapsible menu appears where the user must select current order.

iii) A list of current orders gets displayed on the screen.

iv) Select the order whose details you want to see.

c) Associated relationships of use case

A user can check for his orders books/shipment delivery status.

d) Special Requirements

e) Pre-conditions

The user must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.

f) Post-conditions

If the use case was successful, the delivery status is displayed by the system on user screen.
Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.

5) Feedback on purchased book

a) Brief Description

This use case describes how a user can give feedback on the book he purchased.

b) Flow of events

i) Users should go to the left hand side where their user id is displayed and click on

ii) A collapsible menu appears where the user should select feedback and reviews.

iii) Users can give the reviews and feedback on the ordered books.

· The system itself also prompts the user to give feedback after purchase.

c) Associated relationships of use case

A user can provide feedback on his/her orders.

d) Special Requirements


e) Pre-conditions

The user must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.
f) Post-conditions

If the use case was successful, the user feedback is displayed by the system. Otherwise, the
system state is unchanged.

6) Add/Delete/Update Book details, categories

a) Brief Description

This use case describes how admin can add/update/delete the book inventory present online

b) Flow of events

· The system requests the admin specify the function he/she would like to perform (either
Add Book details/categories, update a Book details/categories, or Delete a Book

· Once the admin provides the requested information, one of the sub flows is executed.

If the admin selected “Add Book details/categories”, the Add a book sub flow is executed.

If the admin selected “Update Book details/categories”, the Update a book sub flow is executed.

If the admin selected “Delete Book details /categories”, the Delete a book sub flow is executed.

i) Add Book details/categories

1. The system requests that the admin enter the book information. This includes:

- name

- author

- genre

- year of publishing

- publishing house

- price
2. Once the admin provides the requested information, the system generates and
assigns a unique book id number to the book. The book is added to the system.

3. The system provides the admin with the new book id.

ii) Delete a Book/categories

1. The system requests that the admin enter the book id

2. The admin enters the book id. The system retrieves and displays the book

3. The system prompts the admin to confirm the deletion of the book.

4. The admin verifies the deletion.

5. The system deletes the book from the system.

iii) Update Book details/categories

1. The system requests that the admin enter the book id.

2. The admin enters the book id. The system retrieves and displays the book

3. The admin makes the desired changes to the book information. This includes any
of the information specified in the Add a book sub-flow.

4. Once the admin updates the necessary information, the system updates the book

c) Alternative Flows

Book not found

If, in the Update a book or delete a book sub-flow, a book with the specified id number does not
exist, the system displays an error message. The admin can then enter a different id number or
cancel the operation, at which point the use case ends.

Delete canceled

If, in the Delete a book sub-flow, the admin decides not to delete the book, the delete is
canceled and the Basic Flow is re-started at the beginning.

d) Associated relationships of use case

Admin can maintain book inventory on the Online Book Store.

e) Special Requirements


f) Pre-conditions

The admin must be logged onto the system before this use case begins.

g) Post-conditions

If the use case was successful, the changes made by the admin are by the system. Otherwise,
the system state is unchanged.

7) Order History information and details

a) Brief Description

This use case describes how admin and users can check the order history and details.

b) Flow of events


i) Users should go to the left hand side where their username is displayed and click
on it.

ii) A collapsible menu appears where the user must select order history.

iii) Order history of user gets displayed on screen.


i) Admin should go to left hand side where their Admin is displayed and click on it.

ii) A collapsible menu appears where the admin must select Online Book Store
order history.

iii) Online Book Store order history, details and stats are displayed on screen.

c) Associated relationships of use case

Both user and admin can check the order history and details. User can only check for his/her
order history while an admin can view all order status, history and information.

d) Special Requirements


e) Pre-conditions

The user and admin must be logged onto the system before this use case begins. (Separate
login for admin)

f) Post-conditions

If the use case was successful, the user can view their order history and the admin can view all
order history and status. Otherwise, the system state is unchanged.

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