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Standard Requirement Source

50,000,000 MPN/100mL CEZ Memo Circular
CEZ/PEZA Standard
(Total Coliform) No. 09-037

Standard: DENR Administrative Order No. 2016-08 for Total Coliform;

DAO 2021-19 for Fecal Coliform

From Table 3 (Water Quality Guidelines for Primary Parameters of Different

Bodies of Water)
Fecal Coliform
Water Body Classification
AA – (Public Water Supply Class I) intended primarily for w aters having watersheds, which are uninhabited and/or
otherw ise declared as protected areas, and which require only approved disinfection to meet the latest PNSDW <1.1 20
A – (Public Water Supply Class II) intended as sources of water supply requiring conventional treatment
(coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection) to meet the latest PNSDW <1.1 50
B – (Recreational Water Class I) intended for primary contact recreation (bathing, sw imming, etc.) 100
C – Fishery Water for the propagation and grow th of fish and other aquatic resources; Recreational Water Class
II for boating, fishing, or similar activities; For agriculture, irrigation, and livestock w atering 200
D – Navigable w aters 400
SA – Protected Waters which are designated as national or local marine parks, reserves, sanctuaries, and other
<1.1 20
areas established by law s (Presidential Proclamation 1801 and other existing law s), and/or declared as such by
appropriate government agency, LGUs, etc.; Fishery Water Class I suitable for shellfish harvesting for direct
human consumption
SB – Fishery Water Class II suitable for commercial propagation of shellfish and intended as spaw ning areas for
milkfish and similar species; Tourist Zones for ecotourism and recreational activities; Recreational Water Class I 100
intended for primary contact recreation (bathing, swimming, skin diving, etc.)
SC – Fishery Water Class III for the propagation and grow th of fish and other aquatic resources and intended for
commercial and sustenance fishing; Recreational Water Class II for boating, fishing or similar activities; Marshy 200
and/or m angrove Areas declared as fish and wildlife sanctuaries
SD – Navigable Waters 400

From Table 9 (Effluent Standards)

- different standards are set depending on what classification of bodies

of water the effluents will be dumped or discharged
Water Body Total Coliform Fecal Coliform
Classification (MPN/100mL) (MPN/100mL)
AA No Discharge Allowed No Discharge Allowed
A 3,000 4 100
B 3,000 200
C 10,000 400
D 15,000 800
SA No Discharge Allowed No Discharge Allowed
SB 3,000 200
SC 10,000 400
SD 15,000 800

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