Quiz - (AC-S17) Week 17 - Pre-Task - Weekly Quiz

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6/12/22, 23:17 Quiz: (AC-S17) Week 17 - Pre-Task: Weekly Quiz

(AC-S17) Week 17 - Pre-Task: Weekly Quiz

Started: Dec 6 at 11:03pm

Quiz Instructions
Hi! Welcome to the last quiz of the course. Listen to the recording carefully and
complete the text.

¡Hola! Bienvenida/o al último examen del curso. Escucha la grabación cuidadosamente y completa el texto.

Listen to the recording and complete the text using the words in the

Escucha la grabación y completa el texto usando las palabras en el cuadro.  


checks coffee loves likes

meets doesn't sing enjoys goes

drink lives restaurant reading

arrives Italian water have lunch

Question 1 20 pts

https://canvas.utp.edu.pe/courses/483123/quizzes/3029180/take 1/3
6/12/22, 23:17 Quiz: (AC-S17) Week 17 - Pre-Task: Weekly Quiz

Elisa loves working in the music business. It’s so interesting!​

Every day, first she checks the e-mails messages of her fans. She

likes reading her e-mails.​She likes spending time on music


Elisa lives in London. She likes going to a small

French café for breakfast.​She enjoys relaxing with a cup of

coffee and a pastry.​​At about eleven, her car arrives and takes

her to the studio. She meets the other members of the band and they
drink a cup of coffee together and talk about the ideas they have

for the day in the studio.​At about three in the afternoon, they stop for lunch.

She goes to the studio before lunch. They usually

have lunch late. Because she is the singer, she takes care of her

voice. She drinks a lot of water .

​For the last couple of hours until 6 pm, Elisa doesn't sing but she helps

the rest of the group with the music. She goes back to London by car. She
arrives home at about 6:30 or 7:30.​She meets her

boyfriend, Peter. They go to eat in a restaurant . Peter loves foreign

food. They often go to an Italian or a Greek restaurant. She never

goes to bed late, because she doesn’t want to be tired for the studio the next

https://canvas.utp.edu.pe/courses/483123/quizzes/3029180/take 2/3
6/12/22, 23:17 Quiz: (AC-S17) Week 17 - Pre-Task: Weekly Quiz

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https://canvas.utp.edu.pe/courses/483123/quizzes/3029180/take 3/3

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