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Achol Mayar

Dr. Chappell

Ap Lang


I seem to always reminisce, on those burning days, when the sun consistently beamed on

my skin. The sidewalks were covered in chalk that always guided my path and the sound of

laughter from children who ran barefoot in the streets. With popsicle wrappers, smothering the

roads, and loud storytelling and chatter of adults talking about everything under the sun. It was in

those days, that I became a dreamer, my imagination portrayed a world so vivid and so lucid.

The concept of cradling the world in my hands and the endless possibilities restless on my

shoulders. If only then I knew, it was a double-edged sword, leaving me with my indecisiveness.

The choices, of course, became too much to grasp because I grew up in the age where we went

from envisioning we were traveling across galaxies, to using virtual reality and viewing the

galaxy almost as if we were there. So who is to tell me that shooting for the stars was just more

than nothing but a peak of my imagination? So if you will, what’s one thing you must know

about me, to truly understand me, is that I’m a dreamer.

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