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15 Feb ,12

An open Ground Play for the stage :




Title : ENGLISH :


A modern folksy tale.

An Original Play based on the Author’s Original



Ravindra Jahagirdar

The action takes place at an imaginary village named Village Halooru,at the
home of Gowda, in the thick jungle at its edge in the state of Karnataka
and the central jail at Bangalore.The flavour of the south is important
even though it may be staged in English.

A bare stage with a black curtain at the back.

Props such as wooden painted trees ,pillars,door-frames to be used

appropriately to represent a jungle or a home and a jail.

Special Note : During the performance,it is all right to see

lightmen,propmen etc going about their job. For instance,in the jungle
scene,the trees could move with the actors even when the actors are
still,or the treess could lean to show wind sweeping across…The moon could
move too…

Contact Address : C-703,Golden Petals, Karve Nagar,oppo. Tree High School,
PUNE 411052
PHONES: Mobile :(0)9860265031 ; Landline: 91+020+25310056

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The Play :


Before the curtain opens,loud drum beats begin and quickly reach a
crescendo . Sudden Silence.

In the front of the CURTAIN appears AN OLD FRAGILE WOMAN.She is of about 65

or there about ;she has white eye-brows and white hair.She is dressed up in
a new sari . She looks basically villagy,a misfit and rather odd in a
theatre performance milieu.

She is adjusting her spectacles constantly in the front and behind the


I adjust and adjust…Damn ! ( Laughs as if to hide her embarrassment.

Pause.Cups her eyes.)

I cannot see here! Too dark. Dark is for secrets, for mystery ! Isn’t it ?
Greed,murder,intrigues ! Gowda’s story,he was a terrible man,you will see
him…He was,well, close to me.. I know how but not why ; and Gowdti’s
story..She was close to me too… ( Pause.) I am still alive…Old,old Gowdti,
they call me. Why am I telling it?…You will see it all happening between
the two, what happened and how.

( Brightly recovering from a mood that is slipping into sadness.)

Ah, so many people here…They gave me a new sari…I am just one step away
from turning a ghost ! They pushed me and said, ‘Go, say welcome !’, .
( Laughs.)

Do you see ? New Irrkal sari…It is slipping from the front and behind…
( Laughs and holds it with her hand to keep it at the waist…It slips …
( adjusts her sari, finally manages taking a bit time,mumbling loudly all
through.)I can see why…They don’t want me to look odd…This sari has made
me look exactly odd..Laugh at me . My fault,they were so sweet…so so

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sweet . Sugar sweet. Honey sweet.My fault ! I must learn to say,`No’. I

lack the courage…

( Pauses, Looking up,cups her eyes…) Lighting should be on you all,not on

me..Isn’t it ? You are not here to see me !( Laughs.) How odd…The story is
for you…You must think…

(Starts again,opens the paper… Speaks casually,.Smiling. ) My speech. Say

Welcome loudly. Damn, there is nothing here…Someone gave a blank speech !
What else is left to speak now ?!

( Throws the papers,turns to leave…) Oh,I have to welcome you…Say Welcome

loudly…( Laughs .) WEL-COME !! ( LAUGHS,adjusting her sari and the spects
…) Damn ! I should have told them to get me a pair of jeans and a leather
belt…A joke…Bad one but a joke all the same.Bye! ( Laughs.)I will see you…
they said so,after the play..Okay,okay . Sit down everyone. Don’t move !

( She EXITs.)

The drum beats.



ACT I. Scene 1.

Village Halooru. The Jungle cemetary.

Night. It is pitch dark. Along a jungle path leading to the village

cemetery .

A paper half moon comes up in the background, up and up. He shines faintly
over the cemetery. Moon is gray and yellow.

A Spirit of a woman stands under a Banayan tree, in white. She is

youngish ,wearing gold ornaments,around her neck,bracelets,nose-ring etc.
Her face is painted,blood streaks from the head. Lips are painted blue and
grey, black hair is dishevelled.


(Smelling, Muttering and coughing )

Ugh…This damn jungle is stinking !And the cemetery is next to it !! Someone

is burning a dead body ! So much smoke in air!

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( Pushes the smoke away with urgency and great distaste, moving her hands
in all directions so as to push the smelly air away.

Sits down. There is a still baby,bundled up in white. Playfully picking up

the baby from the ground, she cuddles and kisses it.))

Ha ! My princes ! ( Sweetly ) Who – is- this sweet,sweet one here ?My

princes! Say ,Pri-n-cess. Pri-n-cess ! ( Smiles and kisses.)

See ? My princess has golden hair !

How nice you smell! ( Kisses and laughs.)My princess!My sweet,sweet doll!I
must find a boy with golden hair and blue eyes for you ,when you grow up. A
prince from the Delhi kingdom. A handsome and brave Prince ! He will have
a big,big palace from here to there…! And servants ! You won’t have to
move a finger…Just sit there in his arms and speak sweet words,that’s all !

And produce nice little children ! Hahaha…Hm !

But,silly girl, he will speak only in Hindi. Hey,hey,hey…Look at you ! So

shy already. You want a Bangalore boy ? Ha-ha-ha-ha. All right ! The city
is too expensive. Crowded. Tomatoes 50 rupees a kg ! But no matter,Will pay
! Onions ? Eighty rupees a kg. We’ll pay ! ( Laughs.)

I wonder who is the one proved lucky ! He will come , marry you…
ZooooommmmM ! You will fly and go away with him… to his palace ! What
about me ? I will be a lonely ghost !

( Sighs. Becomes sad.)Mother’s fate! ( Heaves a sigh.) If he as much as

scolds you, just send a word . I will come and twist his head in my hands !
How dare he ?

Hey,what is the matter with you ? You are still. Not saying a word ! Who
will ever marry you,my dear ,if you don’t speak ? Do you want to be a
beautiful but dumb princess ? Your face looks ashen. Let me powder you a
bit more and dress you up in a new frock.Common,common !

Why don’t you go out and play with other children ? They won’t play with
you ? Okay,don’t worry,I will scold them. All right ? My baby,how you worry
me ! I say,speak.Cry.Throw tanturums ! I would love that.. ( Feigning
disappointment in a playful tone ) You are my moon. Go,I won’t talk to you
! You hardly move ! Hungry? Yes,yes,yes.!

(She feigns breast-feeding and finishes in a jiffy.

Suddenly loud drum beats begin and quickly reach a crescendo .Hurriedly the
WOMAN picks up her baby frightfully and scurries into the wings .

A song plays in a steady male voice in the background in a dry voice. It

is devoid of any emotion but it is steady and thick-sounding: oR

Singers appear on stage live


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There are seven steps to happiness

There are seven steps to sorrow;
There are seven steps to climb up
There are seven steps to climb down;
There are seven doors to open
There are seven doors to close.
There is going to be rise
There is going to be fall
There is going to be no prize
For no man will see the last man fall.

Saat darwazonki hai yeh duniya aur saat kadamo ki!

Saat ,na kum na jiyada !
Saat kadamo pe hai sarv sukhon ka samundar !
Saat kadmo pe hai dukhon ka dariyaan!
Saat kadamo pe hai oopar uthata asmaan
Saat kadamo ke neeche girti khaiyaan !
Saat darwaze kholo (to) bas uth jao
Saat band karo (to) gir jao
Kaise uth jayega mukaddar,kaise gir jayega
Samz lo saat ka yeh silsila….
(RPT) Saat Darwazonki hai yeh duniyaan
Aur saat kadamo ki…Saat ka yeh silsila…

The moon passes behind the clouds. The light fades .It is dark everywhere.
The strong wind, however, continues to howl. The drum beats suddenly drop
and fade away.


ENTER TWO PARROTS – costumed actors - fluttering their wings noisily and
perch on the branch of a tree lying on the ground .They are talking to one
The lights comes on.
SHE PARROT : ( Excited ) Look,Look ! The moon,the moon !
HE PARROT : Is that the moon ? I can say it is not the Sun for sure.
( Grins.)
SHE PARROT : (demurely )Male ego. False but ego ! You can’t admit I am
HE PARROT : Dumb is dumb ! You women !You can’t take a joke!

( She Moves away.Pause.)

SHE PARROT : What a night ! I feel like whistling,darling ! And singing…May
I ?
HE PARROT : Tra-lala-la,tra-lala-lee..Oh,Sing as much as you like.As long
as you like! Why ask me ? La-RRReeeeee…Parrots must keep singing!
SHE PARROT : I love you ! You are being broad-minded for a change.

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HE PARROT : La-RRReeeeee ( Pats her,stretching out his hand to caress

her.) Go ahead,sing your throat out,darling !

SHE PARROT puts its two fingers in its mouth and blows a big,long whistle.
HE PARROT : Not that loud,you idiot ! Your whistle went like a sharp knife
through my ears !( Makes faces,shakes his head.)
SHE PARROT : ( Insisting )It wasn’t sweet ?
HE PARROT : It wasn’t. If I say it wasn’t – it wasn’t !
SHE PARROT : Hitler ! Hitler !
HE PARROT : Stop teasing me,okay ? That’s an order !
( moves a step away,. Again moves close. She moves close.He is being
mischievous. )
SHE PARROT : It is so quiet. There is no one and we have all the privacy a
couple needs. There is such a beautiful moon above us . It’s time to be
romantic .
HE PARROT : Be as much romantic as you like ! But be quiet,for God’s
Sake ! I hear foot steps on the dry leaves !

SHE PARROT : Foot-steps ? Whose ? I hear nothing.

HE PARROT : Hear now. Crunch,crunch . ( Haughtily ) You must be deaf !
Are your ears clean ?
SHE PARROT : I hope so.
HE PARROT : Then you must be deaf definitely.
SHE PARROT :( Under her breath,sadly )How he embarrasses me ! We women have
to forgive everything ! He makes me feel small,weak and devoid of power ! (
Pause.) Culture ! Bloody culture !! It hasn’t changed a bit since the stone
age !
( A slight pause. HE PARROT now puts its arms around her shoulder.)
HE PARROT : ( Sweetly) It’s allright ,darling,even if you did not hear it.
They are far away from where we are.You were saying...
SHE PARROT : Everything is quiet as though life has come to a standstill .
HE PARROT : I agree seventy percent only as always do! I am sorry to say

SHE PARROT : ( Demurely )A typical husband !You never agree one hundred
percent to whatever I say! Fine. If a woman is fully correct,your ego hurts
!You become less of a man !

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HE PARROT : No,no,no. That’s not it.You misunderstand ,dear! I consider

myself civilized ! I don’t mind agreeing with you more than one hundred
percent –( cracking into a smile )if and when you are one hundred and more
percent right. (Laughs.)Unfortunately it is never so...

SHE PARROT : See ? What a small-hearted man you are ! Every man born
suffers from the same manufacturing fault . It’s in your gender ! I say it
is night, you say no;I say it is pitch dark and quiet...You shake your
head…..Is it so because it is I who is saying it ? You have not only a bad
ego,man, but you are blind too.
HE PARROT : See ? Not everything is quiet. Look ! Over there ! Don’t you
see those two men walking in the dark ? The question is , what are they
doing in the jungle ? Where are they going at this deathly hour of the
night ? Why ? What’s happening ?
SHE PARROT : Yes. Questions,questions ! They make me curious.Who are
they,anyway ?
HE PARROT : These two creatures are from Halooru village. We used to go
fly there once upon a time to taste the mango fruits just as they were
ripening . Do you remember ? We stopped flying there , there are no more
mango groves and naturally no mangoes. There is no one to take proper care!
The thin,meek-looking mice of a man in the front is a slave . He is
anything but meek. His name is IRAPPA . He is the servant of the tall and
stout man who is behind him and following him ! That is the GOWDA of Honnur
! They say he is the village head ! A very bad,egoistic rascal,you know. He
killed his first wife! And her child ! She is a ghost now and she is
waiting to take revenge!

SHE PARROT : Oh,God ! He murdered his wife,the Gowdti ?

HE PARROT : What else ,you fool! Killed is murdered ! She was still too

young to die.

SHE PARROT: I know killed is murdered ! I am no fool.

HE PARROT : Quiet ! They are coming closer. Hide yourself.


HE PARROT : Why ? Gowda is a womaniser. Just one glance and he can pounce

on you ! You are so beautiful !


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SHE PARROT : ( Pleased ) Am I not ? Say you love me !

HE PARROT : ( MAD ) Love,love ! I love you. Satisfied ? You make me say

it aloud too ! Now be quiet and Hide behind the trees .You are beautiful!

Don’t be seen,you fool ! Hide,hide,behind me.

( Lights fade out on the PARROTS DUO.Blue moon lights come up.
The FEMALE SPIRIT Re-enters under the tree. She puts the baby at her he
feet,covers it with green leaves.The wind begins to howl.)

FEMALE SPIRIT : (In a hoarse groggy,tired voice ) Irappa ! So here you

come ! Finally !

IRRAPPA off : Yes,yes. Coming ! I am on the way.

FEMALE SPIRIT : Come ! I am waiting !

(The SPIRIT waves her hands about…She looks excited…And angry too. She
looks in the distance,still waiting.)

The trees move.

GOWDA off : ( Cursing under breath ) Bloody thorns !

IRAPPA Shows up behind the trees.

IRAPPA : What, sir?

GOWDA off : ( Presses his under feet )Nothing. I was in the middle of
asking you. Who were you speaking with ?

IRAPPA : Me ? No one. With you,sir! Who else is here ?

GOWDA Shows up now,on one leg,patting it.

GOWDA : I was quiet but you were speaking with someone !

IRAPPA : I wasn’t speaking at all,sir !

GOWDA : Idiot ! You were. I was quietly following. And I heard you .,

IRAPPA : That is why, I was quiet too. That is just what I told you.

GOWDA : Strange ! I heard you speak with my ears.

IRAPPA : Hehehe..

Silence. The trees stand still.


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Bare stage.Dim lights…Long drum beats from far off…SILENCE.Now we see the
Parrots hiding behind a tree,pushing one another and craning their necks.

Parrot 1 : Shhhh…

Parrot2 : Shhhh…They are there !

(IRRAPPA is a short thin man ,in his mid-30’s,with bare head . He is a

man-servant,dressed to look so,in a sleeveless white villagy banian,(it has
a pocket), and a striped pyjama. They might have been clean once.He is
holding a metal torch which is unlit . He seems to be leading another man
who is walking a bit unsteadily some four steps behind him, ,taller than
him and stronger physically but older, appearing to be in his late 40’s.
This is Chandrappa GOWDA. He is dressed in a pair of trousers and a shirt
tucked in and a belt.He is wearing a new turban . Both are bare feet. He
has a leather cane in his hand,the kind the Englishmen were wont to carry
on a hunting trip or wherever in the olden days.

They can be seen behind the trees now,talking away.. )

GOWDA : Surely. Irya,you are a rascal ! Do you talk with yourself ? You
have a habit. And of denying.

IRAPPA :(Laughing ) No,sir. Never. If I speak lies,I admit. I swear on your

life,if you wish.

HePARROT : ( Whispering ) When they have nothing to say,they just say

Rascal in South India !

She PARROT : Yes. It means nothing ! No respect ! You say that addressing
me sometimes ! It means nothing !

He PARROT : It just means you don’t have any respect for the other man.
Don’t talk. Shhhhhhhh…

The PARROTS crouch and watch the goings on.

GOWDA: God, what a night ! You must be mentally occupied and turning a
thought over in the head about the hidden gold,maybe. You talk loudly to
yourself. A man can say things without being aware,you see. That’s what
happens to you, perhaps.

IRAPPA : Did you hear me say gold ? Actually ? The word gold?

GOWDA: No. ( Pause.) No.

IRAPPA : Maybe you are thinking gold,not I. ( Laughs.)

GOWDA: No. But,yes. I admit that. Why shouldn’t I ? It’s not a sin.

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IRAPPA : Exactly. I was about to say that. Maybe you heard me say that,
actually,you see.

GOWDA: No. No,no,

IRAPPA : I normally keep my lips tight when I am lost in my own thought

(laughing ) lest someone might hear my thought.

GOWDA: You were talking to yourself,man. I tell you. Forget it.

IRAPPA : Ah,now I know what exactly you are referring to. ( Laughs.)

GOWDA : Don’t laugh like a mad ghost like that ! We are in a dark
forest ,afterall !

IRAPPA : A twig under your feet breaking. May be. The sound is like human
voice sometimes. Sharp . Strange . Isn’t it ? What a forest ! Dark ,thick
and deep ! One hears voices !

GOWDA : One hears voices,you said. I have heard that said before . One
hears voices ! ( Laughs.)

IRAPPA : See ? What exactly are we talking here !

GOWDA: Shut up.It was a mere thorn. ,with such long,sharp teeth.( Looks at
his underfoot.) Dangerous things. These thorns.

IRAPPA :(Not giving up ) A tiny little twig,sir. They fall off the
branches when the wind blows with full ferocity. More fall in summer than
in winter ,if you take my word. Because they are dry. But never during
the monsoons. Because they cannot be dry then, they soak wet …

GOWDA : Wet ? Yeah. Oh,yeah. Because it is raining. When it rains,I mean.I


IRAPPA : Get wet…And get less brittle.The winds cannot break them and make
them fall off the trees.

GOWDA : What winds ?

IRAPPA : The Westerly winds..The westerlies,they call them.

GOWDA : Can’t be the Westerlies. The Westerlies ? They make things fall
off the trees? That’s news to me. You maybe right.

IRAPPA : The Westerlies are supposed to be gentle but the fact is they are
not. ( Finishing ) It must be one of those things,sir. Not thorns.Don’t

GOWDA : No,no. It’s not that. No.

IRAPPA : ( Finishing ) Then it’s nothing at all!


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GOWDA: You talk too much.

IRAPPA : I am your farm-hand. I hope you don’t mind my being so frank with

GOWDA: Ofcourse. Oh,go on. Be frank as much as you like. Up to a limit I

can tolerate you. As long as you are aware of that. That’s the limit.

IRAPPA : Up to a limit. Ofcourse. I was saying ,I trek this path every

morning to the farm beyond the cemetery. To the farm. It’s yours,ofcourse.
I just put in a hard day’s job,day after day,summer or winter. You ought to
know that,sir ! Do you know where your farm is. Are you aware that you do
have a farm still ? Forgive me .What’s the point asking ? You hardly have
time from your being an ex-member of parliament and travelling everywhere
like a hungry dog looking for something to do ! Oh,and you go abroad too !

GOWDA : You are too fast. I have an idea where my farm is.

IRAPPA : ( Faster still )To have to slog the whole day on the farm under
a bitter sun !. Sometimes night after night keeping guard over the birds.
There are not that many birds these days though. Just wild rats and foxes.
No birds,surely.But a duty is a duty,it must be done ! Because there is
hardly any fresh corn to be found here. Therefore, I can say what I can
say. I am familiar with the goings-on in here better than you,I am
afraid. ( Laughs.)

GOWDA : Hey,hey…! Yes,yes. Don’t laugh though. I am warning you. Again. I

could knock your teeth out of your laughing mouth !

IRAPPA : I am giving you information,sir.

GOWDA : You talk ! What information are you giving ?

IRAPPA : What information ? Well, Information about the area,for example.

GOWDA : I own this entire area.

IRAPPA : ( A slight pause.) Yes. Yes,sir.

GOWDA : The lands. The farms. The trees. The birds. The air. That too.
And the people.

IRAPPA : Yes. Yes,sir. The people too.And the ghosts underground.

GOWDA : What ?

ORAPPA : Nothing,nothing. I talk nonsense sometimes. Habits don’t die. You

are right.

GOWDA : I have the information about this whole area. It all belongs to
the family. Since twelve generations. From the time long before I was born.

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We have been the owners. I do have all that in a corner of my mind. I have
no time and that is the problem,you see.

IRAPPA : So I have heard. All and everything you said. It is history.

GOWDA : History. My foot !

IRAPPA : Under your foot,you mean. Is that correct ? I can say the same
with some authority,you know.

GOWDA : You have no authority . You are just a dog under my feet. You
have been my man around the household. I admit you have been around the
household a long time. How long ?

IRAPPA : Ten ,sir. Since ten years,I mean. I was just fourteen when I
came. Then five. A farm-hand and then as an overall supervisor. Over the
household. I might add, over the entire area too.

GOWDA : ( Pause.) I see. ( Pause.) I hired a man once.

IRAPPA : You hired me,you know.

GOWDA : That was later. Before I hired you as a boy . Because you were
a boy. Before you, I had hired another man. I had to remove him. He was a
thief. I caught him red-handed .

IRAPPA : What with ?

GOWDA : What with ? What with ? With the hands in. Red-handed. I came
home one night from a long tour. He was sleeping in my bed. I did not
suspect even once that the man I trusted with so much would dare me or
challenge me by sleeping in my bed.

IRAPPA : That’s what you meant when you said you caught him with the
hands in .

GOWDA : I said,red-handed. Right in the middle of the crime. A hand inside

my wife’s blouse and another up her sari. I …well…was shocked ! Naturally.
That’s red-handed,you see. A dog would not dare do that,you see,ever.

IRAPPA : Yes. You said that. The very word . I heard you.

GOWDA : You trust a man. The very man ! I ordered him to pick up what
belongings he had and leave. He had no belongings there,practically
speaking. I kicked him out then and there. Bare . Naked. I felt stabbed in
the back . I felt deceived from where I least expected. I wasn’t just
surprised,you see. I was shocked. I wanted to avoid a battle. I wanted to
keep the matter between ourselves. He too. He co-operated from the very
first moment. He did not contest me. He did not deny my allegation. He just
went away. He disappeared forthwith and has not been seen in the whole
region ever since. Good. That is history,thank God. And then you came at
my door. An orphan. A puppy. Begging to be fed and nothing else . Well, I

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took pity on you. You looked pitiable. Also because I was looking to change
the guard. Your timing was perfect.Your coming at my door,abegging,I mean.

IRAPPA : All of fifteen years back.

GOWDA : A boy of fourteen. That’s the right age.

IRAPPA : I liked the mansion. Built in black stone. Solid. I was looking
for something secure. And protective-looking. Twelve rooms. That is
safe. .

GOWDA : Nineteen ,and more. There are rooms at the back. The South side.
You need to count them too.That is more than safe.( Laughs.)

IRAPPA : Nineteen.

GOWDA : There are more rooms than anyone can count actually. More are on
the North side than to the South. We keep the South Block practically
locked. We keep the South fully locked. We don’t need these rooms everyday.
The servants who work under my wife’s supervision get tired sweeping with
a broom or cleaning each with a dust-cloth. One of these days I am going
to get a machine. Broooom,vrrrrooommmm. Hahaha… I am very strict with
cleaneliness. If I see a speck of dust,well,that is enough. My temper flies
off ! ( Laughs.) I get pneumonia. Or it gives me itching on the outer
skin. One or the other.The rooms are better off,locked, than to be seen
dirtied by the creatures. Bedbugs and roaches ,the like. Cobwebs . You know
cob-webs ? And dust.That gathers upon the furniture and upon everything. I
hate it.

IRAPPA : It’s obvious in the first glance itself. Consider the sheer
volume of the work.A huge and massive structure. A favourite topic of the
village. Built at an expense no one has matched even in this day,the gossip
mongers say, till today. You are a big man.

GOWDA : You say so ? You heard people say that ? Yeah. It’s big.
( laughs.)

IRAPPA : I say so. Even in the advanced cities. You had a vision.

GOWDA : You make me proud with your words.

IRAPPA : Undoutedly. .

GOWDA : Best mix of the European mansions .And Indian. That was my idea.
Not my father’s. He wasn’t interested. He was a Gandhian and a fool. They
made him a minister and the fellow went about developing the place…What a
fool,he forgot to bask in the glory of being a minister ! The old man
opposed my dream of a new modern mansion vehemently as long as he lived. I
waited,you see. It was I who liked to show the local folks what living can
be. It was a fashion in those days to build such mansions so people could
educate themselves. Many among the erstwhile freedom fighters ,well,they

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admired my house even as my father lived .The village can have such
buildings for everyone free from the clutter, I say but they laugh.
( Sighs. ) They cannot visualise anything that is nice and imposing. It’s a
trait of character I am uncomfortable with. We had an ancestral house too
built by the Indian masons out of clay and lime. But it fell to the times
necessitating the construction of the present house for the family. It was
a need. We had money but funnily enough we found ourselves without a house
for a time.

IRAPPA : A high ceiling opening outwards to the sky like the petals of a
rose flower and a fountain right below it on the ground. A door to the
East. An East-facing entrance. And a door to the West. Facing ,you said it,
Westward. A well with copious water with green frogs in it and steps to go
down. Twenty-two steps during monsoon and twenty-nine in summer. The levels
dip in summer.

GOWDA : Well,I said,here is godsend. I hired you. I was not aware of your
promotion.Rascal ! Who gave you the promotion ?

IRAPPA : You cannot call it a promotion. It was I who was looking for
more and more opportunities to work. When you work,the responsibility
mounts. One plus one makes two,you see. Two plus One makes three.When you
don’t work at all…

GOWDA : Say it. Common,idiot ! Well ?

IRAPPA : well,when you don’t work,the responsibility is not yours. Laze

can ruin. Progress comes not from laze but from working.

GOWDA : Well said.

IRAPPA : A man cannot be so busy as not to work on what is his own. You
are hardly seen at the mansion. Or in the area. On the farm too. Why ?I
wonder sometimes.

GOWDA : You ask me. I am busy ,you see. I have to travel all the time.

IRAPPA : I can’t recall you visiting the farm during the time since I

GOWDA : Where’s the damn time ? They have elected me the MLA of the area
for the third time.

IRAPPA : Not this time. Tch,tch.What a pity !

GOWDA : What’s that ?

IRAPPA : It’s a record. It must be.

GOWDA : No. Don’t say so,rascal. Who says so ?

IRAPPA : Isn’t this a record of yours ? It is,you say.


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GOWDA : No,no. You are ignorant of the history. They elected my father
three times. Year after year, without a gap. He built the entire economy
here . And why not ? The burden was entirely put upon him,he being the
leading agriculturist and having been hand-picked personally by the likes
of Mahatma Gandhi and …and that well-dressed fellow with the
rose,Jawaharlal. He passed the burden onto me along with the …

IRAPPA : ..the papers. The documents. The family history. Oh,no ! What a
burden !

GOWDA : Times have changed.It all keeps me busy,you see. I cannot visit my
own home. The farm. Don’t think I don’t wish to.

IRAPPA : I don’t think that. I am not thinking along those lines at all.

GOWDA : Where’s the damned time ! That is why ,you see,I hardly know my
own area. What the hell ! Who would know if I said I have the ownership
over this ? No one. So I cannot blame you when you claim you have the
information. What the hell ! I just don’t have it ,I admit. At times I try
to stop myself in my track ,while in the track of my life, only to
ask,where am I ? What do I want to do with my life? It’s at once,.. like …I
am…what’s the damn word,.. lost. I have to depend upon minions like
yourself for information although I hate it. Now take this…this thing. Did
I hear something really a while back? Did I not hear you speak? Such a big
confusion !

IRAPPA : ( A slight pause.) Forget it. We should stop talking about

family history. Even your glorious history. This is not that time.

GOWDA : How can I ? Can a man live with such confusion ? Without a
history ? All the glory ? I have seen it,tasted it… I am asking you ..

IRAPPA : ( A slight pause.) There’s a dire need . May I explain ? If you

let me,I will.

GOWDA : Go ahead. By all the means at your command. I will give you the
authority. Oh,take it. Given once and for all,you must take it. I insist.

IRAPPA : ( A slight pause.) Thank you.

GOWDA : Not at all. I insist.

IRAPPA : ( A slight pause.) May I start explaining ? I know what I am

talking about.

GOWDA : I said,go ahead. Didn’t I ? Go ahead,idot !

IRAPPA : ( A slight pause.)Let us say you imagined that you heard


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GOWDA : I did not imagine it. I did hear it. It was you . or your
voice. It was your voice, man. Don’t hide it from me. You croak like a frog
when there is no need to…when you ought to be silent…Lowly people !

IRAPPA : I am not hiding. There is nothing to hide. Trust me for once.

It’s one of those illusions,you know,that happens to people at times in the
jungle at night. Did you eat onions?

GOWDA : Now what kind of a question is that ?

IRAPPA : The simple kind . Did you eat onions ? Give me the answer

GOWDA: Onions ? I never have meals without onions as a rule. Never. Yes. I
ate onions. Why ?

IRAPPA: Before coming here ?

GOWDA : Now,common ! Why,yes.I did eat onions.

IRAPPA : That’s it then. This place is like that,you know. There’s the
stone here nearby marked in the name of what folks call The Mother of Seven
children ! There is a story that goes with it.

GOWDA: ( quivering ) Where’s it ? A stone ? The stone ? What are you

talking about ?

IRAPPA : It’s over there to the right if you can see it. Not to my
right,sir. To your right. ( Chuckling ) It goes like this:There was this
poor woman,they say. She had seven children. The kiddies kept her busy and
handful, running from one to the other, all day and all the time. One
evening her husband came home and demanded to be served his dinner right
away which she promptly did. But it so happened that there was just no
onion in the meal served to him .

GOWDA : Damn !

IRAPPA : Damn! He went into a rage .And that’s what . In a fit of

anger,the man just picked up the heavy stone roller lying near the kitchen
wall and dumped it on her head. Just one strike like that . It killed her
instantly and on the spot. Bloody bad luck ! This stone here lies for her.
And when someone , a man,who ate onion in his meal passes by ,well,he is
kind of dazed a bit in the head for a brief while .Not that it has hurt
anyone ! (Heaves a sigh.)

GOWDA : ( Suddenly exhaling air held inside his mouth ) And what of the
husband ? What happened to him ?

IRAPPA : What can happen to him ! (He turns and resumes his walk.)Well,
naturally the police came,hand-cuffed him and took him away . Common !

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GOWDA falls quiet and looks about hesitantly as he steps forward. A slight
pause.Suddenly it is dark,we just hear their voices.

GOWDA: ( Calling out loudly ) Irya! Where are you? I can’t see you at all.
As it is,it is dark everywhere.

IRAPPA : ( Halting and turning ) I’m right here,Sir! Keep moving forward.
You do hear me speaking ,do you ? Well,you just follow the direction of my
voice. And keep walking.

GOWDA : (walks towards IRAPPA,his hand stretched in front as if he were

blind and groping. Having reached near IRAPPA,he is back to being near
confident.) Don’t you trot ahead like that. I see your behind dancing up
and down. ( Laughs.)Are you a horse that you walk like that ? Be a man.Do
slow down a bit and stay back. Light up the torch,will you ?

IRAPPA : ( Lowly )It ran out? Oh! The batteries ran out,you see. Goods
from China,sir. ( He shakes the torch. Slaps it this way and that. He is
feeling guilty.)

GOWDA : Don’t blame Chinese goods ! They are good. And cheap. Aren’t
they ? I promoted their sale in the village,you see.

IRAPPA : Yes. But the moment one reaches home,they stop working.
Thoroughly faulty goods. One mustn’t…

GOWDA: Enough,I say. ( Pat ) Useless lazy bastard ! It’s night. One should
have run a proper check up of the batteries again and again before starting
out ! Why didn’t you ? Idiot ! ( Feigns slapping.)

IRAPPA ( Stepping back ): I did ,sir. Twice,in fact. Once and then again. (
Slaps his battery.)

GOWDA: ( Raising his voice ):Why didn’t you check it thrice ? You are
certainly dumb, you know !

IRAPPA : ( Insistingly ) I say I did check it thrice !

GOWDA : Twice ! Now you say thrice ! If so, how did it go off then ?
How ?

IRAPPA : Old batteries,maybe. So they ran out ! ( A slight pause. Perking

up ) I do have a candle though.

GOWDA: ( Hope returning ) You have ? Where ? Something ran over my feet!

IRAPPA : Maybe be a snake or maybe a rat! ( GOWDA beats the ground with the
cane.Still upbeat ) It’s here,Sir . Right in my pocket.

GOWDA: ( Without hope ) But we do need a match-box too.

IRAPPA : ( Eagerly ) I have that too. In my pocket,Sir ! ( Smiles.)


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GOWDA : ( He waits,mouth open. Suddenly letting it go ) Damn you !

( Feigns slapping.)Then light up, will you ?

IRAPPA : I was saving it for later,Sir. When the dark deepens.But now that
you give an order,I must light up .

GOWDA: (Muttering) Will light up, He says ! ( Raises his leather cane.)

IRAPPA :( Stepping back ) I am about to strike the match,sir !

GOWDA: ( Shouting ) Do it,rascal ! Do it now !

IRAPPA watches him drop the cane and trudges close.

IRAPPA : All right. Let us stand really close.

( GOWDA nods and walks closer,resting his cane under his arms .)

You need to hold your palms together . ( Demonstrating with his hands )
Like this. All right ? You make a neat cup. All right ? Hold it over the
black stick-end where there is going to be the fire.

Would you,Sir ? ( Laughs.)

GOWDA : Bloody bastard !

IRAPPA : Please ! Would you,Sir ? I should really ask you to strike the
match but I am not sure that you are used to doing this . I am the servant.
I do this all the time.

( Laughs.)

I hope you don’t mind this. Would you,Sir ? There is the strong wind. And
there’s just one match-stick here !

( He steps back. GOWDA makes a face,feeling foolish.)

GOWDA: Damn you ! That’s the reason I keep calling you a muddle-head !

IRAPPA : Would I be a servant if I had any brains,Sir ? I would have become

a big man like you ! A village head and all the power at my feet. (
Laughs.)Who’ll hold the candle ?I have to use my hands to strike the match.

Don’t be angry,Sir.

GOWDA: ( Really angry by now ) A motherless bastard ! And you talk ! ( He

recomposes himself into position and takes the candle.) Light up the
candle,will you ?

The PARROT PAIR appear now to perch on a branch in a corner.


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HE PARROT : Watch,will you with a shut mouth ? It’s entertainment !


HE PARROT : Do you see what’s happening ?

SHE PARROT : Before it happens ? No. How can I ?

HE PARROT : A simple reparty between these two. One of them is a boss of

the other. The situation is such…

SHE PARROT : Don’t describe the situation. A situation ? ( Laughs.) I can

recognise the situation. Don’t I know even the situation ? What do you
take me for !

HE PARROT : Listen,listen. Both of them want to win. Obviously that is

not possible. Only one of the two will win making a fool of the other.

SHE PARROT : Ofcourse. Don’t tell me what is obvious. Who will end up
winning ? Tell me that.

PARROT : Can’t you guess ? Tell a female a joke – She wants to be

told when to laugh. Can’t you use your brains a bit ?

SHE PARROT : A guess ? Ofcourse. The servant will win . He is clever.

And witty. And...


SHE PARROT : Sexy. Sweet and sexy.

HE PARROT : Shut up – and watch ,will you ? Don’t guess . Quiet at

once !

IRAPPA : Hold your hands close, Close to the candle, all right ? Don’t get
into a fit if the stick goes out. All I have here is one stick. That is why
I am asking you to be careful. I am warning you. Ready ?

GOWDA: I am ready. Common, light up now !

IRAPPA : ( A slight pause. ) Now hold your breath. I am holding mine.

Shall I light up ?

The two stand huddled close ,their heads practically bent and touching,
IRAPPA finally strikes the match. GOWDA waits patiently,looking down,up and
down ,stands back and then down.

GOWDA : Something is moving near my feet!


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IRAPPA : Don’t move !

GOWDA ☹ Under his breath but loudly ) Bloody idiot !

The light comes up at the top end of the candle-stick but briefly. It
flutters and soon it goes out. GOWDA’s cane slips from his shoulders to the

GOWDA : Gone ? I must slap you ! Idiot !

IRAPPA runs off to save his skin.

IRAPPA : ( Laughing ) But you don’t see me,do you ?

GOWDA: Don’t laugh. This is no time to laugh. Is it ?( He picks up the


IRAPPA : No,Sir. Don’t you worry,Sir. Let the moon come out of the clouds.
Wait a little.He won’t be long coming out.

Both look up.Pause.

GOWDA: ( Matter of factly ) Tonight there will be no moon. Tonight is the

moonless night.

IRAPPA : The moonless night was yesterday ,Sir. It’s come and gone.

GOWDA: ( Firmly ) It’s tonight.

IRAPPA : Tonight ? No,no,no,no. Tonight ?

GOWDA: Your bloody muck head !

( A slight pause. IRAPPA who started to walk,halts, looks back.)

IRAPPA : What day is it today,Sir,according to you ?

GOWDA: Friday.

IRAPPA : Friday was yesterday, Sir. Today it is Saturday, according to

me.The spirits come out tonight to dance and make merry around a fire once
a week with their children.Have you heard of Jaknyar Mane,Sir ?Every one
has,you know. Well ,they lead them into the camp later.They peep into every
house and decide whom to haunt,singing…Chullum chella! Chellum Challa !!

( He dances to and fro rhythmically, going round and round his master.)

GOWDA: STOP ! I am no fool here! Friday. Saturday. Whatever. There will be

no moon tonight. Period.

IRAPPA : Are you sure ?

GOWDA: Very. One hundred percent.


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IRAPPA : Then you must be right,Sir.

GOWDA: Let’s move on.You lead. You brought me to this godforsaken jungle !

They resume the journey. They walk a few quick steps round and round.GOWDA
stops, tired.

GOWDA: ( Completely oozed out ) Enough,I must say. The eyes can’t properly
see in the dark. There are the damn thorns under the feet all along.
(Inhales & exhales.) I trust you so much. Perhaps more than I should,I
guess. ( Laughs.) That is because I know you will never stab me in back.
Ingratitude is simply not known to you. You are a dog,I trust you. There
is gold in the jungle,you said. And you would take me there,you said.I must
be mad to trust you and come after you. All I can see here is darkness
everywhere .

IRAPPA : ( Looking back and walking forward ) Shall we turn back ?

GOWDA: What ! But why,having come this far ?

IRAPPA : You keep complaining about the dark and the thorns,Sir. Can you
just give up on the gold ,knowing it is there to be dug out and grabbed
for free? That too just because there happen to be thorns under the feet
along the way ?

Is it logical ? Tell me,Sir !

GOWDA: ( Softening ) That is not so,Irya. Let’s rest here a couple of

minutes. Here it is plain.

The SPIRIT of the WOMAN appears a little distance away and it keeps showing
itself on and off two or three times.

IRAPPA : As you wish. ( Pause. GOWDA sits stretching his legs. IRAPPA sits
next to him. ) We should better hurry up. What if the ghosts showed up ?

GOWDA: Should they show up,you don’t need worry. I am right here with you.

IRAPPA : That’s right. I came here because you came with me. ( Pause.) I
can see someone standing there.

GOWDA: ( Sitting up. )Where ? Who ?

IRAPPA : Look there ! At a distance from where we are. A black face. Black
hair,loosely left hanging. In a white sari and a blouse. Her hands raised
upwards. Look , over there. A shape of a woman !

GOWDA: ( Staring ) Oh,That’s a thorn tree. You seem to have mistaken it for
a ghost. Just a thorn tree.

IRAPPA : It’s completely white,sir ! Hands raised !


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GOWDA: It’s a tree. A large thorn tree. ( Laughs alone. ) Shuddup now !
Don’t keep staring at it and going on and on about it !

IRAPPA : ( Cheering up ) It looked like a tree to me too. Thorn trees are

everywhere in this area.

GOWDA: ( Laughing and getting up ) It was a ghost,you said a moment back.

You were scared !

IRAPPA : ( Getting up hastily to catch up with GOWDA.) I’m not scared of

the trees,sir. Of the ghosts ? Yes,I am.

GOWDA slaps his cane on the ground as if to deal with a few thorn trees
around his feet. He keeps shuffling his feet,brandishing his cane for no
reason and looking about. He wants to linger there. He puts his arm around
IRAPPA without warning.

GOWDA : Irya ! Tell me for once. What place is this ?

IRAPPA : ( Surprised )You mean you haven’t recognised this place ? We

are both standing right on our farm,Sir.

GOWDA : ( Grumbling and with doubt ) All thorns everywhere ! Is this my

farm ?

IRAPPA : Yes,Sir. This is your farm alright.

GOWDA : But,if I remember correctly, my farm was there on that side ( turns
and points ). Was it not there on the other side, on the right of the old
Tamarind tree ? Then how did it get here on this side of the Tamarind

IRAPPA : What do you mean ? Do you mean it moved on its own during the
night and sat down here on this side ? Or, perhaps someone picked up your
farm from over there and put it here ? Maybe someone swapped your farm for
his and put his own in yours ? ( Mutters )Too much drink,what else !

( He laughs mockingly ,but suppresses it quickly when GOWDA looks at him


Your farm has always been here. Right here,Sir. This is it.

Let me explain it. If you come from the East,then it is to the right of the
Tamarind tree. I should know for sure. After all,I come walking down here
every day for work. The sun comes rising up here. He shines directly in my
eyes,almost forcing me to look down at the road. The farm lies on the
right side of the Tamarind tree. Have no doubts. If you choose to come from
the West,well,then it is to the left. ( Laughs sympathetically.)

There is another road on the other side exactly like this one here.

GOWDA : See ? You said it !


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IRAPPA : If we start walking on that road,the sun will rise behind us.

GOWDA : ( Pause. He looks back and then in the front ) We arrived here
taking the road from the East . Isn’t that so ?

IRAPPA : No. From the West.

GOWDA : Oh,whatever.

IRAPPA : You walk from the East ,then it will be to the right of the
Tamarind tree. Come from the West, it will be to the left. This is your
farm right here. Over there is the cemetery.You can smell the smoke.

GOWDA : I don’t understand still. How come my farm got to lie next to the
cemetery ? Explain that .

IRAPPA : That’s what I have been telling you. It moved on its own during
the night !

IRAPPA breaks into peals of laughter. GOWDA too laughs.

IRAPPA : You are laughing ,sir !

GOWDA : I couldn’t help. Hehehe-huh. The way you answered my question! It

made me laugh !

IRAPPA : ( Still laughing ) The way you asked the question! It made me
laugh too. So I laughed !

GOWDA : Come on. How far to go still further up ? We have covered half
the distance,I hope ?

IRAPPA : More than that,Sir. We have covered more than that.( Laughs.)

GOWDA : Tell me frankly. Is there gold really ?

IRAPPA : I assure you,Sir. There is gold. It is hid under the ground.

GOWDA : Irappa ! I must ask you something. Give me an honest answer.If

you have known surely there is gold,then why are you willing to show it to
me ? You could quietly take it yourself! That would be more practical,I

IRAPPA : ( Turning back ) Good question,Sir.

GOWDA : I want an answer. I am having this nagging thought ever since you
told me about the gold.

IRAPPA : Gold kills,Sir !

GOWDA : ( Laughs.) What madness !

IRAPPA : So it is. But it runs in my family. The belief,I mean.


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GOWDA : You have no family,you said that yourself. You came begging for
work to me. You were an orphan.,you said. Remember ? Rascals !

IRAPPA : Yes. Gold destroyed my family completely.One night my father and

mother spotted a moon in the water of the well. Mistaking the reflection
for a solid piece of gold,they jumped into the well and met a bloody and
painful death. Now it’s my turn and I am taking every care that I am not
tempted and fall into the trap of possessing gold.

GOWDA : Do I believe this story of yours ? What a poor story-teller ! I

would say you are mistaking me.

IRAPPA : I am taking you there myself , am I not,sir ? What other proof do

you want ? I haven’t even asked for a share of the gold you will be taking
home. My act will speak for my honesty ,I guess.

GOWDA : ( Nodding )There are not many people like you in this
world,Irappa. Everyone is greedy. I am as greedy as anyone. You are

IRAPPA : I do have a reason though. But it’s much too personal and I
cannot tell it to you. So please understand that I am being selfish too in
my own way and practical. But I am honest.I assure you.

GOWDA : For once,You will earn my complete trust.

IRAPPA : I need that surely. There is something more. It is personal.I

cannot tell it to anyone because no one will understand it. If I told
it,well,I will become a laughing stock of the whole village.(GOWDA
laughs.)Let me tell you this much. I am no fool,am I ?

GOWDA : That is something I am not so sure about.( Both laugh

mildly.)Time is passing,Irya. Hurry up !

The two start again. IRAPPA leads.

GOWDA : These thorns are a menace,you know. If only we had worn either
chappals or the boots ! I don’t mind walking any length of distance
anywhere.I am not the one to refuse. But you forbade me to wear any

IRAPPA : Wearing the chappals would have surely ruined the whole job,Sir.
Gold tends to disappear!

GOWDA : You do have some nonsense to say,Irappa ! I don’t accept all this

IRAPPA : You don’t ?

GOWDA : No. None of it.


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IRAPPA : Let’s go back. We will go right back to the Maruti temple steps
where we decided to leave the leathers . Once you have worn them,we shall
come back here.And when our job is done and we do actually get the
gold ,well,I will admit you were right. But the job will be ruined for
sure,I warn you. One mustn’t tell lies in a matter like this one. Please
admit that you were wrong and did not mean much.

GOWDA : All right. It was a mistake. All right ? Let’s move on.( Pause.
They walk further.) You mentioned there is another road behind there
somewhere,didn’t you ? I suppose it would have helped greatly if we had
chosen that one.

IRAPPA : That road too is exactly like this one,Sir. The two join one
another right here and become one from here on. Common !

A pause. They walk following one another quietly. GOWDA closes his nose
with his hand.

GOWDA : What rotten smell here ! Where are we, Irya ?

IRAPPA : We have reached the village cemetery, sir. Do you recognize the
cemetery ?

GOWDA : I know . I have come here several times.

IRAPPA : Everyone has to come here at life’s end. Everyone must come
here,rich or poor ! ( Laughs.) Once you come here,everything ends. You
don’t need anything anymore. Gold is right here. Do wait here a little. I
will just look around for the pit. In fact,I marked the spot with three
stones so I don’t miss it.

He moves away from GOWDA and stops facing the tree.

WOMAN : ( With anguish )Come, Irappa. Step still closer. You are here with
me and I am truly grateful. You finally decided to come here and release me
from the shackles of this earth !

IRAPPA : ( Angry )Yes. You never allowed a night’s sleep. One night you
came and barked right into my ears all night. And another night you came as
an unruly elephant and destroyed my sleep. And then you assumed the shape
of a ferocious lion and tore my sleep apart with your sharp teeth. You
never let me sleep. You have troubled me a lot.

WOMAN : I have just one appeal to make for not troubling you any more.
Release me from this earth ! And I will give you all the gold !

IRAPPA : You are a corpse. I don’t want gold worn by a corpse ! I am

certain of that.

WOMAN : Do not be a fool. You can still make a decision. Look at my large
ear-rings. Look at my nose ring. Look at the gold cups woven into my
necklace around my neck . It is pure gold. Are you not attracted by gold ?

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You rightly put it,I am a corpse. What do I want gold for ? My gold is too
weighty. It makes me too heavy and I cannot fly . It’s a useless burden.
You must take it away. Right at my feet there is a pit. My one-month old
child lies there. It has a gold chain around its neck too. You can take it
all .You will be doing a good turn for me and my child!

IRAPPA : I don’t need it. I get two times meal daily. That’s enough .
You can’t ensnare me.

WOMAN: Please take it,Irappa ! Release me from the shackles of this earth
once and for all. All I want is to become thin air together with my child
and fly upwards and upwards. And I have become more than impatient by now .

IRAPPA : I will release you . Don’t worry.The time has come.Be ready.

WOMAN: But quite how ? You have been refusing to accept my gold . Someone
must ease me of this unwanted burden,after all. It pins me to the earth.

IRAPPA : I have just the right man who will gladly take all your gold. I
have brought him along with me with that very purpose in mind.

WOMAN : Who is it ? Where ?

IRAPPA : Sir! Would you step this way please,Sir ?

GOWDA comes round,still with his nose covered with his hand.

WOMAN : ( Shaking with anger as well as fright ) Irappa ! What makes you
bring this horrible man here ? This man is a merciless demon,not human !
It is this man who beat me with his cane until my back and my breast fell
open ! It is this very man who wrung the neck of my one-month old ! It is
this man who threw our bodies here and left them to be gorged by the hungry
wolves at night ! In case you did not know,I am – I was, I must say - his
first wife, Dodd Gowdtee.His first wife,that is.

GOWDA : What ? Where is the damn gold ? I don’t see it anywhere. I have
gone around and checked everywhere!

IRAPPA : It’s right before your eye,Sir. There is more of it at the base
of the tree. You just need to dig it.

GOWDA: Just a thorn tree is what I see.

IRAPPA : ( Laughs.) Do rub your eyes once so you can’t miss seeing it. (
GOWDA does so.) This is not a thorn tree,sir. It’s a woman ! She is decked
in gold.

WOMAN: Don’t tell him ! Don’t show him !

GOWDA : HmM. I can see a woman’s figure all right. She has a resemblance
to someone I knew once. My dead first wife! Isn’t it ?

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IRAPPA : She says you killed her ! And her child !

GOWDA : No. She died of a snake bite !

WOMAN : That’s not true ! He saw another beautiful girl one day riding a
horse. She was fairer than me. He came back home and killed me and my child
! And married that girl !

GOWDA : Lies ! Just a woman’s lies ! ( Laughs.)

IRAPPA : You can hear her ?

GOWDA : I can hear her alright. As clearly as you do. When she died,my
folks bedecked her dead body with gold ! It was the family custom. It
belongs to me and I am going to take it,no matter what she says ! I had no
idea she hid here until you brought me and showed me the exact spot. I had
tried and given up and I never came again.She changed places ,you see,lest
she is found by me ! A clever trick no doubt but finally I found her ! Ha-
Ha!Ha-Ha!Haaaaaa !

WOMAN : ( Shrieking ) No !

The Parrot couple appear up the branch in a corner. Their voices are
quivering with fright.

SHE PARROT : Haan ? What’s going to happen now?

HE PARROT : Who knows !

SHE PARROT : There is going to be bloody violence ! She is going to bleed !

Poor wretch !

HE PARROT : So you know it? How ?

SHE PARROT : Because I am a woman ! And I know men !This one is a curse on
human kind ! He has no heart and he is greedy for the yellow metal .

HE PARROT : I shudder to imagine the fate of that poor,helpless woman !

Some things I don’t want you to see. Understand ? Let’s go ! Already my
heart is leaping upto my mouth !

SHE PARROT : What a cruel world !

She sighs. They both leave.

GOWDA rushes towards the woman. She moves back. GOWDA and the woman
grapple.He holds her by the hair,she bends with the resulting
pain ,screaming.Suddenly she puts her hand to his legs. He falls backward
but brings her down too during the fall. Both roll.Gowda is quick on his
feet,despite his age. He holds her arms together perched astride her legs.

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GOWDA : ( Calling out as he fights ) Irya ! Come here !

IRAPPA : It’s between you two,sir ! My job was to bring you here!

I’m shivering with fright as it is !

The fight between the two is ferocious .As he tries to reach for the rope
which is lying a little feet away,she gathers strength and throws him
off.Rising, she reaches for his throat. Though slightly off-balance,he
reaches for the rope and dodges her hands ;but she manages to scratch his
forehead in passing, leaving a gash. He grabs her hand with one of his and
begins to twist it. While she screams ,GOWDA holds her other hand.Finally
GOWDA succeeds in felling the woman to the ground and ties her with the

The fight has ended in his favour.She leaves a small scar on his forehead
and he bleeds due to the wound.He wipes it with the back of his forearm.
Blood spots show on his chest.He has hurt his foot too and he limps while
stepping away,dog tired.Both breathe hard.

GOWDA : She fights ! Doesn’t see ? By god,she fights ! Look,she gave me a

wound in the forehead and a hurt foot. I will be all right though. But I
won over her.I won !

Despite the scar and a hurt foot his face shows immense joy.Tied though she
is,hands and feet,she manages to sit upright with great difficulty.

WOMAN :( Groggily and full-throated ) It was a mistake,Irappa,that I

trusted you to help me ! You too are a man ! A man is like another
man,afterall ! I should have known !

IRAPPA : Stop accusing me.A full release from the weight of the gold is
what you asked for! You are going to get it !

GOWDA : Irya ! Now you must watch me take my gold ! I can get a good
price for it in the market .

GOWDA turns and walks near her. He reaches for the ear-rings,pulls at it
and tears it away,the woman shrieks. GOWDA reaches for her nose-rings and
the necklace around her neck. The woman who has been shrieking finally lets
out a long-drawn scream and falls quiet, wounded everywhere.

GOWDA : ( Laughing ) If I killed you, Irya alone knows it,besides you and
me ! And he won’t talk ! He is my servant and he gets his two times meal
from me ! So,Go ! Woman ! Fly where you like !

The woman is quietly fuming.

GOWDA digs hurriedly on the spot in the ground near her feet and comes up
with a cloth-bag. Out of the bag,he takes out a chain and pockets it. And
he limps about,laughing.

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GOWDA : Irya ! Our job is done,thank you for bringing me here. Let’s go
back.I must travel for a few days to America. Let’s go !

IRAPPA remains still.As GOWDA drags his feet and leaves,IRAPPA approaches
the woman.

IRAPPA : I must untie you so that you are really free. You can fly now.
It is going to be dawn. You must make haste. I am sorry it had to be this

WOMAN: My killer husband went away laughing. Did you see that ?


WOMAN : Watch me do something then. I will become a poison bee and get into
your head. I won’t get out until you have punished this horrible man ! And
then when my heart’s wish is fulfilled,I will fly !

Drum beats begin and reach a crescendo. The woman spreads her hands
wide,turns round and round .She moves faster and faster. The dawn moon goes
behind the clouds .The woman vanishes in the dark .

A moon comes out again,IRYA holds his head and screams .

GOWDA off : Irya ! Common ! Let’s go !

( No Reply.)



It is morning. About 8`O’clock. Gowda’s mansion.

Gowdti,about 23,thin,short and comely, if a bit plump,enters. She looks

married and walks with an easy gait . She is dressed traditionally in a
sari with a necklace of black beads around her neck, two slightly large-
sized gold rounded half-cups designed rather to look like a pendant
woven into it at the dead centre and these pointing down to the breasts. A
red round dot of vermillion adorns her forehead in the centre of her
forehead like an outsized third eye,may be.

She is carrying in one hand a low wooden platform (used for seating oneself
upon instead of on the floor) and in the other a steel cup containing hair
oil. She puts the low platform down and seats herself on the floor in front
of it.

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GOWDTI : ( Speaking softly and showing affection ) Common now, Irappa !

You have returned home after a whole night’s slogging at the farm. What
work does keep you back there on the farm the whole night,I should like to
know. Once it is night, a man must start homeward to sleep .

IRAPPA : ( Entering and standing a little away reverently,his

clothes looking soiled here and there with brown mud )There’s such a
lot of work at the farm,Gowdti ! I have planted the cane this year.
Wolves come attacking the crop during the nights . So one has to sit vigil
there with a long pole, watching, no matter how sleepy-eyed a man is.

GOWDTEE : Is that so ? I have just no idea what our farm is like or it is

all about. It’s been almost fifteen years or so since I came into this
house after married the head of this house. After he married me,that is.
( Heaves a long sigh.) I was eight then.

IRAPPA : Oh,do come round once. Any night.

GOWDTEE : May I ? I want to, you know.

IRAPPA : Oh, by all means. I will show you the wolf. Come by night-
time .

GOWDTEE : Not during day-time ?

IRAPPA : Nope. The damned wolves don’t show up during day-time. They
sneak their way in ,like smart thieves they are,behind the dark veil of the
night. The wolves are pastmasters at the art of thieving.

GOWDTI : Everyone has his reason.

GOWDTI covers her face by half with the end of her sari and silently grins.
She has caught something and clearly he hasn’t. IRAPPA looks the other way
though not intently.

GOWDTEE : ( softly as before ) You must take a good hot water

bath .Come here and sit down. Let me apply coconut oil to your hair and
all over the body. You look all tired and haggard.

IRAPPA : ( Stepping closer to her)Pass me the oil cup. I can apply

myself. Why must you bother ,Gowdti ?

GOWDTEE : ( Surprised ) Why do I bother ?

IRAPPA :( Shyly smiling ) I feel shy. I’m just a servant, after all !

GOWDTI : Now shut up and come ,will you ? Seat yourself before me.

IRRAPA obeys her rightaway. He seats himself on the wooden platform with
his back to her,head down,eyes closed.

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GOWDTI : ( Continuing ) Remove the banyan. ( He removes the shirt ,baring

his back.) Have I ever treated you as a man- servant ? Tell me. ( She
rubs his back with her oily palm.)

IRAPPA : That’s not how it is, Gowdti. I am poor. I eat the left-overs
in this household. I am not even human. I am like a pig, scavenging for
daily food .

Dipping her fingers into the steel cup carefully, GOWDTEE starts to apply
the oil with her four fingers starting upon his head, then on the arms and
on the back. She begins to rub it in slowly with her fingers. She massages
his hands and arms,up and down. And the feet,smiling to herself.He notes
it and enjoys her touch. GOWDTEE stops suddenly and slips into a reverie.
She speaks slowly as if she is remembering, taking long pauses during her

GOWDTI : I am your Gowdtee all right,for the fact of having been married
to the Gowda as his second wife. He is a big man,the village head.
But,like youself,I too was born to a poor man !

She sighs. A long pause. Her voice is filled with sadness as also it
sounds dry.

This man was galloping past our hut riding on a horse. At the time I, a
little girl just into a parkaar and blouse, happened to be playing in front
of the hut all by myself .

( A pause.)

It was almost sun-down time.The sky had turned red .

( A Slight pause.)

Just imagine red hot iron in fire. Something like that the evening sky
looked. Deep crimson.

( A slight pause.)

He saw me and descended from the horseback. I stood still and stared.
( Smiles sadly.)

‘ Girl ! Come hither,’ he said. I obeyed him . ‘Whose daughter are

you ?’,he asked. He ran his hands all over me,on the face ,on the head. All
over. It was the first touch of a man,as far as I was concerned.

( A long pause. She runs her hands over her breast and looks at her
hands,her face darkened. Her face slowly eases.)

‘ I’m Kallappa’s daughter,’ I said innocently.’My name is Chandramma ,’I

said,giving my name.

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‘Which Kallappa ? Quite who ?’ he murmured a bit loudly to himself.

‘Bring me some water to drink,’ he said,ordering me directly .

( A slight pause.)

I went inside the hut and promptly came out with a piece of jagary and
water. I handed him the jagary and the glass after filling it with water
from a large utensil.

( Pause. She turns and glances briefly at Irappa . He sits quietly

listening to her,head down. She rubs her hand on his back. She stops and

He put the jaggary on his tongue and drank the water in one go. Just like
that. And he demanded more. I poured. He drank that too and said more. He
drank four full glasses and then stopped,much to my amazement. A largely
built man like an elephant and so tall! ( Smiles.The smile quickly fades.)

He returned the glass. And then he lit a cigarette and began to puff at it
running his eyes carefully all over me. I just stood there and watched
feeling foolish. I guess something in him drew me towards him. He looked
tall,big and strong. Maybe it is that.

‘ Which Kallappa did you say is your father ?’, he demanded to know,showing
curiosity. He had this solid voice. Thick and solid. I can still see him
and hear him clearly.

‘The one that cuts the wood. The wood-cutter,’ I replied.

( Pause. Smiles. )

He had a smiling face. A black mustache under the nose. Black hair on the
head. A pair of black shoes for the feet. Dressed in a shiny coat and
pants. He carried a leather hunter in one hand . He kept moving it side to
side with such confidence and authority. It kind of danced before my eyes.
Funny habit. I imagined that,maybe, this one must be a prince out on a
hunting trip.

‘Do you know who am I ?’,he asked me ,all amused. ‘A prince,’ I said. He
broke into a loud laughter at once,so loud that it got me confused. He
sounded like clouds clashing in the sky . Still laughing, he climbed onto
his horse and was gone.

( Pause. Her throat becomes husky. She clears her throat. )

All night,I dreamed only about him. He had touched me. I was a female . It
felt so nice.

( Pause.)

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Maybe without my being aware of it, his touch pulled me out of my childhood
and out of my innocence . I lost something . I should have cried,really but
I did not.

( Pause.)

The second day he came again. Father was at home. ‘A prince is here to see
you,Father !,’ I called out loudly entering the hut which had holes in
eight places. Father came out like an arrow ,I was in toe right
behind,eager to hear them speak. Shameless me !

The Prince stood there,speaking directly. ‘ Kallappa,I must marry your

daughter. What is your say ?’, he said. Father looked at me and back at the
prince. ‘ Still a child,sir !’,father said,filled with concern.

No,no,I wanted to cry out. The prince himself saved me in a way.

‘Listen here carefully,You Kallappa !,’ the Prince said . ‘ Girls come off
age pretty fast these days. Therefore,you must stop worrying. She looks
eight,that’s about the right age. Permit me to marry her. I will keep her
as my queen. And I will give you one hundred rupees for keeps. Think !’he
said, explaining his offer a bit bluntly.

My father was so poor that you could never have seen another like him. His
shirt and his dhotee on his back had been torn practically everywhere. My
parkaar and polka were in no different condition.

( A slight pause. She resumes in a dry voice. )

Neither asked me.I wanted to marry him ! A brand new saree,a shiny high-
class blouse,a gold-laced necklace of black beeds and haldi and kumkum – we
looked at it and our faces and eyes went wide. The band was booked to play
the music day and night. Everyone from the village came to the ceremony
and the feast. The ritual of marriage got completed like that. A long
affair,I must say.I came to this house, a motherless lone little child,
now married. The size of the festivity was so huge and beyond my father’s
poor imagination that he went mad in about eight days and ran hither and
thither blabbering god knows what, and one day disappeared from the
village. Just disappeared without a trace.

( Slipping back into the present and sighing )

This is my story. I came and witnessed his life from up close. The
household had a bad reputation and none was ready to give off his daughter.
Well,it was in my fate. He was in my forehead,you see. How helpless I feel
today! I am quiet, that is all.

She sighs. She looks too sad and heavy of heart. She begins to wipe off
the perspiration from her face,sighing now and then. Suddenly she quietens
and sits still,putting her hand under her chin, thinking deep.

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IRAPPA : ( He has been quietly listening and staring back at her now
and then. He waits. He allows her a brief time. Then speaks timidly .)Why
tell me all this,Gowdti ? I don’t at all understand !

GOWDTI: ( Matter of factly ) You should better be in the know. That is

why. I have no one but you. That is why,I guess, I told you.

(She keeps wiping her face and her nose with the end of her sari
indicating her mounting nervousness. Slowly she resorts to whisper as a
matter of taking precaution.)

I think I can trust you a lot.

( Pause.She is nervous. Her head and body shake more than it must as she
sits there facing him . )

I am only a woman. I have never ever crossed the threshold at the main
door. I live in this house all the time, lying in a corner of the
kitchen !

( Pause.)

You are no stranger to me. You are not an outsider. You are a man in this
house for me. A man !

IRAPPA : ( Drawn into her concern,nods.) Right.

GOWDTEE: ( Cupping her mouth half with her hand picking up the end of her
pulav ,conspiratorially whispering) Keep a close eye on the house ! Keep
an eye on me too ! You are my man ! Understand ?

( Again in whisper ) This man,my husband – frankly speaking,I suspect him !

He needs watching.Understand ?

( Loudly) He sold half the farm and gone away on a tour somewhere far
away ! He has raised a loan too – from a big money lender from Akkalkot.
This man is carrying one lakh rupees,I heard, while going to Gemany ! Is
it true ?

IRAPPA : He has gone to study the cane trade, Gowdti.

GOWDTEE: He said that ?

IRAPPA : Yes. He said so.

GOWDTEE : He told you – and you trust him ! There should be a cane field
big enough if it is going to need any study ,surely. How big is our cane
field in size ? you tell me now.

IRAPPA : ( He is quiet. He shuffles his eyes. Then in a meek voice)

Two, Gowdto !

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GOWDTEE : ( Hugely surprised ) Two acres do you mean ? Just two ?Two what

IRAPPA : ( Downcast,shaking his head ) Not in acres. How can I put

it ? God !This is getting embarrassing !

GOWDTEE :( Nodding ) Two guthas. Is that right ?

IRAPPA :( Matter of factly ) I said,two. Just two. One and two. Two
trees of cane. Four of mango. Guava – about six. Some grape.

GOWDTEE : ( She stares,stupefied.Wipes her face and nose,and then the

forehead. Heaves a sigh.) That all ? What about the rest of the farm ?
It is altogether four acres left now,isn’t it ?

IRAPPA : Rest is all thorns. Wild growth.

GOWDTEE : God ! ( Sits back,nervously. ) Pull them all out from the
roots. Let me irder you.Get the land cleared. Ready the area of the land
for the sugarcane crop …

IRAPPA : The cane demands water,Gowdti. The well is practically

dried out. Water has touched the bottom . I tie the bucket to a long rope
and lower it down and further down so it can reach the water. I have to do
it by the bucket amany times over to keep alive whatever little crop we
have. I get terribly exhusted at the day- end everyday! My whole body
aches badly.

( A slight pause and animatedly resuming ) The rich owner is doing fine in
the next farm. He has a standing crop and full grown too. I watch dumbly as
truck-loads of the cane goes to the sugar factory ! ( He sighs. She sighs

GOWDTEE : Don’t describe it any more. I have heard enough. It used to be

our farm land not long ago,now they are taking the crop ! That’s what one
must call fate !

( Gowdtee gets up. Irappa gets up too,collecting his shirt as he does so.

IRAPPA : Ah ! One more thing. Good or bad,I can’t say. Gowda has sent
us a letter. He says he is coming back.

GOWDTEE : Is he ? Even the news of his arrival is enough ! I begin to

shiver with rage ! Where is the letter ?

IRAPPA Produces the letter from the shirt pocket,turning this way and
that,obviously delaying it. She waits. She looks angry.)

IRRAPPA : It’s inside the envelope. May I read it out to you ? ( He looks
unsure.) May I ?

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rights are in lace. Violations will invite penal action. )

GOWDTEE: ( Quietly but firmly ) Don’t. Just give it to me. I will put it in
the fire at once ! No need to read it or do anything about it. ( He hands
her the envelope.) Got a match-box . Go, get it from the kitchen.

( IRAPPA scurries to the kitchen behind her .)

GOWDTEE : ( Talking to herself in a sad tone of voice ) This is the women’s

lot – all in all ! The girl marries a boy and worships her as a god !
Should they get a demon in place of a god,what should the women do ?
Should she weep ? Should she get angry ? And then do what ?

( Sighs.) That is the big question !

( IRAPPA re-appears from the kitchen with a match-box.She gives him the
envelope to hold in his hand. She strikes a match and the envelope begins
to burn. Big eyed ,he watches the envelope burn .

IRAPPA : What if Gowda comes and asks me ! He is sure to ask me and no

one ! He will scald me alive in hot water,Gowdtee !

GOWDTEE : Let us wait. ( Warning him in a stern voice ) Take

care,Irappa,that this matter of the burnt envelop will not reach his ears .
Nobody hears it ever !

Slowly she drags her feet towards the kitchen. Lights fade. Black.

ACT I. SCENE 3. A week later.At Gowda’s mansion. Late morning.

GOWDA enters. He is in a rather foul mood and impatient.He is wearing an

old-style white shirt,white pant,a black coat and a muffler across his
neck. He is wearing a garland of large white flowers that have green
stalk.These are called Kanagi flowers. These are beautiful to look at but
have no odour and are generally found inside a cemetery.

GOWDA : ( Halting at the entrance )Where the hell is everyone ? Anyone

alive in the house? ( Loudly calling out )Irappa ? Gowdti ? Irya ?You
rascal ! Everyone is hiding like rodents in a large mansion ! Where the
hell are you all ?

( GOWDTEE enters adjusting the top end of her sari around her head and
bosom. She is bored and not at all excited . She has a scowl on her face.)

GOWDTEE : Oh!It’s you ! I wondered who might this be shouting so noisily !

One might think it’s a monkey creating a ruckus in the front courtyard!

GOWDA : Here you come ! Whom do you expect ? I am the head of the village
and head of this household !I have returned after a long foreign
tour ,after all ! From Germany ! And Where have I come to ? Is this my
house or is everyone dead here as in a cemetery ? I see no one waiting to
welcome me at the main entrance!

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GOWDTEE : God save me !

GOWDA : ( All upset and complaining )The mansion looks hardly ready. Where
are the colourful flower decorations at the entrance ? I see no readiness
whatsoever to welcome me ! This had to be a grand occasion for everyone !
Don’t you understand ? My welcome has to be grand,I warned.I have come from
Germany !


I posted a letter too. Didn’t you get it ?

The news should be spread everywhere !Everyone should come to the bus-stand
and wait for my arrival with a garland ! I had given clear instructions in
my letter.Didn’t I ?

There was no one to garland me as soon as I got down from the bus, no band
playing and no music ! Not even school children singing a song of welcome
in my honour! Hugely upset,I come home from the bus-stand . It’s the same
here ! Nobody seems to care !

GOWDTEE : ( Mutters )As if we were waiting !

GOWDA : I had to buy the garland of flowers for my own welcome and wear
it myself !

GOWDTEE :Yes.But look at you! You chose Kanagi flowers for the garland !
Only the dead are decked up with these flowers !

GOWDA : Is that so ? ( Laughing it off )Oh ! Are these Kanagi flowers ?

Well, Allright. One flower is as good as the other,I must say !

GOWDTEE : If you say so,fine. For a man such as yourself,Kanagi flowers

seem just right.If one is without any virtue,the other is odourless! You
ought to have headed straight to the cemetery;instead,you have come home .
Must be a mistake,maybe.

GOWDA : Stop it,woman ! Stop your incessant chatter ! Women ! The way
they go on and on. With your useless banter A wooden mouth would have
surely cracked into pieces! Stop it all at once and start explaining.Will
you ?

GOWDTEE : You be damned ! I never understand you ! Your words have neither
a head at the front nor a tail at the back ! Here you are anyway. So tell
me,what do you want now ? Do speak a bit clearly so we simple folks may
follow it . Nodoubt we are born only to be at your beck and call as
slaves .

GOWDA : Do I have to say everything now again and again ? Do you never
get a hint of anything ever ?

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( Removes his coat and holds it for her to take it away. She takes it and
steps back.)

I said,I need someone to pour a mug of water on my feet before I enter

the house. Isn’t that our tradition ? That should be clear . Do you want me
to come into the house or just turn about and go to Gangi’s house ? Just
say it !

GOWDTEE : ( Angry at once ) Go where you like ! Go to that slut !

GOWDA : What’s that ? Do you want to keep those teeth in your mouth or
do you want to see them knocked out ? This is my house . Get that clearly
into your head once and for all !

GOWDTEE : ( Hugely upset,aside ) Shall I go back, that is what he is

asking – as if nobody knows where he goes to ! The village whore Gangi is
the one who is lucky,it seems,afterall ! You marry me –but go sleep with
Gangi every night!

( Sobs.)

If that is how it is, why marry me with all the festivity and music? I
have suffered for years ! I slog and cook for you .But you only beat me
and shout at me all the time ! I sleep alone at night,wetting the pillow
with my tears !( Sobs.) The night comes quietly and goes just as quietly!

GOWDA : ( Curtly )I see. I go out for twenty days and here you decide
to be bold. You must be missing the daily lashing !

( Raises the leather cane and advances a step forward.)

GOWDTEE : ( Frightened and submissively at once ) No,no,no. Please,don’t


GOWDA : You need to be taught a good lesson,woman !

OWDTEE : Please ! Do not beat the women of the household as if they are
cattle ! This will only ruin the whole household ! Women mean prosperity
for the household!

GOWDA :You heard me finally ,you can’t be deaf . Are you ?I must make
you see the stars in your head right now ! I can see that you have begun to
talk back !

GOWDTEE : ( Softening at once )Did I say I did not hear you ? You asked
for a mug of water. I will fetch it right away. Give me a minute no
more.I need to draw it from the well at the back. ( Turning away )I hardly
talk ,you know.I just live by myself,that’s all !

GOWDA :(Satisfied visibly )That’s the way !


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GOWDTEE retires through a door next to the kitchen holding the end of her
palav to her eyes.GOWDA during the interim removes his socks and
shoes .while he is busy,he indulges.)

GOWDA : ( Dreamily )A house ! A house should be a storehouse of

boundless joy !It should light up with moonlight the moment one steps in !
The pleasant fragrance of Mallige flowers must reach your nostrils !The
woman you married must welcome you with a nice smile dancing upon her
lips ! The moment she hears the news of her husband coming home,she must
stand all ready – comb her hair nicely,wear the vermilion dot on her
forehead,have a lamp lit in a silver platter and stand at the entrance to
welcome her husband ! She must wash his feet with her hands,wipe it dry
with her sari and then gently and lovingly hold his hand and lead him to
the mattress and seat him there with due respect. She must sing a melodious
song and wait with both her hands folded for his next wish ! A husband is
a deity. He is Lord Shiva himself ! The lord of the whole World !This is
what I always dreamed ! When will my dream come true is known only to the
Lord Shiva ! ( Heaves a sigh.)Look,what I am burdened with ! An empty
chatter box with no flesh on her cheeks!

GOWDTEE re-enters and pours water over his feet, wipes it dry with the end
of her Palav,hands him a napkin and steps back.

GOWDA : Sing a song of welcome!

GOQDTI : My voice is cracked. I have not been sleeping well.Please don’t

insist today !

Wiping his hand and face with the napkin,GOWDA comes up and sits on a
wooden platform.

GOWDA : Hmm.( Impatiently shouting ) Irappa ! Irya ! Bastard ! Where the

hell is Irya ? It looks like he needs a lesson to be taught too ! A servant
must not forget what he is – a man who is dependent upon his master for his
meals ! Ungrateful bastard !

GOWDTEE : He has gone to the farm ! For attending to his work !

GOWDA : Where did you say ? To whose farm ?

GOWDTEE : To our farm !

GOWDA : What !? Did I hear right ?Whose did you say ?

GOWDTEE : To your farm,I mean.

GOWDA : ( laughing )There !That is right.

GOWDTEE :( In an under voice ) Burn the rascal ! Everything has to be his !

GOWDA : Gone to my farm ?


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GOWDA : What for ?

GOWDTEE : Whatever .After everything is gone,the remainder must be still

called a farm,that’s all. ( Loudly )What for ? Well,to water the farm,I
said !

GOWDA : Water the farm,huh ? As if I don’t know ! He just goes there and
sleeps under a blanket the whole day and snores ! I wish he is bitten by a
snake and remains asleep permanently ! An idle bastard ! I have to feed him
twice everyday for nothing !

GOWDTEE : ( Appealing ) That’s not the way to talk. Poor fellow ! Our
Irappa slogs there alone from morn till night daily. It is so tiring !

GOWDA : The bastard ! He just sleeps and eats twice day !Scoundrels all !
Him and you !

GOWDTEE : You hardly pay attention to the household.He is the one who must
take care of everything. He is the man. I truly look to him and his support
for every of my needs!

GOWDA :Shut up,you shameless slut ! People will hear you if you open your
mouth that wide! I am your husband. Am I not still alive ? Looking to him
for support,indeed ! You slut !

GOWDTEE : You mustn’t wish ill of the servants that serve you with such
dedication ! Lord Shiva ! You are the one all-seeing . So - help us God!
If this tyrant speaks,it is like fire in my ears and at once unbearable !

GOWDA : Be gone !

GOWDTEE :(Haughtily )I will be gone ! You will see !

GOWDA : Be gone !

GOWDTEE : The moment you see me,you start shouting and yelling ! If I
choose not to come before you,you call out for me in a hoarse voice and
shout at the top of your house. Now don’t step everywhere in the house. You
haven’t taken a bath yet . I have been worshipping Lord Shiva day and night
– and asking him to put some sense into your head. I must get back and get
busy in the kitchen,cooking.There is nothing ready yet. Don’t you call for
me. Soon you will shout for food,I know !

GOWDA : Which Shiva are you worshipping ? Is it the barbar who lives at
the back of the house ?I have noticed that he keeps eying you like a cat .(

GOWDA : Oh,shut up,you foul mouth ! If you go on like this,there will be

worms in your mouth ! And when you die,you will go straight into the worst
hell !

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GOWDA :All I said is,worship your husband ! Your husband should be your
Lord Shiva ! That’s what I said !

GOWDTEE : Now listen to him ! I don’t even see how I can pray to my Lord
Shiva to forgive you ! Do me a favour,Oh Lord ! Give this man some sense !

GOWDA : Go and see if Irya has come back from wherever he has gone
to.Will you ? Tell him to ready hot water for my bath. Irya ! Irya !

GOWDTEE goes inside.

GOWDA’s 70-year old mother,AWWA, enters. She is fragile and has a bent
back. She walks resting her weight on a wooden stick.She has a bad sight.

AWWA : ( Arching her hand over her eyes )Who is this ?

GOWDA : ( Bored )It’s me !

AWWA : If I ask a question, somebody answer me. I am seventy and I have no

eyes . My ears are weak too. Who ?

GOWDA : Me. Your only son. ( Laughs,looks away.She moves to face him.He
turns his face,she moves back.)

AWWA : ( Laughing ) Playing with me . Ah , My naughty son ! Where have you

been all these days ? The house has been peaceful. I could hear even
sparrows chirruping !

GOWDA : You are deaf. Don’t forget.

AWWA : When you are not around,I can hear.( Laughs.) Where have been ?

GOWDA : I had gone some place.

AWWA : Yes. You are back . Must be tired a lot from the journey.

( She puts her hand upon his head.) Where did you go to ? And why ?

GOWDA : ( Removing her hand,sighing loudly )To Germany.

AWWA : Where to ? Speak a little loudly. I am seventy. I can hardly hear

these days. I can hardly see.

( GOWDA does not reply. He sits quietly.)

AWWA : ( Continuing ) Speak up,son. You were such a sweet chatter box
when you were a child ! I used to make you speak again and again .I would
hear you speak those juicy words and it was like milk with sugar in it for
my ears at that time. It seems these days you have completely forgotten
me !

( Laughs. Speaking softly,dreamily too )


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There’s only one mother,you know. A mother cannot be bought in the

market.Do you understand ? You must never ever forget your mother . A
mother is the one who gives you her body milk when you are born and watches
you grow up into a healthy child. She is the one who cleans your bum with
water when you you are a child. Dresses you up and powders your face. She
carries you in her arms and shows you to the world rather proudly and
says..,`This is my child !’ Therefore,I say,son, you must not forget a
mother ! Speak up. I must hear you speak.

GOWDA : Mother ! I answered your question but you can’t hear anything.Even
if you heard,you can’t understand. Tell me,what do you understand by
Germany ?

AWWA : ( Smiling )Not a thing.

GOWDA : Allright. Tell me. What do you understand by honey ?

AWWA : I know honey. Honey is honey.

GOWDA :No,no.

AWWA :Don’t be naughty. You were like this ever since you were a child.A
big puzzle even in those days !Honey is honey. Isn’t that so ?

GOWDA : No. No. ( Laughs.)

AWWA : Name of the place. Right ?

GOWDA : Yes. Name of a big,sweet,sweet and eye-dazzling place. One thousand

times bigger than this village !

AWWA : Ah ! I got it,son !

GOWDA :What ?

AWWA : ( Smiling ) You are completely mad and speak like one!

GOWDA :In that place men and women are all the same!

AWWA : A naughty boy still! You tell lies now. Have you brought any gift
for me ?

GOWDA :Yes. I have.( Laughs.)

AWWA : ( Laughing ) Show me. Must be a warm blanket.

GOWDA :Wrong.

AWWA : Must be warm.It’s too cold in winter ,you know.

GOWDA : Wrong again.

AWWA : Then what can it be ?


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GOWDA :A frock ! ( Laughs aloud.)

AWWA : ( Laughing ) So you could think of nothing for your mother. All
right. Show me what have you brought for your wife then.

GOWDA : For my wife ?

AWWA : Yes. Gold bracelet ? Nose-ring ? Sari ? ( He shakes his

head,laughing loudly.) Perhaps a necklace with a gold pendant for her
neck ?

GOWDA : You keep blabbering anything,mother ! Go and quietly lie in your

corner ! Why must you know everything ? You are already three-fourths in
the ground and one-thirds above the ground,after all !

AWWA : ( Saddened ) I am your mother. You must not speak like that.
People will say you are mad. It is so sad really !

GOWDA : Go inside,will you ? Irya ! Take this useless old woman inside the
house !

GOWDTEE comes out.

GOWDTEE: Mother-in-law ! Come ,let me take you inside. I warned you not to
come out. But you were so eager to see your son and hear him speak. Now you
know your son ,I suppose . No one should speak in this house but he
alone ! No one should breathe but he alone! Common in !

The OLD WOMAN is lead away by Gowdtee.

GOWDA : ( Impatiently ) Irya ! Will you come here right away or you want me
to come there with the cane ?

IRYA comes out hurriedly,tying a piece of cloth around his head..

IRYA : Here I come,sir ! At your service !

GOWDA : You bastard !

IRYA : (Bending to touch GOWDA’s feet )At your feet as always,my master !

I was readying hot water for your bath.

GOWDA : Gowdtee is in there. And you too in there. And here I am outside.
What am I to infer from this ?

IRYA : Nothing at all. I wanted hot coal for heating the water. I was
taking red hot coal from Gowdtee,that’s all.

GOWDA :(Slapping him on the cheek,sweetly ) A hot coal,huh ? Got it !

Hahaha…Muckhead !

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IRYA :( Rubbing his cheek,tearfully )Yes.Got it. Water is hot. Do you

care to come in for your bath ?

GOWDA : ( Rising to his feet ) What am I to do there ? You got the hot
coal and put it in the boiler too.

GOWDA Laughs but suddenly becomes angry. He starts slapping IRYA on his
head and cheeks and on the back. IRYA keeps yelling,dodging and backing
away. GOWDA chases him and keeps beating him . He enjoys it. GOWDTEE peeps

GOWDTEE : Irappa ! What’s the yelling about ?

GOWDA : Nothing. Tell her,Irya. Tell my sweet wife.

IRAPPA : It’s nothing,Gowdtee. Master is narrating a story. And I am

listening to him ! It is so exciting,that’s all !

GOWDTEE : Is that all ?

IRAPPA : That’s all. Nothing more ! ( GOWDTI goes back.)

GOWDA : Irya ,I am so tired . My body is aching badly everywhere. Give me

a good oil massage.

IRAPPA : All right,sir. I will send Gowdti,my master ! She can oil the
nooks and all the corners !( Laughs.)

GOWDA : I ordered you. My wife just hasn’t got the art ! I hate her touch

IRYA : Right away, my master ! Whatever pleases you must be done,I

know. Or else there is the stick and there is my back !

IRYA disrobes GOWDA’s shirt and pant. Gowda sits in the chair /high wooden
platform in a striped underwear,looking a huge man,towering over Irya. The
servant fetches oil and starts to rub oil onto to GOWDA’s body.( He must
mime this.)

GOWDA : Irappa ! You are the only useful my man in this house,Irya !

IRYA smiles and continues without saying anything. His approach is quick
and business-like.

IRYA : I will rub the oil into every pore on your skin and massage it
well and thoroughly.And then I will give you a hot water bath. You will
relax completely. And then I will prepare a nice soft bed. Gowdtee is
preparing sweet juicy food in your honour ! To celebrate the return of a
big man to the village from a long tour.

GOWDA : Sweet juicy food,huh ? Is it really sweet on the tongue ?


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IRYA : Yes,it is.

GOWDA slaps him on the head.

IRYA : ( Correcting himself ) I mean,must be sweet,I guess. I haven’t

tasted it, master.

GOWDA : Say that. ( Squeezes his cheeks.Irya frees himself and winces.)

IRYA : I said just that,sir !

GOWDA : No,no. You said one thing first. And then you changed it and
started saying something different.

IRYA :No,sir.

GOWDA :Irya,I am a world wise man. Understand ? I have tasted water from
several wells. I have moved a lot in the world everywhere. I have seen all
kinds of people and every type of rascals. So don’t you try to play smart
with me. Understand ? What do you gossip with Gowti when I am not around ?

( Wring’s Irya’s hand,rising from the platform.IRYA yells out in pain.But

he smiles.)

IRYA : Nothing,sir ! What a horrible joke you crack,sir !

GOWDA laughs and sits. IRYA slaps oil on his back noisily .Suddenly he
stops and jumps back with his mouth wide open.

IRYA : Oh my god !

GOWDA : What happened ? You jumped back as if you spotted a big rat !

IRYA : It’s not about any big rat,sir ! I am rather used to the big rats
back on the farm . The moment I spot them,I kill them with large stones ,
hitting them again and again. I am rather confused ,you see .You are still
wearing the underwear !

GOWDA : What do you mean ? What’s the confusion ?

IRYA : How can I apply oil inside ?What about the nooks and the
corners ?Shall I call Gowdti ?

GOWDA : Oh,shut up ! Don’t be funny now!

IRYA : ( Whispering )There is no one,sir . Common ! I will be

quick ! Common !

GOWDA : But you are here,Irya ! Idiot !

IRYA : That’s right. I am here . Let us just skip that area,sir ! (


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GOWDA : You and your idiotic humour ! You make me laugh and I feel
relaxed ! ( Laughs.)

IRYA : Don’t,sir. It’s no laughing matter !

GOWDA : That’s what I said. ( Laughs. ) Idiot !

IRYA : That’s what I said too.

GOWDA taps him on the head.

GOWDA : Ah ! How nice! Aren’t you curious about this thing on my wrist ?

IRYA : Oh,my !What is this ? How at once beautiful !

GOWDA : It’s called a watch. From Germany. How does it look ?

IRYA : OOOOOh ! Lovely ! Lovely ! Brand new,sir ?

GOWDA : ( Pleased ) Yup. Brand new. Can’t you make out it’s new ? It
is,it is. Ofcourse it is.!

IRYA : Ofcourse ! It looks new at least to my eyes. I can see the shine
on the glass here. It must be brand new . There is no doubt about this
being new !

GOWDA : Don’t open your mouth that wide,Idiot ! Tell me what do you
think a watch really is ?

IRYA : What,indeed,sir ?

GOWDA : A watch means a time-teller.

IRYA : And what’s a time-teller ,sir ?

GOWDA : ( Proudly )A time-teller means a watch. It is round like a sun.It

has two pointed thorns- a long one and a short one.We can read the time of
the day. All day and all night in this.

IRYA : Who has the time to look at it ? I am so busy the whole day
and the whole night.

GOWDA : It’s for me,Idiot.

IRYA : Right. There’s an idol of Lord Shiva in the kitchen . Just put it
beside him.! Lord Shiva is the Lord of times. Gowdtee can worship one as
well as the other !

GOWDA : ( Laughing non-stop) If I ask who is the mug-head here,you

raise your hand.What an idiot ! This is for tying around the wrist.
Understand ?

IRYA : But why ?


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GOWDA : You can be anywhere but still you will know the time.For
instance,it is right now thirty minutes past twelve ! ( Laughs.) You
understand nothing. So you do one thing.Go and tell everyone in the
village. Say that Gowda has brought a watch from Germany ! Understood ?

IRYA : ( Excited ) Oh ! I get your point. You want everyone to come to

your doorstep asking what is the time. Right ? Right,sir. Common ! Let me
take you for your hot bath. Now what is the time in your watch ?

GOWDA : It is thirty-seven minutes past twelve !

IRYA : Right. Right. Right . The sun must be overhead ( Laughs.) And
– now ?

GOWDA : ( Laughing ) You have really gone mad,you know !

IRYA : Now that I am in your company,someday I too will be a wise man

like yourself,sir . I am just waiting for that auspicious day ! Now how
long will it take to be wise according to your watch,sir ?

GOWDA : Who wants to be wise ? You ?

Both laugh. GOWDA and IRAPPA go inside.


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ACT I. SCENE 4. The same day.

Late afternoon. GOWDA is taking a nap on the high wooden platform with a
towel covering his face . He is snoring. IRAPPA enters yelling out aloud.

IRAPPA : Sir ! My Master ! Please ! Wake up,wake up ! Something

terrible has happened !

( GOWDA lazily sits up.)

GOWDA : ( Upset and cursing )What an useless bastard ! You are

shouting like a buffallo ! Is the house on fire ? Do let me take a nap !

IRAPPA : No,sir. Nothing of that kind has happened. I really wonder

how to mention it to you ! My tongue is twisting and my eyes are popping
out !

GOWDA : What’s happened ? Has your Gowdti hanged herself ? Take her
to the cemetery and burn her ! I will say Good riddance ! Don’t you disturb

IRAPPA : Gowdti is all right,sir,and in good health too. This is

different and rather urgent. That is why I came rushing in here to tell
you.The matter is at once unmentionable !

GOWDA : Well...start barking then.

IRAPPA : You see,sir...I took your coat for washing ! It was smelly.
Maybe you did not give it for a wash during your long travel ! Are there no
launderers in Germany ?

GOWDA : So ? Common,don’t stop !

IRAPPA : I found this small palm-sized book in one of the inside

pockets. Photographs of females ! No one is wearing any clothes !

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GOWDA :(Getting up and whisking the book away from Irappa and slapping
him) Bastard ! Why should you bother about this ?

IRAPPA : ( Touching his cheek,tearfully ) I got frightened,sir, seeing

the book containing photographs of naked women! I guess some one must have
played mischief with you and put the book in your pocket !

GOWDA : Now shut your bloody mouth,will you ? No one must get to hear
about this. Understand ? I am warning you ! If anyone learns about
this,then I will knock all your teeth out of your mouth ! So ,be warned !

IRAPPA :I got it,sir. When you said you had gone to Germany for a cane
Trade exhibition, I had not understood it then. Now everything is clear,sir

GOWDA :(Putting his hand around IRAPPA and affectionately ) Irya ,you
are my trusted man. You are not my servant but my friend and confidante !
Come here now. Common ! Keep this ten rupees !

IRAPPA :Why give me ten rupees,sir ? I won’t tell anyone,I swear !

GOWDA : You won’t,I know ! But you must swear in the name of
Gowdti ! Swear on her head so I can really trust you ! Common !

IRAPPA : I swear on the head of Gowdti . I won’t raise this topic!

GOWDA :That’s right. Listen,this is an area that belongs to the men.The

women must never learn about this. Men have a special right,something god
almighty himself gave at birth ! Got it ?

IRAPPA : Got it,sir !

GOWDA : That’s good. Now common,sit with me. You are a man.I
said,you are a friend. Understood ?

IRAPPA :No,sir. I can’t sit now. I have a lot of work waiting for me.

GOWDA : All right,you may leave. But don’t you forget the warning I
issued. Not a word to anyone about the book !If you cross your line,then
there’s the rope,and there is your neck and here I am...Your Death !
So,remember ! You never saw this book ! Okay ?

IRAPPA : ( Touching his neck )What book,master ? ( Laughs showing

his teeth.)

GOWDA : (Laughs.)Hmm. That’s the way. Go and attend to your work.

IRAPPA is highly frightened of the man. Fear is writ large on his face.He
goes inside.


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Late Evening.

GANGI’s house.A Gas lantern is burning. Auspicious music –pipe music and
drum – is heard.

GOWDA enters . He is at once impressed and pleased. A big smile spreads all
over his face.He removes his shoes and steps inside,looking around.

GOWDA : Wow ! Festivity is in the air ! It must be the festival of

Deepawali at Gangi’s house. I can feel the excitement of a New Year
coming !There is music too. How truly glad I am to be visiting Gangi’s
house !

GANGI,wearing an orage sari,bedecked with ornaments,a vermilion dot on the

forehead,and metal bells around the ankles, enters slowly with a silver
platter with lamps and a water pot.

GANGI : ( Melodiously ) Please enter,my lord ! You are the King Rama
of my heart ! You are the emperor of my heart’s kingdom ! You are right.
Today is a day of celebration for me. King Rama returned from the
forest .Likewise my Lord Rama is returning to my house after a very long
gap of twenty day tour to a foreign land ! I proudly welcome you with all
my heart !

GOWDA : Gangi ! How can I describe how happy I am to be at your

house ! You win my heart at once !

GANGI : I feel blessed that you permit me to touch your feet and
worship you ! And,in addition,I get to hear the sweet words that pour out
of your mouth ! I feel fulfilled at once today ! I request you to kindly be
seated. You are my lord. Please partake the sweets .I have prepared these
with my own hands. Do oblige me.In fact,I must put these sweets in your
mouth myself. I do this to express my love for you !

GOWDA : ( Allowing her to put some sweet in his mouth )I am impressed

to see your love expressed so beautifully !

GANGI : (Her face darkening ) Why ? Do you see any shortcoming ?

GOWDA : Yes,indeed.

GANGI : Tell me,my lord. I shall remove the shortcoming in no

time.Whatever it is.

GOWDA : I wrote a letter. I asked you to come to the S.T. Stand and
wait there for my arrival. The moment I got down,my eyes looked for you
everywhere. I could not spot you at all. That is why I am a bit upset with

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GANGI : Oh,oh,oh ! I must apologige for this misunderstanding 1 I

did come,my lord ! I was holding a lamp in a platter and a garland too. .

GOWDA : Oh !

GANGI : But,my lord,please do hear me out. You are the head of the
village,a Gowda. A big man . Who am I ? Just a keep ! A prostitute ! A
speck of insignificant dust off your feet. That is why I found myself
unable to muster enough courage to come forward openly and embrace you in
public. However,I have dedicated myself to you completely . On spotting you
from afar, from behind a pillar at the bus-stand , I put the garland around
your neck in my own mind and placed the holy lamp before you in my own
mind. I beseech you not to think otherwise. I had remind myself that I am
only your keep. So I kept myself out of your sight in public.

GOWDA : ( Feeling it, emotionally charged ) Gangi ! You are in no

way less to me than the woman I have married !

GANGI : I do not doubt that,my lord...but...

GOWDA : You doubt my love,it seems ! If that be so,I must not stay
here another moment ! I am leaving !

( GOWDA turns away. GANGI hurriedly falls at his feet. She coils his feet
with her hands. )

GANGI : My Lord ! My Lord Rama ! I said one thing – and you

mistook it for something else ! I have no doubt in my mind about the
relationship of pure love between you and me ! I only referred to the
public perception of our relationship...They do not have any respect
whatever for me...If anything,they think of me as a mere keep. A kept woman
! Oh !...

GOWDA holds her by her arms and stands her to her feet.

GOWDA : I am nobody’s slave !And I happen to be the master of my

mind ! Do you have a holy necklace of black beeds ? Bring it to me at once.
I shall tie it around your neck this very moment...!Do not delay.

GANGI : Yes. I do have it here. But are you sure ? Once you tie it
around my neck,there is no way to retrace the action.

Gowda : I am not the kind of man who retraces his action. I decide
just once -and stick to it. There is no room for a second thought.

She embraces him.

GANGI : Today you really became my true lord Rama ! Please say that
I am not dreaming this .

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GOWDA : This is no dream. This is for real. Common. Give it to me.

He ties it around her neck.

GANGI : ( Dreamily,softly,all pleased ) Are we married now ?

GOWDA : Yes. The groom has tied the holy necklace around bride’s
neck.From today your name will be Gangi Ramchandra Gowdtee! ( Laughs and
dances,clapping alone.)

GANGI : Gangi Ramchandra Gowdti. Is that me ?

GOWDA : Yes. You are now the Gowdtee of the village.And you will
have right over me. My queen.

GANGI : no,no. I need no rights,my lord ! I have no greed.

GOWDA : I have brought a special gift of love for you from Germany !

But you must come to the mansion to claim it !

GANGI : ( Still dreamy ) I will come,my lord ! I am now your

rightful queen !

GANGI puts her hands around his neck and embraces him. She looks immensely

GANGI : My lord !

GOWDA laughs and sits down on the mattress and pulls GANGI towards him.

The MUSIC becomes louder..Lights fade.



NIGHT. GOWDA’s house.

IRYA is sleeping on a gunny bag cloth. He has covered himself with a

terribly worn out blanket. He is not wearing a shirt.

GOWDTI enters gently holding an oil-lamp with a small wick.

GOWDTI sits by his bedside..


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GOWDTI : ( Softly ) Irappa ? Are you asleep ? Well,you are a blessed

person,indeed ! ( Heaving a loud sigh.)Look at me ! God knows what sin did
I commit in my last life ! I can’t at all get a wink of sleep. Maybe,I have
been cursed to go without sleep for days! I have everything a person needs
but still I feel a kind of dissatisfaction in my head and in the throat and
in my stomach,in fact all over my body !

My soul seems to be hanging in between, between the earth and the heaven,
my breath constantly heaving up and heaving down .

I was lying there in the kitchen corner thinking up all such

thoughts...Tonight I felt pleasantly sleepy for a brief while ,you see.
And while I fell asleep thus, I saw a dream. I was there in the dream and
you too were there.

You might be curious to know how.

I was in the guise of a female dog;and you were in the guise of a male
dog.In the dream there was a huge jungle. It had blue haze all over and
everything. I was continually barking like a female dog and running wildly
ahead.It was night and dark.There was the moon but instead of illuminating
my path,he had chosen to hide himself behind the clouds.

( Heaves a sigh. )

There were thorns on all the trees. Not a single tree had any green
leaves.All the green leaves were all burnt in the hot heat of the sun. Not
a single tree bore any fruit.

The trees,the thorns,You and I – all and everything was showered in dark
blue colour. I don’t know why but I was very hungry. I would keep running
and stop briefly, look in every direction and then I would keep running

I suddenly spotted a black crow at the top edge of a tall and barren tree
branch. I stood under the tree and expectantly looked up at the crow.

It was up there and I was down here too under the tree at the same time.I
had tears in my eyes and I started crying aloud.

I just turned about. What a big surprise, I saw you...and you were so close
.And just at that very moment suddenly the moon came out from behind the
clouds as if to bless me!You were so near and at hand!

‘Don’t you worry,woman. I am a true male and I will be with you,you

said,assuring me.

As soon as you spoke thus,the black crow at once fell off the tree and to
the ground right before me.

Soon you started growing bigger and bigger in size!You became the very Lord
Shiva I had been worshipping so ardently ! You became my dear lord !My

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master !All the fear in me vanished at once.The crow came alove and flew
away. Magic .

( IRAPPA stands up slowly to his height,close to her eyes.)

GOWDTI : My dear Lord Shiva! ( She bows down to him. )

IRAPPA : Look outside,Woman. It is near dawn. Time to fill up water !

( He turns. GOWDTI holds his hand.)

GOWDTI :Where are you going ? It is neither day nor night yet ! I can
see the moon – so thick, big and wide ! It means,it is still night.

( GOWDTI pulls him down. IRYA sits down and lies down in the bed.

GOWDTI lies down beside him in the bed. IRYA pulls the blanket over both
of them. )

GOWDTI : I feel sleepy. You too must sleep. I want to lie down right here.
Move a little. My eyes are filled with sleep.And my sleep is filled with my

Under the blanket,GOWDTI laughs a little.Pause.

Now IRAPPA laughs. A slight pause.

Now GOWDTI laughs again . IRAPPA too laughs.

Now both laugh together.

We hear Sanai music mixed with their laughter...

A long Silence.

A hen starts singing outside.)




The next morning. At GOWDA’s house.

IRAPA is looking at himself in a hand-mirror. He is wearing GOWDA’s turban

and twirling the ends of his moustache.

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Enters GOWDTI,wearing a new sari,bangles. A nose-ring.

GOWDTI : ( Sweetly,feigning surprise ) Who is there standing ?

IRAPPA :( Smiling ) It’s me. Can’t you see,woman ? Irappa ! Don’t forget
me please !

GOWDTI :Oh,I thought it’s Chandrappa ! You appeared so bright. That is

why I asked.

IRAPPA : How come your face looks so bright yourself ? It wasn’t the
same last night ! ( Smiles.)

GOWDTI : I told you. Chandrappa gave me the present. It is so precious

too. I could not have bought such happiness in the market place !

IRAPPA :Hope you did not mistake me for Chandrappa .I am who I am! Irappa,
Your man now. All yours !.

GOWDTI : Irappa or Chandrappa ...Both mean the same for me. I journeyed in
the ocean of happiness last night !I roamed freely through the palace of
memory ! What an experience,indeed ! I can never forget it !

IRAPPA :Oh ! You are talking about the one moon in your mind and the one
moon outside ! Now I understand you !

GOWDTI : Do you want some milk ? I prepared it in scented milk..

IRAPPA : On one condition. If you drink it – I wish to taste it !

GOWDTI : ( Pleased ) Are you not being a bit childish and obstinate ?

IRAPPA : No,no,no. It’s a game. A game a male and a female play with one
another !

GOWDTI : I love games all the time ! Do you want it in the cup or in the
saucer ?

IRAPPA : It depends on how hot the liquid is,won’t it ?

GOWDTI :( Inching rather close ) You can first taste it so you can
decide. Won’t you ?

She takes a sip from the cup and extends it towards him. He feigns to take
the cup but holds her hand instead and drags her towards him. The cup falls
to the ground.

GOWDTI frees herself and runs towards the kitchen. IRAPPfollows her .He
pulls at the end of her sari and catches her at the door. She puts her hand
on his chest,as if to protest but not really so. He touches her face and

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GOWDTI off : ( Pleading )Don’t...Don’t,Irappa ! Don’t...Don’t ,Chandrappa


IRAPPA off : I want you now,this very minute ! You are the fully ripened
mango – and I am the green parrot that must perch on it and savour the
sweetness to my heart’s content !

GOWDTI : And what if he should come in ?

IRAPPA :Don’t you worry about him . He is lying at Gangi’s house

fully drunk up to the neck ! I know that for a fact. So don’t worry,woman !

GOWDTI : You may be right. But I must worry because I am a woman !

Helpless,dependent !

IRAPPA : No need to be frightened,woman ! If he steps in,I have an

axe to deal with him. Remember that. I have already sharpened the axe just
for such an occasion.I can finish him off. One hit is all that his body
needs. He will be halved into two in one hit! Common !

He drags her towards him.She responds. They disappear inside.

_( BLACK.)



IRAPPA is asleep in a chair with a shawl wrapped about him.

GOWDTI enters.

GOWDTI : Who might this be at the door ? Someone has been knocking like
his mother dropped dead ! Irappa ! Please open up and see who that is at
the door . Will you ?

IRAPPA : ( Stirring a bit and whining sleepily )Awwwwww Caaant ! I

can’t. Too sleepy.

GOWDTI :( Smiling ) Why ? You look exhausted these days. ( Smiles.)


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IRAPPA : Oh,no. Not at all. I keet on getting one dream after another
these days. I cam hardly sleep.

GOWDTI :I understand. It is the same for me too. But should someone come
up and knock on the door,someone must open and see who it is. All right. I
will open the door.

GOWDTI opens the door. She sees GANGI and steps back.

GOWDTI : Irya ! There is a woman to see you ! She is so beautiful. Come

down here and see for yourself !

IRAPPA comes up at once and stands all surprised to see GANGI. His mouth
falls open.

GANGI : ( Smiling widely ) Don’t stare at me like that. I am not an

outsider !

GOWDTI : ( Surprised ) Not an outsider ? Then you have to be someone

from the inside ! Are you saying you are an insider in this house ? How
strange ! I have not seen you before at all.

GANGI : ( Entering ) Indeed ! I am an insider allright. Oh ! What a

huge mansion ! A king’s palace ! Simply fascinating !

GOWDTI : Ofcourse ! Twenty four columns and twelve rooms ! Where do you
think you are ? At the house of Haloor’s Gowda. I must clearly tell you

GANGI : ( Smiling and turning to look about ,impressed )That’s correct.

I have come to the right address ! I shall be staying here now onwards !
Gowda said so himself. He invited me personally.

GOWDTI :( Catching the absurdity ) Why must you come and stay here ?
Don’t you have a house of your own ?

GANGI :That’s not it. You misunderstand me,sister ! I happen to be

your younger sister...I mean your younger sister !

GOWDTI : Did you hear that,Irappa ? Surely someone who has escaped from
the mad house ! ( Laughs repeatedly,pointing at GANGI.)

IRAPPA : Gowdti...Don’t keep on laughing like that ! This is an

altogether a different story you haven’t understood yet!

GOWDTI : Whose story did you say ?

IRAPPA : Why , Your husband’s. Who else !


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GOWDTI : ( Taken aback )I see ...I see...It appears that you know of
this woman well...Tell me. What’s her name ?

GANGI : Sister, my name is Gangamma. From the next street. I am called

Gangabai now.I am a GOWDTI like yourself !

IRAPPA : ( Yelling ) Not Gangabai.’s...GANGI !

GANGI : ( Stepping closer to GOWDTI,touching her feet and putting the

dust on her forehead.) Gangi also means Gangabai ! I am your younger sister
now ! Whether you call me Gangi or Gangabai..or even is me who
will respond .

GOWDTI : ( Coolly ) Stop,stop.Now will you explain a bit more...? What is

the relationship between you and me,did you say ?

IRAPPA : This is a village prostitute , Gangi !

GOWDTI : ( Stepping away ) How dirty ! How dare you call me a sister in
one shameless breath? What a shameless woman ! Oh, I can see the black
beads necklace too around your neck . Everything about you is so strange !

IRAPPA : Gangi ! Why have you come to the Gowda’s mansion ? Shameless you
! The Village prostitute should stay where she is supposed to be – outside
the village boundary ! This is a respectable household !

GANGI : ( Obstinately ) I am married to the Gowda now ! Like this

Gowdti,I too am a member of this respectable household !Am I not ? The
marriage took place yesterday and in a hurry ! There was hardly any time to
invite you all !

GOWDTI :I did not know that prostitutes too get married ! You women are
called Permanently married...I used to imagine that to be true !

GANGI : My dear sister ! I am really married now ! Trust me !

GOWDTI : With whom ? Tell me where’s your respectable husband ?

GANGI : Am married to the Gowda,your husband !He put a proper garland

around my neck and that is how he married me with due ceremony ! And he
urged me to come home at once. It’s your rightful home,he said. Don’t
think twice or feel shy of coming. Gowda extended the invitation to me. He
said, do come and give us a singing and dancing performance ! He visited me
the first evening as soon as he returned from Germany...


IRAPPA : ( Saracastically ) Oh ! Is that how it is ? Well,come in,come


GOWDTI :That’s it,then. Irappa, I must welcome her properly. Will you
get everything ready right away ?

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IRAPPA : ( Appealing ) Not here at the main entrance,Madam !Too windy

here to get the ceremonial oil- lamp. We will take her to the back of the
house . We can welcome our new Gowdti under the coconut tree next to the

GOWDTI : I agree. Gangi...Gangabai ! Follow me. We should go to the

back of the house. Come on ! I will fetch a new sari and blouse piece

GANGI : As you say,sister. I was worried if you would accept me.

Thank you,really.

( She steps in.)

GOWDTI : I wish I had a garland of Marigold flowers to properly welcome

you with. Please don’t mind. I will do so soon. Come in,come in,won’t you ?

GOWDTI holds her hand.GANGI steps in.)

I realize now . Despite being his rightful wife, you have agreed to
welcome me into the house. You must be a kindly and a large-hearted person
!I will be your slave ! I will do all the household chores .I have become
emotional,you see.

GOWDTI smiles and holds GANGI’s hand and leads her inside.IRAPPA reaches
for the rope on the peg and follows after them them.

We hear scuffle from the back of the house. Gowdti shrilly abusing.

GOWDTI off : You slut ! You thief !! You must die !

GANGI screams...and speaks in a shrill voice..

GANGI : Why ? What’s this ? What are you two..Oh god ! You are
dragging me...towards the well...Oh God...Why are you tying me with the
rope ? What have I done ? This is no way to welcome a newly

( Cries...)

GOWDTI : Stuff a piece of cloth in her mouth,Irya ! She is

screaming horribly !

GANGI : Let her scream as much as she likes ! Who is there to

hear her !

GANGI : Ummmmm...MMMM..MMMM !

GOWDTI : Irya ! Don’t just stand back looking at her...Lift her

and dump the weight into the well..Nobody will know anything about
this...Later we can dump the dead body into the gutter !

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Suddenly we hear something heavy fall into a well-water.IRAPPA comes

out ,throwing up his hands and panting.

Silence.GOWDTI comes out,frightened,perspiring and wiping her

beads,scurries about and goes back inside.IRAPPA comes out.He is agitated
too but outwardly calm.

IRAPPA : Gowda wants a song and dance show ! Alright ! That is

what we’ll give him !

He collects his mattress and goes inside...



Evening. At GOWDA’s House. The outer courtyard.

GOWDA enters . He is wearing a garland of flowers still from Gangi. The

wrists too have flowers tied round. He raises his hand upto his nose and
smells them.The flowers are fading but it does not matter to GOWDA.

IRAPPA enters now,looking busy,walking here and there quickly as if looking

for something.

GOWDA : ( Calling out ) Irya ! Can you see me or your eyes cannot see me
these days? Who am I here ? You are in a daze these days !

IRAPPA : ( Promptly coming up ) Why,you are my master. My Gowda !

GOWDA : So when you see your master,what must you be doing ? You must
prostrate at his feet. So do so,my man ! You must never forget your place.
It is at my feet..

IRAPPA prostrates and gets up.

IRAPPA : I am at your feet,Master.

GOWDA : Yes. That is the way.Now I can say you are truly my own
Irappa. Did you tell the village folk that I am back from Germany ? I
instructed you to announce my coming. Did you do so ?

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IRAPPA : I have,my master !

GOWDA : And how did they react to the news ?

IRAPPA : ( Exagerating ) What shall I say now,you tell me yourself,sir

!The effect of such great news was just as expected.

GOWDA -. : As expected ? They are not impressed. They are jealous of me.

IRAPPA : Yes,sir.

GOWDA. : What yes,sir.? They are jealous of me. Now why shd they be

jealous of me ?

IRAPPA. : Impressed sir. They even rolled their eyes.

There is a crowd outside and they are all waiting to come in !

GOWDA :( Surprised ) Outside our door ? I did not see anyone outside

the main door !

IRAPPA : ( Chuckling ) How will your eye see anyone else,sir ? These

days your Lordship sees only the one special .I mean,your

Gangi !

GOWDA : Stop calling her Gangi ! I cannot tolerate such low word about
my brand new wife ! She has the full status of my Gowdti now onwards. Be
warned once and for all !

IRAPPA : As you wish,Sir. All right. ( Starts to go.)

GOWDA : Where are you going ?

IRAPPA : Going to the farm,Sir. The cane crop must be watered on time.The
Grapes crop must be watered.The Guava plants,well,I must water them too.
And there are the mango trees. And all the babul trees too.

GOWDA : There is no need. Forget it,forget it.Call those people

waiting outside to come in here. That woman Gangi is also due to come in
here any moment.Where’s Gowdti gone ?

IRAPPA : Gone to see the farm,sir. She desired to see the fruits. So I
said,do come on a round.

GOWDA : Oh,good,good.You must do a bit of work here. Sweep the entrance

and sprinkle water. Take the coloured powder from the kitchen and paint

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something nice in the front.Understood ? Guests are coming to the house.

Understood ? I want to see festive atmosphere !

IRAPPA : What are you saying,sir ? Do you expect a male like myself to
paint the floor outside ? Why,that is for the women-folk to do,sir.Not for

GOWDA : A servant is a servant for anything and everything,you see.If

there are tasks,well,they need to be attended to .Got it ? Go and send
those people in.

IRAPPA takes two rounds of the courtyard,shuffling in and out and finally

Three villagers enter,all wearing striped pyjamas and long shirts with a
muffler and topi.

Together : Greetings,Lord !

GOWDA :( Pleased ) No formalities for friends. Come,come. Come up here.

Sit,sit everyone. I had gone on a visit to Germany,you know !

Together : Oh !

GOWDA : ( Grandly ) What a country ! Germany,that is.What a

beautiful and modern country ! You village folks look tribals,you see,in
comparison !( Laughs.)

Together : ( All laugh and nod.) Tell us about what all sight-seeing you
saw over there . Let’s hear about it first !

GOWDA : There ! You are curious to hear the details. Look,I saw
whatever was there to see ! Do you know which language everyone speaks in
Germany ? Now,do you know it ?

Together : ( Cracking into a laughter ) How can we know that,Sir ?

GOWDA : That is why I keep saying you are all such dumb village
tribals ! One should want to know who lives where and do what ,you see. One
should be curious. Germany is there beyond the big ocean.The important
thing to note is in Germany all the adult males,all the adult females,all
the children,the shop-keepers and the business folk – they all speak German
! ( Laughs. ) Understood ?

Villager 1 : Do you speak German,sir ? Is it the same like ours in

pattern and style or is it different altogether ?

Villager 2 : Ofcourse. He can speak several languages. Why else would he

go there and enjoy the trip ? He knows,you see .

Villager 3 : Yeah, He knows allright. He is a much travelled man unlike

us. A big man !

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GOWDA : A funny thing happened in Germany. The hotel sent a car to pick
me up from the airport. A female driver. A splendid,solid-looking blond
with golden hair. We shook hands promptly once we greeted one another and
we sat in the car. She started the car but stopped. I looked at her but by
way of reply,she shot out her hand and slapped on my head. I stared. She
had caught a lice in my head between her index finger and the thumb. You
bring lice into my country. That’s patriotism . I had to apologige. Then
onwards we hit off and we became friends.

The villager look at one another.,nodding.

VILLAGER 3 : What did you bring from Germany ? Any living thing ?

( Everyone cracks into a big laughter.)

VILLAGER : That moves on two feet ! Hehehe…

GOWDA : . No,no. ( Laughs.) Rascals ! You cannot touch women there.

You can’t. Social etiquettes mean a lot over there. I got this watch.
( Yelling impatiently ) Are we late ? Irya,have you done the
preparations ?

IRAPPA off : Done,sir. Over. More or less.

Villager 1 : Do you really speak German language,sir ? Like those

Germans ? Does it sound anything like ours or any different in its pattern
and in the construction of sentences ?

VILLAGER 2 : It is the same as our Sanskrit. It is exactly the same. You

know Sanskrit,well,you know German.

GOWDA : That is not enough to speak it. Not at all.

Everyone laughs out aloud. IRAPPA brings tea and gives to everyone.

Villager 3 : ( Laughing )What a foolish question this is ! Listen folks

and get this clearly into your village muck heads. Lord has pocketful of
money – and that is a language everyone can hear well and understand too !
One must not ask questions that should never be asked ! Drink tea now !When
is Gangi Madam coming,sir ?

GOWDA : ( Glancing at his wrist-watch ) Why,it is almost about

the time for Gangi to be here. She is due to give a dance performance right

Together : ( Pleased ) I see. Is that why you asked to gather here

this evening? Let’s have a good time !

IRAPPA : Listen ,you folks ! This is Gowda’s mansion. His will

holds here. Once he is determined to do something,well,he does so. No one
dares question his will or cross him . That is why he is Gowda,the Lord !
Everyone get back a little…

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GOWDA : Peep out,Irappa. Maybe Gangi is nearing the house.

IRAPPA biting his tongue and touching his forehead.

IRAPPA : Good God ! My forgetfulness be damned ! Gangi Madam is

already in there ! She is sitting in front of the mirror and preparing
herself !

GOWDA sits up. The villagers do sit right.

GOWDA : ( All pleased ) I applaud her for her sheer enthusiasm to

show her art ! Irappa,come near me here,will you ? ( Irappa walks close and
holds his ear close to Gowda’smouth ) Tell Gangi – the dance must be in the
very frock I brought from Germany ! Not in a criss-cross idiotic sari made
locally.Tell her .Start the music CD I gave you !

IRAPPA : Right-ho !

IRYA goes inside. There is momentary black. Now IRYA comes out with a
bright gas-lantern . Jazz music fades in.

GANGI now enters,her face covered in a transparent red scarf. She advances
slowly ensuring that the bell tied around her heel are heard musically. She
is wearing a short red frock which exposes her thighs. GOWDA is pleased and
he applauds her coming. The crowd applauds loudly too and they whistle

Swaying her hips,GANGI comes to the centre and moves angling her eyes round
and round attracting everyone’s attention.

GOWDA : ( Urgently yells out ) Get the whisky bottles and the
glasses,idiot ! Fill the glasses and hand it to everyone ! Let everyone
enjoy !

IRAPPA quickly fetches the glasses and pours whisky and hands the glasses.
One of the villager rises to his feet,holds GANGI forcibly and forcibly
pours whisky into her mouth. Everyone claps and enjoys the act…She resists
but then takes the glass and drinks off…Soon a crowd of dancers dressed as
crows appear behind her and the dance begins. GANGI gyrates around,raising
her frock up and down . She starts to sing…Now the pack of crows dance
around her,going round and round,now closing on her,now revealing. The
villagers whistle and clap. Everyone is dead drunk.

The Song :

Germany ! Germany ! Frrrrr…Frrrrr Frrrr !

Who am I ? Who are you !

Open your mouth,Say it,say it !

Am I a male ? or a female ?

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Open your mouth, Say it,say it !

Are you a male ? Are you a Female ?

Open your mouth,Say it,Say it !

I am here,you are there !

Frrrrr…Frrrrr Frrrr !

GANGI now goes round and round,singing:

No peeping inside and outside

No looking to the back and the front

No looking up and down, up and down

No looking up and down,up and down .

Frrrrr…Frrrrr Frrrr !


Do not see with open eyes

Do not see with shut eyes

Male or Female ? Open your mouth,Say it ! Say it !

Who am I, Who are you ?

Open your mouth,Say it,Say it !

Frrrrr…Frrrrr Frrrr !

GANGI now comes to centre stage,continues dancing & Singing :

GANGI : Germany ! Germany !

Gowda goes to Germany !

I go to Germany !

Irya Goes to Germany !

Everyone goes to Germany !

Frrrrr…Frrrrr Frrrr !

CHORUS : GOWDA Goes to Germany ! Germany !


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GANGI : I go to Germany with a load of my money

I come back from Germany ,I got no money !

I got a wrist watch! Hehehe..I got a frock to gift

New,new,grand new,phew !

Frrrrr…Frrrrr Frrrr !

IRYA now joins the dance and keeps the steps while GANGI dances :

GANGI : Gowda goes inside the bottle

I Gangi get into the frock

Irya the dog moves round and round

Biting his own tail and grinning wide.

He looks here and about

still grinning like a fool

And he got lost !

Germany ! Germany ! Frrrrr…Frrrrr Frrrr !

Villagers now all rise and dance around,loudly shouting out :

VILLAGERS : Germany ! Germany !

Lovely my Germany ! Lovely my Germany !

The dance ends. The song stops. They clap. GOWDA,now over drunk,loses
balance and falls out of the chair and onto the floor. The villagers now
sway forward to catch hold of GANGI showing lust.They pull at her
frock.They pinch her behind.

GANGI : Gangi ! My Mynah ! Slut ! Come hither in my embrace !My

Taj- sweet Taj Mahal ! So much beauty to show and show must hid down
there !

They keep repeating themselves and keep chasing her. She runs here to
there,all frightened,screaming…

GANGI : Irappa ! Irya ! Save me ! Help me ! Save me !

One of the villagers fells her with his leg. She falls. A villager now
puts out the gas-lamp,the other rush to grab Gangi. She screams
repeatedly,men laugh

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MAN 1 : ( Laughing ) …Let us take turns…one by one…Every one !

Villager : Pull her frock ! Tear it away ! Make her full naked ! Let’s all
enjoy tonight…!!! ( He laughs.)

It is dark now. GANGI screams frightfully.

Villager : ( Randily ) What ? She is screaming ! And oh,oh…ah…what

happened ? she is suddenly quiet !Not moving !

VILLAGER : Dead. Someone light up a lighter !

The Gas-lantern comes up.

Villager : Screamed and died of screaming !! Lying quiet now ! Let’s get
away ! Common !

Villager : Irya ! Remember this. She is a prostitute ! This is no rape !

Remember. If you as much opened your mouth before the police,we will
squeeze your neck no matter where you hide ! Remember that. And then we
will go to the jail !

IRYA : You don’t need be afraid of me ! I am on your side,you

see.We will dumpt it on all on Gowda’s head ! I will see to it all. Trust
me ! I am no different than you,you see. I knew all this coming ! Now get
out. Should the police question,let us all point to Gowda as the culprit !
Scoundrel ! Let him be completely ruined !!

Irya catches holds of a stick and breaks the gas lantern.It’s outer glass
breaks.The Villagers leave. IRYA makes sure they are gone. He now
approaches GANGI lying on the ground ,still…

IRAPPA : Gowdti ! Gangi ! Gowdti ! Open your eyes. ( She sits up. )
Get up. GANGI’s dead body is near the well. I will put it in your place !
Hurry up ! Common !

GOWDTI : ( Stirring,raising her arms ) My head is heavy ! Tired !

Lift me ! They raped me !

IRAPPA scoups her up,lifting her and goes inside….


The two parrots now appear.


HE PARROT : The story is not over.

SHE PARROT : There has been a murder. The story is at its peak. The police
will come and investigate.Gowda is influential. The evidence is against
him. Will he get caught and tried ?.

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HE PARROT : That is the question. The crimesters have fled. That is for

SHE PARROT : Shall we go to the court ?

HE PARROT : No. I am not so sure we should go there. I hate chaos and the
arguments from both the sides.

SHE PARROT : Do you have no curiosity at all ?

HE PARROT : We can read the papers. Common ! Let’s not even stay here
longer lest the police catch us both and call us to the court as witnesses
for the prosecution.

SHE PARROT : Must’t we tell them the truth ?

HE PARROT : Truth ? Who knows the truth ? The truth is whatever the
Lawyers say it is. Not what we say. It is a game of interpretation now.

SHE PARROT : Is that how it is. The truth must come out in the end. That is
all I want to see.

HE PARROT : As if that is your business or mine. Common !

They exit.


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SCENE 10 .

Jail. Night. 2 a.m.

GOWDA sits inside a cell,behind bars, dresed as a convict. He has been

chained in the legs. A security guard is standing guard.

Somewhere off a bell goes.

GUARD off : All is well !

GOWDA moves closer to the cell door.

GOWDA : What’s the time,officer ?

GUARD : 1’O’ clock of the early morning.

GOWDA : Any mail for me ? ( Tearfully ) No one comes to see me ever !

There is no fan in the cell. It is stuffy and suffocating.

GUARD : You have murdered a woman ! You have raped ! You got a noose
around your neck by your act. Now don’t ask me again if there is an order
from the court for your release. The answer is no. No letters from anyone
either. You have the same questions – you get the same answers !

GOWDA : I did not murder anyone ! It’s all a lie. The court was

GUARD : Shut up,shut up. You go on and on. And cry. Everyone makes
the same claim.Everything has been determined in the court.The police have
conducted a thorough inspection and put up a tight case.You have been
sentenced to be hanged. That’s the right sentence. You were so cruel .And
filthy. More than the pig that eats shit. It only does a job for itself but
you have done something that is filthier than that. A pig is cleaner than
you !

GOWDA : ( Angry ) Oh ! You have a tongue there to speak.Who do you

think I am ! I am a party member. Understand ? If I got a ticket,I will win
effortlessly,you will see. I will then become the Home Minister of the

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State. When that happens,you will see that you,your jail,that court and its
judge – everything will be under me ! ( Laughs. ) So better be careful when
you speak again !

GUARD : ( Sarcastically spitting )I see. It looks like you are

hoping to manipulate the court verdict . That is impossible no matter who
recommends it. A Supreme Court order is like a line in stone.No one can
reverse or erase it, it stays. Tell you what. Your head is deranged. A
party member,you say ! Mad man with a twisted ugly brain ! He just barks
like an idiot !

GOWDA : ( Still upbeat ) Not barking emptily. I have instructed my

lawyer to ask for mercy petition. One month,am waiting.I am certain that I
will be given mercy. The President cannot dare say. His job is to grant
mercy and he will. Understand ? I have done nothing. My lawyer has clearly
said so and sent the petition to the President. I told him to warn the
president.He must sign it.

GUARD : ( Laughing aloud. ) Hmm. You must be a greater fool than I

thought. Is that what your Lawyer told you ?

GOWDA : Why should he tell me ? It is I who should tell him. He is

a very clever Lawyer,I say.

GUARD : Clever ? If he is clever, your Lawyer will not bother

writing that mercy petition.

GOWDA :Why do you say so ?

GUARD : You said your lawyer is really clever. That’s what made me
say so. He won’t write it and make that appeal – if truly clever,that is.

GOWDA : He has. He even took my signature,you see.If he manages to

save me,I have assured him a house and an acre of canefarm and everything .
I have made that promise.Any work can be got done if one can fill their
mouth with currency notes ! Even this lawyer will do anything !

( GUARD laughs. The lights grow dim. GOWDA rises to his feet slowly with
folded hands.)

GOWDA : ( Filled with anxiety )) : Lawyer sir ! Sir !! Please hear

me out ! Hear me out a little ! Don’t laugh,please.Please don’t…laugh…

( The GUARD laughs even more loudly now .)

Don’t laugh like that,Lawyer sir ! You are a wise man. Put in the mercy
petition. Have mercy on me ! This is the only life I have ! Help save me !
You must ! If I become the Law Minister,I will make you the Attorney
General or the chief judge of the Supreme Court! I will fill your mouth
with money ! So,you see,do have mercy upon me…Mercy…Mercy…( Sobs.)

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GUARD : Shut up now and close your mouth. You have mistaken me for
your lawyer !

GOWDA : Lawyer sir !

GUARD : You son of a slut ! I am no lawyer ! I am the prison guard

at the jail. A guard only ! Your head is turned completely. So keep quiet
now. My boss is calling me. I must go.

( Gets up and walks away. )

GOWDA :( Loudly,still appealing ) Lawyer sir ! Don’t leave just

yet. Hullo ,Lawyer sir ! Sir !

Now it is dark on him. A Jailor in uniform now stands before him outside
the cell.He has a cane in hand.

JAILOR : Who’s there ?

GUARD : Sir !

JAILOR :The hanging order has arrived. 6 a.m early morning.

Bathe the prisoner and dress him up and keep ready. Weigh him. Ready the
hanging yard in all respect.

GUARD : Yes,sir !

JAILOR : Use that rope we imported from Germany, it’s

excellent ! It is very strong ! Go. I have called the magistrate and
requested him on the phone to be here on time. He will be here.Go ! Go !!

GUARD : Yes,sir !

The JAILOR now turns to the Prisoner.

GOWDA : Jailor sir ! I see that you came personally. It means

the order from the President must have come. You are here to personally
tell me the good news. How nice ! ( Laughs.)The President is our Party
man,you see. Hullo,Guard ! Common here. Quick . Run,will you ? Jailor
sir,well,Give me the good news ! Come on ! Comeon,sir !

JAILOR : Gowda,what is your last wish ?

GOWDA : ( Sniggering ) He wants to know my last wish ! Listen,a last is

asked of those who are dying. Why bother about it now ? The moment I am
released,I will cut that Irya into pieces and feed his the street dogs his
flesh and blood ! It is he,I know ,who told one lie and then another and
brought me down to my knees and inside the jail.It’s all his plan alone !
And I will see that Gowdti too – she looks a part of the conspiracy.

JAILOR : Will you record your last wish or you won’t ? ( He opens a
register and a pen. )

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GOWDA : Go away,man ! Your head is turned ! Everyone’s head is turned

here. Your court – and that rascal of a president – You all want to see me
hanged ! That too when I am crying hoarse like a pig and telling you all
that I have done nothing ! Nobody wants to listen ! Once I am released,I
will come out and hang each one of you !

JAILOR : You have no last wish. I will write that in the record.

GOWDA : No . So go now ! Write whatever you like ! What is that to

me ?

JAILOR : Sign here please. You know reading And writing. So sign

GOWDA : I refuse to sign ! ( Laughs. ) You can’t hang me.Go away.

JAILOR : Then don’t sign. Hullo,this will not make any difference
whatever.Understood ? Stop being angry anymore now onwards. Be at peace.
Ask forgiveness of God. I don’t know whether he will forgive you. I just
can’t know that . A monster like yourself, well, does not deserve
forgiveness from God above. He doesn’t ask me,you see. But supposing he
decides to wake me while I am asleep,I will say it promptly. This man is no
cemetery dog to deserve forgiveness,nor a child of a dirty pig to deserve
forgiveness ! Oh God,I bessech you. Do not even think of giving him
forgiveness ! And don’t ever make the mistake of giving him rebirth as a
human being !

The JAILOR shuts the register and goes away down the long corridor.GOWDA
collapses to the floor and starts crying silently.

The lights fade out.


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The Jail. Immediately. Past mid-night.

Only a ray of light comes up to him. He opens his eyes and slowly sits up.
Before him now stands Irappa. GOWDA rubs his eye and stares.

GOWDA : ( Astonished at once ,disbelieving ) Who ? Irappa sir ! My

friend !

IRAPPA : ( Laughing mildly ) What’s all this,Gowda ? You are completely

ruined !

GOWDA : Sorry, Irappa Sir . While I have been waiting for your
lordship’s arrival, my tired eyes got closed.

IRAPPA : I am not Irappa Sir ! I am your servant !An insignificant and

small creature ! A foolish man who fetched the stick if you just as much as
got ready to beat me !I am what you called ‘rascal’! ( Laughs.)

GOWDA : I don’t understand anything !

IRAPPA : ( Laughing ) No ? Well,I am here to explain the meaning to

you .

GOWDA : Do tell me,my friend ! I have done no crime. You know that
too well ! Go and clarify everything to the court without delay and finish
up the matter. We can then go home together. Once we reach home,I have a
gift ready for you .Wonder what ? The brand new wrist watch from Germany.
It has a black dial, Remember ? You must accept it. You mustn’t refuse my
gift. I just love my friends,you know. But before that,you have a story to
tell. So,tell it. Did I kill Gangi ? Did I rape Gangi ? No one knows the
truth. Only you know it.

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IRAPPA : Yes.You did not kill Gangi. You killed her spirit to live.You
did not kill Gangi for a fact. I was present there myself that night. You
were fully drunk and fallen unconscious on the floor !

GOWDA : Exactly. I keep saying so and repeating it ! No body wants to

believe me. But who really did commit the murder of Gangi ?

IRAPPA : If you keep interrupting me like this,I will just go back. I

warn you.

GOWDA : All right. See ? Not a word. See ? I keep a finger on my shut

IRAPPA : Good. Now listen.This may all sound like news to you. As for
me,it is the same old. About Gangi,the keep. Gowdti told me to burn her
down the moment she stepped in. I have never seen such hatred ! I agreed.

I sent Gowdti to the farm and I went into the town and gather four people.
I gave them drinks. ‘ Come to our house,we have a German dance of GANGI
dancer over there,I said.’ ( Laughs.) You mention a woman, even a dead
corpse will greedily open its mouth !You are not the only one in the
village !

One more thing. I had been waiting to teach you a lesson. I came as a
servant to your house seeking food for my stomach but you abused me ,spank
me,called me names,kicked me as if I were a dog…I tolerated all that
because GOWDTI treated me with kidness and love…

GOWDA : Thing that go on behind a man’s back !

IRAPPA : Gowdti was waiting too…Gangi was killed, it was easy. I asked
Gowdti to wear the damned red-frock…she looked so sexy,ravishing beauty…The
mob attacked her…Once she fell down,the mod got frightened…I planted
Gangi’s dead body ..and called the police rightaway . I had an eye-witness
account.I told them that you raped Gangi first and then drank liquor and
slept. You were reeking of whisky…There were people as ready witnesses… You
were sentenced to be hanged and we were satisfied and happy.

GOWDA : A lie for truth !

IRAPPA : I have another news too. I can tell it to you if you want.
If uninterested,I can just keep it with myself.

GOWDA : ( Sighing ) I am listening.

IRAPPA : ( Joyously ) Is it amusing that the moment there is some

news,even the dead man must hear it !

GOWDA : ( All frustrated ) Tell me news,my friend !

IRAPPA : Last night Gowdti gave birth to a child ! You are the
father of a male child ! Ha,ha !

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GOWDA : ( Proudly ) What ! Have I become the father of a male

child ? Me a father ?

IRAPPA : I must spit on you and your muddled head.You are a

father for only a namesake ! He is my son .You never slept with Gowdti even
once ! You were with Gangi all the time and back here I settled down with
Gowdti. How’s that ! All is God’s will,you know !

( Turns away,rapping his forehead. Returns to face Irappa.)

GOWDA : Fine,fine. I don’t mind. At least show me my son’s face

to me ! I must see him.

IRAPPA : Never ! ( Rising ) I do not want even an inch of your

shadow to fall on my son ! He will inherit your mansion. And the remainder
of the farm. I have decided to sell it all in the market. Gowdti has agreed
to my plan.

GOWDA : The mansion has come down from my ancestors and the
ownership goes back to twelve generations. Why sell it ? No,no.

IRAPPA : What is decided is decided.She wants none of it, not

even a minute dust for herself. Moreover you took a huge loan from that
Akkalkot sahukar. He has consented to take the mansion and pay one lakh
rupees on top.

GOWDA : Wow ! That’s a mighty big amount ! What will you do

with one lakh rupees ? Let me know.

IRAPPA : Gowdti and I have identified a small farm in my

village. Don’t think I will spend all the money in building another big
mansion,no. Don’t worry. I will marry your wife.As soon as you are hanged
here, I will become her husband and support her forever.

GOWDA : Okay. My son will get a father and mother. Isn’t

that the overall gist ?

IRAPPA : That’s another news there. Gowdti and I have

decided to give away the baby for adoption to a German couple. Let him go
away,away from all this and grow up in a new modern environment. Away from
this blasted Halooru of yours ! Good-byue ! Hang well !

IRAPPA exits. Dark.The drums beat loudly.…


Street. A little after dawn.


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A newspaper vending boy comes up on a cycle and shouts.

VENDING BOY : Times of India ! Indian Express ! Hindu !

GOWDA comes upto him in Prisoner’s dress.

GOWDA : Give me a paper.

BOY : Give me the money.

GOWDA : I have no money to give.

BOY : Then I have no newspaper to give you !

( GOWDA moves on but waits. The BOY shouts the headline.)

BOY : The President rejected the mercy petition and sent it back to
the Ministry ! As per the court order murderer Chandrabhan Gowda was hanged
yesterday early morning at the Tihar jail in New Delhi !

The BOY exits. Six bells now begin to ring slowly.

GOWDA stands transfixed in the street. A noose from behind falls around his
neck. He struggles and his tongue protrudes out of his mouth. He falls.

Lights fade.



Jungle. The SPIRIT is still waiting. We see its face bloodied in the fight
with Gowda a year ago still afresh.

IRAPPA enters with a gas lantern in hand.He displays excruciating pain in

his head. He has tied it tight with a turban that once belonged to Gowda.In
his pocket is a newspaper roll.

IRAPPA : Elder Gowdti ! Irya here. I have come to see you. Are you here

He puts the gas lantern on the ground and waits.Wind begins to howl. The
tree begins to shake slowly.She shows up from behind the tree.

WOMAN : ( In a tired voice.) I am here,Irappa. Come.

IRAPPA : You have put some mad insect in my head,please remove it at

once.My head will splinter into hundred pieces due to the constant pain !

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radio,television,stage or film, write for prior permission. A small fee payable for public
trading and separate fees payable for different purposes and media of performance chosen. All legal
rights are in lace. Violations will invite penal action. )

WOMAN : You see,Irappa,you must learn to think despite the pain. If a

horrible insect from outside can enter your head,it can come out too.So do
not worry. You have brought some news for me. So tell me. You men are good
at delaying things. Go on.

IRAPPA : ( Smiling ) See ? You make me laugh. You are dead. Now you
are completely cut off from the affairs of the earth. You are supposed to
lie in peace between some stones under the earth but you come up again and
again and get stuck in our affairs ! No one can ever fathom the thinking of
a woman,it must be true !

WOMAN : If you must know that,you must take birth as a woman. How
can you know our feelings and our thoughts ? We sit out in the open to
drink milk under a moonlight but you men mix poison in it. I married to run
a household and look what happened. Forget it. Tell me the news first. I
am impatient. I can’t wait. Hope you bring good news at last !

IRAPPA : Wait,wait. Please get this insect out of my head ! I am

suffocating !

WOMAN : Yours later. First give me the news. It better be good.

IRAPPA : What an obstinate woman ! You push my plight behind and

bring up your thing to the front. No,no. Until you take out the insect and
give me comfort,I will hold the news with me ! I can be obstinate too.

WOMAN : Don’t think you men alone can play politics. We women
can play too.Don’t attempt to blackmail me.Don’t give me the news,I will go
back.Let me see who will take out the insect out of your head ? No one can.
Only I can. You will never get free from the insect inside your head ! I
will see that it grows in size and the noise will boom boom. Your ears will
burst and so will you !

IRAPPA : Don’t go ! ( Hurriedly,taking out the paper ) . What a woman !

Wait. Please wait ! I am telling the news,am I not ? Did I refuse ever ?

WOMAN : Tell me. Go ahead.

IRAPPA : Gowda was hanged yesterday. It’s in this paper. Head line
news !

WOMAN : ( Moving freely ) At last ! I waited seventeen years to hear

this one news ! I feel hugely relieved. I am light and fit to fly with my
child. Bye !

IRAPPA makes haste and grabs her with his hands.

IRAPPA : I must be relieved too. Did you forget about the damned fly
in my head ?

WOMAN kicks him away.


( Please read in Print layout format. If you decide to read out publicly in any media include mg
radio,television,stage or film, write for prior permission. A small fee payable for public
trading and separate fees payable for different purposes and media of performance chosen. All legal
rights are in lace. Violations will invite penal action. )

WOMAN : So you love your life !

IRAPPA : What I have is this one life ! I have done you a favour. I
have destroyed Gowda.

WOMAN : One life,Indeed ! And how many lives did I have ?

You said,you have obliged me. That is not fully true.I asked you to destroy
Gowda and his home. But you stole his wife like Gowda.You enjoyed sex with
his second wife.What right did you have ? She was neither your wife nor a
beloved. You made her dance in place of Gangi. You raped her again and
again.I had this impression that this Irappa is poor,he may not be like
Gowda.You reduced my trust in you to ashes.I want you to die with that
insect in there . I curse you this minute and hope you will go to hell and
meet that Gowda of yours !

IRAPPA : No ! No !!

He holds his head.

WOMAN : You deserve the punishment and a painful death ! So be it !

She waves her hands in the air,turns round and disappears.

IRAPPA moves round,screaming and screaming and finally he falls with one
big heart-wrenching cry.

The CLOSING SINGERS appear on the stage and start getting ready./ The drum
players start the drums slowly….. The ACTORS leave.

The Stage remains. The lights are all bright.

The TWO PARROTS enter.

HE PARROT : I want to see more !

SHE PARROT : Not me !


The OLD FRAGILE WOMAN enters now adjusting her old,old pair of glasses. Her
walk is shaky.She raises her stick at the PARROTS PAIR. They make hurried
exit and noisily fly away.

RFRAGILE WOMAN : Hmm. That’s how the story goes. Everyone is gone.


It’s neither new or nor old. It goes on

without an end. The faces change,that is all.


( Please read in Print layout format. If you decide to read out publicly in any media include mg
radio,television,stage or film, write for prior permission. A small fee payable for public
trading and separate fees payable for different purposes and media of performance chosen. All legal
rights are in lace. Violations will invite penal action. )

I have seen it all with these pair of tired

eyes for years . Pause.

These days I can neither hear anything nor

can see anything despite my glasses.

I say , this too is a kind of blessing.

There is nothing left to see and there is

nothing left to hear too !

( Smiles sadly.)

When I came as a bride years ago ,married to

DODD GOWDA,he was a huge man, robust - though of barely 22 years of
age !

There were the lands spread out from one end to the
other ,spreading still wherever the eye could travel ! The crop
range was huge too – Betal leaves,Banana,mango,sugar
cane,jowar,wheat,fruits. Every thing was there ! My husband
used to stand there in the field under the sun and toil
himself. He would return home at day-end a fully exhausted
man !He used to eat 10 bhakries,just one man in just one
meal ,you see ! He would demand nothing more…Chilly powder,oil
and onion ,that was enough for him. He never insisted on
savouring ghee or milk or curds,I used to forcibly serve these
ofcourse and saw to it that he ate it all ! A Man must have
these,that was my thinking !

If he came in at night,it felt like an army attacking ! My

bones made noise and my body ached for four days without a let
up !

And yet the Lord Shiva did not have the heart – he did not wish
us to have a boy of our own blood !

Finally we both visited the Lord Sidhhrameshwara temple

regularly and without fail .On sixteen Mondays ,following deep
worship, Lord Shiva blessed us ! A son was born to us !

My child had the same brightness as the moon in the sky. So we

named him Chandrappa !

( Please read in Print layout format. If you decide to read out publicly in any media include mg
radio,television,stage or film, write for prior permission. A small fee payable for public
trading and separate fees payable for different purposes and media of performance chosen. All legal
rights are in lace. Violations will invite penal action. )

My husband was Kempe Gowda – and now my son, Chandrappa

Gowda !!

In joy and to celebrate that a son is born, my husband felled

the old house and built this huge and massive mansion ! It took
him three long years ! He spent money like water,I must tell
you ! He used to point to the house and say proudly – A house
for my son Chandrappa ! He put the son in the big town and
said,school yourself,and then go to the university,up and up
you go,son ! But,you see,my husband got pricked by a wild
thorn,he took to the bed for a mere three days and was gone !
Dead ! The son Chandrappa of whom the old man was so proud
of,well,he did not show up at all from the town! God knows
where he was !

(Pause. She sighs. She wipes her tears.) So thus the story of
such and such Chandrappa is over finally !!

What is in a story anyway ?

There is a beginning,a middle and an end . Not necessarily in

that order but some where they will be there. Yet there is
everything in it – Anger,hatred,love,Laugher and
tears,happiness and sorrow everything ,in lesser or greater
degree !

I built a massive house with many rooms, worshipped Shiva for

weeks, gave birth to a son – well,I have witnessed everything !
That is how Lord Shiva runs his universe !

Everything is destroyed ,broken and gone ! Me too ,by now !

Everyone will finally go to Lord Shiva,I too will go and meet

my Kempe Gowda who is waiting !

( Sighs.)

Up there,my son Chandrappa too will be seen.! What happened,son

? What happened to the mother’s milk I gave you ? How did it
turn to poison ? I will ask of him that one question broken
into three ! I will hold his ear in my hand and twist it too !

( Please read in Print layout format. If you decide to read out publicly in any media include mg
radio,television,stage or film, write for prior permission. A small fee payable for public
trading and separate fees payable for different purposes and media of performance chosen. All legal
rights are in lace. Violations will invite penal action. )

Shiva ! Lord Shiva ! You are everything finally ! You play the
game with each one and all of us !

Lord Shiva !

She closes her palm together…

Well,that’s it. Take care ! Where are the End-singers ? Common

,folks!Close it,finish it,end it – Do whatever you …

Turns and exits slowly,dragging her feet.

The closing SONG :(Male & Female voices together & Singly etc.)

It’s over ! The story is over !

The story of the ugly Gowda is over !

The story of the continued vengeance of old

Gowdti is over

Despite her lying dead deep under the

ground ,that’s over !

Poor Gangi and what was her fault,indeed ?

She came forth to grab a lover from another

woman !

The younger Gowdti,well,she could not keep her


close , and that certainly ruined her forever

too !

Keep this story of Halooru ever in your head

And tell it to four people, to each and

everyone !

This is no story merely of the Male & the


It’s about greed and more greed and of a

madness possessed !

Not about the insects or the birds that fly

about everywhere

Not about spirits and the ghosts,not about

this nation or that

( Please read in Print layout format. If you decide to read out publicly in any media include mg
radio,television,stage or film, write for prior permission. A small fee payable for public
trading and separate fees payable for different purposes and media of performance chosen. All legal
rights are in lace. Violations will invite penal action. )

nation and its people !

It’s the story of all the humans on this


of this blessed earth,and of this accursed earth


There is pleasure in telling and,re-telling and

listening !

The drummer beat the drums even more loudly,displaying their artistry. The
singers leave and so do the musicians.Finally the drummers.


© Meera Jahagirdar. Prior permission necessary. Any

performance ,stage,film,reading sessions all restricted legally.

A PLAY by : Ravindra Jahagirdar.

Contact Address : C-703,Golden Petals,Karve Nagar,PUNE 411052

MOBILE : 09860265031 ; LANDLINE : HOME : 020+ 25310056


( Please read in Print layout format. If you decide to read out publicly in any media include mg
radio,television,stage or film, write for prior permission. A small fee payable for public
trading and separate fees payable for different purposes and media of performance chosen. All legal
rights are in lace. Violations will invite penal action. )

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