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nowadays young youths move abroad for further studies..positive or negitive impact

self ans.

Many young students are migrating to study abroad and I do agree with this statement. I believe, this
a positive impact because this will not only help us understand a new culture but also will lead to an
economic development.

Youth learning in a different country, will help them know new culture which he will bring back to his
own society and the same will bring upliftment among his own people. Since globalization happened,
all countries of the world came closer which led to better understanding of each others cultural
differences. For instance, one of my school friend went to Japan to take the course of Hotel
Management. After completion of his course, when he came back to his own county India he is more
concerned about cleanliness and hygiene.

Younger people who gain knowledge in different country also bring major economic advancement to
their own land where they belong to. Nowadays, we see many aspirants like engineers and doctors
travel to developed economies for higher education which helps them bring back new ideas and
infrastructure development to their own nation. This has led to major development in medicine,
science & technology throughout the world. For instance, my cousin brother completed his Civil
Engineering from USA and after coming to India he is constructing roads with lower input cost and
higher durability.

To conclude, I would say positive factors outnumber the negative ones when a student travel abroad
to study. The home country gets impacted in both ways culturally as well as economically which helps
in better ties and friendship among two nations.

Feedback :
dont use we us
Many young students are migrating to study abroad and I do agree with this statement. This is wrong.
1st paragraph is wrong
2nd paragraph is good
letter writing
some people assert that history has little value in the contemporary world. But some believe that
history is needed today to learn from the past
discuss both views and give ur opinion
give reasons for ur answer and incluse any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience

accommodation and transport problems are increasing in many large cities. Businesses are
encouraged to move to rural areas. Do advantages outweigh the dis advantages

Self Ans:
The shift of business organizations towards the less developed cities will help to eradicate many
problems of urban areas. While few opine that, this trend has several disadvantages, I would argue
that the benefits are more significant.

On the one hand, the organization has to encounter various difficulties while taking their business to
the countryside. Firstly, The employees who are already accustomed to city life and a better standard
of living, might not be interested to live in backward areas and they will look for better opportunities
in metropolitan cities. Hence, there will be a loss of talent and the same will be difficult to replace.
Secondly, The locals staying in rural places may lack the competency required to perform a particular
task; however, an enterprise will incur a significant amount of training and development cost, and still,
their skill development is not guaranteed.

On the other hand, the benefits of this trend are more vital. The movement of organizations towards
rural location will bring lots of cutting edge technologies and infrastructure development like roads,
metros, buildings, rail connectivity in those areas. The locals would not have experienced such
developments before. Another benefit due to relocation is, reduction in the urban population which
will lead to minimal traffic and ease to travel with public transport. The land cost of the factory in
countryside areas will be cheaper than those of urban areas. The employees can have bigger homes to
stay-in with a pocket-friendly rental.

Although few will argue about the drawback, I would strongly advocate that the enterprise must
consider relocating to rural areas.
Expert Ans.

The movement of organizations from urban areas to less-developed provinces is a solution to various
municipal problems, but we cannot turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of this trend. The essay will
clarify both sides of the coin, and demonstrate my view that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
 On the one hand, it is absurd to say that an organization can easily move from a major city to the
countryside without suffering any losses. A change in terms of position may cost a firm, for example, a
reduction in the quality of its workforce. Not every employee is willing to resettle down in a faraway
province, and they prefer seeking another career in the metropolis to maintain their current living
standards. The enterprise, to handle such risk of brain drain, would have to hire local workers who are
normally less competent. The expenses for their prerequisite training courses are significant, but an
improvement in their professional performance would still not be guaranteed.

 On the other hand, I believe that the advantages of this scenario are more important. Firstly, such
relocation of organizations can reduce the population density in the urban areas. As a result, the influx
of workers traveling in rush hours which causes traffic congestion would disappear. Secondly, the
movement of companies’ headquarters makes way for the construction of more residential areas, so
the citizens would no longer have to live in narrow houses and apartments anymore. Finally, factories
carry along with them modern production lines to the suburban areas, hence the rural population
might have access to such cutting-edge technological advancements, which have been by no means
close to them ever.

 In conclusion, I believe that governments should encourage companies to move to rural areas
because of the mentioned considerable benefits.

Many people argue that in-order to improve education quality, high school students are encouraged
to make comments or even criticism on their teachers. Others think it will lead to loss of respect and
discipline in the classroom. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.


Several ideas are developed to strengthen the educational quality of the education system. While few
opine that, high school students must be urged to make comments or criticize their teachers, but I
believe that, this will have an adverse effect which will lead to a loss of respect and discipline.

On the one hand, giving criticism and opinions about teachers does help improving educational
quality to some extent. Every teacher has its own style and pattern of taking a class, which they follow
in every lecture. There are instances, where tutors only brush up on the topics and fail to explain the
main concept of each topic which results in students attending coaching classes as a secondary option.
Hence, giving opinions and criticism helps to avoid such scenarios. In some cases, teaching is done in a
very speedy way and the students fail to recollect the information. Without the comments, it would
be difficult to know the appropriate speed to teach the class.

On the other hand, students giving comments and opinions about their teachers also have several
drawbacks. Firstly, teachers having a good experience and knowledge might get discouraged with the
negative comments from the students and due to dissatisfaction, the morale of the tutor goes down.
Secondly, the students will also not respect their teachers in the class and they might feel superior
which will promote indiscipline among the students. The opinions may vary and it will be impractical
to satisfy all students in the class.

To conclude, the disadvantages are far more severe of allowing students to comment and criticize
their teachers.
Many people living in cities these days do not get enough physical exercise .
What are the causes for this?
What are some possible solutions?

More and more number of people living in cities are leading towards a sedentary lifestyle where
everything is replaced by technology and individuals find difficult to spare time for physical health.
There are plethora of reasons which has led to this trend but, at the same time, we also have many
effective solutions for this problem.

The primary reason is advancement in technological development which has replaced everything that
involves physical activity. The usage of smart phones has become a trend where people nowadays,
allocate most of their time. Young adults in earlier days, play outdoor games like cricket, football,
tennis and they were physically fit but since the smart phones have been introduced, they find it
convenient to play in the comfort of their home on their phone. Hence, this has reduced physical
activity to a larger extent in the modern cities. The secondary reason is, overpopulated and crowded
cities where people find it difficult to even walk. Foothpaths are flooded with hawkers and local
vendors which has completely eliminated the possibility of walking and running. Until and unless such
problems persist, physical exercise cannot come into existence.

I believe, there are some vital solutions which can eradicate this phenomenon. Nowadays, we have
modern apps like Fitbit which not only keeps a track of your physical activity like walking but also
monitors heartbeat and blood pressure. This is a blessing for a mankind, which not only helps to keep
a track of their heath but also eliminate any possible diseases at an early stage. The government must
promote development of gardens and walking tracks in every locality, so that people living in cities
may come out from passive lifestyle and allocate some time for their physical fitness. This will not only
help us to create a healthy society but also the government spendings on healthcare will reduce

To conclude, I believe government and individuals living in cities must work towards creating a healthy
society by focusing on the solutions mentioned above.
Nowadays more and ore people read news on the internet. Nevertheless, newspaper will remain an
important source of news and information for majority of people. Do you agree or disagree with this


Recent technological advancement has completely transformed the way news are floated across the
globe. While few opine that newspaper will remain an important source of news and information,
however; I completely disagree due to the several reasons.

One of the main reason is that, nowadays majority of people prefer reading news on their smart phones
or through television as it saves time and cost. Why would anyone buy newspaper if they can have an
access to news on their phone? Earlier days everyone was solely dependent on newpaper for any kind
of financial or political news but now many individuals prefer watching news on television or on their
smart phone. For instance, my grandfather who is above 80 years of age cannot read due to not having
visual clarity hence, he prefer watching news on television.

Another reason for my disagreement is manufacturing of newpapers also have an impact on our eco
system. The large amount of trees are being cut down by the manufacturing companies to produce
newspaper. If this scenario exist, the problems of global warming, soil erosion will remain unsolved.
Hence government and various industries have come together inorder to protect environment from a
severe damage. Many newspaper manufacturing companies have diversified their business to digital
news. For example, every new paper company are having their respective mobile app, so that they can
target those audience who prefer reading news on their smartphone. Hence, as the global population is
rising on a daily basis, digital news will go a long way due to its significant benefit.

To conclude, as per the aforementioned reasons, I strongly feel that digital news have completely
replaced newpaper to a larger extent which is a positive a trend.
By class students

[7:46 PM, 1/1/2021] Kalim Idea: Fewer and fewer people walk on a daily basis. What are the reasons
and how to encourage them to spend their time walking?

More and more individuals have become reluctant to walk regularly. There are various causes for the
decrease in trend; however, there are solutions to motivate people to manage their time for walking.

The primary reason is that the roads in city are narrow and congested. Many roads have poorly
maintained footpaths along the roadside that makes it difficult for people to walk briskly. For instance,
footpaths on streets are mostly occupied by hawkers that pulls too much of crowd and thereby
making it vulnerable to walk on streets. Long working hours is another reason that people find
challenging to manage with their work and life balance to shell out time for healthy living. To say, my
friend often complains about long and untimely meetings at work that takes him away from spending
time walking.

In order to persuade people to walk, there are many solutions that can be implemented. Firstly,
Government shall spend on building road Infrastructure and joggers park at every location to ease the
walking access to people. They must also lay down strict rules on maintaining no hawker zone on path
walk causing no trouble in walking. Secondly, to deal with the problems of managing time for walking,
Corporate offices are encouraging their employees to participate in regular walking that aids to
support social cause. For example, Stepthalon with the support of fitness band tracks the footsteps
and contributes the amount towards charitable institutions, based on total kilometers walked by an
individual. Also, annual event like Dream Run and Full Marathon by Standard Chartered motivates
people to come forward to walk for a good cause. Such events can be publicized more to get people

To conclude, Inspite of people reducing their habit of walking for the reasons mentioned above, there
are ways to promote walking and developing a fitness habit.
[7:46 PM, 1/1/2021] Kalim Idea: oung people who commit crimes should be treated in the same way
as adults who commit crimes. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ans:-It is argued that young perpetrators who perform heinous crimes should be punished in a similar
manner to adult law breakers. I agree to the aforementioned statement because of several reasons.

On the one hand, if a young individual has the audacity to commit a crime he should definitely be
punished for it. A crime committed by anyone irrespective of
their age, still remains a crime. If a young lawbreaker knows his actions can threaten someone's life or
safety, he should be punished for doing
the act. Did you know the Middle eastern countries are very strict regarding under age rapes? They
sentence all the perpetrators irrespective of their age to capital punishment. Don't you think other
countries should adopt this, too ? Moreover, it is important to punish these young lawbreakers
otherwise they tend to take the judicial system for granted. If the law and order are in place ,the crime
rates reduce significantly. For instance, a report according to the National Crime Bureau, India, 2019
reported 30 % less cases regarding abuse against women and rapes over the last decade. This was only
possible after the laws were made stricter in 2015 and the general public were made aware about
these stricter measures.

On the other hand, if young people are not treated for their crimes, they tend to repeat their actions.
What may start as petty thefts may turn to more serious crimes such as homicides and rapes. For
example, a 14 year old boy was caught on multiple occasions for chain-snatching. However, he was
never punished and let go off easily every time. As the boy grew older, he became a criminal
mastermind operating a child trafficking racket. Had he been stopped and punished before, so many
innocent lives of children could have been saved.

In conclusion, immature individuals who commit crimes should be punished for their actions. This will
not only help reduce the crimes rates significantly but also preventthem from performing such
atrocious acts in the future.

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