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Item Name

Item Type (Buy/Sell/Both)
Unit of Measurement
HSN Code
Item Category Price Current Stock
Min Stock Max
LevelStock Level
Raw MateriProduct Buy Kg 4040 100 2000 1000 3000
Finished G Product Sell Kg 8030 300 3000 2000 4000
Field Name
Item NameCompulsorUnique name of the item
Product/SeOptional Choose one based on if the item is a Product or a Service
Item Type CompulsorChoose one based on if the item is only sold, only bought or both
Unit of MeCompulsorThe unit in which item is measured
HSN Code Optional The HSN code of the item
Item CategOptional The categories in which you divide your items within inventory
Price Optional Standard price of the item
Current St Optional Current stock of the item in inventory
Min Stock Optional Minimum stock level defined for an item within inventory
Max Stock Optional Maximum stock level defined for an item within inventory
Tax Optional Tax applied on the item for transaction. Must be one of: 0, 0.1, 0.25, 3, 5, 12, 18, 28
NOTE: Kindly add an apostrophe (') at the beginning of each cell, and Excel will treat it as text

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