Bangladesh Studies 2

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Fundamental Principles of State policy

In section-8(1), there are four principles of state policy.

1. Nationalism
2. Socialism
3. Democracy
4. Secularism

In section-8(2), the principles declare that the principles shall be fundamental to

governance of Bangladesh. The principles shall be applied by The State in the
making of law, a guide to the interpretation of the constitution.

1. Nationalism
In section-9, Nationalism shall be the unity and solidarity of the Bangalees
nation deriving Bangladesh’s identity from Bangladesh’s language and
culture, attained sovereign and independent Bangladesh through a united
determined struggle in war of independence.
2. Socialism and freedom from exploitation
In section-10, A socialist economic system shall be established with a view
to ensuring the attainment of a just and egalitarian/ equal society, free
from the exploitation of man by man.
3. Democracy and human rights
In section-11, the republic shall be a democracy in which fundamental
human rights and freedoms and respects from the dignity and worth of the
human person shall be guaranteed and in which effective participation by
the people through their elected representatives in administration at all
levels shall be ensured.
4. Secularism and freedom of religion
In section-12, The principle of secularism shall be realized by the
elimination of
a. communalism in all its forms
b. the granting by the State of political status in favor of any religion.
c. the abuse of religion for political purposes
d. any discrimination against, or persecution of persons practicing a
particular religion.

Amendment of constitution

Amendment is the process to bring any formal change over the constitution or
over any particular legislation or law in the constitution for any reason.

Procedure of Amendment

Section -142: Power to amend any provision of the constitution

(1) Though anything contained in this constitution

a) Any provision may be amended by way of addition, alteration,
substitution or repeal by act of parliament.

Provided that-

i. No bill for such amendment shall be allowed to proceed unless the

long title states that It will amend 91 a provision of the Constitution.
ii. No such Bill shall be presented to the president for assent unless it is
passed by the votes of not less than two thirds of the total number of
members of parliament.
b) When a bill passed is presented to the president for his assent, he will
sign within the period of seven days after the bill is presented to him. If
the president fails to sign, it is thought that he assented to the bill on
the expiration of that period.

(1A) Though anything contained in this clause-

(1) When a bill passed as aforesaid, which provides for the amendment of
the preamble or any provisions of articles 8, 48, 56 or this is presented
to the president within the 7 days he gives order to call a referendum .

(1B) Under this article, the election commission prepared an election to the
(1C) Under this article, on the day the result of the referendum to related the bill
is declared the president shall be deemed to have-

a) If the majority of the total votes cast are in favor of the bill, the bill will
be assented.
b) If the majority of the total votes cast are not in favor of the bill , the bill
will not be assented.

(1D) nothing in clause (1C) shall be deemed to be an expression of confidence or

no confidence in the Cabinet or Parliament.

2) Nothing in article 26 shall apply to any amendment made under this article
(1972) [3]

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