Activity 7

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Generoso, Abe J.

My Summary and Reflection on the Empathy Videos

The Thai Ad that went Viral

I can see why the Thai Ad went viral for it tells us how empathy can change other
people’s life. It may be a small help for you but it means a lot to the one you help. The
reward you get is much valuable than money which is emotions.
The advertisement really captures my heart, a little act of kindness could really
help a lot to someone. Showing empathy to others really feels good because it makes
your day great. No matter how poor or rich or what status in life you are in right now, all
of us are equal and that we need to help each other for us to all stand together as one.
Seeing the person you help smile or happy really satisfy our hearts. In life sometimes if
you help someone, you think you get nothing in return but you don’t know the one you
help must be happy or thankful for what you’ve done. Emotions really is the greatest
reward for showing empathy. The thai ad is powerful for it tells everyone that empathy
can change someone’s life and it should be practice to others as well.

Barack Obama Promotes Empathy with Oprah Winfrey

I think some or most of us was taught by our mother about empathy, parent is our
first teacher as what they’ve said. Like Ex-President Barack Obama her mother taught him
empathy as what he said in the video, which is very important for him because he enters
to the world of politics, wherein empathy is needed.
Empathy really plays a vital role in the world of politics. A leader must understand
and relate to others for them to trust him/her. This is because people will know that the
leader understand their feelings and experiences. Being empathetic allows leaders to help
the struggling people or make them realize that someone needs help so that they will
take action in order to help them. Leading with empathy is good for people.

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