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IN TEACHING LISTENING at SMP N 1 Salatiga in the

Academic Year 2022/2023


Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Completing the Graduating Paper


NIM. 23030190151


A. Background of Study
The students must develop proficiency in various language skills
when studying English, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
Listening is one of the qualities required for effective communication. A
crucial aspect of school English instruction is linked to acquiring other
linguistic skills. The talent of hearing involves recognizing and
comprehending what is being communicated. Auditory information is
received through the use of one’s ears when listening. Although listening
and hearing are fundamentally synonymous, there are several significant
distinctions between the two. Hearing is limited to the reception of sound
to comprehend spoken language. Hearing is a critical component of the
information-receiving process known as listening. Students who seek to
comprehend material through listening must exert significant effort and
regularly engage in the practice. In the classroom or language laboratory,
students frequently practice their listening abilities using a tape recorder.
The instructor uses a recorder or laptop, as well as a speaker or
headphones, in the classroom. The pupils are expected to comprehend
what the speaker is saying by comprehending the content clue, accent,
pronunciation, syntax, and vocabulary, with the content clue being the
most important. Listeners are responsible for receiving the oral signal to
evaluate and interpret the speaker’s message. Before having students
engage in the listening practice, the instructor should provide instruction
and issue hints using the methods. This is their responsibility as a teacher.

These teachers’ classroom listening strategies are distinct from

other educators. Teachers must have a good grip on several factors,
including the situation before they begin teaching, the listening process
throughout instruction, and the pupils’ level of composure while following
the lesson. It makes the classroom environment more welcoming and
enables the listening practice to commence sooner. Students can
concentrate more intensively and pay closer attention to the tape’s content.
Utilize a tape recorder, a laptop, and a speaker or headphones when
studying and listening through various forms of audio media. Through
audio media, students can enhance their listening skills by listening to the
speakers. Listening exercises can be conducted in a typical classroom or a
language laboratory. Conversations, interviews, short stories, photographs,
songs, and other media types can be used as listening comprehension
teaching methods. The instructor can develop one of the listening tasks
that students utilize to hone their listening abilities.

Students can listen to audio learning materials through speakers or

headphones; when doing so, they must think more deeply and articulate
what the speakers are saying. The kids have difficulty visualizing what is
being recorded. The pronunciation of a native speaker is significantly
different from that of a teacher. To respond effectively to the instructor’s
listening question, the students must comprehend the message and pay
attention to the audio recording.
Listening is a fundamental skill in first language acquisition. It is
proved that a new baby starts to acquire a language by listening to the
voices around his or her environment before starting to speak and learning
to read or write. According to Rost (2002: 279), Listening is the mental
process of constructing meaning from spoken input. He also adds that
listening is vital in the language classroom because it provides input for
the learner. Without understanding input at the right level, any learning
cannot begin. By listening, students can understand spoken language.
Listening is the most widely used language skill daily (Morley, 2001;
Rost, 2002). It develops faster than three other language skills, suggesting
that it can facilitate the emergence of other language skills (Oxford, 1990).
It means that listening is an important skill. It enables language learners to
receive and interact with language input and facilitates the emergence of
other language skills.
Learning to listen and listen in English is not a difficult thing. I can
use a variety of exciting methods as an effective way to study it. Just like
the other three skills of English, listening skill also plays a very significant
role in the process of language learning indeed. Listening becomes one of
the skills to be mastered by learners. Similarly, Nunan (2003:24) defines
listening as the active, purposeful process of making sense of what we
hear. Nunan also mentioned that people who listen to process not only
what they hear but also connect it to other information they already know.
As they find any connection between what they are listening to and what
they are known before, the listeners will understand what they have
listened to.
In the listening process, the listeners need to comprehend the
information they have the listening comprehension is the act of
understanding the verbal message. A verbal message that has been listened
to understand the meaning of the information. As Rizvi (2005:70) states,
being caught in the listening process needs to be understood and
comprehended so the message will be meaningful. In addition, English
learners must have the listening comprehension ability to perform well in
the listening course. Students with good listening skill comprehension will
be able to participate more effectively in communicative situations. In
listening comprehension, many learners face problems understanding the
speaker’s speech. In his research Hamouda (2013:124) mentioned that
students listening comprehension problems could be caused by some
factors. Most issues in listening come from the problem related to the
listening materials. The difficulties in listening materials make students
feel more confused and cannot catch the listening materials in listening
comprehension. The primary linguistic problem learners perceive also
becomes big trouble in listening comprehension. When the native speaker
uses colloquial and slangs in the conversation, the students will not be able
to catch the word and also the meaning of the word too.
In the context of education, the effectiveness of the learning
process is influenced by a variety of factors, one of which is the instructor.
Teachers or lecturers play the most crucial role in the teaching-learning
process; they can lead meaningful English learning classroom activities if
they can help their students overcome or lessen the problem they are
facing in their own lives. It is the fundamental responsibility of teachers,
especially those whose primary concentration is teaching English as a
second language, to aid their students in acquiring proficiency in the four
macro language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The
instructor functions not only as a teacher but also as a facilitator and
partner in the students’ discussion.
Particularly difficult is advising pupils on how to enhance their
listening skills when teaching English. This is because listening is a
process that requires comprehension and understanding before the
information delivered can be deemed meaningful. Understanding and
comprehending what is being said is vital for the knowledge gained
through hearing to be significant. Additionally, to succeed in the listening
course, English students must have a solid understanding of spoken
English. Students who comprehend what is being taught will have a much
easier time contributing successfully to communicative situations.
Regarding listening comprehension, however, many students struggled to
comprehend what the speaker was saying.
There are several potential reasons for the student’s difficulties
with listening comprehension. When students practice listening
comprehension, for instance, the obstacles they experience are derived
from their surroundings. If the classroom environment is distractingly
noisy, the student’s concentration will be interrupted, and they will be
more likely to forget what they have just heard. This condition affects the
kids’ capacity to understand what they have heard. Aside from the
materials, the problem could be a listener who is unable to listen intently,
especially when they hear a foreign term and is therefore confused and
unable to connect the words. Aside from that, the speaker plays the most
significant role in hearing, especially when the speaker cannot say or spell
the dish well. The listener is unable to distinguish the words spoken in a
distinct voice. The outcome of a person’s ability to comprehend what was
heard is also affected by the physical circumstances around the act of
listening, such as the place, time, surroundings, and listening devices
To understand the strategy of teachers in teaching, the significance
of this research is this research can be used by teachers as a reference to
develop the appropriate strategies for teaching listening, and the result of
this research is expected to be an additional reference to the other
researcher who wants to investigate teachers’ method in teaching listening.
So, this research entitled “Conversational Analysis of Teacher
Strategies in Teaching Listening at SMP N 1 Salatiga.”

B. Problem Statement
Based on the background of the study, the researcher formulates some
problem as follow:
1. What are teacher and students do in conversation during listening
2. What strategies are employed in the listening class?

C. Objective of The Study

By the problem of the study above, the researcher intends to achieve
the following objectives through the study as follows:
1. To know teacher and students do in conversation during listening class
2. To know strategies are employed in the listening class

D. Significance of The Research

The researcher will contribute to teaching and studying English as a
foreign language. The study’s findings are intended to be applied both
theoretically and practically:
1. Theoretical Significance
This research will give good information related to the teachers’
strategies for teaching listening, especially in bilingual classes. Also,
this study provides of favorable description for further research that
wants to study the same case. So, this research becomes helpful
information and a reference for the following study. The finding of this
study is evidence of which method is superior in terms of listening.

2. Practical Significance
a. For the students
This study is expected to help students improve their English
language skills, mainly listening skills. Furthermore, students’
motivation to learn English is expected to improve. The students
will not feel forced to learn listening but will feel happy to learn in
an enjoyable situation.
b. For the English teachers
It is hoped that the study’s findings will provide additional
information to assist teachers in resolving students listening
problems and determining better strategies for making the
teaching-learning process run smoothly in attending class. So, the
teacher can improve teaching and learning to listen to become
more active, effective, and efficient.
c. For the researcher
To give additional information to another researcher who wants to
conduct further research on the related field. This research
hopefully shows and adds the researcher’s knowledge, especially
as the candidate of the teacher, so that the teacher is ready to enter
the education world.

E. Literature Review
1. Conversational Analysis
The conversation is the prototypical kind of language usage, the
form in which we are all first exposed to language - the matrix for
language acquisition. The methodology of CA involved the meticulous
transcription of naturally occurring audio or video-recorded talk
(Jenks,2011). The analysis typically proceeds through several stages.
First, a particular conversational phenomenon is identified –a linguistic
token, a particular social action, or a sequence. Second, a
preliminary collection of the selected phenomenon is assembled.
Third, this is broken down into subsets, and the most significant subset
is singled out for analysis. Fourth, the clearest examples of this subset
are analyzed. Fifth, less clear examples are analyzed. Sixth, and
finally, any deviant cases are considered (Wilkinson &
Kitzinger,2008). Another approach for more targeted analysis is called
‘single case analysis’ (Hutchby & Wooffitt,2008).
2. Teaching Listening
Teaching guides and facilitates learning enables the learner to learn
and sets the condition for learning . Therefore, language teaching is to
improve students’ ability to communicate in both oral and written
forms. However,  to communicate well, students must have language
skills. According to Broughton et al. (1980:65), listening requires
active participation in inter-participant communication, and
understanding the massage requires a receptive skill.
3. Teacher Stragtegies
A strategy is an overarching approach to executing an
idea, planning, and executing an activity over a specific
period. Strategy in education is defined as a strategy, method, or
sequence of activities to achieve a specific educational goal. So, a
learning strategy is a plan that consists of a series of activities designed
to achieve specific educational objectives.

F. Previous Study
G. Research Method
The research methodology is described in this chapter. It includes
the research strategy, research setting, subject, data source, data collection
technique, data analysis technique, dan data validity.
a. Research Design
In this research, the researcher applied the descriptive
qualitative research method. Qualitative research is collecting,
analyzing, and interpreting comprehensive narrative and visual
data to gain insights into a particular phenomenon of interest. This
type of research was inductive, where data at the location would be
the primary source of the phenomenon and problems in the
observation process. As stated, this is a fact-finding investigation.
The primary goal of descriptive research is to characterize
the current status of the situation. Conclusions can be accepted in
descriptive research, but it does not establish a cause-and-effect
relationship. In this research, the data was collected naturally by
observing the process of teaching listening at SMP N 1 Salatiga.
b. Research Setting
In this research, the researcher chooses SMP N 1 Salatiga
as a place for the study conduct. It is located in Jl. Kartini No. 17,
Sidorejo Lor, Kec. Sidorejo, Salatiga City, East Java. The research
reason for choosing the school is to know and understand teacher
strategies for teaching listening. In this case, the teacher has her
modern learning strategy to be applied to young students in this
era. So the students can adapt easier.
c. Research Subject
The subject is an individual in research and is used as a
source of information for collecting research data. The subject of
this research is an English teacher in eighth grade at SMP N 1
Salatiga. The participant of this study is two teachers who teach
listening and students in SMP N 1 Salatiga
d. Method of Collecting Data
The research collects data using both primary and
secondary data, as this explanation
1. Primary Data
Using primary data collected for the specific research
problem, using procedures that best fit the research
problem. In addition, the researcher conducts field
observation and collects data about the condition and case
study of the research item in the form of notes. The data
was gathered and descriptively presented in paragraph
form. According to Sugiono (2012:225), primary data is
data sources obtained directly by the researcher.
2. Secondary Data
Secondary data has already been collected through
primary sources and made readily available for
researchers to use for their research. Secondary data
includes modules, other studies, journals, and specific
references that can aid the analysis process.
e. Method of Analyzing Data
Data analysis, according to Sugiyono (2019:320), is a
process of systematically searching and arranging the data from the
interview, field notes, and documentation by organizing the data
into some categories, reducing it into some units, doing synthesis,
arranging it into a pattern, choosing the most important things, and
drawing the conclusion so that the data is easy to understand by
oneself and other people.
Sirajuddin (2010: 283) claimed that there were numerous
procedures or stages to the data analysis in this study, including
data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions or
interpretations. Several analyzing the data, as follows:
a. Data Reduction
Reducing data entails summarizing, selecting the main
point, focusing on what is essential, and looking for themes and
patterns. The researcher obtained data from interviews with
teachers at this stage, demonstrating how the teachers with the
technique are implemented in the classroom. As a result, the
reduced data will give more explicit information and make the
researcher easier to collect the data again, find the required
data, and draw a conclusion.
b. Data Display
After the data reduction, the next step is displaying the data. In
this step, the researcher displays the data in tables and
percentages for the questionnaire data results, while the
interview will be shown as a qualitative descriptive essay.
c. Conclusion
The last step of qualitative data analysis is drawing the
conclusion and verification. By collecting valid and consistent
data, the researcher can ensure that the result is accurate and
credible. This conclusion can be a casual or interactive
relationship, as well as a hypothesis or a theory.
f. Data Validation

H. References
Yakin, Ainul. Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Listening to Students of SMPN 1
Banyubiru. Thesis. Satya wacana Christian University. 2013.
Rost, M. (2002). Teaching and Researching Listening. London: Longman
Morley, J. (2001). Aural Comprehension Instruction: Principles and Practices. In
M. CelceMurcia (Ed.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (pp. 69–
85) Boston: Heinle and Heinle
Oxford, R. L. (1990). Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should
Know. New York: Newbury House Publishers.
Nunan, David, ed. Practical English Language Teaching. McGraw Hill, n. d.
Hamouda, A. (2013). An Investigation of Listening Comprehension Problems
Encountered by Saudi Students in The EL Listening Classroom. International
Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2(2).


WOOFFITT. Conversation
Analysis. (2 ed.)
Cambridge: Polity.
WOOFFITT. Conversation
Analysis. (2 ed.)
Cambridge: Polity.
WOOFFITT. Conversation
Analysis. (2 ed.)
Cambridge: Polity.
IAN HUTCHBY AND ROBIN WOOFFITT. Conversation Analysis. (2nd ed.) Cambridge:
Polity. 2008

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