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important decision thant onwards from now

study maths and physics alternate day 7 am to 1 pm

1 pm too 7 pm chemistry and do only self study not even dobts and marks the
question which you donnot decode doubt hours are classes
evening walk on the rod and come home shift home
7am to 1 pm maths or physics
break half hor for yeat and bath and do last rivision
study nest 6 hour chemisrry
2 hour class mainy physic
1 hour rivision solves
half hour break 10:30
10;30 to 12:30 CLASSS
12;30 to 1:00 homework
1:00 to 2:00 rivision

rules of study effeinly

i took out the break 5 mminute every hours with closed eyes
donnot waste so many time on single question 20 minute max
swich off the mobile duruing studt
donnot call yours freind and even they cal you donnot waste more than minutes
donnot reply to your mother and sister that even they talk and
keep distance from the song delete al sons from your compter and donnot try to
rembbembr the song got equated
donnot sees waste video and they to insure your video

better from the other cousin
to proof mysef
to self dependent and overcome pooorness
to fulfill finally vicetory as getting a job of scientist in reputed intitutution
to earn better money
3 months full home rest
to proove myself better then other coisine and the ohthre
to prrof the decision of my life to be the better and overcomr poorness

movitation too
lookk into mirror and you can do it you crack nit or even iit

my plegede
i sh kumar take a plege i treid my best to archeive best
notees rivisoion srtagey
after rivision i gelllagy took fuyll blank paper test

rivision teacher notes

i speak the theoy and solves the easuest question aganin
during class i speak and rite on a copy
sole the question first then sees soliution of theteachwer
rivision after classs in late night during sleeping even question
question of same toic of next moring
dairy make a basic what you have to do
weekly reviend daiery and rivise
full jee mock test is complesory to be given
i tred to find instret in your subjects and rivise the whle fporlmula
i olynrivision throgh queestion solving on sunday and work on upgradation

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