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A new species of Crocus ser. Verni (Iridaceae) with 2n = 12 chromosomes from

the Balkans

Article  in  Plant Biosystems · October 2020

DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2020.1829735


2 554

4 authors:

Irena Raca Dörte Harpke

University of Niš Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research


Lulëzim Shuka Vladimir Randjelovic

University of Tirana University of Niš


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Towards a resolved phylogeny for a new classification of Crocus L. (Irididaceae) View project

Transboundary Biosphere Reserve Prespa View project

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A new species of Crocus ser. Verni (Iridaceae) with

2n = 12 chromosomes from the Balkans

Irena Raca , Dörte Harpke , Lulëzim Shuka & Vladimir Ranđelović

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A new species of Crocus ser. Verni (Iridaceae) with 2n = 12 chromosomes from the Balkans,
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A new species of Crocus ser. Verni (Iridaceae) with 2n ¼ 12 chromosomes from

the Balkans
€rte Harpkeb, Lul€ezim Shukac and Vladimir Rand-elovica
Irena Racaa,b, Do
Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia; bLeibniz Institute of Plant Genetics
and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben, Germany; cDepartment of Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana,
Tirana, Albania


A Crocus population in the Northern Albanian Alps obviously belonging to C. ser. Verni was referred to Received 18 March 2020
C. heuffelianus, but closer field investigations revealed that it could not be identified with this or any Accepted 23 September 2020
other Verni species. The detailed description of a new species, Crocus bertiscensis, including morph-
ology, leaf anatomy, cytology, and phylogenetic relationship is provided and illustrated. Phylogenetic
Taxonomy; morphology;
analyses based on genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism data obtained through genotyping- anatomy; GBS
by-sequencing placed C. bertiscensis as clearly distinct from C. heuffelianus, supporting its rank as a
species within C. ser. Verni. Morphologically, it differs from C. heuffelianus by showing paler and flatter
perigone segments, short perigone tubes and leaf white stripe width of 1/7 compared to the leaf
diameter. Finally, karyological and molecular analysis revealed that C. bertiscensis applies to the

2n ¼ 12 cytotype of C. heuffelianus from Cakor Pass area reported by earlier studies.

Introduction (Mather 1932; Karasawa 1950, 1951; Brighton et al. 1973;

Brighton 1976; Rafin  ski and Passakas 1976; Dietrich 2002;
Within the genus Crocus L., Crocus heuffelianus Herb. (C. ser.
Mosolygo  et al. 2016), comprising diploids and tetraploids
Verni B. Mathew) represents one of the most critical and
(Harpke et al. 2015; Mosolygo  et al. 2016). To infer if the dif-
challenging taxa. It is distributed from 41˚ (Brighton 1976;
ferent cytotypes of C. heuffelianus can be distinguished
Dietrich 2002; Shuka 2008) to at least 49˚ (Maw 1881;
based on morphology, a thorough investigation is required
 ski and Passakas 1976) latitude and from 13˚ (Peruzzi
since the diagnostic characters used so far were
2016) to 29˚300 (Maw 1881; Mihaly and Kricfalusy 1997) lon- not sufficient.
gitude, inhabiting a wide range of habitats. Crocus heuffelia- Moreover, also molecular studies up to now failed to dis-
nus can be found in elevations from 162 to 2,320 m a.s.l. in entangle the complex relationships, because the applied
pedunculate oak, beech, and Balkan pine forests as well as in markers could not resolve the relationships (Harpke et al.
subalpine and alpine grasslands (Gjeta and Hallaçi 2018; Raca 2015) and not all cytotypes were included (Harpke et al.
et al. 2019). Depending on the authors, this species is some- 2015; Mosolygo  et al. 2016). To resolve the relationships,
times split into different taxa mainly based on throat hair genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) was applied to obtain gen-
presence/absence (e.g. C. scepusiensis (Rehmer & Wol.) ome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism data.
Borbas ex Kulcz., C. vittatus Schloss. & Vuk., nom. illeg., As a consequence of the above mentioned problems, we
Mosolygo  et al. 2016). However, besides the plethora of pop- designed a study comprising a thorough sampling, where
ulations showing conspicuously bearded perigone throats, we combine morphological and leaf anatomical characters,
some populations show individuals lacking hairs. In the ori- chromosome counting with a multi-locus phylogeny. Herein,
ginal protologue description, C. heuffelianus was described as we investigated in particular a Crocus population in the
a species with hairless throat from the Banat region (Heuffel Northern Albanian Alps (locality Sylbice€-Doberdol) obviously
1835; Ko €rnicke 1856; Schlosser and Vukotinovic 1857; Schu €r belonging to C. ser. Verni (prophyll present, bracteoles
1866; Maw 1881). Additionally, as a species belonging to C. absent, corm tunic showing parallel fibres (Mathew 1982;
ser. Verni, C. heuffelianus is characterized by filamentous Rand-elovic et al. 1990; Dietrich 2002; Shuka et al. 2009), but
corm tunics, presence of one bract and can be distinguished couldn’t be identified as a typical C. heuffelianus, or any
from its relatives by having heart-shaped patches in the other Verni species at first sight. Based on the detailed mor-
upper regions of the perigone segments (Harpke et al. 2015). pho-anatomical, cytological, and molecular analyses of col-
This species is characterized by a wide range of reported lected material, a unique set of features is revealed, allowing
chromosome numbers, 2n ¼ 10, 12, 18, 19, 20, 22, and 23 the description of a new species.

CONTACT Irena Raca Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Nis, Nis,
18000 Serbia
ß 2020 Societa Botanica Italiana

Published online 19 Oct 2020


Materials and methods chromosome number. Genome size of silica dried leaf mater-
ial of five individuals were measured in a flow cytometer
Morphological investigations (Meudt et al. 2015), with Pisum sativum L. as standard
Observations were based on fresh material, including 28 indi- (2 C ¼ 9.09 pg; Dolezel et al. 2007).
viduals. A total of 11 parameters were measured (corm
height and width, leaf width, perigone tube length, outer
Molecular methods
and inner perigone segment height and width, stigma
length, anther length and stigma/anther length ratio). The genomic DNA extraction from silica dried leaf material
Moreover, three quantitative (number of cataphylls, leaves, was conducted according to the protocol described in detail
flowers) and eight qualitative characters (tunic type, the pres- by Nemati et al. (2019).
ence of the heart-shaped apical perigone mark, flower, For all taxa of C. ser. Verni (49 individuals), except for C.
anther, style and stigma color, hair abundance in perigone siculus Tineo, genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms
throat and leaf surface) were checked for their constancy. (SNPs) were obtained using genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS)
Herbarium vouchers are deposited at the Institute of Plant analyses (Elshire et al. 2011) as described by Nemati et al.
Genetics and Crop Plant Research-IPK Gatersleben GAT (herb- (2019). Crocus malyi Vis. was used as an outgroup. Read files
arium acronyms follow Thiers 2016), in Herbarium of GBS Illumina runs were submitted to the European
Moesiacum Nis HMN and National Herbarium, the Faculty of Nucleotide Archive (ENA) and are accessible through the
Natural Sciences at the University of Tirana TIR. In order to study ID PRJEB38682 and through the accession numbers
define diagnostic parameters, we compared morpho-anat- ERS4789664–ERS4789698.
omy of C. bertiscensis with C. heuffelianus population col-
lected from locality Muntele Mic, Carpathians, Romania. This
Phylogenetic analysis
population is in the former Banat region, where the type was
collected (Heuffel 1835; Herbert 1847; Ko€rnicke 1856; Dietrich Barcoded reads from the 14 samples were de-multiplexed
2002). Considering the plethora of C. heuffelianus cytotypes, using the CASAVA pipeline 1.8 (Illumina, Inc.). Adapter trim-
followed by pretty complicated taxonomical status, we refer ming of GBS sequence reads was performed with CUTADAPT
to them as C. cf. heuffelianus. The comparison also included 1.15 (Martin 2011) and reads shorter than 60 bp after adapter
the literature data from the relevant species descriptions removal were discarded. Raw GBS reads were clustered using
(Maw 1881; Mathew 1982; Harpke et al. 2015), except the the IPYRAD 0.7.5 (Eaton and Overcast 2016). The minimal
one published by Herbert (1847) since it was based on quali- number of samples per locus was set to 20, the clustering
tative morphological characters only. Hence, Table 1 contains threshold of reads within and between individuals was set to
11 distinguishing morpho-anatomical parameters. 0.85. For the other parameters the default settings of param-
eter files generated by IPYRAD were used. For the analyses
of GBS data, due to the restriction to 100 kbp alignment
Anatomical investigations
length in MRBAYES, 1038 loci were concatenated and BI ana-
For the investigation of leaf anatomy, ten individuals were lysis (running for 1  106 MCMC generations) were using the
collected during the flowering time (14 June 2017) and pre- MRBAYES 3.2 (Ronquist et al. 2012) pugin in Geneious R8.1.9
served in 50% alcohol. Transversal cross-sections were made (Kearse et al. 2012).
by a manual microtome (Gligorijevic and Pejcinovic 1983),
stained with safranin and alcian blue, dehydrated and there-
Taxonomic treatment
fore examined by Leica DM 1000 (Leica Microsystem,
Germany) microscope (Raca et al. 2017, 2019). Anatomical Crocus bertiscensis Raca, Harpke, Shuka & V. Randjel.
features considered in leaf cross-sections were section height sp. nov
and length, section length/white stripe width ratio and the
number of vascular bundles. Measurements were done in
Albania. Northern Albanian Alps: Tropoja district, between
ImageJ (Schneider et al. 2012).
Sylbic€e and Dashi lakes, ca. 16 km far from Old Tropoja vil-
lage, alpine pastures (Seslerion comosae; zone of alpine grass-
Karyological analysis land above the forest) on siliceous substrate, 2000–2270 m
a.s.l., 14 June 2017, Rand-elovic V, Raca I, Harpke D. and Shuka
Ten individuals were temporarily cultivated in pots and har-
L. (holotype GAT-57010! isotypes HMN-13488! and
vested in late autumn at the IPK. For chromosome analysis,
squash preparations of their root tips were made according
to the following procedure, already successfully applied in
Crocus (Miljkovic et al. 2016): pretreatment of root tips with Description
distilled water for 24 h on ice, was followed by fixing with Corm subglobose, 4.9–8.4 mm in diameter (mean 6.75 ± 0.83),
Carnoy’s Solution (1 volume of glacial acetic acid: 3 volumes 3.3–8.9 mm in height (5.18 ± 1.09); corm tunic brown with
of 96% ethanol); a 1% solution of carmine in 45% acetic acid thin mostly parallel fibres, slightly reticulated near the apical
for 1 h was used to stain the chromosomes. Chromosomes region (Figure 1(a)); thinner fibres 0.06–0.09 mm, thicker
were counted in more than 10 plates in order to define the 0.18–0.20 mm wide; neck indistinct. Cataphylls (sheathing

Table 1. Morphological comparison of C. bertiscensis with C. heuffelianus populations from Muntele Mic and the relevant literature data.
Alb. Alps Prokletije Muntele Mic Maw 1881 Mathew 1982 Harpke et al. 2015
Corm width (mm) 6.8 ± 0.8 8.6 ± 1.6 9.2 ± 1.9 12.7 8-10(-13) 11.8 ± 1.6
Perigone tube length (mm) 33.1 ± 5.9 47.5 ± 8.5 54.1 ± 16.3 50-150 66.0 ± 14.0
Outer perigone segment length(mm) 27.2 ± 3.1 35.9 ± 3.9 38.3 ± 5.5 38.1 (25-)30-55 38.4 ± 4.9
Outer perigone segment width (mm) 25.7 ± 1.2 34.6 ± 1.6 34.9 ± 7.6 9-20
Anther length (mm) 8.1 ± 1.1 10.7 ± 1.5 13.2 ± 1.8 10-18 15.3 ± 2.0
Stigma lobes length (mm) 2.3 ± 0.7 3.3 ± 0.7 3.6 ± 0.7
Leaf width (mm) 3.2 ± 0.5 4.3 ± 0.6 5.7 ± 0.8 (2-)4-6(-8)
Wh. stripe/leaf width ratio (mm) 1/7 1/8 1/14

18.6–33.5 mm (25.67 ± 3.11) in length and 5.6–11.1 mm

(7.87 ± 1.32) in width. Throat conspicuously hairy (Figure
1(b)). Filaments white, broader and stiff at the base, thinner
and filiform at the connection to the anthers; anthers
5.7–11.4 mm (8.13 ± 1.11) long, yellow. The 60% of styles lon-
ger, 22% equal and 18% shorter compared to the stamens
(usually styles 1.11 mm longer than stamens). Styles orange,
in apical part divided into 3 lobes 1.2–4.3 mm (2.35 ± 0.72)
long. Capsules and seeds not seen.

Crocus bertiscensis is herein named after Bertiscus, an ancient
name for Prokletije Mountains (Montenegrian) and Northern
Albanian Alps (Albanian part of the mountain), originated
from the Greek language with literal meaning “hill, moun-
tain.” First mentions appeared in Fragments of Strabo’s
Geographica (ca 7 BC) as one of the mountains in the north-
ern part of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia. “Bertiscus”
was the root for nomenclature of several other species such
as Draba bertiscea Lakusic & Stevan. (1995), Valeriana bertis-
cea Pancic (1875), Crepis bertiscea Jav. (1923), and Onobrychis
bertiscea Sirj. & Rech.f. (1935).

Ecology and distribution

The type locality of Crocus bertiscensis is in the alpine pas-
tures of Northern Albanian Alps, Tropoja district, around Lake
of Dashi, ca. 2,220 m a.s.l. This species was noticed in the
upper part of Gashi Valley, Markofça and in the adjacent
Figure 1. Morphological features of Crocus bertiscensis: (A) the tunic, (B) the
hairy throat.
parts of Montenegro (Prokletije Mt), appearing in the similar
habitat. It grows in Seslerion comosae association of alpine
leaves) 2–3, mostly 3, whitish and skinny. Leaves synanthous pastures on the siliceous substrate. The following species
were noticed as associated with C. bertiscensis: Soldanella pin-
and linear, 1–3, mostly 2, without ribs; leaf papillae not so
dicola Hausskn., Geum montanum L., Gentiana acaulis L.,
abundant (Figure 2(c)); white median stripe on the adaxial
Gentiana punctata L., Gentiana verna L., Plantago gentianoides
surface width approximately 1/5 to 1/8, mostly 1/7, in rela-
Sibth. & Sm., Primula elatior (L.) L., Primula minima L.,
tion to the leaf diameter (Figure 2(a)); leaf diameter meas-
Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass., Dryas octopetala L., Ranunculus
ured out from the cross-sections 2.0–3.9 mm (3.77 ± 0.54);
crenatus Waldst. & Kit., Erigeron uniflorus L., Narthecium scar-
section (keel) height 0.33–0.65 mm (0.55 ± 0.08); palisade tis-
dicum Kosanin or inbetween individuals of Vaccinium myrtil-
sue 2–, spongy 3-layered (Figure 2(b)); vascular bundles
lus L. Crocus bertiscensis was also observed in meadows in
12–24, mostly 19. Prophyll present; bracts present at the 
the lower part (1,000 m a.s.l.) of the Cakor Pass region
base of perianth; bracteoles lacking. Both prophyll and bracts
in Montenegro.
silvery white, thin and membranous. Perigone tube short,
22.7–51.2 mm (33.11 ± 5.94). Flowers 1, perigone segments
flatter to slightly concave, elliptic to obovate, lilac, with Karyological analysis
darker marking at the base and dark violet heart(or V- Crocus bertiscensis has a chromosome number of
)shaped-patch at the distal end (Figure 3). Outer segments 2n ¼ 2x ¼ 12 (Figure 4) and genome size of
usually longer 19.6–34.2 mm (27.22 ± 3.14) and broader 2 C ¼ 6.51 ± 0.31 pg (CV standard: 2.91 to 4.81, CV samples:
6.0–11.7 mm (8.88 ± 1.25). Moreover, inner segments 3.7 to 4.48).

Figure 2. Anatomical features of Crocus bertiscensis: (A) the leaf cross section, (B) the arm details, (C) the big bundle (ad – adaxial side, ab – abaxial side, la –
lacuna area, vb – vascular bundles, e – epidermis, pp – palisade parenchyma, sp – spongy parenchyma, p – papilla, sc – sclerenchyma, ph – phloem, xy – xylem).

Discussion (2 C ¼ 18.90) by Carta et al. (2015) as well as for ornamental

cultivars of C. vernus (2 C ¼ 23.1 pg; Olszewska and Osiecka
Phylogenetic analyses point out that C. bertiscensis belongs
1982) and a white cultivar of C. vernus (2 C ¼ 22.1 pg;
to C. ser. Verni, where it groups as sister to a clade compris-
Zonneveld et al. 2005). The latter two likely represent the
ing C. heuffelianus, C. tommasinianus Herb., C. vernus (L.) Hill,
alloploid C. negelectus, which was considered as C. vernus
C. neglectus Peruzzi and Carta, C. etruscus Parl., and C. ilvensis
 before the revision of the series (Harpke et al. 2015) or artifi-
Peruzzi & Carta (Figure 5). Samples collected on the Cakor
cial ornamentals. However, it needs additional investigations
Pass and in one other location in Montenegro grouped
to clarify the inconsistencies of measured genome sizes and/
together intermingled with the studied individuals described
here as C. bertiscensis indicating also gene flow between or to infer if massive chromosomal rearrangements resulted
these geographically close populations. We therefore assume in a reduction of the chromosome number while nearly tri-
that they share the same cytotype, since they not only group pling the genome size.
together but also share the same genome size. Additionally, The taxonomic status of this species is supported by mor-
the herein described C. bertiscensis is referring to the 2n ¼ 12 phological criteria common for the representatives of C. ser.
cytotype (Figure 4) of C. cf. heuffelianus from Cakor Pass Verni (prophyll presence, bracteole absence, tunic showing
area, reported by Brighton (1976). Based on a comparison of parallel fibres (Mathew 1982; Rand-elovic et al. 1990; Harpke
morphology and chromosome numbers Dietrich (2002) et al. 2015). Furthermore, heart or V-shaped marks positioned
already suggested that the 2n ¼ 12 cytotype might represent at the upper regions of perigone segments suggests that C.
a separate species and informally treated it as Crocus bertiscensis is closely akin to C. heuffelianus (Figure 3).

“ Cakor Pass.” However, such marks can also be sporadically found in cro-
The measured genome size is in the range of the meas- cuses belonging to other groups within the genus (pers.
urements of Brandizzi and Grilli Caiola (1996) for other dip- obs.). As all the other species belonging to C. ser. Verni, C.
loid crocuses including the closely relative C. etruscus bertiscensis leaf cross-sections are consisting of an almost
(2 C ¼ 7.25 pg). However, another much higher genome size squared keel (with its central part filled by parenchyma cells,
was measured for C. etruscus (2 C ¼ 19.30) and C. ilvensis frequently called lacuna area – Figure 2(a)) and two lateral

Figure 3. The habitus of a Crocus bertiscensis individual from the type locality Sylbic€e-Doberdol in the Northern Albanian Alps (photographs by L. Shuka).

which is in accordance with Raca et al. (2017, 2019). The

study by Raca et al. (2019) have already indicated that, from
the morpho-anatomical aspect, Balkan C. cf. heuffelianus
rather represents an aggregate of species. However, C. bertis-
censis differs from other C. cf. heuffelianus taxa by showing
short perigone tubes ( 2 longer in other populations),
and leaf white stripe width of 1/7 compared to the leaf
diameter (this ratio is 1/14 in C. cf. heuffelianus population)
(Table 1, Figure 2(a)). The ratio of the white stripe is also
higher in comparison to all other up to now investigated C.
cf. heuffelianus populations on the Balkans (Raca et al. 2019).
Compared to the population from Muntele Mic, showing
Figure 4. Somatic chromosomes of Crocus bertiscensis (2n ¼ 2x ¼ 12). intense purple goblet-shaped flowers, C. bertiscensis is char-
acterized by paler and flatter perigone segments. Moreover,
arms with their margins recurved towards the keel (Raca perigone throat of C. bertiscensis is conspicuously hairy
et al. 2017, 2019). Leaf mesophyll contains two layers of pol- (Figure 1(b)) like in other populations from the Central and
ygonal palisade cells and three or four-layered spongy paren- Western Balkans (Raca et al. 2019) while it is declared as
chyma (Figure 2(b)); sclerenchyma sheaths are prominent glabrous in the first description referring to C. heuffelianus
and papillae can occur at the end of the arms (Figure 2(c)) (Heuffel 1835).

Figure 5. Phylogenetic tree derived from Bayesian phylogenetic inference (BI) of the concatenated 1,038 loci obtained by GBS, 99,412 bp. Posterior supports (pp)
are shown at the nodes. Locations are attached to the taxon names (CHE – Switzerland, BIH – Bosnia and Herzegovina, ALB – Albania, MNE – Montenegro, ITA –
Italy, SVK – Slovakia, SRB – Serbia, ROU – Romania, XKX – Kosovo region; This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR
1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence, HRV – Croatia).

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