4 Projectile Motion

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❑ Trajectory of a Projectile

❑ Calculation of Projectile
Thrown into the Air
2-D Motion
Parabolic Path
Affected by Gravity
Determined by Initial Velocity
❑ Trajectory of a Projectile
y v0




❑ Velocity is changing and
y the motion is accelerated

❑ The horizontal
component of velocity (vx)
is constant

❑ Acceleration from the

vertical component of
velocity (vy)

❑ Acceleration due to
gravity is constant, and
g = 9.81m/s2 downward

❑ a = - g = - 9.81m/s2
❑ The horizontal and vertical
y motions are independent of
each other
❑ Both motions share the
same time (t)
❑ The horizontal velocity
vx = v0
❑ The horizontal distance dx
= vx t
❑ The vertical velocity vy =
- a t
a = 9.8m/s2 ❑ The vertical distance dy
= 0.5 g t2

❑ H component → constant velocity motion
❑ V component → accelerated downward motion
❑ H & V motions are independent
❑ H & V motions share the same time t
❑ The projectile flight time t is determined by the V component
of its motion
❑ H velocity is constant vx = v0
❑ V velocity is changing vy = - a t
❑ H range: dx = v0 t
❑ V distance: dy = 0.5 a t2
❑ Calculation of Projectile
After determining the conditions from which the
projectile is thrown, the components of the initial
velocity will be determined and at the same time find
the solution to the following problems:

❑ What is the time at the maximum height?

❑What is the maximum height reached?

❑What is the total time of the flight?

❑What is the range of the projectile?

Initial conditions:
The initial conditions are the initial velocity
and the angle.

Vi = 40.0 m/s
ø = 35 degrees
The Components of the Initial Velocity
To determine the X and Y components of the initial

X component: Vix = Vi cos ø

Y component: Viy = Vi sin ø

For the X component For the Y component
Vix = Vi cos ø Viy = Vi cos ø
Vix = (40 m/s)(cos35) Viy = (40 m/s)(sin35)
Vix = (40 m/s)(0.8191) Viy = (40 m/s)(0.5735)
Vix = 32.77 m/s Viy = 22.94 m/s
The Time of the Maximum Height of the Trajectory
At the maximum height, the time is called the half
time of flight.
Vfy = Viy + ayt
Solving for t: t = (Vfy-Viy)
t = (Vfy-Viy)
t = (0.0 m/s – 22.94 m/s)
-9.8 m/s2
t = -22.94m/s
-9.8 m/s2
t = 2.34 s
Maximum Height of the Trajectory

To determine the maximum height, the displacement

formula is used:
dy = Viyt + 0.5ayt2
dy = (22.94 m/s)(2.34s)+0.5(-9.8m/s2)(2.34s) 2
dy = 53.68 – 26.83
dy = 26.85 m
Total Time of the Flight

From the half time of flight, it can be doubled to

find the value of the total time of flight.

t = 2(half time of flight)


t = 2(2.34 s)
t = 4.68 s
Range of the Projectile
The distance from the initial point on the ground to
the final point it reaches is called the range of the
dy = Viyt + 0.5ayt2
Since the acceleration in the x-direction is zero:
dx = Vixt
Since the velocity in the x-direction is constant, it maintains
its initial velocity throughout the entire flight.

dx = (32.76 m/s)(4.68 s)
dx = 152.90 m
A rock is thrown with an initial velocity of 30
m/s along the vertical and 40 m/s along the

a. What is the time of the half of flight?

b. What is the maximum height?
c. What is the range of the projectile?
Ms. Diana Dinglasa-Tobias

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