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Welcome to Module 1:

Introduction to
Circular Economy

Module 1:
16 March 2022
10h00 – 12h00

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Trainers Team

Jan Willem Timmer Siem Haffmans Josh Williams Flora Poppelaars

Senior Consultant – Senior Consultant – Consultant – Consultant –
EcoMetrix Africa Partners for Innovation EcoMetrix Africa Partners for Innovation
Products that Flow

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 2/3

Part 1.1: Concept of Circular Economy

• Relevance
• Definition and objective
• Benefits
• Principles

Part 1.2: Status quo in the South African waste sector

• Waste types and quantities
• Economic opportunities from waste streams

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Poll #1: Your experience

What is your experience on Circular Economy?

a) Circular Economy is a new topic for me.

b) I know about the basic principles.
c) I am working on this.
d) I am an expert on this.

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Part 1.1:
Concept of Circular Economy

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
From linear to circular: Why?

In a linear economy, we:


Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
From linear to circular: Why?

Linear Economy disadvantages

• Raw materials depletion

• Loss of biodiversity
• Import of raw materials
• CO2 emission
• Toxic emissions
• Landfill (increasing costs)
• Litter / plastic soup

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
From linear to circular

“A circular economy is one that is restorative

and regenerative by design and aims to keep
products, components, and materials at their
highest utility and value at all times, distinguishing
RETURN between technical and biological cycles.”
Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
From supply chain to value chain

Supply chain

Value chain

Adapted from UN Environment

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa

From linear to circular

Circular Economy benefits

• Reduce resource dependency

• More biobased/recycled materials
• More local employment, new business
development and socio-economic upliftment
• Reduction of CO2 emissions
• Reduction of toxic emissions
• Reduction of landfill
• Reduction of litter

Source: UNCTAD

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Circular principles

• Eliminate waste and pollution

• Circulate products and materials
(at their highest value)
• Regenerate nature

Underpinned by a transition to renewable

energy and materials

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Worldwide circularity score

The Circularity Gap Report 2021 finds that 8,6%

21 circular economy strategies can cut
global greenhouse gas emissions by
39% and help avoid climate breakdown.

The measures in this report would increase

the proportion of materials that are reused
from 8.6% to 17%, nearly doubling the
circularity of the global economy.

Source: Circle Economy

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Material flows in Circular Economy


Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Material flows in Circular Economy


Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Material flows in Circular Economy

Biological Technological
materials materials

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Material flows in Circular Economy – 2 polls

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
From value creation…





Source: Sustainable Finance Lab, Circle Economy,

Nuovalente, TU Delft, and het Groene Brein

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
…to value destruction





Source: Sustainable Finance Lab, Circle Economy,

Nuovalente, TU Delft, and het Groene Brein

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
… to retaining value


Source: Sustainable Finance Lab, Circle Economy,

Nuovalente, TU Delft, and het Groene Brein

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
… to retaining value
Optimal Use
Life extension, Repair & maintenance,
Sharing platforms, Product as a Service

Value Recovery
Circular Design 2nd hand seller
Product design Reuse/Redistribute Refurbished
Circular materials Recaptured material
Classic longlife Retail
Refurbish Recycler


Network Organisation Source: Sustainable Finance Lab, Circle Economy,

Value management/ Process design/ Tracing facility/ Logistics Nuovalente, TU Delft, and het Groene Brein

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Value at various levels

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Value at various levels
Refurbished: R 4,000

New: R 10,000 R 2,000

R 1,000

R 500

R 200

Source: Metabolic

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Life cycle extension and repair

Optimal use

Prolonging the lifetime of products means less

• Life extension
• Repair and maintenance


Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Life cycle extension and repair Source: Car2Go

Optimal use

Intensify the use of products means less

• Sharing platforms
• Leasing
Source: Gerrard Street
• Product as a Service

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Source: Recup

Packaging and disposables

• Coffee cups
• Reusable food trays

Logistic systems (pool systems) Source: CHEP pallets

• Pallets
• Roll-containers
• Crates and boxes

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Source: Renewd
Refurbish / remanufacture

Consumer electronics
• Mobile phones
• Laptops

Source: Lely
Capital goods
• Production equipment
• Trucks and trailers

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Recycling (technical cycle)
Source: the Glass Recycling Company

Packaging / consumer products

• Plastics
• Paper/carton
• Glass
• Metals

Business waste
• Production waste

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Renew (biological cycle)

Consumer waste
• Food waste

Production waste
Source: Bio2Watt (South Africa)
• Agricultural waste
• Wood
• Manure
• Sewage sludge

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Part 2:
Overview of the South African
Waste Sector

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Waste streams

Organic Sewage Paper Plastic Glass Metals Tyres Batteries Waste oils WEEE
waste sludge

Bulky waste Construction Commercial Fly Bottom Slag

& Demolition biomass ash ash

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Poll #2: Waste streams

What are the largest waste streams in South Africa?

a) Organic waste
b) Packaging materials
c) Construction & demolition waste
d) Fly ash
e) Other

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Landfilling versus Diversion
General Waste Generation: Landfilled versus Diverted
Million Tonnes Per Annum



Municipal Commercial Fly Ash Bottom Ash Slag Organic Construction Paper Plastic Glass Metal Tyres
Landfilled Diverted

Source: 2018 State of Waste Report

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Waste Management Services in SA

• Municipal solid waste collection is the legal mandate of

the local municipality

• 34.1% of households “dump or leave their rubbish elsewhere”,

make use of their “own refuse dump” or a “communal refuse
dump”, or have access to a less frequent service.1

• 9.9% of rural households have access to a weekly waste

collection service.1

• Business sector uses private sector waste management

service providers

1A Circular Economy Guideline for the Waste Sector – DEA (2020)

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Transition towards Diversion

• 90% of all general, hazardous and unclassified waste

generated disposed of to landfill, controlled waste disposal
sites or to uncontrolled dumpsites with associated open

• a huge loss of viable secondary resources estimated at

R17 billion

• DEA target: increase waste diverted from landfill to

25% by 20231.

• Opportunities related for WEEE, plastics, construction &

demolition wastes, textiles and organic waste.


Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Current situation of collection

• WEEE generated in 2015: 74,923t

• WEEE collection done via informal and formal
• On 5 November 2020, the DFFE published
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
regulations for WEEE.

Source: Mintek (2017)

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Current situation of diversion

• EPR regulation targets for collection, recovery and


• Currently ~11% of WEEE recycled annually

• Large percentage of WEEE is exported

• Recycling foremostly done by a few well-established

Source: WEEE EPR Regulation
‘consolidator’ companies
• Valuable WEEE items are salvaged by informal
collectors operating on landfill sites.
• Most small dismantlers complement WEEE recycling
with refurbishment (regarded as more profitable).

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Circular situation

• Opportunities relating to repair,

refurbishment and recycling activities

Source: Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy, CE

Action Plan Electronics

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Plastic waste

Current situation1

• 46% of plastic scrap is collected

• Informal sector collects 80–90% (by
weight) of the total packaging scrap
• 68% of collected scrap was converted to
recyclates in 2018.
• Limited markets for export of plastics
could lead to more landfill.
• Micro plastic pollution issues for the
coastline and oceans

South African Plastics Pact The Circular Plastics Economy | WWF South Africa 1Source: WWF South Africa

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Plastic waste

Circular situation1

Necessary actions:
• Strengthen the regulatory environment
• Unlock investment for a circular plastics
• Ensure accountability
• Support the local industry

One ton of recycled plastic saves around 2

tons of CO2 emissions.

1Source: WWF South Africa

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Construction and demolition waste

Current situation

• According to the Council for Scientific and Industrial

Research (CSIR, 2001) the SA construction industry
has been found to generate approximately 5-8 million
tons of C&D waste per annum.

• Building rubble recycling is limited to single operations

in Cape Town - Western Cape, Johannesburg -
Gauteng, and Durban - KwaZulu-Natal.

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Construction and demolition waste

Circular situation

• C&D waste offer opportunities for secondary use

in road-building and building construction

• GreenCape: potential to create >500 jobs and

divert ~2.3 million tons from landfill over 4 years
in Cape Town.

Source: Metso Outotec Lokotrack Urban LT106

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Coal ash

Circular situation

• Ash from coal boilers has become a feasible

additive for various cement or clay mixtures.

• WISP has facilitated the uptake of >10.000 tpa

of ash waste by brick manufacturers.

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Textile waste

Current situation

• No data for SA

• Re-use and recycling of clothing and

textiles offer many circular opportunities
for community involvement and low-skilled
work opportunities with an associated
positive impact on the environment.

Source: Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Organic waste

Current situation

• 10 million tonnes of food go to waste per year

• =1/3 of food produced annually
• Loss valued at R61.5 billion (WWF).

From results of a composition study (2016),

organic was 11% for Dailies and 27% for Round
collected refuse (RCR) collection services.

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Organic waste

Circular situation

Significant opportunities for diversion from

landfill still exist for the organic fraction of
municipal solid waste (OFMSW)

• NOSH Food Rescue - A group of SA

chefs diverted hundreds of tonnes of
food to help struggling families.
• Sustainable Heating (Pty) Ltd. - Home

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Industrial Symbiosis

Western Cape Industrial Symbiosis Programme

(WISP). To date WISP has facilitated over 220
synergies resulting in:
• 132 566 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill;
• 309.200 tonnes fossil GHG emissions saved
(equivalent to the electrical usage of 39.800
households in SA);
• Over R147 million generated in financial
benefits (additional revenue, cost savings and
private investments);
• 392 economic wide jobs created.

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Industrial Symbiosis

Circular situation

Main principle: residue from one company

becomes a resource at another

In Kalundborg Symbiosis, the city's biggest

industrial companies work together across
sectors to share excess energy, water, and
materials (i.e., >20 different streams).

Source: Kalundborg Symbiosis

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Poll #3: Waste streams

In which waste stream(s) would you like to intervene?

a) WEEE (Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
b) Plastics & packaging waste
c) Construction and demolition waste
d) Textile waste
e) Organic waste
f) Other:

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Module 2: 23th March 2022

Opportunities for Circularity in the Waste Sector

• Waste prevention
• Waste collection
• Biological processes
• Technological processes
• Other circular opportunities

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3
Thank you for your
See you on 23th of March

Circular Economy for the Waste Sector in South Africa Session 1/3

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