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a) Prime Cost

Prime Cost = Direct Material Cost + Direct Labour Cost

Direct Material Cost
Add: Raw Material (beginning) 140000
Add: Material purchased 320000
Add: Freight on materials 16000
Less: purchase returns -4800
Less: Raw material (closing) -180000
Total Direct Material Cost 291200

Direct Labour Cost:

Direct Labour: 160000
add: Accrued Exp 8000
Direct Labour Cost: 168000
Direct Exp 50000
Total Prime Cost 509200

Manufacturing/ Factory Overheads:

Add: Indirect labor 18000
Add: Factory Supervision 10000
Add: Factory repairs and upkeep 14000
Add: Heat Light and power 65000 80% 52000
Add: Accrued exp - Indirect labor 1200
add: Depreciation
-Plant & Machinery 460500 10% 46050
-building 200000 3% 6400
Add: Rates & taxes 6300 66.67% 4200
Add: Misc Exp factory 18700
Total Factory Overheads 170550

Cost of Production:
Prime Cost 509200
Factory Overheads 170550
Work Cost Gross 679750
Raw material Work in progress: 8000
Total Cost of production 687750

Cost of Sales
add: Cost of manufacturing/ production 687750
add: finished goods (beginning) 80000
less: finished good (closing) -115000
Cost of goods sold 652750
Add: non-manufacturing admin oH
. Heat, Light & Power 65000 10% 6500
. R&T 6300 33.33% 2100
add: office salary & exp 8600
add: depreciation on buildings 200000 0.004 800
add: dep on office appliances 17500 5% 875
Total non manf, admin OH 18875

Sales & Overheads Exp.

add: Sales commission 33600
add: sales travelling 11000
add: sales promotion 22500
add: distribution dept. 18000
add: Heat, light & power 65000 10% 6500
add: dep on 200000 0.004 800
Total Sales Ohs 92400

Total non manuf OH 111275

Total cost of Sales 764025

Sales 754000
Total cost of Sales 764025

Net profit/ loss (before Interest & Bad debts) -10025

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