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With Artemis missions, NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon,

innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before. We will collaborate with
our commercial and international partners to establish the first long-term human-robotic presence on
and around the Moon. Then, we will use what we learn on and at the Moon to take the next giant leap:
sending the first astronauts to Mars.

Learn more about Artemis progress

Read the Artemis Plan

Why Go to the Moon?

With Artemis, we will:

Demonstrate new technologies, capabilities, and business approaches needed for future exploration
including Mars

Study the Moon to learn more about the origin and history Earth, the Moon, and our solar system

Establish American leadership and a strategic presence on the Moon while expanding our U.S. global
economic impact

Broaden our commercial and international partnerships

Inspire a new generation and encourage careers in STEM

The Artemis missions will build a community on the Moon, driving a new lunar economy and inspiring a
new generation. Narrator Drew Barrymore and NASA team members explain why returning to the Moon
is the natural next step in human exploration, and how the lessons learned from Artemis will pave the
way to Mars and beyond. As NASA prepares to launch the Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System
rocket on the uncrewed Artemis I mission around the Moon, we’ve already begun to take the next step.

Why the Moon?

How Do We Get There?

NASA’s powerful new rocket, the Space Launch System (SLS), set to launch from Kennedy Space Center in
Cape Canaveral, FL, will send astronauts aboard the Orion spacecraft nearly a quarter-million miles from
Earth to lunar orbit. Astronauts will dock Orion at the Gateway and transfer to a human landing system
for expeditions to the surface of the Moon. They will return to the orbital outpost to board Orion again
before returning safely to Earth.

When Will We Get There?

Starting in 2022, and throughout the decade, we will send a suite of science instruments and technology
demonstrations to the lunar surface through commercial lunar payload deliveries.

Prior to a lunar surface landing, we will fly two missions around the Moon to test our deep space
exploration systems. We’re working toward launching Artemis I, an uncrewed flight to test the SLS and
Orion spacecraft together, followed by the Artemis II mission, the first SLS and Orion flight test with crew.

What Will We Do There?


Artist's concept of Gateway in lunar orbit.

Credits: NASA

While Mars remains our horizon goal, we have set our sights first on exploring the surface of the Moon
with human and robotic explorers. We will send astronauts to new locations, starting with the lunar
South Pole. At the Moon, we will:

Find and use water and other critical resources needed for long-term exploration

Investigate the Moon’s mysteries and learn more about our home planet and the universe Learn how to
live and operate on the surface of another celestial body where astronauts are just three days from
home Prove the technologies we need before sending astronauts on missions to Mars, which can take up
to three years roundtrip

Going back to the Moon will be the shining moment of our generation. This moment will belong to all of
us: the Artemis Generation. Are you ready?

Explore education and STEM engagement resources

Where Did The Name Artemis Come From?

Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo and goddess of the Moon in Greek mythology. Now, she personifies
our path to the Moon as the name of NASA's efforts to return astronauts and a new wave of science
payloads and technology demonstrations to the lunar surface. When they land, American astronauts will
step foot where no human has ever been before: the Moon’s South Pole.

Last Updated: Oct 19, 2021

Editor: Brian Dunbar

Tags: Artemis, Moon to Mars

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Page Last Updated: Oct 19, 2021

NASA Official: Brian Dunbar

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