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I. Materials:

1. Vellum Paper- Long Size
2. You can create a Brochure with the use of the following platforms.
A. Adobe Designer
B. Microsoft Publisher
C. Canva
D. Affinity Publisher
1. Pictures
2. Scissors
3. Vellum Paper- Long Size
4. Coloring Materials
5. Ballpen and Marker

II. Procedures:

1. Plan your design and don’t forget to divide the vellum into three portions.
2. If you are using digital, you can use multiple graphical shapes for the design.
For those manual cut shapes to put as a design for your brochure.
3. Select photos that best suit your top five bucket list.
4. Prepare three sentences explanation of why you choose that as part of your bucket
5. Title must be on the left portion in front of the vellum and the rest portions are
intended for your top five bucket list.
6. Don’t forget to put your complete name and section in the left portion in front of the
7. If done, print the brochure if you are using digital. Be sure that three folds will not hit
the descriptions and photos posted. Be sure to put an allowance to avoid this kind of

See the example below:

Please be reminded that you can create more than the example below, so don’t follow
the shape, color, and font style literally. Follow only the arrangement for uniformity.


1. Bucket lists are future goals. You are not allowed to put those things that have
been achieved.
2. Maintain cleanliness
3. Be creative
4. Check your work before submitting it. If done, collect the brochures per section
and submit them to the faculty.
5. Deadline is December 15, 2022 (6:00 PM)
6. Suppose submission will exceed a day or beyond a given 6 PM cut-off. It will
cost you 5 points deduction.
7. Every unfollow instruction will cost 1-2 points.


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