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Robotic Process Automation

(The impact of robotic process automation (rpa) and innovation in digital world for
enhancing customer experience on online services)

Nyasha Genius Kwenda

Course name and USW-IND-101
Evangelia Papamikroulea
14 April 2019
Digital is redesigning customer experience in almost every sector of the industry. Pioneers who
embrace this initiative are entering markets with innovative new offers, disrupting the ways
that companies and customers interact. The first attackers are setting a high bar for simplicity,
personalization of customer experience and improvement in service delivery. Imagine,
exposing an autonomous platform that brings products to online customers a finger click away
without having to pause for human authorization to complete a transaction. According to
Seligman (2018), "By investing in technology, organizations that support the customer
experience can provide accurate forecasting, customer ins sight, and the skills and capabilities
regardless of their location and time zone. Processes that span the back office to the front office
should provide real time insight into the interpersonal experience journeys and enable co-
creations of goods and services" (p.6). Punctuality of service delivery through elimination of
human’s manual interaction eliminates enables services delivery on demand for online
customers to enhance customer experience.

Efficiency is a key factor for online customers and platforms that responds timely will certainly
provide the full satisfaction of an exceptional online experience. The impact of robotic process
automation and innovation in digital world for enhancing customer experience on online
services addresses online demands of users not deterred by geographical location or time zone.
Robotic process automation is a technology-based approach that organizations use to replace
human tasks with machines in order to drive efficiency by providing on products and services
on the fly. The current dynamic digital world requires quick turn-around time to adopt change,
through readily accessible information across business support systems. Enhancing the
customer experience can bring 80% rich rewards across industries; Study has shown that
satisfied customers spend more and stay more loyal over time, the product itself is an end result
but what brings customers back is the customer experience. Linking together innovation and
process automation exposes an ongoing customer experience for customers. According to
Schmitt, H (2010), "Companies must create innovation on an ongoing basis (by offering new
add-ons that can enhance the functions of the product or by offering new models with the same
basic feature as the current products)" (p. 178). A company that continually re-engineers its
business processes and exposing its systems that provide services to customers is likely to gain
goodwill and provide that personalized experience for customers. Online services experience
should not be time constrained but instead should be consistent throughout the entire life cycle
of a transaction. Online customers will therefore not have to wait until next business day to
receive a response or an authorization for accessing certain product catalogues. That whole
experience of an end-to-end operation is what online customers are constantly looking for in
any organization that offers its services through this media.

When organizations are established, this brings definition of core values. A number of
innovative ideas and business processes can then be implemented together and strategically
infused into the day-to-day activities for the overall service delivery. Business Processes
automation through incorporation of robotic assets allows closer alignment of stakeholder
expectations and customers’ demands according to the overall business objectives. Customers
frequently use multiple channels to interact with their service providers, and need multiple
interactions to complete a transaction. Online customers prefer to have all their needs fulfilled
through an online transaction at the time of initiating.

Innovation can project an image of relevance; continuous engagement in business process re-
engineering can bring to life a company, which were labelled as irrelevant. Human resources
are key stakeholders of organizations, but at times can be extremely inefficient because of an
array of social issues. This has a negative impact on productivity and affects services delivery.
In 2018, Bhaskar, H.L. noted, “Business process reengineering (BPR) has become a most
popular change management approach for radical redesign and improvement of business
process. It promotes companies to do things effectively in order to achieve overall quality” (p.
2). The valuable benefit of robotic process automation and innovation is that it ensures online
customers are equipped with the right information at the right time in a specific format tailored
as per supplied variables. Substituting repetitive tasks and bringing innovation can therefore
provide the ultimate online experience exceedingly. Continuous engagement of process
automation through robotic assets ensures that companies continue to remain relevant, as data
driven resolutions are determined through decision support systems.

Chheda et al. (2017) goes on to explain that, “To not only stay in the game but capture new
sources of value, incumbents will need to reinvent their customer experience. That begins with
bringing in data and analytics-based insights about what really matters to customers and how
best to deliver it to them” (p. 4). Innovation means a cultural shift toward thinking of how can
we get better. Process automation through robotic assets eliminates human inefficiencies on
task execution especially for repetitive assignments. The marriage between innovation and
robotic process automation enables high level of efficiency across all industries that provide
online products and services. When the goal is to improve quality, cut costs, reduce cycle times,
and improve operating performance, robotic process automation and innovation becomes key
focus area for corporates managers to explore and implement. In the digital world of continuous
change and evolution, business process automation is one of the driving forces that leads
corporates to success and increased market share.
References (Harvard style):

Aalst, W. P, Bichler, M. & Heinzl, A (2018) ‘Business & Information Systems Engineering’,
Robotic Process Automation, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 13 April 2019)

Bhaskar, H.L. (2018) ‘Business process reengineering framework and methodology a critical
study’, International Journal of Services and Operations Management (IJSOM), 29(4)

Bilgihan, A. Kandampully, J. & Zhang T (2016) ‘Towards a unified customer experience in

online shopping environments: Antecedents and outcomes’, International Journal of Quality
and Service Sciences, 8(102-119)

Chang, J.F (2016) Business Process Management Systems: Strategy and implementation,
New York: Auerbach Publications

Chheda, S. Duncan, E. & Roggenhofer S (2017) Putting customer experience at the heart of
next-generation operating models, Digital McKinsey

Available at:

customer-experience-at-the-heart-of-ngom.pdf (Accessed: 14 April 2019)

Cross, R. Arena, M. Sims, J. & Uhl-Bien, M (2017) How to Catalyze innovation in your
organization, New York: MIT Sloan Management Review [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 13 April 2019)

Kranzbühler, A. Kleijnen, M. & Morgan, R.R (2017) The Multilevel Nature of Customer
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Seligman, J (2018) ‘Customer Experience Management,’ the experimental journey, New

York: Lulu

Schmitt, B.H (2010) Customer Experience Management', a revolutionary approach to

connecting with your customers, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

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