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Musical Theater and Opera Singing-Why So Different? A Study of Subglottal

Pressure, Voice Source, and Formant Frequency Characteristics

Article  in  Journal of voice: official journal of the Voice Foundation · June 2007

DOI: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2006.12.007 · Source: PubMed


87 1,931

1 author:

Eva Björkner
Kulturskolan i Kungsbacka


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Musical Theater and Opera Singing—Why So
Different? A Study of Subglottal Pressure, Voice
Source, and Formant Frequency Characteristics
Eva Björkner, Stockholm, Sweden

Summary. The considerable voice timbre differences between musical theater (MT) and western operatic singers are
analyzed with respect to voice source and formant frequencies in five representatives of each singer group. Audio, sub-
glottal pressure (Psub), and electroglottograph (EGG) signals were recorded while the subjects sang a sequence of [pae:]
syllables starting at maximal vocal loudness and then gradually decreasing vocal loudness. The task was performed at
each of two fundamental frequencies (F0), approximately one octave apart. Ten equally spaced Psub values were then
selected for each F0. The subsequent vowels were analyzed in terms of flow glottograms derived by inverse filtering the
audio signal, which also yielded formant frequency data. Period time (T0), peak-to-peak pulse amplitude (Up-t-p), and
maximum flow declination rate (MFDR) were measured from the flow glottograms while closed quotient Qclosed (Tcl/T0)
was determined in combination with the differentiated EGG signal. Also the relationship between the first and the sec-
ond harmonic in the spectrum (H1–H2), the amplitude quotient (AQ), that is, the ratio between Up-t-p and MFDR, and
normalized AQ, that is, AQ normalized with respect to period time was calculated as well as the sound pressure level.
The results showed that both the MT and the opera singers varied their Psub systematically, approximately doubling Psub
for a doubling of F0. For a given value of Psub, the MT singers produced higher values of MFDR, Up-t-p, and Qclosed, and
lower values of H1–H2, indicating a weaker fundamental. Further, the MT singers showed higher formant frequencies
and did not show the opera singers’ characteristic clustering of F3, F4, and F5.
Key Words: Musical theater singing–Opera–Subglottal pressure–Inverse filtering–EGG–Voice source–Formant
frequencies–Closed quotient–H1–H2.

INTRODUCTION driving force in vowel production and is also the primary vari-
Vocal music is a large artistic field where musical theater (MT), able for controlling vocal intensity.7,8 Inverse filtering9 is
pop, rock, soul, folk music, and jazz occupy an important por- a widely used technique to eliminate the contribution of vocal
tion. Voice timbre varies widely between these styles and differs tract resonances during vowel production. The resulting flow
considerably from the timbres used in western opera. In the glottogram waveform reflects important voice source proper-
past, most scientific studies of the singing voice have been de- ties, such as the glottal opening and closing, and allows calcu-
voted to classically trained singing. In the last two decades, lation of a number of other important voice characteristics.
many authors have examined MT singing. For instance, Miles This study compares voice source characteristics and for-
and Hollien,1 Estill,2 Sundberg et al,3 Bestebreurtje and mant frequencies in five male MT and operatic singers, respec-
Schutte,4 and Stone and collaborators5 studied female belting tively, over a wide range of vocal dynamics at two fundamental
and Björkner and associates6 registered differences. To the frequencies (F0).
author’s knowledge, however, no studies have been devoted
to male MT singers’ voice production.
Opera singers and MT singers meet quite different working MATERIAL AND METHODS
demands: MT singers use microphones and might be required Subjects and recording
to sing seven to eight performances a week, whereas opera Five classically trained baritones (age range 29–65 years) and
singers sing without electronic amplification and rarely have five MT singers (age range 30–44 years), all Swedish and earn-
more than two or three performances per week. Therefore, a bet- ing their livelihood from stage singing, volunteered as subjects.
ter understanding of voice production in MT singing is impor- The recording of the classical singers has been described
tant with regard to both coaching and vocal health. elsewhere.10 The protocol for the MT group was the same as
Differences in voice quality reflect differences in muscular, for the opera singers and took place in an anechoic chamber
aerodynamic, and acoustical conditions in the larynx and in (Linguistic Department at Stockholm University). Audio sig-
the vocal tract. The subglottal pressure (Psub) is the essential nals were captured by means of a Bruel & Kjaer condenser
microphone (B&K 4190 2435611, Naerum, Denmark) and
two-channel electroglottograph (EGG) signals recorded with
Accepted for publication December 19, 2006.
This investigation was first presented at the 3rd Physiology and Acoustics of Singing
a Glottal Enterprises EG-2 equipment (Syracuse, NY, http://
Conference (PAS3-06), York, England, May 11–13, 2006 and at the 35th Annual Sympo- Intra oral pressure, used as an estimate of
sium: Care of the Professional Voice, Philadelphia, PA, May 31–June 4, 2006.
From the Department of Speech Music and Hearing, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
the Psub,11 was captured during the [p]-occlusion with a GEL-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Eva Björkner, KTH—Royal Institute TEC (Tokyo, Japan) pressure transducer, mounted on the tip
of Technology, TMH—Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, Lindstedtsvägen 24,
SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden. E-mail:
of a catheter which the singer held in the corner of his mouth.
Journal of Voice, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 533-540 The microphone distance was set to 50 cm from the subject’s
Ó 2008 The Voice Foundation
mouth thus reducing the risk of sound pressure level (SPL) error
doi:10.1016/j.jvoice.2006.12.007 resulting from singer’s movement. This distance was repeatedly
534 Journal of Voice, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2008

checked during the recording session. Audio signal was cali- tion of the variation of the transglottal airflow with time. A cus-
brated using a B&K sound level calibrator (type 4231). Calibra- tom-made inverse filtering program Decap (S. Granqvist) was
tion of the pressure signal was achieved by lowering the used, displaying the waveform and the spectrum before and af-
pressure transducer to the bottom of a water-filled glass cylinder ter filtering. The formant frequencies were adjusted such that
providing a well-defined reference pressure. For each subject, a ripple-free closed phase was obtained in the waveform with
separate calibrations were made. All signals were recorded a smoothly sloping spectral envelope. Thus, the result of inverse
simultaneously at a sampling rate of 16 kHz using the Sound- filtering provided information on voice source characteristics
swell Signal Workstation (Hitech Development AB, Stockholm, and formant frequencies.
Sweden, Period time (T0), Qclosed (Tcl/T0), peak-to-peak pulse ampli-
Before the recording session, each singer had 5–10 minutes tude (Up-t-p), and maximum flow declination rate (MFDR)
for vocal warm-up. Their task was to sing a diminuendo at were measured and averaged from four adjacent periods in
a constant pitch while repeating the syllable [pae:], starting the middle of each vowel sample. Then, the ratio between Up-
from the maximum degree of vocal loudness with high lung t-p and MFDR, that is, amplitude quotient (AQ) and the nor-
volume and continuing to the softest possible phonation (Fig- malized version (NAQ) were calculated. This procedure for
ure 1). The sequence was repeated three times at each of two inverse filtering has been found to yield reliable information;10
F0, one octave apart, 139 Hz (C#3) and 278 Hz (C#4), respec- although for very soft phonation, the flow glottogram wave-
tively. The singers were asked to sing in the chest/modal regis- forms and EGG signals were often close to sinusoidal thus pre-
ter, also called mechanism 1.12 Nevertheless, some of the venting accurate waveform analysis.
singers’ softest phonations were produced in falsetto register. The closed phases of the opera singers were measured from
the flow glottogram waveforms only, whereas those of the MT
Pressure measurements singers were measured both from the differentiated EGG signal
To improve the accuracy of the pressure measurements, the (DEGG) and from the flow glottograms. In most cases, the
singers were instructed to sing the sequence legato using unas- closed phase values measured from flow glottograms were iden-
pirated [p]. The pressure peaks were continuously monitored tical to those derived from the DEGG signal. Figure 2 shows an
during the recording. example. In case of double opening peaks in the DEGG sig-
By calculating the extremes of the singers’ total Psub range nal,16 the flow glottogram was used.
from the three takes and dividing this range by nine, 10 equally The analysis also included some acoustic characteristics,
spaced Psub values were obtained. The measured Psub values ly- such as the level difference between the first and the second har-
ing closest to these 10 values were then identified and the sub- monic (H1–H2), format frequencies, and the SPL.
sequent vowels were selected for analysis. Because the subjects
continuously decreased vocal loudness while repeating the syl- RESULTS
lable [pae:], Psub decreased somewhat during each vowel. This The entire material was submitted to two statistical two-way
resulted in a marginal overestimation of the Psub value associ- analyses of variance (ANOVAs). The first concerned differ-
ated with the subsequent vowel. ences between the two groups of opera and MT singers with
Psub values were obtained in terms of the actual values in style and pitch as factors (Table 1A). The second concerned dif-
cm H2O. They were also expressed in terms of pressure num- ferences within each group of singers, with singer and pitch as
bers (1–10), representing Psub normalized with respect to the factors (Table 1B).
singers’ total Psub range, henceforth referred to as relative Psub.
Inverse filtering and flow glottogram measurements Large individual differences in Psub range were found between
Inverse filtering eliminates the vocal tract resonances from the the singers, particularly for the higher F0. As expected both
recorded signal and offers a flow glottogram, that is, a visualiza- groups of singers varied Psub quite systematically, using a higher

FIGURE 1. Audio (top) and pressure (bottom) signals recorded when the singer subject sang a diminuendo, starting at maximum degree of vocal
loudness, at a constant pitch while repeating the syllable [pae:].
Eva Björkner Musical Theater and Opera Singing 535

Results of the Statistical Two-Way ANOVA Tests:
Univariate ANOVA (A) Between the Two Groups of
Opera Singers and MT Singers and (B) Within Each Group
of Singers
(A) Between the Two Groups of Singers

Dependent Variable Style Pitch

Psub (cm H2O) ns s
MFDR (1/s2) s ns
Up-t-p (1/s) s s
AQ ns s
NAQ ns s
Qclosed (%) s ns
SPL (dB) s s
F1 ns ns
F2 s ns
F3 ns ns
F4 s s
F5 s ns
FIGURE 2. Typical example of the agreement between the EGG
(top), DEGG (middle) signals, and flow glottogram (bottom) with re- (B) Within Each Group of Singers
gard to the discontinuities used for identifying the beginning and the
end of the closed phase. MT Singers Opera Singers

Dependent Variable Pitch Singer Pitch Singer

Psub not only for increasing vocal loudness but also for increas-
ing pitch, as can be seen in Figure 3. On average, both singer Psub (cm H2O) s s s s
MFDR (1/s2) s s s s
groups doubled their mean Psub for a doubling of F0, but the var-
Up-t-p (1/s) ns s ns s
iation within the group of MT singers was quite large; one
AQ s ns s ns
singer showed similar values for both F0 values, whereas NAQ s ns s s
another used three times higher Psub for the upper F0. The Qclosed (%) ns s ns ns
ANOVA showed a significant difference for factor pitch. SPL (dB) s s s s
Furthermore, the MT singers tended to use a somewhat Note: Significant with alpha ¼ 0.05.
higher Psub than the opera singers for 139 and 278 Hz. This dif- Abbreviations: s, significant; ns, nonsignificant.
ference was, however, not significant according to the ANOVA
For the very softest phonation (pressure #10), that is, at pho-
nation threshold, the MT singers showed 1.3 cm H2O higher
values than the opera singers for the lower F0. For the higher
F0, the corresponding value was 2.0 cm H2O.

Flow glottogram data

Mean ranges and maximum values of all parameters are pre-
sented in Table 2. Clear differences can be observed between
the groups. Table 3 lists the correlations (best linear fit) between
mean Psub and the means of MFDR and Up-t-p, respectively, in
terms of the squared correlation (R2), the slope, and intercept
for the high and the low F0. For mean SPL, the values represent
the best fit with the log mean Psub. The correlations were quite
strong throughout.
MFDR reflects vocal intensity in a form that it is unaffected
by harmonics and formants as opposed to SPL. In Figure 4, the
MT and opera singers’ mean MFDR values are plotted as a func-
tion of mean Psub. MFDR increased with increasing Psub. The
MT singers’ slightly higher Psub values were associated with
clearly higher MFDR values, especially at 278 Hz. The FIGURE 3. Mean pressures for the 10 selected Psub values observed
ANOVA (Table 1A) confirmed this observation; MFDR was the at the indicated F0 values as produced by the MT and opera (Op)
only glottal parameter that showed significance for both factors’ singers.
536 Journal of Voice, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2008

Variation Range of the Means and the Highest Individual Value of the Indicated Parameters at the Two F0 Values for the MT
and the Op Singers
MT 139 Hz MT 278 Hz Op 139 Hz Op 278 Hz

Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max Mean Max

Psub (cm H2O) 5–22 31 7–39 62 4–18 21 5–36 53
Up-t-p (1/s) 0.37–1.3 1.7 0.19–1.2 1.9 0.18–0.77 1.2 0.11–0.81 1.5
MFDR (1/s2) 325–2447 3872 213–3518 7860 141–1472 2321 168–1908 3556
Qclosed (%) 29–59 73 25–62 65 22–47 58 22–47 54
SPL (dB) 62–90 97 67–94 101 57–83 89 62–91 97
H1–H2 (dB) 4–15 24 4–18 26 5–21 25 5–23 23
Abbreviation: Op, opera singers.

style (P < 0.000) and pitch (P < 0.007). This suggests that The level difference between the first and the second har-
MFDR might be a particularly informative parameter when an- monic in the spectrum (H1–H2) has been found to be linearly re-
alyzing glottal characteristics. lated to Qclosed, a high value of Qclosed being associated with
The relationship between Up-t-p and Psub is illustrated in Fig- a weaker fundamental.17 Figure 7 shows the relationships be-
ure 5, showing mean Up-t-p values as a function of mean Psub. tween mean Qclosed and mean H1–H2 (left panel), and the rela-
Like MFDR, the Up-t-p increased with increasing Psub and the tionship between mean relative Psub and mean H1–H2 (right
MT singers showed clearly higher Up-t-p values than the opera panel). For a given Qclosed, the MT singers’ H1–H2 tended to
singers for both F0 values. Accordingly, factor style (Table be greater than for the opera singers, particularly at the higher
1A) was statistically significant for Up-t-p. Both groups showed F0. The opera singers, however, did not reach as high values
higher Up-t-p values for the low F0, especially for soft phonation. of Qclosed as the MT singers. This means that, for a given rela-
This is not surprising because at high F0 the vocal folds are tive Psub value, the opera singers produced a stronger funda-
stiffer, thus allowing less air through the glottis. mental than the MT singers (Figure 7, right panel).
Mean Qclosed as a function of mean Psub is shown in Figure 6, In Figure 8, the five lowest formant frequencies are given, av-
and the constants of power function approximations of this re- eraged across subjects. The MT singers showed higher formant
lationship are listed in Table 4. The power function approxima- frequencies than the opera singers, who also tended to keep for-
tion was of type mant frequencies unaffected by F0, tuning F3, F4, and F5
closely together in a cluster. The MT singers, on the other
Qclosed ¼ A  eða½Psub ÞB (1) hand, showed no signs of such strategy. Rather they showed
clear differences between the two F0 values, especially for
where A, a, and B are constants. Qclosed increased with increas- F2, F4, and F5. According to the ANOVA (Table 1), factor style
ing Psub and seemed to saturate for the loudest phonations. was significant for F2, F4, and F5, and both style and pitch were
Within each group, Qclosed was similar for the two F0 values, significant for F4.
but large differences could be observed between the groups. In Figure 9, mean SPL values are shown as a function of
Compared to the opera singers, the MT singers showed higher mean relative Psub. For a given mean relative Psub, the MT
Qclosed values (Table 2), and a slightly higher asymptote value, singers showed higher SPL values for both F0 values compared
particularly for the upper F0. The highest individual value of to the opera singers. The ANOVA tests (Table 1A and B)
Qclosed found within the MT group was 73% and 65%, and in showed style and pitch as highly significant for SPL.
the opera group 58% and 54%, for 139 and 278 Hz, respec- Figure 10A and B shows mean NAQ and AQ values, respec-
tively. tively, for the two groups as a function of mean Psub. Both NAQ

Correlation Squared (R2), Slope and Intercept of the Best Linear Fit for Mean Values of MFDR, Up-t-p as Function of Mean
Psub, and of the Best Log Fit of the Relationship Between SPL at 0.5 m and Mean Psub at the Two F0 Values for the MT and the
Op Singers
MT 139 Hz (C#3) MT 278 Hz (C#4) Op 139 Hz (C#3) Op 278 Hz (C#4)

R2 Slope Intercept R2 Slope Intercept R2 Slope Intercept R2 Slope Intercept

MFDR (1/s ) 0.934 151.1 499.7 0.961 123.2 688.4 0.979 94.86 208.12 0.955 62.33 120.69
Up-t-p (1/s) 0.962 0.0586 0.099 0.949 0.0341 0.02 0.971 0.041 0.034 0.939 0.022 0.057
SPL at 0.5 m 0.965 21.394 25.97 0.974 7.44 31.96 0.973 17.39 35.12 0.993 16.41 34.32
Abbreviation: Op, opera singers.
Eva Björkner Musical Theater and Opera Singing 537

FIGURE 4. Mean MFDR as a function of mean Psub for the MT and FIGURE 6. Mean Qclosed as a function of mean Psub for the MT and
the opera (Op) singers at the indicated F0 values. The bars represent the opera (Op) singers at the indicated F0 values. The bars represent
±one standard error. ±one standard error.

and AQ decreased with Psub. The NAQ values were surprisingly tended to increase glottal adduction in untrained singers. On
similar between the groups but differed with the two F0 values the other hand, Thomasson19 observed that this effect did not
(Table 1A). This difference was clearly smaller for the AQ exist in trained operatic singers. Thus, there are no reasons to
values (Figure 10B). assume that our opera singers increased glottal adduction
with decreasing lung volume. Their NAQ values were actually
lower than those of the MT singers. This suggests that the lung
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION volume decrease did not affect the phonation type in either of
The aim of this study was to investigate voice production fac- our singer groups.
tors underlying the timbral differences between MT and oper- In the previous investigation of our group of opera singers,
atic singing. The singers appeared to produce typical samples the reproducibility of flow glottogram measurements was found
of their respective singing style and our measurements revealed to be quite high.11 For the MT singers also, an EGG signal was
clear differences, likely to be characteristic for the two groups. included in the present investigation. The good agreement be-
We asked our singers to repeatedly sing the syllable [pae:] tween the DEGG signal and corresponding flow glottogram
from the loudest to the softest, starting at high lung volume. for the closed phase measurements (Figure 2) was encouraging,
Thus all soft phonations were sung with a low lung volume. showing that identification of the closed phase from flow glotto-
Iwarsson et al18 found that phonation at low lung volumes gram yielded reliable results.
The MT singers used slightly higher Psub throughout their dy-
namic ranges both for 139 and for 278 Hz, and on average their
threshold pressures, that is, the lowest pressures needed for vo-
cal fold vibration, were higher than those of the opera singers.

Mean Values of A, a, and B for Best Power Function
Approximations of the Relationship Between Mean
Qclosed and Mean Psub at the Two F0 Values for the MT and
the Op Singers
A a B Sum Sq
MT 139 Hz 0.58 0.10 0.545 0.056
MT 278 Hz 0.65 0.75 0.431 0.034
Op 139 Hz 0.47 0.23 0.755 0.069
Op 278 Hz 0.49 0.06 0.713 0.020
Notes: The approximation is of type Qclosed ¼ A  eða½Psub ÞB . Sum Sq rep-
FIGURE 5. Mean Up-t-p as a function of mean Psub for the MT and resents the average summed squared difference between the data points
the opera (Op) singers at the indicated F0 values. The bars represent and this approximation.
Abbreviation: Op, opera singers.
±one standard error.
538 Journal of Voice, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2008

FIGURE 7. (Left panel) Mean H1–H2 as a function of mean Qclosed for the MT and the opera (Op) singers at the indicated F0 values. The bars
represent ±one standard error. (Right panel) Mean H1–H2 as a function of 10 selected pressure numbers, that is, in terms of percentage of the singers’
total pressure ranges. Low numbers refer to high pressures. The bars represent ±one standard error.

As mentioned in the Introduction, most investigations of Högset22 found an increase of about 10 dB. Our values for
singing have been devoted to male classically trained singers. the MT singers amounted to 15 dB for the high F0 and 12 dB
Few studies have presented data on MT singing that could be for the low F0. The corresponding values for the opera singers
compared to our findings. However, Cleveland and co- were 11 and 12 dB for the low and the high F0, respectively.
workers,20 studying country singers, found higher Psub values Thus, our results on the increase of SPL for a doubling of
than those typically observed in classically trained singers. Psub are somewhat higher than those previously reported.
We made similar observations. Also, they found that the SPL As we analyzed a comparatively high number of pressure
for a given Psub was lower than the SPL produced by operatic values, our investigation offers a rather detailed view of the re-
singers, whereas we found that our MT singers produced higher lationship between Psub and various voice source parameters.
SPL than our opera singers. On the other hand, country singing The MT singers tended to produce higher Up-t-p values, higher
and MT singing are two different singing styles. Further, Hen- SPL, and higher MFDR than the operatic singers. In accordance
rich et al12 found no strong correlation between open quotient with results reported by Sundberg et al,23,24 for singers and un-
and F0 in classically trained male singers. Our results for the trained voices, respectively, we found that Qclosed reached an
MT singers are in good agreement with this observation but asymptote at high values of Psub, but the MT singers’ asymptote
not for the opera singers. was significantly higher than that of the opera singers. The MT
The increase of intensity level for a doubling of Psub has been singers’ higher asymptote seems hard to explain with their mar-
measured in untrained voices. Fant7 reported an increase of be- ginally higher Psub, but may be characteristic of MT singing.
tween 9 and 13 dB, and Holmberg et al21 observed similar H1–H2 has been found to be inversely proportional to Qclosed,17
values. In an investigation of operatic tenors, Sundberg and

FIGURE 8. Means of the five lowest formant frequencies for the in-
dicated F0 values. Filled columns represent the MT and striped bars FIGURE 9. Mean SPL as a function of mean Psub for the MT and the
represent the opera (Op) singers. The bars represent ±one standard opera (Op) singers at the indicated F0 values. The bars represent ±one
error. standard error.
Eva Björkner Musical Theater and Opera Singing 539

FIGURE 10. Mean NAQ (left panel) and mean AQ (right panel) as a function of mean Psub at the indicated F0 values for the MT and the opera (Op)
singers. The bars represent ±one standard error.

such that a greater Qclosed is associated with a smaller H1–H2 3). This suggests that the use of singers as subjects is advanta-
difference. The smaller H1–H2 observed for the MT singers, geous in investigations of relationships between various phona-
therefore, seems related to their higher values of Qclosed. Possi- tory parameters.
bly, it belongs to the voice characteristics of this style of sing- According to current views, our MT singers’ high values of
ing. Qclosed would be interpreted as signs of pressed phonation. It
The NAQ and AQ, on the other hand, did not differ between seems reasonable to doubt that the habitual use of pressed pho-
the singer groups. If these measures reflect phonation nation is acceptable from a vocal hygiene point of view in pro-
mode,14,24 this would imply that the MT singers did not use fessional singing. The AQ and NAQ parameters, previously
a more hyperfunctional phonation mode than the operatic found to reflect phonation mode in speech,15 showed quite sim-
singers. It would be interesting to find out if less successful ilar values between our singer groups. This similarity suggests
MT singers also show NAQ and AQ values similar to those that our MT singers used a phonation mode no more pressed
found here in well-established professional representatives of than that used by our opera singers.
this singer group. Returning to the question raised in the title of this investiga-
Another clear difference was found in the formant frequen- tion, our results have shown both differences and similarities
cies. All MT singers’ formant frequencies were higher than between MT and opera singers. It seems likely that two factors
those of the opera singers, particularly F2, F4, and F5. Similar play a major role in accounting for the timbral differences be-
differences between styles of singing were reported by Sund- tween these two groups of singers. One concerns the formant
berg et al3 and Stone et al.5 Presumably, the formant frequen- frequencies, particularly the presence and absence of the sing-
cies, reflecting articulatory characteristics, account for a good er’s formant cluster. The other is related to the opera singers’
deal of the timbral differences between opera and MT singing greater H1–H2 difference, indicating that the MT singers have
styles. a weaker voice source fundamental. These hypotheses need to
Above it was argued that the MT singers’ higher Qclosed be tested in the future by means of listening experiments with
values must be produced by some other factor than Psub. Ac- synthesized stimuli.
cording to Hirano and colleagues,25 thick vocal folds are likely
to produce a long closed phase, and a thickening of the folds re-
sults chiefly from contraction of the vocalis muscle. They fur-
ther argued that the vocalis contraction is typically weaker in The author would like to thank Professor Johan Sundberg for
falsetto register phonation compared to modal register phona- invaluable supervision and help with the manuscript, the singers
tion. As the register transition generally occurs around 300– for their kind participation, Svante Granqvist for software and
400 Hz in a male voice,26 both F0 values examined in the pres- technical support, Mattias Heldner for performing the statistical
ent study (139 and 278 Hz) were produced in the same register, analysis, and Peter Branderud and Hassan Djamshidpey at the
except for some examples of higher F0 in the softest phonation. Linguistic Department at Stockholm University for profes-
Thus, no register effects are likely to have contributed to the sional technical support during the recording sessions. This in-
main trends in our data. Taking all this into consideration, it vestigation is part of Eva Björkner’s doctoral dissertation work,
seems reasonable to hypothesize that the MT singers sang which is financially partly supported by the European Commu-
with a firmer contraction of the vocalis muscle. nity’s Human Potential Programme under contract HPRN-CT-
Singing is an accurately controlled type of phonation. This 2002-00276 [HOARSE-network], and an Institutional Grant
was clearly illustrated by the strong correlation found between IG 2002-2049 from STINT, the Swedish Foundation for Inter-
mean Psub and the various flow glottogram parameters (Table national Cooperation in Research and Higher Education.
540 Journal of Voice, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2008

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