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Semiconductor Electronics
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Semiconductor Electronics
class -
14 Acc to New

Syllabus .

Classification of solids on the Basis of Energy Bands

Insulators : in insulators , the

valence band is completely filled
whereas the conduction band is

completely empty .

As there is no electron in conduction

band so no electrical conduction is
possible .
The energy gap between
conduction band and valence band
is so Large ( Eg > 3 ell) that no electron
in valence band can be provided so

much energy from

any external
source that it can jump this energy gap .

Semiconductors : The energy band structure of a semiconductor is shown in

figure (b) It is similar to that of an insulator but

with a comparatively small energy gap C Eg <3 ex) .

At absolute temperature , the conduction band of semiconductor is

totally empty and valence band is completely filled .

Therefore , they are insulators at Low temperatures .

However, at room Temperhere , some electrons in the valence band acquire


thermal energy greater than energy band gap and jump over to the conduction
band where they are free to move under the influence of even a small electric
field and acquire small conductivity .

Hence the resistance of semiconductor is not as high as that of insulators .

conductors (Metal) on In case of metals either the conduction band is

partially filled and valence band is partially
empty , conduction band and valence band overlap
or .

In case of overlap ing electrons from valence band can easily

move into the conduction band, thus Large number of electrons available
For conduction .

In case valence band is empty g electrons from its lower level can
move to higher level
making conduction possible .

This is the reason why resistance of metal is how or the conductivity

is high o

Energy Bands of solids

Li! Valence Band → This energy band contains valence electrons This band may be .

partially or completely filled with electrons but never be empty .

The electron in this band are not capable of gaining energy from
external electric field to take part in conduction of current -
④ Conduction Band 8 This band contains conduction electrons This band is either .

empty or
partially filled with electrons .

→ Electrons present in this band take part in the conduction of current .

Liii) forbidden Band : This band is completely empty . As temperature increases ,

Forbidden energy gap decreases

Note →
The minimum energy required to shift an electron from valence band to
conduction band is called Badd Gat C Eg)


i) intrinsic semiconductors .

④ Extrinsic semiconductor .

A semiconductor in its pure state A semiconductor doped with a

is called intrinsic semiconductor .
suitable impurity to increase its
or conductivity is called extrinsic
A pure semiconductor which is free semiconductor .

is known as
From every impurity Types
intrinsic semiconductor .

I ↳
g Germanium ( Gel and Silicon Csi )

→ in intrinsic semiconductors, the

number of free electron he is
{YITh {EoLPd%fomihg
to the number of holes ha That is .

hh n type semiconductor when a

he hi

- - -
- -

small amount of pentavalent

= intrinsic carrier concentration .
impurity is added to a
good semiconductor it is known as
n -

type semi conductor .


→ i. e intrinsic -1 Pentavalent -= n type -

Semiconductor Semiconductor .

P type semiconductor : when

small amount of trivalent
impunity is added to a pure
it is known
semiconductor ,
→ all the valence electrons of semi conduct P -

type semiconductor .

tor atoms are occupied in covalent.EE
bonding . ie

Intrinsic + trivalent =

type .

→ whentemperature is raised some of Semiconductor impurity

the covalent bonds in semiconductor
break due to thermal energy supplied . •
Pentavalent→ As , Sb, P etc .

Thus the electron which set free ,

provide small electrical conductivity to •
Trivalent → Ing B , Al etc .

a semiconductor crystal

→ conductivity of extrinsic semi -

→ when electron breaks its covalent

an conductor is high .

bond and becomes free , a vacancy is

created in the valence band .
→ This missing electron in a covalent bond
hole which acts
a as + ve

→ conductivity of intrinsic semiconductor

is low .

N -
Type semiconductor ;-7 =
A pentavalent impurity atom has
Five valence electron On .

it to a semiconductor four of its electron form
covalent bond with semiconductor atoms
, leaving
the fifth valence electron unoccupied
small amount of
Thus on
adding pentavalent
impurity like As or Sb
, Large number of free
electron are produced in a semiconductor crystal .

→ The Fifth valence electron of impurity atom

as Donar o
→ so in n -

type semiconductor majority carriers are free electron and

minority carries are holes .

ie heh n

hit g ni is the number

density of electron in a conduction
→ so in n -

type semiconductor, current is mainly conducted by

free electron o


type semiconductor :

when a small amount of trivalent

is added to a pure semi
conductor , it is called P type semi -

conductor .

trivalent impurity atom has three

valence electrons on
adding it to a .

semiconductor three of its electron

Form three covalent bonds with semiconductor atoms , leaving
the fourth covalent bond incomplete, with a vacancy of one electron .

This missing electron in the fourth covalent bond behaves as a hole .

The trivalent impurity atom are known as Acceptor atom .

p type semiconductor , majority

In -
carriers are holes and minority carriers are
free electrons .

→ ie henn =
hit or nh > he , so in p type

current is mainly
conducted by holes

in p type semiconductor , from

positive to negative terminal of Semiconductor Crystal .

Electrical I.
Conductivity of a semiconductor a

let us consider semiconductor crystal of length

section area A across which a potential
g y
' ,
l and cross -

x is applied then Magnitude of electric field are set up

, -
y -

inside it
Ie -
Electric current flowing through the semiconductor is the both due to free electrons
and holes and is given by
I = Iet In from drift velocity & current relation
I = nee Ave +
nneavh I= ett Chevet nhvin)
cis .

he = no .

density of free electron hhz no -

density of free Holes .

so mobility of free electron is

Ciii )
¥ ve HEE
- -

mobility of holes is CD
VIE Ye Une

using equation Ciii ) & Ev) in eg

EAEC nemeth n Un)
CAVE lnelletnhlle)
R=¥= leached
I =
or E- or

'hnUu7 et

P=R¥=eA¥etnnUn7 ¥

or p =
ecneuetnn Un )
so the electrical conductivity of semiconductor is then given by

Ip or r =
ecneeletnhllh )
→ In Intrinsic semiconductor r =
ene Cnet un ) ooo ne nn

→ In extrinsic n -

type r -

: he> inn
→ In extrinsic p -

type r -
en nah
: nm> he

Note!→ as we > ten , so electrical conductivity of n -

type is more that that

of p -

type semiconductor .

PN Junction Diode on An arrangement consisting a p type semiconductor -

brought into a close contact with n type semiconductor , is called p n - -

junction → potential barrier


How ever if this junction is provided with P t n

a * I
metallic contacts at the ends for the ④ ④ to a - -

att , • •
• •


of external it is
voltage , then
I ⑧ 000

④ ④ ④
- -
a att ,
A • • •

called Diode att
Pn p
- -
• •
④ ④ ④
a •


att ;

L y "

Engr:b! Electron-hole


when ph junction
is formed then at the junction free electrons from
n -

diffuse over to p type , thereby filling in the holes in p type
- - .
Due to this a layer of positive charge is built on
p side and
a layer of
negative charge p side of pn junction This layer sufficiently
is built on - .

grows up within a very short time of the junction being formed, preventing any
Further movement of change carriers across the pn junction .

Thus a potential difference Vo of the order of o I to 0.3 V is setup across the .


junction junction barrier

pan called barrier or .

The thin region around the junction containing immobile positive and negative
is known "
depletion layer

changes as .

← →
① Forward

Biasing ② . Reverse
Biasing .

is Forward

Biasing → when the tve terminal of battery is connected to p side and -

negative to n -
side of ph junction then pn junction is said to be forward
biased .

depletion layer reduces
The width of
and external applied field is able to
overcome the
strong electric field of
depletion layer .

movement of the majority charge carriers
across the junction gets established

Initially increases almost

→ the current
negligibly ,
till the voltage across

the diode threshold

voltage or knee

cutoff diode current increases exponentially

After the
voltage the .

voltage voltage for Ge diode is 0.3 V and for si diode is about
0.7 Ho
→ In forward biasing resistance of
diode is very low , which can

be obtained by the slope of IV

characteristics .

② .
Reverse Biasing : when the tue
terminal of battery is connected to

n side and

negative terminal to P side


of a p -
n junction , then the p n junction-

is said to be Reverse Biased .

The width of depletion layer increases
and the electric field of depletion layer
becomes more
stronger .

depletion layer does not at all allow the transfer of

majority charge

The now

carriers while support the crossing of minority charge carrier .

Thus the
reverses current flow only due to
minority change carriers .
→ for the diode in very small treeA) and almost
reverse bias
the current is
remain constant However , for special cases

at very high reverse
bias C breakdown voltage) the current suddenly increases The
general .

diode are not used the reverse saturation current
purpose beyond region .

Rectifier is a circuit which converts alternating current La c) into direct

current Cd c) . .

of Rectifier Principle
Pn junction diode is a unidirectional device i e it allows
. -

the current to flow through it only in one direction , when

it is in forward bias

Half wave Rectifier full Rectifier

¥÷ :÷ ÷: ÷:i ÷ ¥÷ ÷
wave .

A half wave rectifier converts full wave rectifier converts the

the half cycle of applied AC whole cycle of applied AC signal
signal tosignal Ordinary
D.c .
into Dc signal .
centre tap -

transformer may be used here '

transformer is used here .

Circuit circuit
diagram diagram

D, Da Di Da Di D2

:÷÷:÷÷÷:÷÷:÷¥:÷ .

For -
ve half cycle ,
diode is → for -
ve half Cycle Diode Da is forward
reversed bias .
i -
e do not biased .
i. e Dz conduct and we
conduct , no output across output across RL .


Special Purpose p
n junction Diode .

47 LED ② Photodiode (3) .

Solar cell .
① LED (
light Emitting Diode) → Gt converts electrical energy into light energy .

9T is heavily doped p -
junction which operates under forward bias
and emits spontaneous radiation .

→ The I-V characteristics of a LED is similar

to that of Si junction diode But the threshold .

voltagesare much higher and

slightly different
for each colour The reverse breakdown voltages

of LEDs are very low , typically around 54 -

The colour of light depends upon the types of material used

in making the semiconductor diode


Li ?GaAs → Infrared radiation .

Ii ) Gap → Red or
Liii) GaAs P → Red or yellow light .

A photodiode is a special type of junction diode used for
detecting optical signals Gt is a . reverse biased pn junction
made from a photosensitive material .

when it is illuminated with

light of photon energy greater
than the energy gap of the
semiconductor , electron -
pains are
generated in near

relepletion region .

external is used for the movement of electron &

The voltage

Solar cell
Gt convert solar energy electrical energy into .

A solar cell Is basically a ph junction

which generates emf when solar radiation
Falls on the ph junction gt works on the .

same principle of
that no external bias applied and
the junction area is kept laegeo


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