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Student Name:

Student ID:

Assessment Summary
BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work
Unit Details

This is a summative assessment, which requires

Assessment Type each student to have adequate practice prior
to undertaking this assessment

Assessment 1 Written Questions

Project 1 – Establish a WHS

Assessment 2 management system in a work
Project 2 – Establish and
Assessment Methods maintain procedures for
Assessment 3
identifying, assessing
controlling hazards
Project 3 – Evaluate and
maintain a work are
Assessment 4
WHS management

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Assessment information......................................................................4
Unit description.............................................................................4
Key competencies....................................................................4
Foundation skills...........................................................................4
Performance evidence...............................................................5
Knowledge evidence.................................................................6
Relevant legislation.......................................................................6
Assessment Conditions..................................................................6
Terminology used..........................................................................6
General Instructions to Students ..................................................7
Dimensions of Competency........................................................7
Completing the assessments/Expectations........................................7
Assessment outcome.....................................................................8
Summary of assessment methods and tasks.....................................8
Required resources........................................................................9
Reasonable adjustment.............................................................9
Plagiarism policy...........................................................................9
Academic appeals..............................................................10
Reassessment process.................................................................10
Assessment records.....................................................................11
Assessment submissions and contact details...................................11
Assessment 1 – Written Questions........................................................................14
Instructions for Students ............................................................14
Applicable conditions...............................................................14
Resources required for assessment................................................15
Comments if the answer is not satisfactory.....................................26
Assessment Outcome Record – Assessment 1 of 4 (To be completed by the Assessor)
.................................................................................................................................... 27
Assessment 2 – Project 1 – Establish a WHS management system in a work area 28
Instructions for Students ............................................................28
Applicable conditions...............................................................28
Resources required for assessment................................................29

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Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Part A 40

Role Play Observation Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Part B 44
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Part C 47
Assessment Outcome Record - Assessment 2 of 4 (To be completed by the Assessor)
.................................................................................................................................... 48
Assessment 3 – Project 2 – Establish and maintain procedures for identifying,
assessing and controlling hazards..................................................................49
Instructions for Students ............................................................49
Applicable conditions...............................................................49
Resources required for assessment................................................50
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 3, Part A 52
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 3, Part B 60
Assessment Outcome Record - Assessment 3 of 4 (To be completed by the Assessor)
.................................................................................................................................... 61
Assessment 4 – Project 3 – Evaluate and maintain a work area WHS
management system (WHSMS).........................................................................62
Instructions for Students ............................................................62
Applicable conditions...............................................................62
Resources required for assessment................................................63
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 4, Part A 66
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 4, Part B, Tasks 1 -3
.................................................................................................................................... 69
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 4, Part C 75
Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 4, Part D 77
Assessment Outcome Record - Assessment 4 of 4 (To be completed by the Assessor)
.................................................................................................................................... 78

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Assessment information
Purpose This document represents the main assessment instrument for the unit of
competency BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area
Unit description This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish, maintain
and evaluate an organisation’s work health and safety (WHS) policies,
procedures and programs in a work area to ensure a safe workplace,
according to WHS legislative requirements. It takes a systems
approach and addresses compliance with relevant legislative requirements.
The unit applies to those working in a range of contexts who have, or
are likely to have, responsibility for WHS as part of their broader
management role. It is relevant for people with obligations under WHS
laws, for example persons conducting a business or undertaking
(PCBUs) or officers, as defined by WHS laws.
1. The terms ‘occupational health and safety’ (OHS) and ‘work health
and safety’ (WHS) are equivalent, and generally either can be used in
the workplace. In jurisdictions where model WHS laws have not
been implemented, registered training organisations (RTOs) are
advised to contextualise this unit of competency by referring to existing
WHS legislative requirements.
2. The model WHS laws include the model WHS Act, model WHS
Regulations and model WHS Codes of Practice. See Safe Work Australia for
further information.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at
the time of publication.
Key 1. Establish a WHS management system in a work area
competencies 2. Establish and maintain effective and compliant consultative
arrangements for managing WHS in a work area
3. Establish and maintain procedures for effectively identifying
hazards, and assessing and controlling risks in work area
4. Evaluate and maintain a work area WHS management system
Foundation skills Reading skills to: Organises, evaluates and critiques ideas and
information from WHS laws, policies, procedures and
Writing skills to: Produces WHS policies, procedures and programs
using appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure
and conventions

Records WHS decisions according to organisational

Oral Presents and seeks information from others using
communication structure and language suitable for the audience
skills to:

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Provides information about WHS policies and

procedures and on resolution of WHS issues, varying
level of technical vocabulary to suit the audience
Numeracy skills Selects from, and applies, an expanding range of
to: mathematical and problem-solving strategies in
identifying financial and human resources required
support WHS requirements
Navigate the Monitors adherence to legal and regulatory rights and
world of work to: responsibilities for self and others in relation to WHS

Develops, implements and reviews WHS-related

policies, procedures and processes according to
legislative and organisational requirements
Interact with Plays a lead role in situations requiring effective
others to: collaboration, demonstrating the ability to guide
discussions and negotiate agreeable outcomes

Provides feedback to others in forms they can

understand and use
Get the work Develops plans or processes to manage relatively
done to: complex WHS management tasks, with an
awareness of how they contribute to operational and
strategic goals

Uses systematic and analytical processes, setting goals,

gathering relevant information, and identifying and
evaluating options against agreed criteria

Considers whether, and how, others should be

involved, using consultative or collaborative processes
as an integral part of the decision-making process

Uses digital systems and tools to enter, store and

retrieve relevant information

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Performance A person who demonstrates competency in this unit must be able to
evidence provide evidence of the ability to:

 establish, implement, maintain and evaluate one work health and

safety management system (WHSMS) for a work area of an organisation
that complies with WHS laws, and organisational policies and

During the above, the candidate must:

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 establish, implement, maintain and evaluate effective and compliant

consultative arrangements for managing WHS, including:
o identifying duty holders
o identifying and approving required resources
o developing and implementing a training program
 establish, implement, maintain and evaluate procedures for
identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks using the
hierarchy of control measures.
Knowledge Students must develop knowledge of the following areas to successfully
evidence complete this unit:

 details of relevant WHS laws relating to ensuring a safe workplace

 WHS organisational policies, procedures, programs and practices
required for the performance evidence
 hazard identification and risk-management processes
 key principles, uses and components of the hierarchy of control
measures and procedures for applying it in the workplace
 organisational and WHS legislative reporting requirements.
Relevant  The Privacy Act, 1988
legislation  Age Discrimination Act 2004
 Disability Discrimination Act
 Racial Discrimination Act 1975
 Sex Discrimination Act 1984
 Work Health and Safety Acts (States and Territories)
Assessment Assessment must comply with WHS laws, legal responsibilities and duty of
Conditions care required for this unit. It must be conducted in a safe environment
where evidence gathered demonstrates consistent performance of
typical activities undertaken by individuals carrying out WHS duties in
the workplace, and must include access to:
 organisational WHS policies and procedures required to demonstrate
the performance evidence
 WHS laws required to demonstrate the performance evidence
 case studies and, where possible, real situations
 opportunities for interaction with others.
Assessors of this unit must satisfy the assessor requirements in applicable
vocational education and training legislation, frameworks and/or
Pre-requisites NIL
Terminology The following terms are used in each assessment task to guide the student
used and assessor as to what is expected from each assessment task:
1. Instructions: Provides a brief description about the assessment task
and broadly indicates what the Student is required to do.
2. Conditions of assessment: Outlines the conditions in which the
assessment must be undertaken. In some cases, it will give options for

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the student about what to base the assessment task on and whether it
is practical demonstration or project.
3. Description of task/decision making rules: Advises the student and the
assessor of the task description and the criteria that the assessment
must meet in order for a satisfactory result to be awarded.
4. Due Date - the date on which assessment falls due.
General This document contains both the assessment instrument and the
Instructions to instructions for gathering and interpreting evidence in an assessment
Students process.

The document also includes references to relevant checklists, templates

and other resources required as part of the assessment conditions, that
you must complete as part of the assessment requirements.

 This pack includes all the assessment tasks you will need to
successfully complete in order to be competent in the unit/s of
competence listed above.
 There are four (4) assessment tasks in this pack. To attain competence
in the unit/s you must satisfactorily:
o complete all written questions in this assessment tool
o complete and submit the project/s outlined in the assessment guide
o demonstrate skills as directed by your Assessor
 Competency depends on consistently demonstrating the skills and
knowledge that enable you to complete workplace tasks confidently
in a variety of situations.
 If you have any difficulties in understanding any of these forms or
instructions, please speak to your trainer/ assessor.
 You must attach the Assessment Coversheet to each submission.

You must keep copies of the completed assessment for your records.
Dimensions of You will be considered to be competent when you are able to
Competency demonstrate application of knowledge and skills to successfully
complete work activities in a range of situations and environments as
 Task skills – Performing the task/job to the required standard
 Task management skills – Performing more than one thing at a time
and managing the tasks correctly
 Contingency management skills – Responding appropriately to
irregularities and breakdowns in routine within a job or workplace
 Job/role environment skills (outcomes) – Dealing with the
responsibilities and expectations of the work environment
Completing the Assessors must ensure that students completely understand the
assessments/Ex assessment process and various assessment tasks before undertaking the
pectations assessments. This assessment tool is structured in a way that each
assessment task

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clearly outlines the:

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 Instructions for completing the assessment task;

 Conditions in which the assessment must be conducted;
 Evidence that must be presented by the student; and
 Decision-making rules by which the evidence will be judged.
Every assessment task will require satisfactory completion in order for
students to be deemed Competent. The students will need to adhere to
any guidelines on length of answers required where stipulated.
Assessment Your Assessor will:
outcome o complete the Assessment Outcome Record for each assessment
o provide you with feedback for all assessment tasks
o mark the assessment task as satisfactory or unsatisfactory
o sign the Assessment Outcome Record

 You must sign and date the Assessment Task Outcome Record and
read, understand and acknowledge the feedback.
 The Assessor will record the assessment outcome (Competent or
Not competent) for the unit of competency, and will include any
relevant comments on the Assessment summary cover sheet.
 Should your performance in a task be deemed ‘Not Satisfactory’,
you will be advised of the outcome and will be given one more
opportunity to re-submit satisfactory evidence within the timelines
advised by your assessor.
 If you fail to achieve the required outcome after this opportunity,
you will be deemed ‘Not Competent’. Please read the reassessment
procedure in the later part of these instructions.
 You must access, read and understand the Gen’s complaints and
appeals process, which allows you to challenge an assessment
decision, if you would like to be reassessed.
 If you are found to have plagiarised or copied work from another
student or any other sources, your assessment submission will not
be accepted (please refer to Gen’s Plagiarism Policy).

You may refer to the Student Handbook for more information.

Summary of The assessment methods that are used in this assessment tool are:
assessment Assessm Method of
methods and ent Task Assessment
tasks 1 Questions You are required to answer 10 short answer
questions related to this unit
2 Project & Role- Establish a WHS management system in a
play work area
3 Project Establish and maintain procedures for
identifying, assessing and controlling hazards
4 Project Evaluate and maintain a work are WHS

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management system (WHSMS)

Required Each assessment task in this assessment tool outlines specific resources
resources that the student must have access to as part of the assessment
process. Assessors must ensure that students have appropriate access
to these resources before any assessment is conducted.
Textbook/ Online learning resources
Computer with Internet access for research purposes and word
Interaction with others for role
play Pen and paper as required
APPENDIX A – Record of WHS Consultation
APPENDIX B – WHS Action Plan Template
APPENDIX C – Induction Session Plan Template
APPENDIX D – WHS Training Record Template
APPENDIX E – Register of Injuries Template
APPENDIX F – WHS Improvement Action Plan Template
Reasonable Gen Institute enables reasonable adjustments to be made to
adjustment assessment procedures for students with special needs, such as people
with disabilities or with language or literacy difficulties.

If you are unable to complete the assessment in this format, you must
inform your assessor and they may arrange for you to take the assessment
in an alternative format.
Plagiarism Gen Institute takes a systemic approach to the treatment of plagiarism
policy in academic work. The policy is intended to promote honesty in learning
and assessment and respect for the work of others. Contravention of this
policy will result in students being penalized.

 Please read the plagiarism policy available in your student handbook

and to be aware of the consequences and to understand your rights
and responsibilities.
 In order to be assessed as competent (C) in this unit you need to
provide evidence that demonstrates you can perform the required
competencies to the necessary standard.
 In order to avoid plagiarism, you must acknowledge and reference
sources of research that you use in your written work, and must
give credit appropriately.
 You must use the APA 6th Referencing style. You must contact your
assessor for guidance on how to reference.
 You could also complete a free tutorial on referencing at The Basics
of APA Style®
 The following are some types of references that must be
o Direct quotations – using another person’s exact words, placing

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words in quotation marks (for shorter quotes) or indent paragraphs

(for longer quotes).
o Paraphrases of another person’s words or ideas – using someone
else’s ideas in your own words. When you paraphrase, you must cite
the source of the ideas
o Summarise another person’s ideas – a short summary of the original
text, including only the main points of the original author’s ideas
or argument. To avoid plagiarism, you must cite the source
whenever you summarise another person’s work.
o Tables, figures, graphs, diagrams or images obtained from any
source – you must acknowledge the original source of all tables,
figures, graphs, diagrams or images.
o Information obtained from lectures and personal communication
– you must acknowledge the source of the information.
Academic  Where a student wishes to appeal an assessment they are required
appeals to notify their assessor in the first instance. Where appropriate the
assessor may decide to re-assess the student to ensure a fair and
equitable decision is gained. The assessor shall complete a written
report regarding the re-assessment outlining the reasons why
assessment was or was not granted.
 If this is still not to the student’s satisfaction the student shall formally
lodge an appeal by submitting a written letter within one week of
receiving the results using the form 10.1 for Complaints and
appeals outlining the reasons for the appeal. They shall lodge this with
student administrations department and the appeal shall be entered
into the ‘complaints and appeals register’.
 The Course coordinator shall be notified and shall seek details from the
assessor involved and any other relevant parties. A decision shall be
made regarding the appeal either indicating the assessment
decision stands or details of a possible re-assessment by another
assessor appointed by Gen.
The student shall be notified in writing of the outcome with reasons for the
decision. The student shall also be provided the option of activating the
external appeals process if they are not satisfied with the outcome. The
student is required to notify Gen if they wish to proceed with the
appeals process.
Reassessment 1. Student will be assessed as being competent only upon satisfactory
process completion of all the assessments in a unit.
2. If a student is not able to demonstrate satisfactory completion of all of
the required assessments of the unit, the result for that unit will be
recorded as Not Competent.
3. If a student has submitted all the tasks and successfully completed
more than 50%* of the assessment tasks for a unit, they will be
provided with specific feedback and invited to re-submit their

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4. If a student has submitted and not successfully completed more

than 50%* of the assessment tasks for a unit, they will be required
to undertake the unit again.
5. In the case of re-submission, the following actions shall occur:
 The student must apply for resubmission within one week of the
result is made available to him/her. This means that the student
is responsible to acknowledge that he/she has received the result
and has been deemed NC for the units of competency
 Reassessment may need to be arranged every weekend on
Saturday evenings in order to minimize disruption.
6. If a student is assessed as “Not Competent’ after the resubmission, he
or she will be identified as a student-at-risk and an Academic
Performance Improvement (API) Plan will be created during an
Intervention Strategy Meeting between the Gen’s Operations
Manager, Trainer & Assessor and student. The date for a third
assessment will be nominated by the student in consultation with
Trainer & Assessor, but should be no longer than 1 month from the
previous re-submission date.
7. One re-submission is allowable per unit per student free of cost.
Additional re-submissions will be charged at $200.

If the student remains ‘Not Competent’ after a third re-submission, he

or she will be notified that this result is final and he or she will be
unable to successfully complete the course in which they are enrolled at
this point.

* Due to the variance in the amount of work completed for each

assessment task in a unit, 50% will be determined by the number of
assessment tasks submitted as opposed to the amount of evidence
Assessment We are required to retain a copy of your assessment and all other
records evidentiary records. If you require a copy of this assessment submission
please be sure to copy it prior to submitting it to us.
Declaration You must sign the student declaration confirming the authenticity of
your submitted work, understanding the requirements to complete the
assessment tasks and that the assessment process including the provisions
for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to you and that
you understand these processes on the assessment summary cover sheet.
Gen Institute cannot assess any submitted work until the declaration is
Assessment You must submit this completed assessment tool to your trainer on the due
submissions and date. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding
contact details the assessment process:
Phone: 03 9642 2193

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This form is to be completed by the assessor and used as a final record of student competency.
All student submissions including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing
on the students file. Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed
and attached to this form.
Student ID
Student Name:
Unit Code &
BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area
First Submission  Subsequent submission 
Please attach the following documentation to this form S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory

Assessment 1  Written Task  S | NS 

Assessment 2
 Project 1: Establish a WHS management system  S | NS 
in a work area

Assessment 3
 Project 2: Establish and maintain procedures for  S | NS 
identifying, assessing and controlling hazards

Assessment 4
 Project 3: Evaluate and maintain a work are WHS  S | NS 
management system (WHSMS)
Final Assessment Result for this unit
(Student will be assessed as being competent
only upon satisfactory completion of all the  Competent  Not Competent (Comments)
above mentioned assessments)
The Evidence provided is:

 Valid  Sufficient  Authentic  Current

Student Declaration:
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks. The
assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained
to me and I understand these processes. I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm
that this is my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used
for the purpose of this assessment.

Type your Name, do not use Sign tool

Student’s Signature: Date: / /
Final feedback:

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Assessor: I declare that I have Type your Name, do not use Sign tool
conducted a fair, valid, reliable and Signature:
flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate Date: / /
Administrative use only

Entered onto Student

Management Database
Date Initials


Assessment Task No/s


Student Declaration:
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks. The assessment
process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and
I understand these processes. I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is
my own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the
purpose of this assessment.

Type your Name, do not use Sign tool

Student’s Signature: Date: / /

Result of Reassessment
 Competent - C  Not Yet Competent - NYC
(Please circle the Final Assessment Outcome)
Feedback to Student (Please provide general feedback on the Student’s performance)

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Trainer/Assessor Signature Date

Administrative use only

Entered onto Student

Management Database
Date Initials
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Assessment 1 – Written Questions

Instructions for Students

 This is the first of the four assessment tasks you must complete satisfactorily to be deemed
competent in this unit.
 Read the Assessment description carefully.
 In this task, you must answer ten (10) questions that cover the knowledge requirements of
this unit.
 You must respond to all questions and submit them to the Trainer/Assessor.
 You must answer all questions to the required standard (e.g. provide the specified number
of points) to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
 Assessment may be submitted in Microsoft Word format or may be handwritten.
Clearly label your work with your name, unit code, unit title, Assessment Task and
respective Question number with the answer to all the documents and sheets that are
attached to your submission.
 Read the Plagiarism policy and procedure carefully to understand the consequences
that you could face if your work is plagiarized.
 Seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be done, if you do not understand
the task.
 Ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of project or Assessment.
 Seek information on additional reading material and reference for completion of the
 Students with special needs can seek assistance from assessors depending upon the nature
of the need.
 Submit this document along with your assessment work.
 Your Trainer/Assessor will provide you feedback and notify you about the results within
two weeks of submission.

Applicable conditions

 This is an open book task and you may refer to your learning materials or your research of
external resources.
 Assessment may be completed in your own time and is due one week after the module
end date.
 You must complete this task independently.
 The Trainer/Assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure
that this is your own work, or to confirm your knowledge to close any gaps they may
identify as not evidenced in your written responses.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.

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Resources required for assessment

 You will need the following materials/ resources for this task:
o Textbook/ Online learning resources
o Computer with Internet access for research purposes and word processing
o Pen and paper as required

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Written Questions

Briefly describe the following:

 The WHS Act
 WHS regulations
 WHS compliance codes
 two Codes of Practice that make up the legislative framework for WHS specific
to the state/ territory in which you live/study/work

Your response should be no longer than 250 words in total.

The WHS Act
Work health and safety act is the framework which sets the guidelines to protect health,
safety and welfare og the workplace in the organization. It also defines the ute to protect
every individual who will be affected by the work. All the workers solved are protected by
the WHS act. This includes the employees who are manent, temporary and the
contractors. The main aim of the WHS act is to protect working class from injury or
illness. Reassuring that all the employees are safe at working place and also providing
protection to the non-employees from the health safety risks that can occur during the
work activities. This also covers the harm dealing with the use of explosive and highly
inflammable substances.

WHS compliance codes

Compliance codes are established to accomplish the standards that are defined he
workplace safety department to ensure that all the employees are safe. Codes issued to
simplify the WHS laws.

Compliance codes available now are:

 first aid in the workplace
 workplace amenities and facilities
 prevention of falls in construction
 hazardous substances
 hazardous manual handling
 managing exposure to crystalline silica
 demolition
 excavation
 facilities in construction

two codes of practice that can make up for the Legislative framework are health safety at
workplace and handling of hazardous substances. Managing risks to health and safety,
including risk assessment and control processes and protecting people at work from injury
and illness, including psychological injury. This included in the legislative framework as
this can have a significant effect on the who are involved and cause permanent damage
and sometimes dealth of that an resource who is working on that particular task.

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 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory (Comments)

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What is the purpose and role of organisational policies and procedures for WHS?
Respond in no more than 80 words.

The organizational policies and procedures should be designed in prioritizing the health
and safety of the workers and everyone who are at a risk of being affected. This includes
consulting workers and encouraging the participation in Maintaining work health and
safety, including establishing health and safety committees. Providing training in safe
operating procedures. Providing rehabilitation and maximum recovery for injured workers.
The safety principles and arrangements are need to be followed by all the workers to
ensure compliance with the WHS and also to define required procedures and mechanisms
for consultation and effective management of the work health safety system.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory (Comments)

3 What is a WHS management system? Respond in no more than 80 words.

WHS management system is collation of policies and procedures within the organization
to protect the employees from any potential risk that they are prone to at the workplace.
This is a systematic approach of the organisations to align their safety and health
measure on par with the WHS policy and providing required training to the employees
based on that. This will help in reducing risk and illness of the employees that can put the
organization in jeopardy. This is also a legal requirement to ensure that all the employees
are in a safe environment.

  Not Satisfactory
Satisfactory (Comments)
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Briefly explain the five steps an organisation needs to take to develop and implement
4 an effective WHS /Management System (WHSMS). Respond in no more than 200

The organisations needs to

develop a WHS Management
inorder to avoid any
potential risk that can occur to the
employees and the individuals that
can be
affected by the operations in the
organisation and also it is required
by the
government to abide by
compliance inorder to keep their
reputation intact from
potential lawsuits
The organisations needs to develop a WHS Management inorder to avoid any potential
risk that can occur to the employees and the individuals that can be affected by the
operations in the organisation and also it is required by the government to abide by
compliance in order to keep their reputation intact from potential lawsuits.

  Not Satisfactory
Satisfactory (Comments)
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The organisations need to :

Identify risk
Identify the extent of the effect of
Identify the lack of safety at
The Work health safety
management has six components :
1) Safety Plan
2) Policies and procedures with
respective processes
3) Training
4) Monitoring
5) Supervising
6) Reporting
After identifying the risk and the
  Not Satisfactory
Satisfactory (Comments)
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extent of its effect on the

workplace safety, the
organisations need to employ a
committee to formulate a safety
plan. All the
policies, procedures and the
processes need to make
compliance their foremost
priority and abide by it. Health
and safety trainings need to be
implemented at
regular intervals to check and
evaluate the understanding of the
employees of the
WHS policy. Then the processes
need to be monitored and
  Not Satisfactory
Satisfactory (Comments)
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Assessment |

supervised consistently
inorder to check the progress. Post
this, the WHS management
committee needs
to report if there are any gaps in
the policy implementation. Time
to time
reporting will ensure a strict
adherence to complianc
The organisations need to :
Identify risk
Identify the extent of the effect of risk
Identify the lack of safety at places
The Work health safety management has six components :
1) Safety Plan
2) Policies and procedures with respective processes
3) Training
4) Monitoring
5) Supervising
6) Reporting
After identifying the risk and the extent of its effect on the workplace safety, the
organisations need to employ a committee to formulate a safety plan. All the
policies, procedures and the processes need to make compliance their foremost
priority and abide by it. Health and safety trainings need to be implemented at
regular intervals to check and evaluate the understanding of the employees of the
WHS policy. Then the processes need to be monitored and supervised consistently
inorder to check the progress. Post this, the WHS management committee needs
to report if there are any gaps in the policy implementation. Time to time
reporting will ensure a strict adherence to complianc

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory (Comments)

  Not Satisfactory
Satisfactory (Comments)
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Briefly describe (in 10-15 words) any four common organisational policies which
are focused on maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.

The most common organizational policies which are focused on maintaining a safe and
healthy workplace is:
1. giving regular breaks
2. appropriate leave and sick leave policy sessions to reduce workplace stress
3. mechanical aids are use to avoid any physical strain protect your back
4. computer screens which proper alignment

  Not Satisfactory
Satisfactory (Comments)
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Assessment |

6 Briefly describe (in 10-15 words) any four examples of written WHS procedures.

The following can be cited as examples for WHS procedures:

1. evaluation of risks
2. current risk analysis
3. using risk controls to treat risk
4. identification of hazardous and potential affects
5. consultation at regular intervals to minimize risk.

 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory (Comments)

Explain the four-step hazard identification and risk management processes an

7 organisation needs to follow to ensure a safe workplace. Respond in no more than
300 words.
Every organization is bound to follow the hazard identification and risk management
process inorder to ensure a safe workplace environment. The four steps involved in the
hazard identification and risk management processes in the organization is:

1. identify the potential hazards which can cause harm

2. assess the risks
3. plans to control risks
4. review plans

identify the potential hazards:

the most important step in this process is identifying the potential hazards and risks in
the workplace. Systematic management of the work health and safety measures will
improve the health of workers, workplace as well as has a significant effect on the overall
productivity. This identification process will reduce the injuries that can occur at the
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workplace, sickness and mitigate the costs that can be incurred due to this. It promotes
the employee health and motivation. Also helps in encouraging innovation and drive the
quality of work in a positive direction.

Assess the Risk:

Once the identification process is complete, then we need to go forward with assessing
the risks and their respective effect on the workplace environment and the employees.
Dealing with known risks and unknown risks will dictate the company's competitive edge.
This is basically a process where we get to know the risk, the seriousness of it, the
likelihood of it to happen and the effects.

Plans to control risks:

After assessing the risk, then we need to draw plans to control, prevent or eliminate the
risk completely based on the this can be done with effective communication and
consultation with the risk management team. We need to consult with the employees and
the staff that are involved and are prone to this risk and form Health management
committees. These help in maintaining health and safety management documentation in
the workplace. Investigates training needs and ensures adequate training is provided to
all workers. Keep up to date with health and safety information and current health and
safety best practice. Helps find solution to health and safety problems.

After all the above steps, we need to review the plan of action so that we are not leaving
any room for error. By using the hierarchy of control to assess the adequacy of measures
and monitoring tools such as audits, incident reports we need to take prompt and
appropriate actions and plan ongoing monitoring activities.

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 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory (Comments)

Describe the hierarchy of risk control, their uses and at least one example each of
how these controls are applied in the workplace. Respond in no more than 300 words.

The risks in the workplace are controlled by using the hierarchy on control system. This
helps the employees understand and use the hierarchy control system effectively to
eliminate the effect of risks at workplace. Elimination of risk and hazards is the top notch
function of hierarchy of control. The risks can be reduced by substitution, isolation and
engineering. Some risks can be reduced by substituting them with lower risks that can
have significantly less effect. Then we can try isolating the employees from risks. The
tasks and areas that are prone to risks need to be avoided by delegating the tasks with
less risks. The risks can also be reduced by making engineering changes like changing the
systems of work. At the administrative level, the employees need to exposed to a minimal
risk to avoid any mishaps within the operational sector. The hierarchy of risks control
assists the organisations to fulfill the occupational health and safety act that’s levied by
the government. If the organisations cannot eliminate the risks then they need to try and
reduce the risks and their associated effects on the workforce. A specialist working in
isolation without any input from workers may result in flawed evaluations and
inappropriate recommendations.

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  Not Satisfactory
Satisfactory (Comments)
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Discuss the obligations of a business in relation to WHS, and the consequences to the
9 business of not complying with WHS requirements. Respond in no more than 200
The basic obligations of any business in relation to the Work Health Safety is as follows:

 Establish and ensure safe systems of work

 Ensuring safety in handling goods and substances
 Provide adequate training, information and supervision in regards to safety
 Risk assessment and control

Every business needs to comply with the above obligations and imbibe it in their
standard operating procedure. There will be legally levied fines and reputational
ramifications if the business is not complying t the Work Health Safety requirements. The
failure to comply with the health and safety measures will be considered as an offence
and will be prosecuted. Huge penalties will be levied on the business. Non-compliance
with the safety and health measures is a great deal breaker and it may have effect on
financial statement, creditors, investors and the employees. Loss of business and
reputational risk along with litigation. There is also a possibility for the board and senior
leadership will have to serve time in prison as part of the sanctions. Breach in the work
health safety means that the company doesn't care about their employees and do not
intend to take accountability for their safety. This results in a workplace that is prone to
maximum risk and hazardous work environment

  Not Satisfactory
Satisfactory (Comments)
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Identify the organisational and WHS legislative reporting requirements of a business. In

10 your response, provide a brief rationale for and three examples of each. Respond
no more than 150 words.
the organizational and work health safety legislative reporting requirements of a business
are as follows:

 Hazard reporting forms

 Regular evaluation
 Register all the injuries
 File incident reports
 First aid register
Filling the hazard reports is the primary step in reporting. After the forms are filled the
safe health committee needs to examine in the report closely and perform a streamlined
risk assessment and determine a timeframe for the resolution. This is very important
because ‘time lines’ signify effective reporting system. The next step are to nominate
someone to be responsible for taking appropriate action in the report, implement risk
controls and finally, sign off on the hazard report form. We can cite hazard registers,
safety training certifications, signed off induction sheets, regular work health safety
meetings, regular inspections at work, zero tolerance for non-compliance as examples for
work health safety legislative reporting. Consistent monitoring and documenting of the
safety health measure practices provides a rationale to risk free work places.

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 Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory (Comments)

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Comments if the answer is not satisfactory

This form is completed by the assessor and used for comments if the answer is not
Q.no Comments

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

Question 6:

Question 7:

Question 8:

Question 9:

Question 10:

Based on the Comments above Please Redo / Rewrite those particular answers and
resend your Completed Reassessment for correction

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Assessment Outcome Record – Assessment 1 of 4 (To be completed by the Assessor)

Assessment task: Question and Answer

Student ID and
Unit of
Competency BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area
Code and Title:
Feedback to student:
Attempt 1

Attempt 2

Assessment Outcome: (tick)

Attempt 1:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Attempt 2:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Student Signature: Date: / /

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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Assessment 2 – Project 1 – Establish a WHS management system in a

work area

Instructions for Students

 This is the second of the four assessment tasks you must complete satisfactorily to be
deemed competent in this unit.
 This assessment is made up of three (3) tasks.
o Part A – Establish a WHS management system
o Part B – Role Play: Establish participation arrangements for managing WHS
o Part C – Provide information about consultation and participation outcomes

 Read the scenarios given and complete the tasks that follow.
 You must attempt all criteria to the required standard (e.g. fulfil assessment criteria
mentioned in the performance checklist) to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
 You must complete this task by following all given instructions, for the trainer/assessor
to assess competency in this assessment task.
 Clearly label your work with name, unit code and unit title to all the documents and
sheets that are attached to your submission.
 Review the role play observation Checklist so that you are familiar with the behaviours that
you are expected to perform during the observation.
 Review other resources, related to the task you are going to perform.
 Seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be done, if you do not
understand the task.
 Ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of Assessment.
 Seek information on additional reading material and reference for completion of the
 Submit this document along with your assessment work.

Applicable conditions

 You will need to complete this project in your own time and submit it as per the Gen’s
 You must complete the task independently.
 You can refer to the textbook, learning materials or your research of external resources
in completing this task.
 Time limit for role plays is 10 minutes, unless otherwise specified.
 The Trainer/Assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure
that this is your own work, or to confirm your knowledge to close any gaps they may
identify as not evidenced in your written responses.
 The Trainer /Assessor will assess your practical skills, technique and knowledge as you
complete this assessment task.
 All criteria listed in the performance checklists guide must be completed satisfactorily to the
standard described.

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 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will
be Competent or Not competent.
 You must express all answers/responses in your own words or acknowledge the sources
of reference materials used.
 If you are found to have plagiarised or copied another student’s work, your assessment
submission will not be accepted (please refer to the Gen’s Plagiarism Policy).

Resources required for assessment

You will need the following materials/ resources for this task:

 Textbook/ Online learning resources

 Computer with internet access for research and word processing
 Interaction with others for role play
 Appendix A: Record of WHS Consultation

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The Lollipop Shop is a company which supplies its customers with the best of Australian
and overseas lollies, drinks, candy and party goods. The company has several stores
throughout Victoria and also has an online store. The company prides itself on a vast range of
products as well as their exceptional customer service and product knowledge.

The following is an extract from the Strategic Business Plan of The Lollipop Shop:

The Lollipop Shop will be a community-oriented establishment that brings people together for a sw

The mission of The Lollipop Shop is to be valued as Melbourne’s favourite candy store chain, by se

Quality and customer oriented
Innovative and dynamic
Reliable and principled
Equality and diversity


General Manager

HRFinance ManagerManager
Figure 1 The Lollipop Shop Organisational Chart
Background StoreStoreStore ManagerManagerManager

The Lollipop Shop was established inAssistantsAssistantsAssistants
2005 by the owner John Sweetman. Starting with one store

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The following are extracts of the company’s policies and procedures.

Work Health and Safety/ Occupational Health and Safety Policy and Procedure

Our policy

At The Lollipop Shop, each and every employee is responsible for maintaining a safe
working environment for themselves and their customers.

We will make every reasonable effort to ensure that:

 accidents are prevented
 hazards are removed or controlled
 employees are protected from injuries
 customers are protected from injuries
 health is preserved and promoted
 our store is clean and uncluttered at all times
 our products are displayed in a way that is safe to both staff and customers
 we work as a team to achieve our aim of a safe and healthy workplace

All staff are encouraged to contribute their ideas for improving store safety.
Should an accident or incident occur in the store, it must be reported according to store
procedures. By observing these guidelines, The Lollipop Shop will continue to be a great place
to work and shop.

The company’s responsibilities

The Lollipop Shop is legally required to ensure that the workplace is safe for all
employees, customers and visitors. The store's safety, however, is not the sole
responsibility of only managers – every team member must remember that they are
responsible for safety too.

Employee responsibilities

It is the employees’ responsibility to report anything they consider to have the potential to be
a safety hazard, to their manager and/or team mates.

If they see a safety hazard they must report it and be prepared to handle emergencies
and/or incidents.

OHS/WHS Committee

Because The Lollipop Shop has three stores in Victoria, we have elected to have an OHS
committee comprising the management team members, Store Managers and store staff.

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The Lollipop Shop’s health and safety management system principles and objectives

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In order to ensure a healthy and safe working environment, we will:

 establish and maintain a safe and healthy workplace

 ensure we comply with all relevant legislation
 provide written procedures and instructions for safe working practices and material safety
data sheets (MSDS) as required
 provide appropriate support, instruction, training and supervision to employees to
ensure safe working practices
 consult employees and affected persons on health and safety issues
 set and monitor clear performance goals for prevention and lessening of illnesses and
injuries in the workplace for employees, contractors and visitors (including clients and
 detect hazards leading to assessment and appropriate control activities for all risks in
the workplace
 commit to participation in workplace health and safety matters by all senior managers, line
managers, supervisors and staff (including employee representatives)
 access and provide appropriate information relating to working safely and the training
required for organisational employees to carry out their duties in a safe manner
 establish and commit to health and safety management systems for all work areas
 work towards continual improvement by participating in internal/external audits and
systematic management review.

Customer Service Charter

Our commitment to you:

 To treat you with respect, courtesy and confidentiality, by approachable staff

 To provide a safe and welcoming environment, where you will feel at ease.
 To fulfil enquiries and requests in a timely manner
 To provide fair and equal access to a wide range of products and services
 To provide written policies on the various aspects of The Lollipop Shop’s operations.

Diversity Policy and


The purpose of the diversity policy is to promote an organisational culture

that values diversity and tolerates differences. This policy applies to all staff.

The Lollipop Shop will:

 recognise that each employee brings their own unique capabilities, experiences
and characteristics to their work.
 value diversity at all levels of the company in all that we do
 believe in treating all people with respect and dignity

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 recognise the importance of reflecting the diversity of our customers and markets in
our workforce
 recognise diversity such as differences in ethnicity, gender, language, age, sexual
orientation, religion, socio-economic status, physical and mental ability, thinking
styles, experience, and education
 train managers in managing diversity to ensure that employees are treated fairly and
evaluated objectively
 provide all employees diversity training to raise awareness about issues surrounding
diversity and developing diversity management skills.
 provide a safe and pleasant environment for our employees
 offer work arrangements to suit the requirements of a diverse workforce, such as
flexible working time arrangements, education assistance, network and support
groups, open communications, mentor programs
 monitor and review annually on the organisation’s progress with respect to this policy.
 Related legislation and policies - Anti-discrimination, Recruitment and Induction
policy, Privacy, Confidentiality, WHS policy

Grievance/Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedure

The purpose of this policy and procedure is to provide a mechanism for employees to raise
a grievance arising from their employment. This policy applies to all staff. Dispute resolution
refers to the processes by which disputes are brought to an end.

Grievances and dispute resolution procedure

 Employees who consider that they have a dispute or grievance should raise the matter with
their immediate supervisor as a first step towards resolution.
 The two parties should discuss the matter openly and work together to achieve a
desired outcome. Employee may bring along a representative to this meeting.
 The Manager should check for clarification of the issue to ensure they fully understand
the employee’s concern.
 If the matter cannot be resolved between the employee and manager, it should be
referred to senior management.
 If it cannot be resolved at senior management level, it may need to be referred to an
independent body such as the Fair Work Commission.
 Relevant legislation and policies include Privacy Act 1988, WHS Legislation, Anti-
discrimination legislation, Diversity Policy, Privacy and Confidentiality policies, and WHS

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The following are the job descriptions of various team members:

General Manager
The General Manager’s role is to ensure strategic goals are met by setting operational
policies, creating and maintaining budgets and managing employees.
The General Manager’s responsibilities are:
 Develop strategic plans for optimised productivity
 Review and improve organisational effectiveness by developing processes,
overseeing employees, establishing a highly motivated work environment, and
creating innovative approaches for improvement
 Uphold standards of excellence and quality
 Seek out opportunities for expansion and growth by developing new business
 Adding to the range of products and services, by sourcing new products from all over
the world and introducing innovative services
 Provide guidance and feedback to help others strengthen specific knowledge/skill areas
 Develop, implement, and maintain budgetary and resource allocation plans
 Delegate responsibilities to the employees to perform them while enforcing all
policies, procedures, standards, specifications, guidelines, training programs, and
cultural values

Store Manager

The Store Manager runs store by carrying out marketing and operational plans and monitors
daily operations to boost and generate sales.

They should work closely with members of the marketing and the sales team to execute
marketing strategies and complete sales targets respectively.

The Store Manager’s responsibilities are as follows:

 Develop store strategies to raise customers’ pool, expand store traffic and optimize
 Meet sales goals by training, motivating, mentoring and providing feedback to sales staff
 Ensure high levels of customer satisfaction through excellent service
 Complete store administration and ensure compliance with policies and procedures
 Maintain outstanding store condition and visual merchandising standards
 Report on buying trends, customer needs, profits, etc.
 Propose innovative ideas to increase market share
 Conduct personnel performance appraisals to assess training needs and build career
 Deal with all issues that arise from staff or customers (complaints, grievances etc)
 Be a role model for the store staff

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Sales Assistant

A sales assistant’s role requires a high level of customer interaction as they act as
primary point of contact for customers, answering phone and email enquiries, resolving
complaints and processing orders in an efficient and timely manner. Therefore, sales
assistants should have good customer facing and communication skills.

Their Sales Assistant’s responsibilities are as follows:

 Greet customers who enter the store
 Determine customer requirements and advise on product range, alternatives, price, etc.
 Work within established guidelines, particularly with specific brands
 Demonstrate and explain to customers the establishment's goods and services
 Accept payment for goods and services by a variety of payment methods and
preparing sales invoices
 Work within established guidelines, particularly with specific brands
 Deal with customer refunds
 Deal with customer complaints.
 Balance cash registers with receipts
 Maintain customer sales records and profiles for targeted advertising
 Identify customer buying trends
 Work as a team with others, offering guidance and support as well as delegating tasks
 Assist with the ongoing management of stock such as product inventories and
participating in stocktakes
 Stack and display goods for sale
 Keep the store tidy and clean, this includes vacuuming and mopping
 Maintain security within the store and be alert for shoplifters and fraudulent credit
cards etc.

Current issues

There have been some incidents in the various stores of The Lollipop Shop, such as thefts,
workplace injuries and some near-misses.

The specific areas of concern are as follows:

 manual lifting of cartons and boxes in the
 manual handling of boxes and cartons
 slips, trips and falls on the part of shelf stackers
 electrical safety
 cash handling problems, such as shortages and thefts
 workers experiencing fatigue

There is a lack of systematic WHS recordkeeping on the part of the individual stores,
which means the company is not able to track these issues to implement measures to improve
WHS performance and compliance. Therefore, the company has planned that every store
will develop and implement a WHS management system.
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It is the responsibility of the three Store Managers of The Lollipop Shop to:
 maintain store security and oversee the security measures to minimise the potential risk of
loss to the store, its equipment or stock.
 maintain and ensure workplace safety for employees, by making the workplace hazard
free and ensuring employees feel safe working in the workplace.
 maintain outstanding and safe store condition to ensure a safe, secure and positive
shopping experience for customers.

The General Manager has allocated two hours of training hours per employee, per store, once
in each quarter, for the new WHSMS. This means there will be two training sessions in six months.

The following table provides the number of staff members who will attend training:

Melbourne City Store Glen Waverly Store Ringwood Store

Store manager 1 Store manager 1 Store manager 1
Sales assistants 6 Sales assistants 5 Sales assistants 4

The following table provides the approximate costs for human and physical resources.

Wage/ Lost productivity

Total cost
Resource Entitlements cost cost
($ hourly)
($ hourly) ($ hourly)
Store managers 50 50 100
Sales assistants 30 30 60
WHS consultant / Trainer 120 N/A 120
Venue, equipment hire 80 N/A 580

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Part A – Establish a WHS management system

You are the Store Manager for Melbourne City store of The Lollipop Shop. You lead a team
of six sales assistants. (Refer to the position descriptions given in the scenario).

According to the General Manager’s directive for all store managers to develop and
implement a WHSMS for their stores, you are required to review all the information provided to
you and prepare to establish a WHS management system in your store.

Therefore, you have been asked to read the available data on The Lollipop Shop’s policies
and procedures and, assuming that this is all the information there is for store managers to
use, assess the completeness and compliance of the policies and procedures with legislation.

1. Research the internet using the links given below to identify the key elements that the WHS
policy must include.

You may visit the following websites for information:

 WorkSafe Victoria website at www.worksafe.vic.gov.au
 Comcare website at https://www.comcare.gov.au/roles

2. Identify three areas that are missing and need to be added to the existing WHS policy
and procedure to make it suitable for a retail store, and write brief policy statements on
the three areas you have identified as missing.

Then update the existing WHS policy and procedure with policy statements you have
developed. You must ensure the wording suits the style of the existing policy and

3. Identify duty holders and define WHS responsibilities for all workplace personnel in the
work area according to WHS legislation.

Then, update the WHS policy and procedure with this information. You must ensure the
wording suits the style of the existing policy and procedure.

4. Based on your research, develop an outline of a WHS Management System for the
Melbourne City store of The Lollipop Shop, which Includes:

 relevant legislations and codes applicable to The Lollipop Shop

 a summary of the policies you have identified as reflecting the organisation’s
commitment to complying with the WHS laws
 management commitment, responsibilities and accountability of duty holders
 consultative arrangements for WHS
 summary or an overarching approach to the following procedures that will be added
to the WHSMS Manual as they are developed and published on the Intranet site:
o Hazard identification and risk control

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o WHS communication and consultation practices

o Safe Work Practices
o Emergency Management
o Manual handling
o Incident reporting
o Consultation with employees
o Information, instruction and supervision
o Worker/staff training
o Record management
You may prepare your document in MS Word. It should not exceed 4 pages.
You must use appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions.

All sources you access and used for the purpose of developing this WHS system must
be listed and referenced in a references section at the end of the document. For
example, if you have accessed a website, you must provide the URL.
You may visit the following websites for information:
 WorkSafe Victoria website at www.worksafe.vic.gov.au
 Comcare website, at https://www.comcare.gov.au/roles)
 Examples of WHSMS:
o https://www.comcare.gov.au/about/forms-
o http://www.consortio.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/WHSMS.pdf

5. As the Store Manager of the Melbourne City Store, identify resources required to implement
the WHSMS for your team, by preparing a list of resources required, as follows:
 human resources – people who will be involved
 physical resources – venue and equipment hire costs
 financial resources – training costs, cost of human resources – such as wages and
lost productivity costs.

The General Manager has allocated two hours of training hours per employee, per
store, once in each quarter, for the new WHSMS. This means there will be two training
sessions in six months.

You must refer to the information on staff numbers per store and costs associated with
training given in the scenario.

6. Prepare a covering email to all the General Manager, providing a brief summary of:
 the WHSMS
 the changes you have made to the WHS policy
 the estimated costs required as part of the implementation.

You should request the General Manager for their feedback and approval for the
WHSMS as well as the proposed training costs.

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You should attach the outline of the revised WHS Policy and Procedure, outline of
WHSMS and the Estimated costs to the email and send it to the CEO (your assessor) on
an email address specified by your assessor.

Your email should be written using appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and

Submission requirements

At the end of this task, you must submit the following, by email, to your assessor:
 Revised WHS policy and procedure (with the additional information and information
about WHS duty holders and their responsibilities)
 Outline of the WHSMS
 List of resources and estimated costs for implementing the WHSMS for the store
 Covering email to the General Manager

Part A- Establish a WHS management system


 Hazard identification and management

 Manual handling
 Environmental management
 Emergency planning and response

Missing area
the safety procedure is a step-by-step method of how to conduct the job procedure. This is
uded in situations where a departure from the procedure can lead to injury or accident.
Investigating through suitable instruments the vialbility of the security measure taken.

Induction, training and supervison

These areas gives a work place in which the store manager oversees the duties and on
ligations of the workers the handles. This is an essential job role for managers at all levels in
the business. Induction refers to the process of bringing new hires to know the business and
giving training about the work. Giving significant up-to-date WHS to all specialists on things
such as work.

Duty holders and WHS responsibilities


 A PSBU has the essential obligation of care to guarantee the wellbeing and security of
laborers while they are working in the business or undertaking.

 A PSBU is additionally accountable for guaranteeing work carried out does not carry hazard
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to the wellbeing and security of other. That includes:

 Provide and keep up a secure work and environment

 Provide and keep up secure plant and structures
 Provide and keep up secure frameworks of work
 Ensure the secure utilize, taking care of and capacity of plant, structure and
 Provide appropriate provisions
 Provide instructions, training, information and supervision
 Monitor the wellbeing of employee and conditions at the workplace

 Where a PCBU incorporate a wellbeing and security obligation, an officer of the
PCBU is required to work ‘due diligence’ to guarantee the PCBU meets that
workplace duty;
 The following steps explains the due diligence:
 To pickup and overhaul information of WHS matters
 To get it the nature of the business/undertakings operations and the
common risks and dangers included.
 To guarantee the PCBU has suitable assets for eliminating/minimizing
dangers, which these assets are really used.
 To guarantee the PCBU actualize forms of complying with their
obligations such as; consultation
 Providing preparing and instruction and reporting of notifiable
 Take sensible care to guarantee acts or exclusions don’t unfavorably influence the wellbeing
and security of others
 Comply with sensible enlightening from the PCBU to help them in complying with the WHS
Act and cooperate with policies and methods relating to wellbeing and security that the
specialists have been informed of.

 Take sensible care for personal and other wellbeing and safety
 Report all security related occurrences to company staff
 Ensure the satisfactory control over the children
 Not enter any confined range without authorization or escort

WHS Management System

Legislation and Codes applicable to The Lollipop Shop
The company is committed to creating a workplace that allows all work activities to be
performed safely. We will take all appropriate steps to exclude or restrict the risks to be
wellbeing, security to staff, temporary workers, customers and everyone else who may
be impacted by our operations. We remain committed to ensuring we comply with the
Work Health and Safety Act 2011(the act)
We will also, as far as possible, comply with all others related rules, applicable codes of
conduct and Australian Standards.
This WHS Management Plan and the WHS policies and Procedures of the company set

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Assessment |

Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Part A

Student ID and name

Unit code and title BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Course code and title BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Did the student: Satisfactory

Research and identify key elements that the WHS policy must include  Yes  No
Identify three areas that are missing and need to be added to the
existing WHS policy and procedure to make it suitable for a retail store
 Yes  No
Research and identify WHS duty holders and their duties and
responsibilities in the work area
 Yes  No
Update the existing WHS policy to include the policy statements on the
three areas researched as well as the information on duty holders and  Yes  No
their responsibilities
Prepare an outline of a WHSMS for the organisation’s needs, which
 relevant legislations and codes applicable to the organisation
 a summary of the policies you have identified as reflecting the
organisation’s commitment to complying with the WHS laws
 management commitment, responsibilities and accountability of
duty holders
 consultative arrangements for WHS
 summary or an overarching approach to following procedures that
will be added to the WHSMS Manual as they are developed and
published on the Intranet site:  Yes  No
o Hazard identification and risk control
o WHS communication and consultation practices
o Safe Work Practices
o Emergency Management
o Manual handling
o Incident reporting
o Consultation with employees
o Information, instruction and supervision
o Worker/staff training
o Record management
Identify the human, physical and financial resources that may be
required for WHSMS implementation
 Yes  No
Identify research sources used, in a references section  Yes  No

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Submit WHSMS for approval and feedback with a covering email

providing a summary of the enclosed documents
 Yes  No
Use appropriate grammar and vocabulary in all documents  Yes  No
Adhere to page and word limits.  Yes  No
Feedback to student:

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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Assessment |

Part B: Role-play – Establish participation arrangements for managing WHS

You are to organise and conduct a 15 minute brainstorming session to get ideas from the store
staff to set up and maintain consultation requirements for a WHS management system for the

The purpose of the brain storming activity is to consult team members to establish
participation arrangements for managing the WHS for your work area.

You must read the scenario above and prepare for the following activities.

In groups of 5-6, you and your classmates must take turns in leading a brainstorming session.
Each student’s session should not be longer than 10 minutes, during which the student will
lead the discussions and document the team’s ideas for establishing a consultative WHSMS.

This is a role play, and:

 your assessor will organise a time and place for the brainstorming activity and divide
the class into groups of 5-6 for the purpose of this assessment activity
 each student in the small group will take turns to play the Store Manager and get 10
minutes to lead the discussion during the activity, with all other group members playing the
roles of sales assistants in the sales team
 your assessor will assess each individual student’s performance in a separate Role Play
Observation checklist.

When it is your turn to play the role of Store Manager and lead the brainstorming session, you

 welcome the group and introduce the purpose of the brainstorming session
 introduce the topic and discuss the purpose of the meeting
 provide a brief overview of WHS legislative requirements – why it’s important for the
work area to have a consultative arrangement for a WHS Management System and
what is required of the business according to WHS legislation
 seek input from the team about what they think are the WHS specific needs of the store
 work with the team to identify and resolve any ONE of the following issues raised
through participation and consultation arrangements, such as:
o gaps in the health and safety processes and the type of training required to close the
gaps including details such as timing, type and frequency of training
o lack of facilities for employees – work stations, rest area, storage, hand wash, etc.
o issues with work environment that the management has not addressed
o arrangements for WHS consultations within the team and externally
o issues with machinery, equipment or materials
o incidents or accidents which have occurred and measures to control

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 discuss and finalise details such as who is to take further action and by when (your
team doesn’t need find solutions, but must make arrangements to take the matter up
further and decide those details, such as action on, to be done by date, etc.)
 make notes on the feedback and input provided, and include details of who you
consulted with, the date and time of consultation.

You will be provided with flipcharts, butcher’s paper, markers, etc. for the brainstorming

If the assessment is to be conducted online, you will need to ensure access to:
 a computer that has Internet access
 online video conferencing software such as Zoom or Skype
 note pad and pen

Your assessor will advise you of the date, time and location for the meeting.

Your assessor will organise volunteers to play the roles of staff.

Your assessor will observe your performance as Store Manager, leading the brainstorming, and
assess you using the Role Play Observation Checklist for this task.

Submission requirements
 At the end of this part, you must submit a Role Play Observation Checklist completed
by your assessor, and signed by you and your assessor.

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Role Play Observation Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Part B

Student ID and name

Unit code and title BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Course code and title BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Date of observation
Did the student demonstrated Check (X)
(How did the student demonstrate this?)
the following actions and
behaviours during the Y N
brainstorming session:
Formally welcome the group
 
Introduce topic to be discussed in
the session  
Provide a brief overview of
WHS legislative requirements  
Establish the expectations of staff in
relation to their participation in the  
brainstorming activity
Work with the team to identify and
negotiate agreeable outcomes to
resolve issues raised through
participation and consultation
arrangements, such as: (Any ONE
 gaps in the health and safety
processes and the type of
training required to close the
 lack of facilities for employees –
work stations, rest area, storage,  
hand wash, etc.
 issues with work environment
that the management has not
 arrangements for WHS
consultations within the team
and externally
 issues with machinery, equipment
or materials
 incidents or accidents which have
occurred and measures to control

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Discuss and finalise details such as
who is to take further action and by
 

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Interact with the group using

questioning, listening to elicit
opinions and paraphrasing to
 
confirm and
clarify understanding
Engage in discussions using
appropriate vocabulary, varying the
level of technical vocabulary to suit
 
the audience
Provides feedback to others in forms
they can understand and use  
Play a lead role in effectively
collaborating with team and
guiding discussions to negotiate
 
Use appropriate non-verbal features
 
Make notes on the feedback and
input provided, and include details of  
the session
Conclude own segment of the
meeting by thanking everyone  
Feedback to student:

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

Student Declaration
I have read and agree with this report.

Student Signature: Date: / /

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Part C – Provide information about consultation and participation outcomes

You will now be required to report the outcomes of the consultation with your team to the
General Manager of the company (your assessor).

1. Complete the Record of WHS Consultation (template provided in Appendix A) with

information regarding:
 Who was involved in consultations
 Key issues for consultation identified
 What decision has been made and why
 Who is to take action and by when

2. Send an email to the General Manager (your assessor) attaching the completed Record
of WHS Consultation.

 The purpose of the email is to provide information about the WHS consultation and
participation outcomes to the General Manager and asking for their feedback and
approval for the arrangements.
 Your email should be written using appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure
and conventions.

Submission requirements

 At the end of this task, you must send an email to the General Manager (assessor) with the
Record of WHS Consultation attached.

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Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 2, Part C

Student ID and name

Unit code and title BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Course code and title BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Did the student: Satisfactory

Completed the record of WHS consultation correctly according to
organisational requirements
 Yes  No
Prepare and send a covering email to the General Manager attaching
the record of the WHS consultation with staff
 Yes  No
Seek feedback and approval from General Manager on the actions to
be taken
 Yes  No
Use appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions.  Yes  No
Feedback to student:

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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Assessment |

Assessment Outcome Record - Assessment 2 of 4 (To be completed by the Assessor)

Assessment task: Project 1: Establish a WHS management system in a work area

Student Name and ID:

Unit of Competency
BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area
Code and Title:

Feedback to student:

Attempt 1:

Attempt 2:

Assessment Outcome: (tick)

Attempt 1:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Attempt 2:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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Assessment 3 – Project 2 – Establish and maintain procedures for

identifying, assessing and controlling hazards

Instructions for Students

 This is the third of the four assessment tasks you must complete satisfactorily to be deemed
competent in this unit.
 This assessment is made up of two (2) tasks.
o Part A – Develop procedures for effectively identifying hazards, and assessing and
controlling risks in work area
o Part B – Identify hazards and assess workplace change due to pandemic

 Read the scenarios given and complete the tasks that follow.
 You must attempt all criteria to the required standard (e.g. fulfil assessment criteria
mentioned in the performance checklist) to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
 You must complete this task by following all given instructions, for the trainer/assessor
to assess competency in this assessment task.
 Clearly label your work with name, unit code and unit title to all the documents and
sheets that are attached to your submission.
 Review other resources, related to the task you are going to perform.
 Seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be done, if you do not
understand the task.
 Ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of Assessment.
 Seek information on additional reading material and reference for completion of the
 Submit this document along with your assessment work.

Applicable conditions

 You will need to complete this project in your own time and submit it as per the Gen’s
 You must complete the task independently.
 You can refer to the textbook, learning materials or your research of external resources
in completing this task.
 The Trainer/Assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure
that this is your own work, or to confirm your knowledge to close any gaps they may
identify as not evidenced in your written responses.
 Trainer /Assessor will assess your practical skills, technique and knowledge as you complete
this assessment task.
 All criteria listed in the performance checklists guide must be completed satisfactorily to the
standard described.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will
be Satisfactory or Not satisfactory.

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 You must express all answers/responses in your own words or acknowledge the sources
of reference materials used.
 If you are found to have plagiarised or copied another student’s work, your assessment
submission will not be accepted (please refer to the Gen Plagiarism Policy).

Resources required for assessment

You will need the following materials/ resources for this task:

 Textbook/ Online learning resources

 Computer with Internet access for research purposes and word processing
 Appendix B: WHS Action Plan Template

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Part A: Develop procedures for effectively identifying hazards, and assessing and
controlling risks in work area

This is a continuation of the scenario in Assessment 2.

The General Manager has approved the outline of the WHSMS and recommendations for
the amendments to the WHS policy as well as the training costs that you had submitted.

Now you have been asked to prepare some of the key procedures to support the WHS
management system you have proposed.

You may source the procedures from the internet and adapt them to meet The Lollipop
Shop’s needs.

All sources you access and used for the purpose of developing the procedures must be
listed and referenced in a references section at the end of the document. For example, if
you have accessed a website, you must provide the URL.

You are to develop procedures for:

 hazard identification and assessment and control of associated risks, including
identifying hazards and controlling risks at the planning, design and evaluation stages
of any workplace change
 procedures for selecting and implementing risk controls according to the hierarchy of
control measures and WHS legislative requirements

You may refer to the following resources:

 https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/book/model-code-practice-how-manage-work-
 https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/ data/assets/pdf_file/0020/12917/12917_Hazard_Ident

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Assessment |

Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 3, Part A

Student ID and name

Unit code and title BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Course code and title BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Did the student: Satisfactory

Develop procedure for hazard identification assessment and control of
associated risks, including in the planning, design and evaluation stages  Yes  No
of any workplace change
Develop procedures for selecting and implementing risk controls
according to the hierarchy of control measures and WHS legislative  Yes  No

Use appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions.  Yes  No

Feedback to student:

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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Assessment |

Part B – Identify hazards and assess workplace change due to pandemic


The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which is an infectious disease caused by a

newly discovered form of coronavirus, started in Hubei Province, China, in December 2019.

Within weeks, it spread to many continents and countries, creating an unprecedented

situation for everyone.

The first cases in Australia were noted at the end of January 2020 and by March 2020, all
businesses have started implementing infection control, social distancing risk control
measures. All businesses have a duty to make ensure they continue to eliminate or reduce
risks and hazards at work, monitor the health of employees and monitor the conditions at
any workplace under their management and control.

COVID-19 spreads from person to person in a similar way to the flu:

 from close contact with an infected person
 from touching objects or surfaces contaminated by the sneeze or cough of an infected
person and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

Businesses therefore are required to undertake a risk assessment of their existing WHS systems to
prevent and contain infections to make sure the business is addressing COVID-19 risks.
The General Manager has asked all Store Managers to conduct a workplace risk
assessment for their own stores to identify inadequacies in existing risk controls and suggest
resources that should be provided to enable implementation of new measures.

You have been provided with an extract of the existing risk register for the Melbourne City
Store, which was completed in February 2020 at the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic
spread in Australia.

With the situation COVID 19 situation changing and worsening continuously, businesses need
access with the latest information on the COVID-19 response, how this affects businesses,
how to keep their workplace safe and advice on how to plan for dealing with the current
situation and anticipate likely developments.

The General Manager has asked you to identify requirements and suitable sources for
expert WHS advice, and should this advice be required.

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Assessment |

The Lollipop Shop

COVID 19 - Risk Register – February 2020 update
Location: Melbourne City Store
Hazard Consequenc Probability Level Current controls
Actione Status Review/
es of risk d by Monitoring
COVID Staff or other Unlikely, High, Cleaning and Store Complet Internal
-19 customers there while disinfecting in Manage e Audit
from catching have there accordance r Daily
custom COVID-19 been very are with guidance inspections
from Safe Work
ers (could result few cases only a
Australia and
who in serious locally. few public health
are illness or local authority.
infecte death). cases Frequently
d the touched
conse surfaces
quen including
handrails, doors,
may till, phones,
be keyboards and
severeEFTPOS facilities
. are regularly
COVID Other staff or Unlikely, High, Cleaning and Store Complet Consult
-19 customers there while disinfecting is Manage e with
from catching have there done in r workers at
staff COVID-19 been very are accordance next staff
with guidance
who (could result few cases only a meeting for
from Safe Work
are in serious locally. few Australia and any
infecte illness or local Health feedback
d death). cases authorities. on revised
the Roster revised roster
conse so staff are
quen rostered with
the same
may each shift to
be minimise
severe exposure.
Brief staff on
symptoms of
COVID-19 and
have been told
to stay home if
they aren’t
feeling well.

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Assessment |

Task 1

 You must conduct research on the internet and other available resources such as
newspapers, and assuming you are in March 2020, when the COVID 19 spread peaked
(worsened) in Australia, to conduct a risk assessment to:
o reassess the impact, the likelihood of occurrence and level of the two risks already
identified in the register in the current situation
o check whether the existing control measures are effective in the current situation,
o determine and propose at least two additional your store should take to control the
two risks
o determine what resources are required to implement the new control measures in
your store
o determine one source of expert advice, such as a consultant or a regulatory body
that could provide expert comments on the effectiveness of the controls you have

 Prepare an action plan using the table below for the two additional control measures for
your store, for each risk originally identified in the risk register.

 The new control measures you propose must be in accordance with the hierarchy of
controls, comprising elimination, substitution, isolation, engineering and administration and

 You have been provided with an example to help you.


What do you need to How will you do this? By when What supplies
do? should this do you need?
Ensure all frequently Identify high use areas, create As soon as Disinfectant
touched areas and a roster for cleaning these possible wipes/ sanitiser
surfaces remain areas are cleaned several sprays and
clean at all times times a day paper

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Task 2

When you complete the reassessment of the risks and identify the additional risk control
measures, you must send an email to the General Manager giving them a brief summary
of the action plan for implementing the revised controls and request them to approve the
additional resources required for Implementing the controls.

You must also mention at least one source of expert advice that could be used if further
advice is needed to confirm the actions to implement the controls.
 Prepare a covering email to all the General Manager, providing:
o advice on the inadequacies in the existing risk controls according to the hierarchy of
control measures and WHS legislative requirements
o a brief summary of the action plan you have prepared for implementing the proposed
new controls you have attached, and
o the sources for seeking guidance about the effectiveness of the control measures
from the identified expert source.
 You should request the General Manager for their feedback and approval to go ahead
with the consultation and the implementation of the control measures.
 You must also request the General Manager to make the identified resources available
at the earliest to control the risks.
 You must attach the table to the email and send it to the CEO (your assessor) on an
email address specified by your assessor.
 Your email should be written using appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and

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Task 3

You must assume that in response to your email, the General Manager has provisionally
approved the control measures and the resources required to implement the measures,
subject to the advice of the WHS expert you have identified in your email. The
General Manager has asked you to contact the WHS specialist to conduct an audit of your
store and approve the action plan.

You must prepare a draft email to be sent to the expert, which:

 briefly introduces your company / store and the action plan you have prepared, and
 request the specialist to organise the audit of the store and review the plan for effectiveness
of the control measures.

Your email should be written using appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and

Submission requirements

At the end of Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3, you must submit the following, by email, to your
 Outline of the action plan and sources of expert advice
 Covering email to General Manager
 Email to WHS consultant

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Assessment |

Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 3, Part B

Student ID and name

Unit code and title BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Course code and title BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Did the student: Satisfactory

 Reassess the impact, the likelihood of occurrence and level of the
identified COVID 19 risks
 Check whether the existing control measures are effective in the
current situation
 Determine and propose at least two additional measures to control
the identified risks
 Determine resources required to implement the new control
measures in the store  Yes  No
 Determine one source of expert advice on the effectiveness of the
proposed controls
 Prepare an action plan using the table below for the two additional
control measures for the store, for each risk originally identified in the
risk register
 Ensure new control measures proposed are in accordance with the
hierarchy of controls
 Draft and send email to the General Manager attaching the Action
plan and seek their feedback and approval for resources, including  Yes  No
expert advice.
 Draft an email to the WHS consultant requesting their expert advice
and consultancy services.
 Yes  No
Feedback to student:

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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Assessment |

Assessment Outcome Record - Assessment 3 of 4 (To be completed by the Assessor)

Project 2: Establish and maintain procedures for identifying, assessing

Assessment task:
and controlling hazards

Student Name and ID:

Unit of Competency
BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area
Code and Title:

Feedback to student:

Attempt 1:

Attempt 2:

Assessment Outcome: (tick)

Attempt 1:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Attempt 2:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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Assessment 4 – Project 3 – Evaluate and maintain a work area WHS

management system (WHSMS)

Instructions for Students

 This is the four of the four assessment tasks you must complete satisfactorily to be deemed
competent in this unit
 This assessment is made up of four (4) tasks.
o Part A – Develop a WHS induction and training program and session plan for all workers
o Part B – Use and maintain a system for WHS recordkeeping and incident reporting
o Part C – Evaluate the WHSMS to align with organisational WHS objectives
o Part D – Develop a continuous improvement plan for the implemented WHSMS

 Read the scenarios given and complete the tasks that follow.
 You must attempt all criteria to the required standard (e.g. fulfil assessment criteria
mentioned in the performance checklist) to be deemed satisfactory in this task.
 You must complete this task by following all given instructions, for the trainer/assessor
to assess competency in this assessment task.
 Clearly label your work with name, unit code and unit title to all the documents and
sheets that are attached to your submission.
 Review other resources, related to the task you are going to perform.
 Seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be done, if you do not
understand the task.
 Ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of Assessment.
 Seek information on additional reading material and reference for completion of the
 Submit this document along with your assessment work.

Applicable conditions

 You will need to complete this project in your own time and submit it as per the Gen’s
 You must complete the task independently.
 You can refer to the textbook, learning materials or your research of external resources
in completing this task.
 The Trainer/Assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure
that this is your own work, or to confirm your knowledge to close any gaps they may
identify as not evidenced in your written responses.
 The Trainer /Assessor will assess your practical skills, technique and knowledge as you
complete this assessment task.
 All criteria listed in the performance checklists guide must be completed satisfactorily to the
standard described.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will
be Competent or Not competent.

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 You must express all answers/responses in your own words or acknowledge the sources
of reference materials used.
 If you are found to have plagiarised or copied another student’s work, your assessment
submission will not be accepted (please refer to the Gen’s Plagiarism Policy).

Resources required for assessment

You will need the following materials/ resources for this task:

 Textbook/ Online learning resources

 Computer with Internet access for research purposes and word processing
 Appendix C: Induction Session Plan Template
 Appendix D: WHS Training Record Template
 Appendix E: Register of Injuries Template
 Appendix F: WHS Improvement Action Plan Template

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Assessment |

Part A: Develop a WHS induction and training program and session plan for all workers


The WHS Consultant has approved your COVID 19 risk action plan and the General Manager
has ensured all the required resources are provided.

The General Manager has asked you to prepare a WHS induction and training session plan
that is to be used to train all staff on implementing the new control measures to maintain
workplace health and safety during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Task 1
You are required to:
 create a training/induction session plan, using the template provided in Appendix C,
which includes:
o objectives of the session
o topics you will cover must include:
 Introduction to COVID 19 safety risks
 Employer obligations for health and safety
 Employee obligations for health and safety
 Information about measures to be implemented to maintain workplace health and
 What everyone can do to maintain their personal health and safety during COVID 19
o List of training aids/resources (any two)
 plan be for a 20-minute session.
 use suitable level of technical vocabulary to suit audience.

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Task 2
You are then to assume that you have successfully completed the induction to the sales team
in your store.

You are now required to refer to the scenario and the Induction/training session plan you
have created and record the details of the training/induction you have conducted, using
the WHS Training Record template provided in Appendix D.

Submission requirements

At the end of Tasks 1 and 2, you must submit the following to your assessor:
 Completed Training/ Induction Session Plan
 Completed WHS Training Record

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Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 4, Part A

Student ID and name

Unit code and title BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Course code and title BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Did the student submit a Team Review Form that: Satisfactory

Create a training/induction session plan, using the template provided,
 objectives of the session  Yes  No
 topics as given in the task
 List of training aids/resources (any two)
Record the details of the training/induction using the WHS Training
 Yes  No
Use suitable level of technical vocabulary to suit audience.  Yes  No
Feedback to student:

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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Part B: Use and maintain a system for WHS recordkeeping and incident reporting


It is now one month since the specific health and safety measures for COVID 19
were implemented at The Lollipop Shop.

On 25th April, Tom Alter, one of the sales assistants in your team reported OHS/WHS
issues related to hand hygiene. Tom said he had been having issues with the use of hand
sanitiser and latex gloves as part of the PPE control measures implemented for the previous
one week.

He had not had to use hand sanitiser regularly before, and the sudden and persistent of
hand sanitiser with a high alcohol content, caused him to have hand dry skin and has left them
with hard and painfully chapped hands.

Tom added, that since he was having issues with using hand sanitisers, he started wearing the
latex gloves purchased in bulk by the store. Unfortunately, persistent use of the gloves also
has given him allergic reactions, such as:
 dermatitis on hands, with itchy skin and crusty skin lesions
 hay fever symptoms, such as running nose and itchy eyes, sneezing or coughing, wheezing
and breathing difficulties.

When you offered to arrange medical treatment for Tom, he indicated that he had already
consulted his GP and he had been advised to take anti-allergy medication and some
topical dermal cream.

You have asked him to take medical leave until his GP gives him a clearance to resume work.

Following this report, you conducted an urgent meeting to consult with the team and the HSR,
and the team shared the following concerns:
 Alcohol is a skin irritant and dries out skin, especially sensitive, damaged or fragile skin.
It could cause conditions such as eczema, which causes itching, dryness and sensitivity.
 There are concerns that the hand sanitisers could lead to users developing resistance to
 Some sanitisers contain triclosan, a compound that could potentially harm the immune
system, which protects your body against disease, or cause hormone problems.
 Latex allergy is quite serious and if one person has developed this, other staff may soon
develop allergies.

The following measures were proposed to control the risks:

 The best quality hypo-allergenic hand sanitiser will be purchased.
 Staff will be encouraged to wash hands with soap and water for 20 secs where possible
as an alternative to hand sanitiser.
 All staff will be required to declare if they have a history of dermatitis or allergy to
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alcohol prior to using hand sanitisers or gloves.

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 Staff will be provided with non-latex gloves.

 Staff will be instructed to remove gloves when not necessary.

According to the WHS legislation:

 employers must keep a Register of Injuries at each workplace for employees to record
any workplace injury or illness.
 an injured worker (or someone acting on their behalf) must notify the employer in writing of
any work-related injury or illness within 30 days of becoming aware of the injury or illness.
 employers must provide written confirmation to the injured worker that they received
notification of the injury or illness.
 employers should provide a signed and dated copy of this entry to the injured worker.
 the injured worker must complete a Worker’s Injury Claim Form, available from the
Australia Post should they wish to make a WorkSafe claim.

Task 1

 Read the scenario above and complete the Register of Injuries form (Appendix E) with
details of the issue.

Task 2

 Read the scenario above.

 Prepare a draft covering email to the CEO of the company giving them a brief summary
of the issue and resolutions proposed and implemented, and asking them to go through
the form and acknowledge that they have received the form.

Task 3

 Read the scenario above.

 Prepare a draft email to be sent to Tom Alter, as part of the employer’s obligations to
provide written confirmation to the injured worker.
 In the email, you must confirm that you have received notification of the injury or illness
and ask Tom to go through the attached signed form to understand the summary of the
issue and resolutions proposed and implemented by the company.
 You must also inform Tom Alter on how he can make a WorkSafe claim, if they wish to.

Submission requirements

At the end of Tasks 1, 2 and 3, you must submit the following to your assessor:
 Completed Register of Injuries form
 Draft of email to CEO
 Draft of email to Tom Alter

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Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 4, Part B, Tasks 1 -3

Student ID and name

Unit code and title BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Course code and title BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Did the student: Satisfactory

Complete the Register of Injuries form with details of the issue  Yes  No
Prepare a covering email to the CEO of the company giving them a
brief summary of the issue and resolutions proposed and implemented,  Yes  No
and asking for acknowledgement of receipt
Prepare a draft email to be sent to the injured worker confirming receipt
of notification, asking for acknowledgement and advising them on how  Yes  No
to make a WorkSafe Claim
Use appropriate vocabulary, grammatical structure and conventions  Yes  No
Feedback to student:

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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Part C: Evaluate the WHSMS to ensure aligned with organisational WHS objectives


It is now a year since you implemented the WHSMS at your store, and time to evaluate the
WHSMS, according to the schedule.

You have access to the following documents:

 Checklist for the WHS Management Standards – which are the objectives of the company
for compliance and continuous improvement of WHS performance
 Extract of results of the staff climate survey for the Melbourne City Store
 Extract of a report prepared by an external WHS consultant
 Extract of WHS data (Incident and Injury Register) for the Melbourne City Store.

The Lollipop Shop

WHS Management standards

1. Active and visible leadership

a. WHS is the standing first agenda item for all management and team meetings
b. Senior managers engage regularly with staff to demonstrate safety leadership
c. Managers and supervisors are actively involved in the risk management process

2. Safety Planning
a. The “top 5” WHS hazards or hazardous tasks in all operational areas for each store
are identified and recorded
b. The “top 5” are assessed and prioritised using a risk matrix and suitable risk controls
are planned to eliminate or reduce risks
c. Resources are allocated to address the priority WHS issues
d. WHS actions are assigned to individuals at each store and reasonable timeframes set
for completion
e. Progress towards the achievement of planned activities is regularly reported to senior

3. Consultation and participation

a. Workers are given opportunity to express their views and contribute to decisions
impacting their safety
b. Managers are responsive to WHS issues raised by workers and provide feedback in a
timely manner
c. The Health & Safety Representative for each store is invited to attend
management meeting to contribute to the discussion on WHS management

4. Risk management
a. Risk management steps are applied to identify and assess hazards and hazardous
tasks specific to each store

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b. Attention is given to medium and high risk activities

c. Attempts are made to eliminated hazards and hazardous tasks
d. Where elimination is not possible, risk controls are allocated with reference to the
hierarchy of controls
e. Risk assessments and safe work procedures (SWP) are documented for ‘High’ risk and
‘Very High’ risk activities for each store
f. Implemented risk controls are monitored at least annually to ensure they are effective
g. Quarterly walk-through workplace inspections are carried out on all work areas in
each store

5. WHS training and instruction

a. New workers must complete the WHS induction within their first week at work
b. Staff who manage other staff (Supervisor) must complete WHS training for managers
and supervisors
c. Supervisors must review the training needs of workers and assign other relevant WHS
d. Workers are instructed on relevant SWPs and provided with ongoing supervision

6. Emergency management
a. Emergency wardens and first aid officers are appointed for each store
b. Workers are provided with training and opportunities to practice emergency
c. Details of local emergency warden, first aid officers, etc. are communicated to the
working group
d. Workers are regularly reminded to review the Emergency planning guidelines at least
e. Emergency evacuation exercises are conducted at least annually

7. Incident/hazard reporting and management

a. All workers know how to report an incident (including near misses) or hazard
b. Incidents and hazards are immediately reported to supervisors and formally
recorded in the Incident/Accident Register within 24 hours
c. Supervisors investigate incidents to identify root causes and plan corrective action
d. Corrective action plans are submitted to the management within 7 days of the
initial report
e. Corrective actions are completed within agreed timeframes and closed off and
recorded in the Corrective Actions Register.

Extract of Staff climate survey results for the Melbourne City Store

Staff climate survey results

 A store alarm system has been set up. However, the management has not yet
approved setting up surveillance cameras in different parts of the store. We worry
about the safety and security of the customers and employees.
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 The promised annual first aid training or refresher training to all staff has not been
 There was one WHS induction specific for the COVID 19 measures, however, there
hasn’t been an assessment of the training needs of workers for general WHS Training/
refresher training.
 Safe work procedures (SWP) have not been documented for some ‘High’ risk and
‘Very High’ risk activities.
 Staff Intranet is still being developed, therefore we cannot access key policies easily.
 Not all staff have knowledge of procedures for reporting injuries and illnesses.
 Although we use contractors, there are no management standards set for, and no
formal procedures in place for the management of contractors for compliance with

Extract of a report prepared by an external WHS consultant

WHS Policy
 The WHS policy was developed in consultation with staff and defines objectives
and responsibilities.
 It was revised last year to include
o definitions of duty holders under WHS legislation
o procedures for Safe work practices, Hazard inspections, Manual handling,
Incident reporting
o details of the consultative process.
 There is a document and version control system for all WHS documents.
 WHS record keeping policy and procedure is in place
 The HSR from each store is invited to staff meetings related to WHS.

WHS Training
 Supervisors are supposed to review the training needs of workers and assign other relevant
WHS Training, but this is not consistently done, and some planned training programs
have not been conducted
 WHS Induction and training session held on introduction of COVID 19 risk management.
 Induction records are kept.
 Fatigue management policy is under development, so staff have not been provided with
fatigue management training.

Contractor Management
 There is no formal Contractor Management policy and procedure in place, although the
company uses contractors.

Risk management processes

 Clear procedures for risk management with responsibilities identified.

Hazard identification
 There are systematic procedures and templates for hazard identification and notification.

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 Incident Report/Emergency Response

 Incident form is not available easily, as the staff intranet is still being set up.
 Not all staff have knowledge of procedures for reporting injuries and illnesses
 Some incidents are recorded, but action not indicated on all incidents in the register
 Emergency wardens and first aid officers are appointed for each store, however, there is
no evidence that this information advised to the working group
 Workers have not been provided with First Aid refresher training and opportunities
to practice emergency procedures
 There was no evidence of emergency evacuation exercise conducted in the past year

Extract of WHS data for the Melbourne City Store

The Lollipop Shop

Incident and Injury Register
Incident Date Role Description Action Status
First Aid 17/8/19 Sales Hurt back while trying  No actions
Incident assistant to apprehend a shoplifter recorded.

Lost Time 21/11/19 Sales Suffered sore back from  No actions

Injury assistant incorrect lifting of heavy recorded.
(New) cartons, 5 days’ leave.
Lost Time 12/12/19 Sales Hurt by falling boxes  No actions
Injury assistant while stacking shelves, 2 recorded.
(New) days’ leave
Medical 25/04/2020 Sales Team member  Hypo- Completed
Treatment assistant complained of allergic allergenic
Injury response to hand hand
sanitiser and latex hand sanitiser
gloves, suffered from purchased.
wheezing, coughing and  Hand
dermatitis, 5 days sick washing
leave. suggested as
 Staff
with non-
latex gloves.
 Staff
instructed to
gloves when

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The Lollipop Shop

Incident and Injury Register
Incident Date Role Description Action Status
Lost Time Sales Fell while carrying boxes.  Training Pending
Injury assistant Minor cuts treated. recommend
ed in manual
Near Miss Delivery Near Miss accident  Fatigue
Incident van (possibly due to fatigue) managemen Pending
driver while on duty work, 1 t policy and
day leave procedure is


The General Manager has advised you to evaluate the WHSMS performance using the
template below to assess if the performance of the organisation’s WHSMS is in alignment with
management standards or objectives.

You must select any four standards set by the organisation, and examine if these have
been met by reviewing the information given to you.

Next, you must develop a report, which:

 identifies four standards that have not been met according to the information you have
 makes at least two recommendations for actions for improvement to ensure
performance indicators are each of the standards
 provides a rationale with reference to legislation, requirements for the recommendations.

Your report should be written using appropriate vocabulary, correct grammar and should
be in a report format with an introduction, body, conclusion and recommendations section.

Your report should be in no more than 500 words.

Submission requirements

At the end of this part, you must submit your report to your assessor.

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Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 4, Part C

Student ID and name

Unit code and title BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Course code and title BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Did the student: Satisfactory

Develop a report, which:
 identifies four standards that have not been met according to the
information reviewed
 makes at least two recommendations for actions for improvement
to ensure performance indicators are each of the standards
 provides a rationale with reference to legislation, requirements for the  Yes  No
 Is written using appropriate vocabulary, correct grammar
 Is in a report format with an introduction, body, conclusion and
recommendations section.
 is no more than 500 words.
Feedback to student:

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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Part D: Develop an improvement plan for the WHSMS


The General Manager has reviewed your evaluation report and suggested improvement
measures and approved them for implementation.

Now you have been asked to develop a WHS Improvement Action Plan using the template
given in Appendix F for the implementation of any four of your recommendations.

You should include actions, resources, and responsibilities as well as review reporting and
completion timelines.

Submission requirements

 At the end of this part, submit your WHS Improvement Action Plan to your assessor.

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Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome – Assessment 4, Part D

Student ID and name

Unit code and title BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area

Course code and title BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Did the student: Satisfactory

Develop an improvement plan for the WHSMS, which:
 includes actions, resources, and responsibilities as well as
review reporting and completion timelines
 Yes  No
 is written using appropriate vocabulary, correct grammar
Feedback to student:

Result:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Not Assessed

Assessor Declaration:
I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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Assessment Outcome Record - Assessment 4 of 4 (To be completed by the Assessor)

Project 3: Evaluate and maintain a work area WHS management

Assessment task:
system (WHSMS)

Student Name and ID:

Unit of
BSBWHS521 – Ensure a safe workplace for a work area
Competency Code
and Title:

Feedback to student:
Attempt 1:

Attempt 2:

Assessment Outcome: (tick)

Attempt 1:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Attempt 2:  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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Appendix A: Record of WHS Consultation



Employer Saroj
representative name
Names of attendees
Health and safety representatives (HSRs)
Members present at Health and safety committee(HSC)
the meeting

What issues/topics were discussed?

Lack of facilities for employees-work stations, rest area, storage hand wash, etc.
WHS issue/
consultation topic

What solutions were discussed?

Providing staff with hand washing facilities at all times at all places like dinning
room, work area and toilets , etc. to accommodate personal property, safe storage
Proposed solution(s) must be provided for employees separately for avoiding contamination. Change
rooms which are private and separate from the other parts of the work area.

What are the agreed next steps?

Taking this things to the notice of management and getting approved.
Providing the facilities which are proposed in the consultation according
Next steps to WHS in next couple of weeks, example; hands wash is multiple places,
separate lock rooms for each staff.

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Appendix B: WHS Action Plan Template


What do you need How will you do this? By when should What supplies do you
to do? this happen? need?

Ensure all frequently Identify high use areas, As soon as possible Disinfectant wipes/
touched areas and create a roster for sanitiser sprays and
surfaces remain clean cleaning these areas paper disposable
at all times are cleaned several towels
times a
Regular temperature Keeping a worker at the Before entering into the Digital thermometer
check for everyone entrance to check shop
everyone’s temperature

Create workforce bubble Keep groups of workers As soon as possible Maintaining no overlap
roastered on the same
shifts at a single
worksite and ensure
there is no overlap of
workers during shift
Training session Conduct training session First week of every Chairs, notepads, pen,
once in a month for safe month projectors, manuals
work pratices

Ensure to wear PPE Provide PPE As soon as possible PPE, sanitizers, sprays,
before duty hours soap, disposable to wet

Inspect the working area Surprise inspection As implement WHSM Risk register checklist
and check performance during duty hours to policies and procedure
check the performance
of employees

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Appendix C: WHS – Induction Session Plan Template



WHS Training Topic – workplace health and safety during the COVID 19 pandemic

Venue: conference room Date:10/10/2021 Duration: 90 Minutes

Presenter/ Trainer: Participants: all the staff

Objectives and outcomes

At the end of this session the learner will be able to:

 Understand the importance off WHS during COVID-19 pandemic
 Safety risks
 Pratices to be followed to have employee safety and health during COVID-19 pandemic
Topic Main points
Introduction to COVID-19  Exposure to virus and contact
safety risks  People who are at risk and susceptible
 Importance off following safety measures.

Employer obligations for  Provide safety measures to the employee

health and safety  Work arrangement which enables the workers to maintain appropriate
 Monitor the health and safety off the employees regularly

Employee obligations for  Ensure their own safety by following all the precautions
health and safety  Reporting to the store manager in case off sickness or if you notice
any off your colleagues being sick but hesitant to report.

Measures to be implemented  Social distancing

 Mandatory use off PPE(face mask)
 Regular disinfection off surfaces
 Temperature monitor
 Inspecting the WHS pratices

How to maintain personal  Wear face mask and gloves at all times
health and safety  Use a sanitizer before and after touching store surfaces
 Maintain distance
 Avoid being in crowd places
 Avoid touching your face
 Local WHS experts
 Training Aids/  WHS practice manual for COVID-19 containment
Handouts:  WHS policy and procedures
 Trainer or store manager guidance

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Appendix D: WHS Training Register Template


WHS Training Register/ Record
This training register template will help you record the training you provide to your workers
(as required by the new work health and safety legislation (WHS Act 2011)).
Training can take place by a supervisor on the job, or by an instructor outside of your
workplace. Training will provide your workers with the information and skills they need
to perform their duties without risk to their health and safety.

When may training be required?

 When a new person starts work - induction, on the job training
 When new machinery/equipment or hazardous chemicals, products or other things are
introduced to the workplace
 When worker’s jobs change
 When there are new work health and safety regulations, codes of practice or laws that
affect your industry or business
 If there has been an incident /near miss or injury at work.
Record of Training
Type of training: the information and skills they need to perform their duties without
risk to their health and safety
Who was trained: Supervisor and instructor

Job title/s: Workers

Reason for training When worker’s jobs change

Duration of training: 1 hour

Who provided training: Supervisor

Method of training: induction, on the job training

Location of training: Conforance room

Date: 20/10/2021

Entered by: xxxx

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Appendix E: Register of Injuries Template

The Lollipop Shop

Register of Injuries

Section 1: Injured worker details

lee paul
First name:
Sale person shop
Position: Department/team:

Section 2: Injury/illness details

10/11/21 Time of injury/illness: 1.20pm am/pm
Date of injury/illness:
(If applicable)
Nature of injury/illness.slip

Bodily location of injury/illnessarm and back

Location at time of injuryshop

Describe how the injury/illness was sustained- little water on floor .and slip

Was any equipment involved in the injury/illness?no  Yes  No (Please tick)

If yes, please provide details:

Section 3: Witnesses
Were there any witnesses to the injury/illness? (If applicable)  Yes  No  N/A (Please tick)
If yes, please list the witnesses’ full names as well as a contact number for each.
Sam other sale person ..4305689

Section 4: Follow up
Was the injury reported to the worker’s supervisor?  Yes  No (Please tick)
Was any treatment provided?  Yes  No (Please tick)
If yes, please provide details.
First aid

Did the injured worker return to work following the injury?  Yes  No (Please tick)
If yes, please provide details.

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Section 5: Details of person making this entry

Family kiran First name: saroj
Position: Supervisor 2 Department/section: shop

S.k 10/11/21
Signature: Date:

If you are not the injured worker, did you witness the injury/illness?  Yes  No (Please tick)

Section 6: To be completed by manager/supervisor of injured worker

Has an investigation been conducted into the incident?  Yes  No (Please tick)
What, if any, controls were implemented to ensure the incident doesn’t happen again?
Discuss with employee and give clear instruction no drinks allowed in shop and in someone see again water make sure pt sign( wet
floor) and clean immidately.

Section 7: Employer confirmation

I, paul (print name), of

(insert company name),

Loli pop shop

hereby confirm receipt of this notification.

paul 10/11/21
Signature: Date:

Requirements of injury notification:

 Employers must keep a Register of Injuries at each workplace for employees to record any workplace
injury or illness.
 An injured worker (or someone acting on their behalf) must notify the employer in writing of any
work- related injury or illness within 30 days of becoming aware of the injury or illness.
 Employers must provide written confirmation to the injured worker that they received notification of
the injury or illness.
 Employers should provide a signed and dated copy of this entry to the injured worker.
 To make a WorkSafe claim the injured worker must complete a Worker’s Injury Claim Form, available
from the Australia Post.

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Appendix F: WHS Improvement Action Plan Template

WHS Improvement Action Plan

Resources Date of
Management Improvement Actions Responsibility Timeframe
required completion
WHS risk assessment Ensure relevant staff HR 2020 and 2021 2020 and 2021
template for assessing participate in this
manual handling risks will training and apply
be developed incident investigation
Centrally funded WHS Ensure relevant HR 2020 and 2021 2020 and 2021
risk management staff participate in
training this training
will be provided which and apply incident
will support staff to investigation.
assess methodologies
and manage risk
Ongoing actioning of Director of Properties and Ongoing Ongoing
recommendations made Properties and Facilities
by AESC during annual Facilities ensures
property and grounds adequate resources
inspections. are available for

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