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There's certainly no art to it.

I've come to discover that true happiness comes

only from making a personal, daily decision to create a positive path, instead of
one that you follow. It all depends on you, ultimately.

If you are constantly waiting for the perfect moment to make something change
for the better, I have news for you: It will never come.

So make today that moment.

Burying your head in the sand

"It is a primal survival tactic to bury our heads in the sand, hoping that nothing
bad will happen. No one is so weak that he or she can't stand up and fight for

The great part about letting go of your anger is that, once you realize your
problem isn't about a real person, a situation, or a confrontation, you are free to
let go of all that anxiety and sadness.

This, of course, doesn't mean you should pretend you never had those feelings
in the first place — rather, just acknowledge that you have them, and let them

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