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STUDENT’S NAME : Rozha purnama rahayu

MATRIC NO. : M30109210035





1) This assignment consists of TWO (2) parts. Answer ALL questions .

2) Plagiarism in all forms is forbidden. Students who submit plagiarised assignment will be

3) Continuous assessment (assignment) carries 70% of the total grade of the final grade.

4) References MUST be included and taken from reliable sources. Please use the APA
Referencing Style and cite your work appropriately.

5) The submission date of this assignment is BEFORE OR ON 28 NOVEMBER 2022 via



I certify that this assignment is my own work and is in my own words. All sources have been acknowledged
and the content has not been previously submitted for assessment to Asia e University or elsewhere. I also
confirm that I have kept a copy of this assignment. Signed:

Page 1
INSTRUCTION: Answer ALL questions.

PART A: TOTAL: 50 marks

The world we lives in is increasingly interconnected globally, touches every part of our lives,
from the products we buy, to the food we eat and to the ways we communicate with one another.
Globalization is also relates to some big issues such as climate change, trade, terrorism, and the
spread of deadly diseases. It’s important to understand what exactly globalization is and how it
changes the business world and factors that drive those changes. Watch video on this link below
about globalization and in less than 400 words, summaries the article highlighting the important
key points touching on the drivers of globalization.
( (10marks)
According to the definition of globalization, the World Health Organization refers to the
increasing interconnection and interdependence of people and countries which can also be
understood from two perspectives, namely: a. Opening international borders to promote the rapid
flow of goods, financial services, people and ideas. b. Changes in institutions and policies at the
national and international levels that facilitate or promote these flows. There are two main aspects
of globalization namely:
1. Market Globalization
Referring to the merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one large
global market, falling barriers to cross-border trade have made it easier to sell internationally, it
has been argued, to unify the tastes and preferences of consumers in different countries. The side
adapts marketing strategies, product features and operating practices to suit the country.

2.Globalization of Production
Refers to the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the world to take advantage of
national differences in the cost and quality of the superty factors of production of land, energy,
labor and capital. Companies wish to lower their overall cost structure or increase the quality
over functionality of their product offerings to enable brands to compete more effectively.

There are 4 main factors driving the move in a larger direction:

1. Driver Technology
Forming and establishing the basis of modern globalization, such as the development of
transportation and communication technology.

2. Market Drivers
Market drivers in global trade because, many domestic markets are becoming increasingly
saturated with opportunities, limited growth and global expansion for some companies choose to
address the situation of general customer needs.

3. Cost Drivers
As a source of efficiency and cost, which varies greatly from country to country, both countries
and companies can take advantage. Labor costs are the largest source of companies with a
nominal value that varies from country to country.

4. Political Drivers
The economic process does not operate in a political vacuum to reduce or even eliminate barriers
to trade in labor goods and services.

Page 2
Connectivity in Information architecture (IA) is very important as it help to organize, structure,
and label the content, websites, intranets, online communities and software in an effective and
sustainable manner.
a. Explain with diagrams the connectivity differences between Decentralised and Distributed
Information architecture?
= Decentralized Architecture is an Information Architecture where all data processing is
carried out by computers placed in one location which aims to serve all users in the
organization. Meanwhile, decentralized architecture is the concept of distributed (or
distributed) data processing. Distributed data processing systems (or commonly referred to
as distributed computing). as a system consisting of a number of computers that are
integrated into various locations connected by telecommunication facilities with each
computer capable of carrying out similar processing independently. But can interact with
each other in the exchange of data.
(4 marks)

b. Describe the Support Systems software that help Clerical and Managers to perform their
= Support System Software package could be a system or software that facilitates the
effective and economical implementation of varied pc programs and operations, similarly
as software that performs maintenance, repair, upgrades, and updates to software
versions. There are four classes of network software, specifically direction systems,
performance statistics software, utility programs, and language translators

(2 marks)
c. Discuss the role of Information System Department.
= Information system that is only used within a department. For example, the HR
department (Human Resources) has a number of programs (applications). For example, one
application is used to monitor employee performance and another application is used to
handle applicants. This collection of applications forms a system called an HR information

(2 marks)

Page 3
d. Explain FOUR (4) essential tools in information system that we carry with ourselves daily,
that had help transform the way of our businesses.
= - ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is usually used to manage management and carry
out integrated supervision between units within the company.

- SCM (Supply Chain Management) is useful for management because it integrates data
such as raw material supply management, from suppliers, producers, retailers to the final

- TPS (Transaction Processing System) is useful for processing large amounts of data or
transactions that are many and routine.

- OAS (Office Automation System) is useful for facilitating communication between

departments within a company by integrating computer servers for each user in the

(2 marks)

Data-driven decisions can help businesses respond to customer needs by bringing new and
improved products to the market faster. By analysing data, one could get an opportunity to
forecast future trends and find solutions for problems that have previously been unaddressed.

a. What is data Decision management and how data in organisation such as AEU could help
one make better decisions?

= Data decision management is the process of collecting, storing, securing, and using
organizational data. Despite having several different data sources today, organizations
must analyze and integrate data to gain business intelligence for strategic planning. First,
identify the decisions that need to be made. Second, collect relevant information. Third,
look for alternative solutions from decisions. Fourth, consider the existing evidence. Fifth,
choose from several alternatives. Sixth, take action and review the decisions chosen for
their good and bad effects.

(3 marks)

Page 4
b. Views are very important function in many Database Management System as it acts like a
virtual tables created by original tables from the database. Explain the TWO (2) different
types of database views namely dynamic views and static views. Why views are used in
SQL? Are views faster than tables?

= Dynamic Views is a website that allows users to interact directly, in the sense that users
can add, modify, or delete content on a website without having to open the code structure
of the website. Static views are site load speeds that are owned by a static website as well
as security that is more resistant to hacker attacks, so some people still choose to create a
static website. Because, SQL is a special language that is used when creating or processing
databases on a website. When managing a website, we need to use the best hosting service
so that website needs can run well. yes, faster.

(3 marks)

c. Operations of a Relational DBMS include SQL commands such as SELECT, FROM, AND
and WHERE. Demonstrate an example how to use these command in and explain them.

John wants to list out the buyer, extendedprice and ordermonth from the table sku_data,
order_item, and retail_order where the condition is that the sku in both sku_data and
order_item table is same, and the OrderNumber in both retail_order and order_item table
is same.

SELECT sku_data.buyer, order_item.extendedprice,
FORM sku_data, order_item, retail_order
WHERE sku_data.sku = order_item.sku AND retail_order.OrderNumber =

(2 marks)

d. A Data Warehousing (DW) is process for collecting and managing data from varied
sources to provide meaningful business insights. Explain FIVE (5) benefits of a Cloud-
based Data Warehouse.

= - Facilitate data archiving, a way to prevent data from being damaged or lost when
stored on local storage media such as hard disks, flash disks and so on.

- Improve performance in business, store data or files in cloud storage, so there is no

need to store data using local storage media and bring it in every existing business

- Make it easier to work together, improve business performance, cloud storage can also
make it easier for you to do good collaboration with business partners.
Page 5
- Save costs, cloud storage helps the business you run to save costs in meeting the need
for data storage.

- Save time, the benefits of which are quite a big impact, namely being able to save time,
such as when solving problems caused by hardware or software, especially for storing
data or files.

(2 marks)

In order to remain competitive in domestic and global markets, many firms and manager of
businesses would become more reliant on Telecommunication technology.

a. Justify the importance of Metcalfe’s Law in Telecommunication technology. Show how it

is being calculated.

= The importance of Metcalfe's Law is that if we have a tendency to are the sole people

that have telecommunications technology, it's not possible for us to receive or send

messages or calls, so alternative users who have telecommunications technology are

important, in order that the advantages of telecommunications technology are often felt by

each. The way to calculate metcalfe's law is that the worth of the telecommunications

network grows by the sq. of the network size (n2)

(2 marks)
b. The use of 5G in supply chain operations can allow organizations to optimize their routes
to avoid unnecessary trips and inefficiencies. Show THREE (3) key ways in which 5G will
impact global supply chains and deliver tangible business outcomes.

= - First, the shift in labor supply, where the most important skill is digital mastery. The
workforce must be able to adapt to technology to manage processes, perform exception
handling, and control machines.

- Second, the development of machines with increasingly sophisticated technology inside.

This will affect the use of supply chains in decision making and automation.

- Third, the more connected everything. Data and information are increasingly accessible
which affects collaboration, simulation, and decision making. One of the technologies that

Page 6
will affect the supply chain model is digital twins which can make digital simulations more

(3 marks)

c. Social Networking Service (SNS) is an important online platform concept in

telecommunications market today where people use it to build social networks or social
relationships with other people that share same needs and experience. Show TWO (2)
examples and states its advantages and disadvantages.

= - Instagram, the advantages of being a business development medium make it easier for
users to carry out promotions on social media online. Disadvantages, as a business media,
users are required to update every day on Instagram, because consumers do not know the
product you are selling. In addition, the main key to your sales success is consistency.

- Youtube, the advantage is that it attracts someone to buy a product by creating content in
the form of product reviews, visitors can know whether the product is good or not. And
add suggestions as testimonials so that visitors have more confidence in the products
offered. Weaknesses, it takes a lot of time because creating Youtube content certainly takes
a long time.

(2 marks)
d. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), also called IP telephony, is a method and group of
technologies for the delivery of voice communications and multimedia. Explain VoIP in
detail with example. Suggest whether VoIP calls are the same as WIFI calls and kind of
phone that allows VoIP calls.

= VoIP is a communication technology with voice or audio transmission methods and

other content such as images and videos, using an internet connection. For example,
WhatsApp, Telegram, Line and others. With VoIP you can use cellular data and a WiFi
connection, whereas VoWiFi calls can only be made over a WiFi network. In other words,
it can be said that VoWiFi belongs to VoIP.

(3 marks)

Nowadays many industries embrace global business strategy in order to remain competitive.

a. One of an example is Tesla motor industry where it manufactures and sells electric
vehicles (EV). Refer to the website link below to find out how Tesla faces organizational

Page 7
challenges by using its Global Strategy to improve. Explain your answer not more than
350 words.


= In my opinion, Tesla has several possible global strategies to work with the challenges
it faces. And Tesla faces several strategic challenges, such as not efficiently adapting to
each country. For example, Tesla wants to expand its business into European and Asian
markets but also the Indian market because, less than 1% of the cars sold in India are
electric cars. Therefore, Tesla will face a new market that is not used to EVs (electric
vehicles). The Indian market is dominated by gas vehicles, and Tesla may have to
consider adapting its products to the Indian market. According to Meyer, Tesla used a
functional organizational structure, also called the U-form. That Tesla's management
process uses operational authority, meaning that each sector of the company, such as
engineering, sales, or services, uses a structural group of employees to control a particular
industry. Tesla's organizational structure is driven by distinct attributes such as function-
based, which gives control to functional groups that will handle global and local
operations. Additionally, Tesla's organizational structure employs centralization, which
provides managerial control for the company's headquarters.

(5 marks)

b. Referring to the previous question (a) describe Tesla's $0 marketing strategy. Does
Tesla use a push or pull strategy?

= Push strategy because, as seen from Tesla's goal, which tends to make the world's
transition towards sustainable energy.

(3 marks)

c. The first strategic consideration in building an international system is normally to examine

the global environment in terms of business drivers and challenges. Does Tesla practice
the same strategy in expanding its business globally?

= Yes, the global strategy is very useful for Tesla because, not trying to respond to local
responses, but this strategy comes with some challenges that it has to deal with.

Page 8
(2 marks)
(Total:50 marks)

INSTRUCTION: Answer ALL questions.

PART B: TOTAL: 50 marks


Supply chain management systems normally help coordinate planning, production, and logistics
with suppliers.
a. Warehouses that involves in supply chain businesses commit to network of organisations.
Explain the THREE (3) main supply chain processes faced by this network of organisations.

= 1. High Level, this management is liable for the corporate's long choices, samples of

ranking management calls are crucial current market trends associate degreed trends that may

occur within the future, creating decisions concerning what merchandise or services the

company will supply to customers, build decisions regarding the determination of suppliers,

and therefore the location of the company's operations.

2. Military Science Level, this management is responsible for the company's medium and

short-run decisions, an example of a tactical level management decision is to work out the

way to turn out quality product with very cheap doable producing costs, additionally to

determining components similar to warehouses, employee transportation, and supplying

transportation. are handled internally or through outsourcing.

3. Operational level, this management is liable for the daily choices of the corporate so the

company will still run, and therefore the supply chain continues to rotate. samples of

operational level management decisions are making certain ample inventory offered within

the company, evaluating production results and scheming company losses because of the

assembly of broken goods.

(3 marks)

Page 9
b. Rental Application Form is an example of an enterprise system online by Jotform that
focused on rental applications on properties. What is an Enterprise system and suggest
the way how an ERP system works.

= Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) may be a platform that firms use to manage vital

components of the corporate. ERP is incredibly useful for companies as a result of it will build

resource plans, integrate all necessary processes, and run the company with one system. The

means ERP works is that the company chooses the appliance which will be used, then the

hosting company will load the application onto a server that will be rented by the company, then

each parties will integrate all processes and data into the application, then the information is

collected on the server and created accessible to those that have permission to use it. Reports

that are created are often within the style of graphs, plots, metrics, or alternative visual forms,

these results can build it easier for purchasers to assess the performance of the corporate and its


(2 marks)
c. Read the article on “Logistics and Supply Chain in Malaysia: Issues and
Challenges” by downloading the article from the assignment section in Mypls. Using
your own words, summarise TEN (10) Logistics and Supply Chain Issues in Malaysia .

= 1. Lack of follow-up and coordination of the meetings that have been discussed and
actions that have been lacking in improving the situation.

2. Lack of sophisticated management techniques and lack of emphasis on service

excellence has consequently given rise to the need for more sophisticated management of
supply chain companies.

3. Lack of skilled personnel who do not have the appropriate experience and skills in
introducing new services and presenting innovative solutions for high-end clients.

4. The government has made significant progress toward its vision in integrating the
industry players towards establishing a fully paperless custom clearance and trade
facilitation through EDI.

Page 10
5. The lack of development and expansion of industrial logistics, with the various sectors
not being known to all sectors, thereby hampering the possibility of joint-ventures and
working together towards the same direction.

6. Lack of research and development, so that various weaknesses in the industry can be
identified and corrected.

7. Lack of assistance from local service providers.

8. Lack of regulatory forms, standardization of regulatory forms which are essential to

facilitate the smooth movement of goods through national and international logistics

9. Lack of support provided to

the automotive industry in full implementation of the Just-In-Time (JIT) concept.

10. No data source and logistics information available.

(5 marks)
d. “AI eliminates much of the engineering work and manual warehouse mapping and data
inputs required for traditional slotting systems”. Find out FIVE (5) applications for artificial
intelligence in the warehouse and distribution center.

= - Slotting dynamics

Product placement impacts labor productivity, results, and accuracy, but it's not easy to
get it right.

- Workforce Management

To ensure that orders are delivered on time and avoid overstaffing and understaffing,
optimal allocation of manpower is essential.

- Manage performance

To estimate the time required to complete a task, Artificial Intelligence can reduce many
of the data collection procedures required with ELS-based performance management.

- Optimization of the flow in the warehouse

The process of collecting large amounts of data is used by Artificial Intelligence and
machine learning systems to 'learn' how to balance priorities and save travel time through
intelligent order grouping and picking sequencing.

-Intelligent automation

Page 11
Can be set up in the order picking process using the same techniques used to optimize
travel for workers.

(5 marks)

e. Expert system makes use of its machine learning capabilities to acquire expert
knowledge and experience in field such as tourism. What is the importance of expert
system in the hospitality industry? Give the meaning of tourism expert. In your own
words, differentiate expert system from neural networks system.

= Expert System is employed to gather and method a set of information to form predictions

regarding what is going to happen within the future (Forward Chaining), in the touristry sector

it's sometimes accustomed predict tourism places that may become the most traveler destinations

in the future. In addition, expert systems also can be used to collect and process a set of data

which will later be used to draw conclusions about one thing that went on (Backward Chaining),

in the tourism sector it is usually used to draw conclusions about the foremost visited tourist

spots by tourists. associate degree professional System is a worm with AI that's accustomed

assess the behavior of a selected human or organization. The distinction between associate

degree professional system and a neural network is that an expert network will solely generate

data while not regulateing for data changes, whereas a neural network can adjust criteria to

match the info being analyzed.

(5 marks)
E-commerce today makes use of Internet and Web to transact businesses. D uring the recession
e-commerce was the only stable segment in retail.

a. SAP Concur is a mobile application that providing travel and expense management
services to e-commerce businesses through internet. Outline EIGHT (8) unique features of
the Internet and e-commerce that allow a quick growth of ecommerce.

= Available anywhere, because with the internet all over the world, then at that time we can

access e-commerce.

Page 12
Unlimited Reach, because with the worldwide internet, we can use e-commerce to buy goods

located all over the world, even though we have to pay shipping and handling fees.

Universal standards, the internet has no difference from one place to another, therefore the

internet has universal standards, so it is very easy to use by anyone, even for ordinary people it

doesn't take long to learn how the internet works.

Rich in Data and Information, the internet has a lot of wealth, both rich in data and information,

we can search for anything using the internet, one of which is when we want to find a product or

service in e-commerce.

Interactivity, the internet has so many platforms, so many experiences that can be provided when

we surf the internet, when we explore e-commerce platforms we can interact with sellers without

having to meet in person, we can also rate and see other customers' ratings of a product or

services traded.

Information Density, with the internet we as sellers can determine prices, because with the

information density from the internet we can see the market price of a product, we can also

compare market prices, so we can determine product prices correctly.

Personalization, the internet offers a variety of customization modes for its users, such as sports

mode, and focus mode, both of which are features offered by the internet for users who like to

seek innovation, and continuous satisfaction.

Social Media, with the internet we can use it as a tool to communicate with outsiders, friends,

even users we don't know, apart from being a communication medium, the internet can also be a

place to find entertainment, even to run a business.

(4 marks)
b. Has e-commerce changed the marketing of goods or services? Explain the concept of m-
commerce relating to E-commerce. Discuss any TWO (2) issues regarding building a m-
commerce website.

= E-Commerce has changed the way of marketing goods and services, there are several

advantages of e-commerce compared to direct marketing, namely:

Page 13
1. E-Commerce is able to reach all circles of society without time limits, anywhere, and can be

done in any way, this is superior when compared to direct marketing which is limited by user

reach, time, and location.

2. E-Commerce is able to reach users quickly, easily, cheaply, and at the same time, with e-

commerce sellers do not require a lot of resources to market their products, so that the costs

incurred will be less.

E-Commerce and M-Commerce have several concepts in common, namely that they can only be

accessed using the internet, and are made to facilitate marketing for sellers, and make it easier to

find goods and services for buyers.

Small Screen, screen limitations on smartphones require developers to use smaller images, and

smaller text, so the number of pages will increase. Therefore, developers need to do research to

address this issue and ensure that customers can receive the same experience as in e-commerce

Excessive Options and Features, too many options and features offered on m-commerce also

cause confusion for m-commerce users, not only for buyers, sellers will also be confused by the

various options and features offered on m-commerce.

(4 marks)
c. Explain the FOUR (4) types of e-commerce.

= -B2B (Business to Business)

B2B is the largest e-commerce model. B2B includes all electronic transactions made
between companies. Because it has a large volume, usually these e-commerce actors
require more costs to run their business.

-B2C (Business-to-Consumer)

B2C is a type of e-commerce that is carried out between producers and end consumers.
B2C relates to retail sales made online. Most companies that sell directly to consumers
can be called B2C companies.

-C2B (Consumer-to-Business)

In the C2B model e-commerce business, individuals will sell their services or products for
use by a company.

-C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer)

Page 14
This type of e-commerce includes all transactions of goods or services made between
consumers. In general, to do C2C business, a platform is needed to make buying and
selling transactions.

(2 marks)

Porter’s Five forces analysis helps organisations to understand the factors affecting profitability
in a specific industry, and can help to inform decisions relating to: whether to enter a specific
industry; whether to increase capacity in a specific industry; and developing competitive

a. Explain FIVE (5) elements of Porter’s Forces of Competitive that determined a firm
strategic position in business competition

= 1. Threat of new entrants (Obstacles for New Entrants)

These strengths determine how easy (or difficult) it is to break into a given industry. If the
industry can get high profits with few obstacles then competitors will soon emerge. The
more rival companies (competitors) that compete in the same market, the profit will
decrease and vice versa.

2. Bargaining power of suppliers

The strong bargaining power of suppliers allows suppliers to sell raw materials at high
prices or sell low quality raw materials to buyers. Thus, the company's profits will be low
because it requires high costs to buy high-quality raw materials and vice versa.

3. Bargaining power of buyers

This power assesses the bargaining power or bargaining power of buyers/consumers, the
higher the bargaining power of buyers in demanding lower prices or higher product
quality, the lower the profit or profit that will be obtained by the producing company.
Lower product prices mean lower revenue for the company. On the one hand, the
Company requires high costs to produce high quality products and vice versa.

4. Threat of substitutes (Barriers to Substitute Products)

This obstacle or threat occurs when the buyer/consumer gets a cheaper substitute product
or a substitute product that has better quality with low switching costs. The fewer
substitute products available on the market, the more profitable our company will be.

Page 15
5. Rivalry among existing competitors (Level of Competition with Competitors)

These strengths are the main determinant, companies must compete aggressively to gain a
large market share. Our company will benefit more if our company's position is strong
and the level of competition in the same market is low.

(2 marks)

b. Credit card companies such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover are
the major credit card networks in the present competitive banking industry. What
competitive strategy are the credit card companies adopting? Show THREE (3) common
marketing tactics credit card companies use.

=Implement strategies in marketing their products, starting from exhibitions where

customers are active, credit card promos by working with companies and the facilities

• Direct selling

Direct marketing is mostly done by banks by visiting prospective customers directly.

• Exhibition

Many banks take advantage of exhibitions to sell their credit cards. This method is indeed
very effective in getting consumers, the more exhibitions a bank participates in, the more
opportunities the bank has to sell its credit cards.

• Online promotions

Banks can take advantage of bank websites and also some advertisements on the internet
to market their credit cards to the wider community.

(2 marks)

c. Jet Blue is an example of the most frequently cited virtual business in airline industry.
This is an airline that became and retained profitable during a period of time when other
airlines where either flirting with bankruptcy or were in the thick of bankruptcy court.
Explain the meaning of virtual business and THREE (3) tips on planning to build a virtual

= Virtual business is a business where buyers can only order by telephone or send
messages to the seller, and the business does not have a physical building.

1. Look for problems facing digital markets

2. Market research

Page 16
3. Determine the target market

(2 marks)

d. In business theory, disruptive innovation is innovation that creates a new market and
value network or enters at the bottom of an existing market and eventually displaces
established market-leading firms, products, and alliances How to identify which one is
disruptive technology? In your opinion what is the most disruptive technologies at

= Disruptive technology could be a technology which will realize new ways that to

unravel issues that have existed for a protracted time, so the technology can produce a

vast attraction, so the thanks to determine troubled technology is to check what quantity

influence the technology has in overcoming problems that arise. there has been. Today's

disruptive technologies are online transportation, e-commerce, social media, and

navigation systems.

(2 marks)

e. Transaction cost theory explains the existence of alternative forms of organisation on the
basis of their relative efficiencies in response to the combined effects of environmental
factors and human factors. Explain whether the presence of IT in the markets reduce
transaction costs? 

= Companies can reduce production costs because operational costs automatically

decrease when information technology is utilized. Even though production costs are
reduced, the company will actually get a bigger profit.

(2 marks)

In the business world, a paradigm shift is often a change in the perception of how things should
be thought about, done, or made. A paradigm shift can require entire departments to be
reengineered, redesign, changed, eliminated or created.

Page 17
a. Below is an example slide’s on process of purchasing a book from bookstore. Redesign
or changed it so that it illustrates the process of getting medical prescription from doctors
in clinic.

(3 marks)

b. Show a new illustration for patient doctor appointment process after reengineering as an
online process.

(3 marks)
c. The Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) enables Websites to express their
privacy practices in a standard format that can be retrieved automatically and interpreted
easily by user agents. Who developed P3P and what would any user do at every site

Page 18
they visited? Show in a simple diagram how user and server communicate under the 3P3

= P3P was officially launched on April 16, 2002, and was developed by the World Wide Web

Consortium (W3C), P3P is commonly used by users to help them get information from websites,

P3P works by simplifying the format on the website so that users can read it

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November 2022)

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26 November 2022)









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(4 marks)

(Total: 50 marks)

Page 21
Assignment Guidelines

1. The answers are written, one-sided, using Times New Roman fonts, size 12, double spaced.

2. You are required to use reliable sources taken from at least 10-15 references. The references
may include journal, articles, books, secondary date and others.

3. References must be written using the APA referencing system.

4. Academic Rulings;

The standard procedure for late submission cases states that INCOMPLETE cases can only
reviewed in the following semester.
  Pages 28 & 43 (Student Handbook)

5. MQA Requirement : COMPULSORY

Students are required to use Plagiarism Checker for all the assignment answers; and
submit the plagiarism report together with submitted assignments.

Please refer to to check your level of similarity index.

Page 22

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