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Greetings: Good morning teacher, good morning

classmates, We will present our project.
Lili: Hi! Ruth, it’s good /gud/ to see you again. How are you?
Ruth: I’m fine, thank you. How about you?
Lili: I’m great /greit/ because I have good /gud/ memories.
Ruth: Really? What memories are you thinking about?
Lili: I was wondering, is there /der/ little /lidol/ left for Christmas?
Ruth: Christmas? When is it?
Lili: It’s on December 25th.
Ruth: What do your family say on that day?
Lili: My family says /seis/ “Merry Christmas”
Ruth: What do your family eat and drink on that day?
Lili: My family eats turkey /turki/ and drinks chocolate /chocleit/.
Ruth: What do you do for Christmas?
Lili: I spend time whit my family and give /gif/ gifts.
Lili: What about you? What is your favorite holiday?
Ruth: My favorite holiday is Valentine’s /valantains/ Day.
Lili: When is it?
Ruth: It is on February 14th.
Lili: What do you say on that day?
Ruth: I say “I love you”
Lili: What do you eat and drink on that day?
Ruth: My boyfriend and I go out to the restaurant. We eat meat roasted and drink
Lili: What do you do for Valentine’s Day?
Ruth: I spend time whit my boyfriend. We share gifts.
Lili: For real /rial/?
Ruth: Yes, it is a special day. Tell me, do you have any special festival?
Lili: In fact. I remember lots of festivities /festivitis/, but my favorite festival is
Independence Day.
Ruth: Where does Independence Day take place?
Lili: Independence Day takes place in Perú.
Ruth: How often does it take place?
Lili: Independence Day takes place annually.
Ruth: When does it take place?
Lili: Independence Day takes place on July 28th.
Ruth: How long does Independence Day last?
Lili: It lasts a day.
Ruth: How many people attend Independence Day?
Lili: Millions of people attend Independence Day.
Ruth: Why do people celebrate Independence Day?
Lili: People celebrate /celebreit/ the independence of our /aur/ nation /neishon/.
Ruth: What do people eat and drink?
Lili: They eat typical food for example ceviche, causa rellena, arroz con pollo
and drink pisco sour, chicha morada and wine.
Ruth: Mmm…That’s delicious. What do people do during Independence Day?
Lili: People dance, eat, drink and most people see la parada militar.
Ruth: Wow… that sounds good.
Lili: And which is your favorite festival?
Ruth: My favorite festival is Inti Raimy.
Lili: Where does it take place /pleis/?
Ruth: Inti Raimy takes place in Cuzco.
Lili: How often does it take place?
Ruth: It takes place annually.
Lili: When does it take place?
Ruth: Inti Raimy takes place on June 24th.
Lili: How long does it last?
Ruth: Inti Raimy lasts from June 21st to June 24th.
Lili: How many people attend Inti Raimy?
Ruth: Millions of people attend Inti Raimy.
Lili: Why do people celebrate Inti Raimy?
Ruth: People celebrate in honor of the Sun.
Lili: What do people eat and drink?
Ruth: People eat “Chiri Uchu” and drink “chicha de jora”
Lili: What do people do during Inti Raymi?
Ruth: People use costumes they dance, and they eat.
Lili: I really want /ai ruily want/ to go to Cuzco and enjoy /enyoi/ that festivity.
Ruth: Yes, don’t miss out.
Lili: It is 8:30 am. I must go /ai most gou/.
Ruth: Ok. Take care Lili, see you.
Lili: Thanks Ruth, See you.
Thank you.

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