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5 Big Natural Remedies for ADHD:

Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep & More

Whether they take medication or not, your child
may benefit from these five natural remedies for
ADHD: proper nutrition, brain-boosting
supplements, physical exercise, adequate sleep,
and limited screen time. Learn how to maximize
the impact of these ADHD treatments and more.

No treatment plan for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

is complete if it doesn’t harness the power of nutrition, exercise, and
sleep to improve wellbeing. What we eat, our physical activity levels,
our sleep habits, and lifestyle factors ranging from stress
management to screen time have a tremendous effect on health – a
fact that’s amplified for ADHD brains and bodies.

Regardless of whether your child’s treatment includes medication,

maximizing exercise, sleep, and nutrition can effectively transform
them into natural remedies for ADHD, and arguably establish the
foundation upon which to build other interventions.

ADHD Natural Remedy: Nutrition

Mounting research suggests that eating well contributes positively to
the performance and abilities of any child with ADHD.1

Watch Out for Blood Sugar Levels

When working to improve your child’s wellbeing, begin by

considering the glycemic index (GI), or how fast the body converts
carbohydrates into sugar.

All carbohydrates turn into sugar, but some are converted faster
(high glycemic index) and some slower (low GI). These rates of
conversion affect a child’s energy levels over the day; anything that
causes blood sugar levels to quickly spike (like sugary, processed
foods) means that the body will work hard to quickly drop that sugar,
actually bringing it below normal levels. The result is often an
irritable, fidgety, or nervous child who can’t focus as well.

[Get This Free Download: Delicious (and ADHD-Friendly!) Eating]

To maintain steady, normal blood sugar levels, ensure that your

child’s meals, especially at the start of the day, are balanced:

Avoid processed carbs and sugars. That means no frozen

waffles, pancakes, Pop Tarts, jelly, and other products that
readily turn to sugar in the body. Go for low glycemic index
foods, like steel cut oats, or true whole grain bread, to boost
focus and performance. In one study, children who ate low GI
breakfasts had better executive functioning, working memory,
and attention compared to children who ate processed foods.2
Opt for organic foods as much as possible. Some studies
suggest that pesticides may play a role in the development of
Opt for protein. Protein is filling and provides consistent energy
through the day. Eggs and lean meats are great sources of
Some fat is OK. Fats are important – they work to decrease the
absorption and processing of carbohydrates into sugar.

Food Sensitivities

A significant percentage of children with ADHD are sensitive (not

allergic) to some kind of food. In one study that placed children with
ADHD on a restricted elimination meal plan, more than half of
subjects saw a 40% improvement on ADHD rating scale
performance.4 The same results appeared in an older study, where
hyperactive children saw improvement in behavior after being placed
on a “few foods” plan.5

In my practice, I estimate that about 30% to 50% of children I see do

have some food sensitivity.

Not sure what food sensitives your child may have? Try this
technique I use with my patients: eliminate a whole set of foods –
dairy, wheat, corn, soy, eggs (common culprits) – for three weeks.

[Eggs, Dairy, Nuts, and Soy: Testing for Sensitivities with an ADHD
Elimination Foods Plan]

If improvement is detected, start adding the foods back one

by one for a couple of days (I usually recommend starting with
gluten first). Give it three to four days to see if there are any
developing behaviors associated with each food. The process
should take six weeks in all.
If no improvement detected, food sensitivities are likely not an
issue for your child.

Eliminating foods, in my experience, tend to work on children who

primarily present symptoms of hyperactivity rather than
inattentiveness. This method also works on children who already
have a history of allergies, eczema, gastrointestinal issues, and other
allergic-type manifestations.

Artificial Dyes

Several studies show that artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives

tend to increase hyperactivity in a sizable portion of children, ADHD
or not.6 In addition, studies suggest that a subset of children with
ADHD are sensitive to food dyes, and may see symptoms worsen.7

Opt for whole foods to avoid synthetic dyes, and, as with food
sensitivities, try to detect through a process of elimination if your
child is sensitive to a particular dye.

ADHD Natural Remedy: Supplements

Fish Oil and Omega-3s for ADHD

This is the most common supplement used by patients with ADHD.

Why? Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids (with high doses of
EPA) are modestly effective in treating ADHD in children.8 Fish oil,
which is associated with few/mild side effects, helps to increase
levels of omega-3s that are often naturally lacking in children with
ADHD, which in turn helps with brain functioning. Although dosing
amounts are not established, I recommend 1000mg a day of
combined EPA+DHA for children ages 5 to 8, 1500 mg a day for
children ages 8 to 12, and 2000 mg a day for older children.
Can’t get your sensory-sensitive child to take fish oil supplements?
Click here for tips.

Iron and ADHD

Many children with ADHD are relatively iron (serum ferretin)

deficient9, which may explain irregular dopamine regulation in the
brain10. One small study showed that children with ADHD who took
iron supplements saw an improvement in ADHD symptoms
compared to children who took a placebo.11 Have your child’s doctor
measure their serum ferritin levels to see if an iron supplement is
necessary. For non-anemic patients, I recommend up to 40 mg of
chelated iron a day. (The chelated form is associated with fewer
gastrointestinal side effects.)

More Vitamins and Minerals for ADHD

Vitamin D: Studies suggest that children with ADHD have lower

vitamin D levels compared to neurotypical children, and that
supplementation may reduce ADHD symptoms.12 13
Zinc: As with other minerals, low zinc levels appear to correlate
to greater severity of ADHD symptoms. Zinc supplementation
may improve ADHD symptoms.14
Magnesium: Levels of this mineral tend to be normal in most
children. In my experience, magnesium supplements may have a
calming effect on some children – helpful for those who struggle
to sleep or are rebounding from medication.

Talk to your child’s doctor before starting any supplement.

ADHD Natural Remedy: Exercise

Multiple research studies shows that many children with ADHD
clearly benefit from exercise.15 Even a single, 20-minute bout of
aerobic exercise improves attention and academic performance in
this group, according to one study.16 Another small study of children
with ADHD found that acute exercise normalizes arousal and
alertness levels, based on findings from EEG readings.17

Exercise can be so therapeutic for ADHD symptoms that I

recommend against sacrificing exercise time for tutoring or because
of poor grades. In fact, research seems to indicate that exercise
improves academic scores perhaps better than spending the
equivalent amount in class or study time.18

What Is the Recommended Amount of Physical

Activity for Children?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends at least

one hour of moderate to vigorous exercise a day for children and
adolescents.19 I recommend five days a week of exercise for my
patients. (Physical education in school can count, so long as it
increases heart rate and works up a sweat.) Interestingly, how much
exercise helps any particular person may depend on genetics, with
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) playing a major role in the

Some children with ADHD may prefer individual sports, like

swimming, tennis, or cycling, as opposed to team sports. Some
studies show that martial arts, especially taekwondo, benefit children
with ADHD.21

If your child resists exercise, consider tying it to something virtually

all children want: screen time. They can have an hour of tablet time,
for example, only if they’re on a stationary bike or treadmill during
that time. Some adolescents may benefit from working with a
personal trainer to keep them accountable and motivated.

Don’t forget about time in nature. According to one study, green

outdoor activities reduce ADHD symptoms in children more than
activities conducted in other settings.22

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Treating ADHD

Food and nutrition, medication, supplements, natural therapies,

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Unstructured Play Matters

Unstructured play is not the same as exercise, but it is just as

important for all children. Unstructured, creative play is crucial for
normal development, as it is where young children learn to work
things out independently and forge social relationships23 —
important skills for children with ADHD especially. So, let your child
ride their bike, run around, or play outside with other children if it is
safe to do so. Leave them be if they are on a play date. Find
programs that emphasize and maximize independent play.

ADHD Natural Remedy: Sleep

Adequate sleep is crucial for children with ADHD, who are already at
a higher risk for a variety of sleep disturbances, like difficulty falling
asleep, compared to children without ADHD.24 Inadequate sleep
affects ADHD symptoms and overall functioning.

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need?

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) establishes the

following guidelines for daily sleep amounts in children, which are
supported by the AAP:27

Preschool-age: 10 to 13 hours, including naps

School-age: 9 to 12 hours, including naps
Teens: 8 to 10 hours

Helpful Sleep Strategies for Children

Limit screen time before bed. Light from screens disrupts

sleep.28 A good rule of thumb is to turn off screens at least 45
minutes before sleep time.
Implement a bedtime ritual. A 15- to 20-minute routine can
prep the body for sleep.
Try calming activities, like reading, white noise, or guided
audio meditation.
Herbs like valerian and chamomile are popular natural sleep
aids for their proposed soothing properties.29
Avoid vigorous exercise close to bedtime so as not to awaken
the body.
Avoid overly hot baths close to bedtime. While research
shows that a warm bath before bed can help with sleep by
lowering the body’s temperature30, a bath that is too hot may
have the opposite effect.
Consider melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates
sleep and can be helpful when administered as a supplement
(especially if ADHD medications are causing sleep-related side
effects). A low liquid dose (easier to control) of up to half a
milligram) helps most children sleep, based on my observations.
Talk to your child’s doctor about whether melatonin is right for
your child.

If sleep problems persist, consult with your child’s medical providers.

They may be able to run a sleep study to test for disorders.
Behavioral professional psychologists and counselors can also help
with implementing healthy sleep routines. Ask the pediatrician to
check your child’s serum ferritin levels, as low levels are associated
with restless sleep.31

ADHD Natural Remedy: Manage Screen Time

By far, screen time/digital media use is the most difficult and
argument-producing problem among the many families I help. Many
studies link excessive screen time to issues like poor sleep quality,
poor mental health, emotional dysregulation, lower academic
achievement, lower levels of physical activity, and even
developmental delays in children and teens.32 33

Studies correlate increased screen time with symptoms of ADHD.

According to a study of preschool-age children, those who had more
than two hours of screen time a day were more likely to exhibit
clinically significant symptoms of inattention compared to children
with less than 30 minutes of screen time per day.34 Another study
found that higher frequency of digital media use was associated with
subsequent symptoms of ADHD in adolescents after a two-year
follow-up.35 Note, however, that research does not establish a causal
link between screen time and ADHD.

There also appears to be a subset of children with ADHD whose

symptoms are worsened by even small amounts of screen time.36

How to Limit Screen Time

For children 2 to 5 years of age, the AAP recommends one hour a

day at most of co-viewed high-quality programming.37 For older
children, it recommends a personalized media use plan that
considers the individual child’s age, health, temperament, and
developmental stage.38 Additional recommendations include the

Turn off televisions and other devices around the household

when not in use.
Keep bedrooms, mealtimes, and parent-child playtimes screen-
Designate media-free times and media-free locations in the
No screen time in the hour before bedtime; remove devices
(TVs, computers, smartphones) from bedrooms before bedtime.
Discourage children from using entertainment media while
doing homework.
Develop a family media plan that includes consistent limits on
media use (hours per day) and types of media used, as well as
appropriate media behaviors.
Have ongoing conversations about online citizenship and safety.
Problem-solve screen use issues, like setting limits, with

In addition to the above guidance, I also encourage families to think

of the following for managing screen time:

What is the effect of screen time on your child? How does it

affect their mood and attention?
What is your child doing with their screen time? (There is a
difference, I believe, in building cities in Minecraft with friends
versus playing a violent video game alone versus scrolling
through TikTok videos for hours on end.)
What is your child not doing because of screen time? Are they
missing out on homework? Sleep? Physical activity?
Could your child benefit from a reset? I frequently recommend
Reset Your Child’s Brain by Victoria Dunkley, M.D., — a book
that outlines a four-week digital detox plan.

More Natural Ways to Manage ADHD in

Behavior Management

Consider behavioral parent training or to help improve your

child’s behavior and self-control. (Look for therapists who
specialize in the Nurtured Heart Approach, my definitive favorite
positive parenting approach.)
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be an effective
treatment for some teens with ADHD.39

Stress Management

Stress is a natural part of life. But some children with ADHD, in my

experience, are very sensitive to stress. Part of it is that these
children – more than neurotypical children – can be exposed to a
great deal of negative feedback on a regular basis which affects self-
esteem and wellbeing.40 Use the following strategies to mitigate
your child’s stress:

Focus on strengths. Make sure your child has time to do what

they are good at.
Ensure a positive family relationship. Recognize and
encourage what your child does right as frequently as possible.
Follow an authoritative parenting approach.
Don’t overload schedules.
Monitor the type of feedback your child receives from
school. Studies show that children with ADHD experience
poorer student-teacher relationships compared to neurotypical
peers, which may influence school performance and self-

Natural Remedies for ADHD: Next Steps

Get This eBook: The ADDitude Guide to Treating ADHD
Free Download: What to Eat (and Avoid) for Improved ADHD
Free Download: Too Much Screen Time? How to Regulate Your
Teen’s Devices
Free Download: Sleep Solutions for Kids with ADHD
Resource Hub: Natural Remedies for ADHD

The content for this article was derived from the ADDitude Expert
Webinars “How Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise & Behavioral Interventions
Can Reduce ADHD Symptoms” and “Lifestyle Changes with the
Biggest Impact on Kids with ADHD,” with Sanford Newmark, M.D.,
which were broadcast live on April 24, 2018 and August 4, 2022,

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