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Step Up Unit 1: AQA GCSE English Language

Section A - Lesson One Difficulty Challenge

Cut out the four AO descriptors below. With a partner, rank these from most difficult to least
difficult by placing the hardest one at the top, the easiest at the bottom. Did you understand what
each one was asking you to do? Did you and your partner agree on the position of every one?
Are there certain things that make one AO more difficult for you than the others? Discuss your
findings as a group.

AO2 - Explain, comment on and

AO1 - Identify and interpret explicit analyse how writers use language
and implicit information and ideas. and structure to achieve effects and
Select and synthesize evidence from influence readers, using relevant
different texts. subject terminology to support your

AO3 - Compare writers’ ideas and AO4 - Evaluate texts critically and
perspectives, as well as how these are support this with appropriate textual
conveyed, across two or more texts. references.

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