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I think it’s very rare these days that you hear someone’s thoughts.

There are a lot

of factor influences out there and also
influence the development of individual's self-concept, firstly, I will to define
what is self-concept.

So, as we continue to grow and mature,take some time to get to know who you are.
The way you view yourself will influence how others see you.
To begin with let’s start with Self-esteem. Self-esteem is a concept distinct from
self-efficacy, which involves how well you believe
you'll handle future actions, performance, or abilities.This influence my
intellectual help me to motivate and to push myself beyond
what my limits are. Take some risks but if you fail, bounce back and do it even
better. With self-esteem, we do not hesitate to engage
in learning or take appropriate academic growth risks. But this may affect mental
health due to school works In Addition to that, we
have Self image which is to reflect reality. Self-image gives us the courage to be
authentic, helps us develop and maintain good
relationships, and enable's me to deal with tough situations. It strengthens our
emotional intelligence and makes us both physically
and emotionally healthier. Transforming our self-image helps us reach our goals and
achieve the life that we want. The way in which
you view yourself affects both your belief that you can do something, and your
willingness to actually do it. Furthermore we have friends,
they affect your self confidence: Friends Alter the perception of each other and if
the majority of a group thinks that a person is arrogant
or snobbish then this belief will be transferred to the whole group. How we talk
about our health choices with friends can also have a
significant impact on our decisions, both positively and negatively. Talking about
an anti-smoking campaign with friends reduced people’s
cigarette intake, perhaps because those conversations gave smokers the opportunity
to work out which information was most relevant to their
lifestyles and then act on it. Furthermore we have family, this can take me by
surprise or be an all too familiar scenario, particularly
when in the company of members of our original family such as a parent, sibling,
cousin, aunt or order to reduce anxiety and tension
within the family, our parents and grandparents before them and so on adopted
patterns of behaviour, belief systems and particular responses
for dealing with problems. As students, family influence can determine academic
success, positively or negatively impacting the kid’s educational
achievement or performance. A family with a stronger interest in education will
produce students with better academic achievements than a family
whose influences are shallow.In school, we see different students from different
family backgrounds, and we understand how much their educational
performance is affected by their prospective families.In conclusion, the influence
effect can be a game changer for organizations.Becoming an
influencer isn’t something that will happen overnight. Study after study reinforces
the idea that gender-diverse leadership teams result in higher
profitability, greater innovation, and balanced risk taking. Today we have a little
update from some of our influencers and the conclusion of our
series. I hope you found as much value in this series as I did in putting it

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