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University Of Mindanao

College of Business Administration

(Human Behavior in Organization)
Prof. Christian Paul Moyon
Third Exam

Name:__________________________________ Date:_________________
Year & Course:______________ Score:________________

I.Fill in the blanks. Select and write your answer in space provided.

Motivation The Complex Man Theory Y

The Social Man The achiever Enforcement Theory
The Economic Man The Managed Man Expectancy Model
The Motivated Man Theory X Morale

__________________1. It concentrates on observed behavior, using goals or rewards

external to the person.
__________________2.It has been associated with closed, autocratic management style.
__________________3.It has been seen as open and participative management style.
__________________4. Individuals have preferences for various outcomes.
__________________5. Individual workers have two different needs that are
independent of each other: hygiene and satisfying factors:
__________________6.It is in and with group that he develops himself and performs
__________________7. Man’s needs fall into the hierarchy of relative prepotency: from
the basic to most psychological state of self-realization.
__________________8. People with high need to achieve do achieve more than those
with low need and with no need at all.
__________________9. Man work to fulfill his economic needs.
__________________10. Let the individual think, feel and perform in certain ways.

II.Multiple Choice. Encircle your best answer.

11.When management motivates employees

a. it creates job satisfaction and high productivity
b. company exerts time and effort

12.Company can motivate their employees through

a. rewards, recognition and punishments
b. written communication

13. Company needs to identify what are the different factors of influencing motivation
a. in order to meet their job expectation order to understand worker’s different needs and values that affects their behavior
and performance

14. Motivation is stronger when

a. it springs from a person needs which are consistent with his values
b. they are exercising his rights

15. In order to understand workers motivation management

a. should endeavor to know and understand his underlying need and value system
b. should create programs without deeper analysis

16. Because of its very nature, motivation

a. can be easily identify and quantify
b. is difficult and sometimes impossible to decipher and quantify

17. The task of management for their employees to perform is

a. to arouse and maintain the interests of its employees to work willingly to achieve
company’s goals
b. to consistently ignore their wants and needs

18. Filipinos considers “groupistic” rather than “individualistic” work relationship

a. they treat all workers as their family
b. they do not want to feel alone when working

19. Motivation-behavior model shows that

a. motivation is strongly influenced by needs and values
b. motivation is influence by friends and workers

20. Through understanding the principles of learning, one understands

a. about how human behavior makes the individual learn and perform accordingly
b. how individual and organization affected by external environment

21. Most managers do not tend to focus on employee motivation until

a. someone filed grievance against them
b. it is lost

22. Managers must continually re-evaluate what motivates their subordinates

a. in order to meet the basic needs to the highest need that employee deserves
b. to maintain stronger relationship with others

23. More than anything else, the company should ______ in order to motivate their
a. set goals first
b. educate their managers toward understanding human behavior

24. Managers are often busy focusing on

a. what is urgent and forget about regularly motivating and recognizing employees
b. pushing their employees to hit target quota

25. At the end of the day, managers should consider that _____ for employees to perform
a. money is the top motivator
b. money is not the top motivator but also need to be valued

26. Managers must strive _____ in order to design effective motivational programs
a. to treat all organization’s members fairly by effectively communicating with them
b. to negotiate

27. Filipino workers prefer _____ since they wanted to have a smooth internal
relationship (SIR) to level of workers
a. rewards and performance at group level
b. rewards and performance at individual level

III.Case Discussion:

Marian Joy is a radio operator in one of the radio stations in the company. She is
more than 30 years old and still single. One can attribute her status to the fact that she is
not particularly good looking and she has skin problems on her face and partly disable –
she cannot work and stand straight.

Marian Joy is under a young supervisor named Alex who makes her the butt of
jokes. Marian showed displeasure and uncomfortable every time his supervisor teases
her. Because she has more than 10 years of service with the company, and she could not
take his “harassment” anymore, she applied for early retirement.
A week after receiving her retirement papers, she filed a grievance charging Alex
with harassment and unfair treatment and stated that his the main reason for filing early

Item # 1. If you were the supervisor of Alex, how will you call his attention on the
grievance filed against him? 8 pts.

Item #2. In what way can the attitude of Alex affect the level of morale of his
subordinates? 10pts.

Item #3. As a supervisor, how will you motivate employees to come up with superior
performance? 5 pts.

Good Luck and God Bless!!!

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